Modulation of the SR calcium channels of striated muschle in health and disease
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OReilly FM, Robert M, Jona I, Szegedi C, Albrieux M, Geib S, De Waard M, Villaz M: FKBP12 modulation of the binding of the skeletal ryanodine receptor onto the II-III loop of the dihydropyridine receptor, Biophys Journal 82: 145 - 155., 2002 | Szegedi Cs, Lehnert S, Vogel P, Jonai I: Effetct of ATP and SL-ATP on the ryanodine receptor of mammalian skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum., J. Muscle Res. Cell Motil. 23: 30, 2002 | Varsanyi M, Sarkozi S, Szegedi C, Herzog A, Jona I.: Troponin I converts the skeletal muscle ryanodine receptor into a rectifying calcium release channel, FEBS Letters 515: 155 - 158., 2002 | S. Sárközi, Cs. Szegedi, I. Jóna: The Effect of Dantrolene on Skeletal Muscle Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Calcium Release Channel, Biophysical Journal 82E, 634a, 2002 | Altafaj X, Esteve E, Cheng W, Urabani Brocard J, Coronado R, Jona I, Sabatier JM, De Waard M, Ronjat M: Identification of the maurocalcine and domain a of the II-III loop of DHPR Ca(v)1.1 alpha subunit binding sites on skeletal ryanodine receptor, Biophysical Journal 86. 429a-430a., 2004 | Esteve E, Smida -Rezgui S, Marty I, Jóna I., Sabatier JM, Rochat H, Chen L, Allen P, Pessah I, DeWard M, Sorrentino V, Ronjat M: Maurocalcine (MCa) modulates ryanodine receptoractivity adn Ca release in muscle cells, Biophysical Journal 84E. 557a, 2003 | Esteve, E., Smida-Rezgui, S., Sárközi, S., Szegedi, Cs., Regaya, I., Chen, L., Rochat, H. Allen, P., Pessah, I., Marty, I., Sabatier, JM., Jóna, I., De Ward, M., Ronjat, M: Critical amino acid residues determine the binding affinity and the Ca 2+ release efficiacy of maurocalcine in skeletal muscle cells., Journal of Biological Chemistry 278. 37822-37831, 2003 | Szentandrássy N., Szigeti Gy., Szegedi C, Sárközi S., Magyar J., Bányász T., Csernoch L., Kovács L., Nánási P, Jóna I.: Effect of thymol on calcium handling in mammalian ventricular myocardium, Life Sciences 74. 909-921., 2004 | Rocchetti, M., Besana, A., Mostacciuolo, G., Micheletti, R., Ferrari, P., Sarkozi, S., Szegedi, C., Jona, I., Zaza, A.: Modulation of sarcoplasmic reticulum function by Na/K-pump inhibitors with different toxicity: digoxin and PST2744., J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 313. 207-215., 2005 | Szentesi P, H. Szappanos, C. Szegedi, M. Gönczi, I. Jóna, J. Cseri, L. Kovács, L. Csernoch: Enhanced sarcoplasmic calcium release and altered elementary calcium release events in the presence of thymol in mammalian skeletal muscle, Biophysical Journal 86. 1436-1453., 2004 | Sarkozi, S., Szegedi, Cs., Kovacs, L., Ronjat, M., Jona, I.: ) Effect of Gadolinium on the Ryanodine receptor sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium release channel of skeletal muscle, FEBS Journal 464. 464-471., 2005 | Dias JM, Lehnert S, Jung MS, Szegedi C, Jona I, Vogel PD: Effect of ATP and SL-ATP on RyR 1, Biophysical Journal 84: 145A. Part 2 Suppl. S, 2003 | Lukacs B, Almassy J, Esteve E, Szegedi C: Effect of maurocalcine on calcium release channel-ryanodine receptor., Journal of Muscle Research and Cell Motility 24: P357, 2003 | Jung, C., Szentesi, P., Jona, I., Niggli, E: The low affinity Ca20 chelater TPEN activates Ca2+ release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum in ventricular myocytes, Biophysical Journal 88: 488a., 2005 | Csernoch, L., Simut, C., Almassy, J., Jung, C., Niggli, E., Jona, I.: The low affinity calcium buffer TPEN alters calcium release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum of mammalian skeletal muscle, Biophysical Journal 88: 636a., 2005 | Altafaj X, Mabrouk K, Jona I, Csernoch L, De Waard M, Ronjat M: The scorpion toxin maurocalcine; a tool to study the excitation-contraction coupling in skeletal muscle., Journal of Muscle Research and Cell Motility, 26. 59., 2005 | Sarkozi S, Almassy J, Szegedi C, Jona I: Effects of a calcium chelator TPEN on sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium release ryanodine receptor channel., Journal of Muscle Research and Cell Motility, 26. 62., 2005 | Csernoch L, Ronjat M, Sabatier JM, Szegedi C, Jona I: Surface charge distribution commands the maurocalcine effect on the ryanodine receptor., Journal of Muscle Research and Cell Motility 25: P257, 2003 | Szegedi C, Almassy J, Sabatier JM, Jona I: Effect of maurocalcine on the calcium release channel., Biophysical Journal 86: 224A-224A Part 2 Suppl. S, 2004 | Lukacs B, Nagy G, Dobrosi N, Gherasim I, Jona I: ): Effects of natural derivatives of phenol on calcium transport of sarcoplasmic reticulum., Journal of Muscle Research and Cell Motility 26: P61, 2005 |




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