Investigation of low dimensional quantum field theories  Page description

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Details of project

Type K
Principal investigator Palla, László
Title in Hungarian Alacsonydimenziós kvantumtérelméletek vizsgálata
Title in English Investigation of low dimensional quantum field theories
Panel Physics 1
Department or equivalent Department of Theoretical Physics (Eötvös Loránd University)
Participants Bajnok, Zoltán
Bántay, Péter
Horváth, Zalán
Takács, Gábor
Wágner, Ferenc
Starting date 2002-01-01
Closing date 2005-12-31
Funding (in million HUF) 7.477
FTE (full time equivalent) 0.00
state closed project


Final report

Results in Hungarian
Meghatároztuk a peremes sine-Gordon modell határkötött állapotainak spektrumát. Kiterjesztettük a redukciós formulát valamint a Landau egyenleteket és a Cutkosky szabályokat peremes kvantumtérelméletekre. N=1 szuperszimmetriájú modellekre általánositottuk és alkalmaztuk a peremes bootstrap eljárást. Levezettük a Lüscher formula peremes általánositását, amellyel kapcsolatot teremtettünk az alapállapoti energia végesméret korrekciója és a reflexiós amplitúdók között. A csonkitott konform állapottér közelités segitségével igazoltuk a periodikus SUSY sine-Gordon modell spektrumát, kianalizáltuk a multifrekvenciás sine-Gordon modell fázis szerkezetét valamint lezártunk egy vitát a kétfrekvenciás sine-Gordon modell spektrumáról. A racionális konform térelméletek vizsgálatában bevezettük a Galois áramok fogalmát, valamint megadtunk egy eljárást a királis karakterek moduláris adatokból történő meghatározására.
Results in English
The spectrum of boundary bound states in sine-Gordon model with boundaries is determined. The reduction formula as well as the Landau equations and the Cutkosky rules are generalized for boundary QFTs. The boundary bootstrap is generalized and succesfully applied in models with N=1 SUSY. The boundary generalization of Luscher's formula is derived, thereby establishing a connection between the finite size correction of the ground state energy and the reflection amlitudes. TCSA is used succesfully in verifying the spectrum of bulk SUSY sine-Gordon, in analyzing the phase structure of the multi frequency sine-Gordon model as well as to close a debate on the spectrum of the two frequency sine-Gordon model. In RCFT the concept of Galois currents is introduced and a procedure is given to determine the chiral characters in terms of the modular data.
Full text


List of publications

Bajnok Z; George A: From Defects to Boundaries, közlésre elfogadva IJMPA, hep-th/0404199, 2005
Bajnok Z; Palla L; Takács G; Tóth GZs: The spectrum of boundary states in sine-Gordon model with integrable boundary conditions, Nucl. Phys. B622 548-564, 2002
Bajnok Z; Palla L; Takács G: Finite size effects in boundary sine-Gordon theory, Nucl. Phys. B622 565-592, 2002
Kormos M; Palla L: Some semi-classical issues in boundary sine-Gordon model, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 35 5471-5488, 2002
Bajnok Z; Palla L; Takács G: Spectrum of boundary states in N=1 SUSY sine-Gordon theory, Nucl. Phys. B644 509-532, 2002
Bajnok Z; Bőhm G; Takács G: Boundary reduction formula, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 35 9333-9342, 2002
Takács G; Watts G: RSOS revisited, Nucl. Phys. B642 456-482, 2002
Bántay P: Symmetric products, permutation orbifolds and discrete torsions, Lett. Math. Phys. 63 209-218, 2003
Bajnok Z; Palla L; Takács G: (Semi)classical analysis of sine-Gordon theory on a strip, Nucl. Phys. B702 448-480, 2004
Bántay P: The kernel of the modular representation and the Galois action in RCFT, Commun. Math. Phys. 233 423-438, 2003
Horváth Z; Lechtenfeld O; Wolf M: Noncommutative instantons via dressing and splitting approaches, JHEP 0212:060, 2002
Bántay P: Permutation orbifolds, Nucl. Phys. B633 365-378, 2002
Bántay P: The kernel of the modular representation and the Galois action in RCFT, Commun. Math. Phys. 233. 423-438, 2002
Bajnok Z; Palla L; Takács G: The spectrum of boundary sine-Gordon theory, Statstical Field Theories, Kluwer Academic Publishers 195-204, 2002
Bajnok Z; Palla L; Takács G: Boundary sine-Gordon model, Journal of High Energy physics PRHEP-unesp2002/04, 2002
Bajnok Z; Palla L; Takács G: Boundary states in SUSY sine-Gordon model with supersymmetric integrable boundary condition, Fortscher der Physik 51. 799-804, 2003
Bajnok Z; Dunning C; Palla L; Takács G; Wágner F: SUSY sine-Gordon theory as a perturbed conformal field theory and finite size effects, Nucl. Phys. B679 521-544, 2004
Tóth GZs: N=1 Supersymmetric Boundary Bootstrap, Nucl. Phys. B676 497-536, 2004
Bajnok Z; Bőhm G; Takács G: On perturbative quantum field theory with boundary, Nucl. Phys. B682 585-617, 2004
Bántay P: Galois currents and the projective kernel in Radional Conformal Field Theory, JHEP 0303 025, 2003
Bajnok Z; Palla L; Takács G: Finite size effects in quantum field theories with boundary from scattering data, Nucl. Phys. B716; 519-542, 2005
Bajnok Z; Palla L; Takács G: ''(Semi)classical analysis of sine-Gordon theory on a strip'' 37th International Symposium Ahrenshoop, 2004 aug 23-27, Fortsch. Phys. 53 548-553, 2005
Bajnok Z: "Sine-Gordon theory in finite volume" meghívott előadás MECO29 Konferencián Szlovákia /Pozsony, közlésre elfogadva, 2004
Bajnok Z; George A: \"From defects to Bounaries\" EUCLID NETWORK School: Integrable Models and Applications, Franciaország/Montpellier, közlésre elfogadva, 2005
Bántay P: Permutation orbifolds and their applications, Fields Inst. Comm. 39 13, 2003
Bántay P: On generalizations of Verlinde\'s formula, Journal of Geometry and Phys 48 44-51, 2003
Tóth GZs: A nonpertyrbative study of phase transitions in the multi frequency sine-Gordon model, J. Phys. A37 9631-9650, 2004
Bajnok Z; Palla L; Takács G: \"(Semi)classical analysis of sine-Gordon theory on a strip and the Lüscher type correction\", 6th Bologna Workshop on CFT and Integrable Models, Bologna 2004 szeptember 22-25, közlésre elfogadva, 2005
Bántay P: Mapping class group representations and Conformal Field Theory, Proceedings of Functional Analysis VIII., Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 15-22, 2003., 2003
Bántay P: Simple current symmetries in RCFT, JHEP 0501:006., 2005
C. Ahn; Z. Bajnok; R. I. Nepomechia; L. Palla; G. Takács: NLIE for hole excited states in the sine-Gordon model with two boundaries, Nucl. Phys. B714 307-335, 2005
L. Samaj and Z. Bajnok: Exactly solvable model of the two-dimensional electrical double layer, Phys. Rev. E. 72, 061503, 2005
G. Takács and F. Wágner: Double sine-Gordon revisited, elfogadva Nucl. Phys B. hep-th/0512265, 2005
P. Bántay: Mapping class group representations and conformal field theory,, 2005
P. Bántay: Caracters of crossed modules and premodular categories,, 2005
P. Bántay and T. Gannon: Conformal characters and the modular representation, hep-th/0512011, 2005
C. Duval; Z. Horváth; P. A. Horvaty; L. Martina; P. C. Stichel: Comment on 'Berry phasi correction to electron density in solids' by Xiao et al, 3pp. e-Print Archive: cond-mat/0509806, 2005
C. Duval; Z. Horvath; P. A. Horvaty: FERMAT PRINCIPLE FOR POLARIZED LIGHT AND THE OPTICAL HALL EFFECT, 7pp. e-Print Archive: cond-mat/0509636, 2005
C. Duval; Z. Horvath; P. A. Horvaty; L. Martina, P. Stichel: BERRY PHASE CORRECTION TO ELECTRON TO ELECTRON DENSITY IN SOLIDS AND 'EXOTIC' DYNAMICS, 5pp. e-Print Archive: cond-mat/0506051to appear in Mod. Phys. lett. B., 2005
C. Duval; Z. Horvath; P. A. Horvaty: GEOMETRICAL SPINOPTICS AND THE OPTICAL HALL EFFECT, math-ph/0509031, 2005
Z. Bajnok; L. Palla; G. Takács: ''Finite size effects in integrable boundary theories'' Varna 2005 augusztus 15-21, Quantum theory and Symmetries IV., Heron Press, Sofia megjelenőben, 2006

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