Theoretical investigations of thermo-hygro-mechanics (THM) and application to fiber reinforced thermo-hygroscopic composites; application in automotive industry  Page description

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Details of project

Type K
Principal investigator Szekeres, András
Title in Hungarian A termo-higro-mechanika (THM) elméleti vizsgálata és alkalmazása hőérzékeny-higroszkopos, szálerősítésű kompozitokhoz; az eredmények felhasználása gépjárműszerkezetekben
Title in English Theoretical investigations of thermo-hygro-mechanics (THM) and application to fiber reinforced thermo-hygroscopic composites; application in automotive industry
Panel Engineering, Metallurgy, Architecture and Transport Sciences
Department or equivalent Műszaki Mechanikai Tanszék (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
Participants Montvai, Csaba
Starting date 2002-01-01
Closing date 2005-12-31
Funding (in million HUF) 4.648
FTE (full time equivalent) 0.00
state closed project


Final report

Results in Hungarian
1.Uj eredmények 1.1.A THM elméletének kiegészítése 1.2.A THM alkalmazása kompozitoknál 1.3.A fentiek járműipari alkalmazása 2.Az eredmények bemutatása, iskolák együttműködése 3.Tudományszervezési és általános művelődési feladatok ad 11. -a second sound jelenség általánosítása -kiterjesztés: kapcsolt hő/nedvesség és diffúzió/konvekció, second sound; mikrorepedések, transzport ellenállás -a hővezetés és a nedvességdiffúzió közötti analógia kiterjesztése a nedvesség és a kapcsolt hő/nedvesség konvekcióra; az átadási tényezők, az Onsager reláció alkalmazása -a konvekció általános értelmezése az átadási mátrix segítségével, az átadási tényezők dimenzionálisan homogén felírása és a konvektivitás bevezetése -a second sound, termodinamika és hőrugalmasságtan -az anizotrópia és inhomogénitás lehetséges műszaki okai -a Duhamel-Neumann egyenlet kiegészítése -analitikus módszer a TH feladatok megoldására a villamos analógia alapján -a reciprocitási relációk kiterjesztése a THM-re -a sugárzás szerepe ad 12. -új kísérletek és alkalmazások -szolár-energia szálerősítésű kompozittal -THM és kompozitok éghetősége -bimaterial aktuátor fémszálerősítéssel ad 13. -járművek éghetősége -elektromos erőátvitelű kerékpár szálerősítésű kompozitból ad 2. -Lásd a kutatási eredmények részletesebb leírásánál! ad 3. -agyagedény-tervezés, THM és képzőművészet, irodalom, tudománytörténet
Results in English
1.New Results 11.Developments to the Theory of Thermo-Hygro-Mechanics (THM) 12.Application of THM to Composites 13.Application in Automotive Industry 2.Publication of the Results, Cooperation of Schools 3.Science Policy and General Cultural Tasks ad 11. -generalization of the second sound phenomenon -extension: coupled heat/moisture, diffusion/convection, second sound; microcracks, transport resistance -extension the analogy between heat conduction and moisture diffusion to moisture and coupled heat/moisture convection, the convectivities, application of Onsager's relation -generalization of convection by the convectivity matrix, dimensional homogeneity of convectivities, the new notion of „convectivity” -second sound, thermodynamics and thermoelasticity -possible technological reasons of anizotropicity and inhomogeneity -completion of the Duhamel-Neumann equation -analytical solution for TH tasks based on electrical analogy -extension of reciprocal relations to THM -radiation ad 12. -new experiments and applications -solar energy by fiber reinforced composites -THM and the flammability of composites -bimaterial actuator with metal reinforcement. ad 13. -flammability of vehicles -bicycle with electrical power transmission made of fiber reinforced composite. ad 2. -See enclosed! ad 3. -clay-container, THM and fine-arts, literature, history of science
Full text


List of publications

Szekeres András: 1. Thermoelasticity with and without Second Sound., Seminar at the Institute of Theoretical Physics, TU Berlin,, 2006
Szekeres András: 2. Mechanical Engineering Application of Thermo-Hygro-Mechanics., Pres. on the West-Pannon Workshop on Physics and Engineering, 25-27 October, 2006, Gothard Astrophysical Observatory, Szombathely, Hungary., 2006
Szekeres András, P. Elesztos: 3. Thermo-Hygro-Mechanics in Mechanical Engineering, Pres. on the 6th ESMC (European Solid Mechanics Conference) 28 August-1 Sept, 2006, Budapest, Hungary., 2006
Szekeres András: 4. Special Problems of Thermo-Hygro-Mechanics., Seminar in the Dept. of Mechanics of Solids, University of Technology, June 21, 2006, Kaunas, Lithaunia, 2006
Szekeres András: 5. Solitary Waves and Transmission Lines – Analytical and Experimental Possibility by Electrical Analogy., Pres. on EUROMECH 478, June 13-16, 2006, Institute of Cybernetics, Tallinn, Estonia., 2006
Szekeres András: 8. Damage and Durability of Composites from the Viewpoint of Thermo-Hygro-Mechanics, Pres. on the Symposium on the 60th birthday of Ramesh Talreja, 18-21 May, 2006, Venice, Italy., 2006
Szekeres András: 6. Partial Differential Equations and Thermo-Hygro-Mechanics, Seminar at the Tartu University, June 5, 2006, Tartu, Estonia., 2006
Szekeres András: 7. On the Physics of Moisture Sorption of Composites., Pres. on the MCM 2006 (Mechanics of Composites Materials), May 29 – June 2, 2006, Riga, Latvia., 2006
Szekeres András: 9. Advanced Thermo-Hygro-Mechanics (THM) and Its Application, Seminar in the Frame of Advanced School on New Perspectives in Thermodynamics Quantifying Non-Equilibrium Processes, International Centre for Mechanical Sciences (CISM),, 2005
Szekeres András: 10. Dynamic Heat and Moisture Process in Composites, Seminar in the institute of Polymer Mechanics, September 26, 2005, Riga, Latvia., 2005
Szekeres András: 11. Coupled Thermoelastic Waves and Solitons Bridged by the Telegraph Equations, Seminar at the Helsinki Uni. of Technology, September 19, 2005, Helsinki, Finland, 2005
Szekeres András: 12. Is There Any Possibility of Solitary Waves in the Heat Sensitive and Hygroscopic Materials?, Seminar in the Institute of Cybernetics, September 15, 2005, Tallinn, Estonia., 2005
Szekeres András: 13. Humor in Science, in Thermo-Hygro-Mechanics, Seminar at the Horvath Architekt Buro, August 16, 2005, Hamburg, Germany., 2005
Szekeres András: 14. PARKUS at the TU Budapest a Quarter of Century Ago, Pres. on the Thermal Stresses 05, May 26-29, 2005, Vienna Uni. of Technology, Vienna, Austria., 2005
Szekeres András: 15. Cross-Coupled Heat and Moisture Transport. What About the Radiation?, Pres. on the Thermal Stresses 05, May 26-29, 2005, Vienna Uni. of Technology Vienna, Austria., 2005
Szekeres András: 16. Advanced Problems of Thermo-Hygro-Mechanics (THM) and the Available Softwares., Pres. on the FUDoM 05, 29 May-4 June, 2005, Rackeve (Budapest), Hungary., 2005
Szekeres András: 17. Thermo-Hygro-Mechanics and Partial Differential Equations. An Interdisciplinary Field of Engineering, Mechanics, Thermodynamics and Mathematics, Plenary Lecture in the Section Engineering Mathematics, APLIMAT 2005 – 4th International Conference, February 1-4, 2005, Bratislava, Slovak Republic., 2005
Szekeres András: 18. Basic Equations and Different Applications (BEDA) of Continuum Mechanics., Periodica Polytechnica Ser. Mech. Eng. Vol. 48, No. 2. pp. 185-188, 2004, 2004
Szekeres András: 19. The Second Sound Phenomenon: Pro and Contra, Periodica Polytechnica Ser. Mech. Eng. Vol. 48, No.1. pp. 83-87, 2004., 2004
Szekeres András: 20. Analysis of Fire Propagation in Composite Structures by the Thermo-Hygro-Mechanics. Theoretical Approach and Practical Conclusions., Pres. on the ICSCS'04, Seoul, Korea, Sept 2-4, 2004., 2004
Szekeres András: 21. Huber and Reuss in Plasticity and Thermo-Hygro-Mechanics., Pres. on the Huber Symposium, Cracow, Poland, Aug 12-14, 2004., 2004
Szekeres András: 22. Fire Behaviour of Composites and Fire Propagation in Structures., Pres. on MCM 2004, Riga, Latvia, May 16-20, 2004., 2004
Szekeres András: 23. Thermo-Hygro-Mechanics and Other Fields of Human Culture: History of Science, Art, Literature., Seminar in the Institute of Cybernetics, Tallinn, Estonia, May 10, 2004., 2004
Szekeres András: 24. Thermo-Hygro-Mechanical (THM) Tailoring of Fiber Reinforced Composite (FRC) Materials and Structures. Theory and Application in Engineering, Part 4., Seminar in the Engineering Mechanics Laboratory, University of Oulu, Finland, May 7, 2004., 2004
Szekeres András: 25. Art and Thermo-Hygro-Mechanics., Seminar at the Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, Febr 8, 2004., 2004
Szekeres András: 26. Theoretical, Experimental and Application Problems of Thermo-Mechanics of Porous (Hygroscopic) Materials., Seminar in the Theoretical Department of The Ioffe Institute of the RAS, StPetersburg, Nov 27, 2003., 2003
Szekeres András: 27. The “Second Sound” Phenomenon: Pro and Contra (in Hungarian), Proc. of the 9th. MaMeK, Miskolc, Hungary, Aug 27-29, 2003., 2003
Szekeres András: 28. Diffusion of Inhomogeneous and Anisotropic Material. Theory and Engineering Application., Proc. of the 2003 Annual Summer Meeting of Applied Mechanics&Materials Division, Scottsdale, Arizona, June 17-20, 2003., 2003
Szekeres András: 29. Non-Fourier Heat Conduction and Thermoelasticity, Proc. of Thermal Stresses 2003, Virginia Tech, Virginia June 8-11, 2003., 2003
Szekeres András: 30. Analogies in Thermo-Hygro-Mechanics, Proc. of the Annual Meeting of Society of Experimental Mechanics, Charlotte, North Carolina, June 2-4, 2003., 2003
Szekeres András: 31. Asymmetry in Thermoelasticity: How to Heal It?, Introduction to the workshop in the Institute of Cybernetics, Tallinn, Estonia, May 12, 2003., 2003
Szekeres András: 32. Thermo-Hygro-Mechanical (THM) Tailoring of Fiber Reinforced Composite (FRC) Materials and Structures. Theory and Application in Engineering. Part 3., Seminar in the Engineering Mechanics Laboratory, University of Oulu, Finland, April 23, 2003., 2003
Szekeres András: 33. Thermo-Hygro-Mechanics and Engineering Application (In Hungarian)., Seminar in the Department of Applied Mechanics, TU Budapest, Hungary, April 10, 2003, 2003
Szekeres András: 34. Reciprocal Relations in Thermo-Hygro-Mechanics., Proc. of the GAMM Annual Meeting, Abano Terme-Padua, Italy, March 24-28, 2003, p. 104., 2003
Szekeres András: 35. On the Flammability of Composites. Theoretical Approach and Practical Conclusions., Pres. on the ICCST/4, University of Natal, Durban, South-Africa, Jan 21-23, 2003, 2003
Szekeres András: 36. Coupled Thermodiffusion. Theory and Engineering Application, Pres. on the ICAMM, University of Natal, Durban, South-Africa, Jan 21-23, 2003., 2003
Szekeres András, A. Pramila: 37. Thermo-Hygro-Mechanical Tailoring of Fiber Reinforced Composite Materials and Structures. Theory and Application in Mechanical Engineering., Seminar in the Institute of Mechanics, HUT, Otaniemi, Nov 22, 2002., 2002
Szekeres András: 38. Applied Thermo-Hygro-Mechanics from the Viewpoint of Non-Destructive Testing and Diagnostics., Seminar, Brasov, Nov 15, 2002., 2002
Szekeres András, A. Pramila: 39. Heat and Moisture in Solids (in Composites): On the Cross-Coupled Heat/Moisture Convection, 5th International Workshop on Similarity Methods. University Stuttgart, Nov 4-5, 2002., 2002
Szekeres András, A. Pramila: 40. Heat and Moisture in Solids (in Composites) Application of the Similarity Metho, 34th Solid Mechanics Conference, Zakopane, Poland, Sept 2-7, 2002., 2002
Szekeres András, A. Pramila: 41. On the Moisture Sorption of Composites, USNCTAM 14, Mroz Symposium, VPI, Blacksburg, Virginia, June 23-28, 2002., 2002
Szekeres András: 42. Solar Energy by Fiber Reinforced Composite Material, USNCTAM 14, Boley Symposium, VPI, Blacksburg, Virginia, June 23-28, 2002., 2002
Szekeres András, A. Pramila: 43. Heat and Moisture in Solids (in Composites): Dynamical Sorption with Microcrack, EUROMECH 436 Nonlinear Waves in Microstructured Solids, Tallinn, Estonia, May 29 – June 1, 2002., 2002
Szekeres András, A. Pramila: 44. Thermo-Hygro-Mechanical (THM) Tailoring of Fiber Reinforced Composite (FRC) Materials and Structures. Theory and Application in Engineering Part 2, Seminar, Engineering Mechanics Laboratory, Univ. of Oulu, May 23, 2002., 2002
Szekeres András: 45. Thermo-Hygro-Mechanics of Solids, Seminar in SICOMP, Pitea, Sweden, May 17, 2002., 2002
Szekeres András: 46. Heat and Moisture in Solids (in Composites): Coupled Diffusion&Convection of Crosscoupled Heat&Moisture (in Hungarian)., Pres. in the TU Budapest, Jan 30, 200, 2002

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