Topographical and topological constraints in evolutionary and ecological systems
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Czárán, T. and Hoekstra, R.F.: Evolution of Sexual Asymmetry, BMC Evolutionary Biology, 2004 | Domokos, G & Scheuring I.: Discrete and continuous state population models in a noisy world, J. of Theor. Biol. 227: 535-545., 2004 | Flatt, T & Scheuring I.: Stabilizing Factors Interact In Promoting Host-Parasite Coexistence, J. of Theor. Biol. 228: 241-249., 2004 | Boza G. & Scheuring I .: Environmental heterogeneity and the evolution of mutualism, Ecol. Comp. 1: 329-339., 2004 | Jordán, F. & Scheuring I.: Network ecology: topological constraint ecosystem dynamics, Phys. of Life Reviews 1: 139-172, 2004 | Czárán, T., Hoekstra, R.F.: A spatial model of the evolution of quorum sensing, J. theor. Biol. (in press), 2006 | Scheuring I. & Domokos G.: Sturdy cycles in the chaotic Tribolium castaneum data series, Theor. Popul. Biol. 67: 127-139., 2005 | Jordán, F. and Scheuring, I.: Sommer and Worm (eds.): Competition and Coexistence. Book Review, Community Ecology, 5:145-146., 2004 | Jordán, F., Báldi, A., Orci, K.M., Rácz I.A. és Varga Z.: Kritikus élőhelyfoltok azonosítási lehetőségei - egy esettanulmány., Természetvédelmi Közlemények, in press., 2005 | Jávor, B. és Jordán, F.: A feketerigó (Turdus merula) táplálékstruktúrájának különbségei egy gyümölcsös és egy erdei habitatban., Természetvédelmi Közlemények, in press., 2005 | Jávor, B., Jordán, F. and Török, J.: Differences between the feeding habits of blackbird (Turdus merula) in a forest and an orchard habitat - a sink web approach., Environmetrics, in press., 2005 | Jordán, F.: Topological key players in communities: the network perspective., In: Tiezzi, E., Brebbia, C. A., Jörgensen, S. and Almorza Gomar, D. (eds.), Ecosystems and Sustainable Development V, WIT Press, Southampton, in press., 2005 | Báldi, A. és Jordán, F. 2004.: Közösségi ökológia: évszázados nehézségek és új utak., Magyar Tudomány, CX: 27-36., 2004 | Jordán, F. és Gálhidy, L.: A kiaknázott végtelen., Természet Világa, nyomdában., 2005 | Jordán, F. és Liu, W.C.: Topológiai kulcsfajok azonosítása táplálékhálózatokban - egy szociometriai módszer., Magyar Tudomány, nyomdában, 2005 | Jordán, F. and Scheuring, I.: Searching for keystones in ecological networks, Oikos, 99: 607-612., 2002 | Jordán, F., Báldi, A., Orci, K.M., Rácz, I. and Varga, Z.: Characterizing the importance of habitat patches and corridors in maintaining the landscape connectivity of a Pholidoptera transsylvanica (Orthoptera) metapopulation, Landscape Ecology, 18:83-92., 2003 | Jordán, F., Liu, W.-C. and van Veen, F.J.F.: Quantifying the importance of species and their interactions in a host-parasitoid community, Community Ecology, 4:79-88., 2003 | Jordán, F., Scheuring, I., Molnár, I.: Persistence and flow reliability in simple food webs, Ecological Modelling, 161:117-124., 2003 | Jordán, F.: On the functional trophic height of whiting, Ecological Indicators, 3:223-225., 2003 | Jordán, F.: Quantifying landscape connectivity: key patches and key corridors, In: Ecosystems and Sustainable Development IV., Tiezzi, E., Brebbia, C.A. and Uso, J.L. (Eds.), WIT Press, Southampton, pp. 883-892., 2003 | Jordán, F.: Comparability: the key to the applicability of food web research, Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 1:1-18., 2003 | Jordán, F.: Sterner and Elser: Ecological Stoichiometry. Book Review, Community Ecology, 4:241., 2003 | Jordán, F., Liu, W.-C. and Wyatt, T.: Topological constraints on the dynamics of wasp waist ecosystems, Journal of Theoretical Biology, submitted., 2003 | Jávor, B., Jordán, F. and Török, J.: A comparative sink web analysis of two birds in two habitats: trophic structure, functionality, aggregation and system-level indication, Community Ecology, submitted, 2003 | Szabó, P., Scheuring, I., Czárán, T. and Szathmáry, E.: In silico simulations reveal that replicators with limited dispersal evolve towards higher efficiency and fidelity, Nature 420: 340-343., 2002 | Károlyi, G., Scheuring, I. & Czárán, T.: Metabolic network dynamics in open chaotic flow, Chaos 12, 460-469., 2002 | Scheuring, I., Czárán, T., Szabó, P., Károlyi, G. and Toroczkai, Z.: Spatial models of prebiotic evolution: soup before pizza?, Orig. Life. Evol. Bio. 33:319-355., 2003 | Scheuring I.: continuous prisoner's dilemma game cannot explain the evolution of interspecific mutualism in unstructured populations, J. of Theor. Biol. 232: 99-104., 2005 | Domokos, G & Scheuring I.: Discrete and continuous state population models in a noisy world, J. of Theor. Biol. 227: 535-545., 2004 | Flatt, T & Scheuring I.: Stabilizing Factors Interact In Promoting Host-Parasite Coexistence, J. of Theor. Biol. 228: 241-249., 2004 | Hahn, I & Scheuring, I.: The effect of measurement scales on estimating vegetation cover: a computer-assisted experiment, Commun. Ecol. 4: 29-33., 2003 | Scheuring, I., Károlyi, G., Toroczkai, Z., Tél, T. & Péntek, Á.: Competing populations in flows with chaotic mixing, Theor. Popul. Biol. 63: 77-90., 2005 | Czárán, T., Hoekstra, R.F. & Pagie, L.: Chemical warfare between microbes promotes biodiversity, PNAS 99: 786-790., 2002 | Czárán, T., Hoekstra, R.F.: Killer-Sensitive coexistence in metapopulations of microorganisms, Proc. Royal Soc. London B. 270:1373-1378., 2003 | Antal T. & Scheuring I.: Fixation of strategies for an evolutionary game in finite populations, Bull. Math. Biol. (in press), 2006 | Domokos, G. & Scheuring I.: Random perturbations and lattice effects in chaotic population dynamics, Science 297: 2163, 2002 | Czárán, T., Hoekstra, R.F.: The puzzle of the coevolution of cooperation and quorum sensing, Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B (in press), 2002 |
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