Non-perikarial elements in the central nervous system ischaemia
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KIS, B., SNIPES, J.A., GASPAR, T., LENZSER, G., TULBERT, C.D., BUSIJA, D.W.:: Cloning of cyclooxigenase-1b (putative COX-s) in mouse., Inflamm Res 55(7):274-278, 2006 | LACZA, Z., CSORDÁS, A., PANKOTAI, E., SÁRSZEGI, Z., CZIRÁKI, A., KOLLAI, M., SZABÓ, C.:: Human heart mitochondria do not produce nitric oxide, Shock 23(2): 228, 2005 | PACHER, P., MABLEY, J:G:, SORIANO, F.G., LIAUDET, K., KOMJATI, K., SZABÓ, C.: Endothelial disfunction in aging animals: the role of poly(ADP Ribose)Polymerase activation, Brit.J.Pharmacol 135: 1347-1350, 2002 | SZABÓ, C., ZANCHI, K., KOMJÁTI, K., PACHER, P., KROLEWSKI, A.S., QUIST, W.C., LoGERFO, F.W., HORTON, E.S, VEVES, A.: Poly(ADP Ribose)Polymerase is activated in subjects at risk if developing type 2 diabetes and is associated with impaired vascular reactivity, Circulation 106: 2680-2686, 2002 | PACHER, P., LIAUDET, K., MABLEY, J.G, KOMJÁTI, K., SZABÓ, C.: Pharmacological inhibition of Poly(Adenosine Diphosphate Ribose)Polymerase may represent a novel therapeutic approach in chronic heart failure, J. Amer Coll Cardiol 45:1006-1016, 2002 | LACZA, Z., PUSKAR, M., KIS, B., PERCIACCANTE, J.V., MILLER, A.W., BUSIJA, D.W.: Hydrogen peroxide acts as an EDHF in the piglet pial vasculature in response to bradykinin, AM. J. Phisiol. Heart Circ.Physiol. 283:406-411, 2002 | GASPAR, T., KIS, B., SNIPES, J.A., LENZSER G., MAYANAGI, K., BARI, F., BUSIJA, D.W.:: Transient glucose and amino acid deprivation induces delayed preconditioning in cultured rat cortical neurons., J Neurochem 98(2): 555-565, 2006 | SHIMIZU, K., LACZA, Z., RAJAPAKSE, N., HORIGUCHI, T., SNIPES, J., BUSIJA,D.W.: MitoK(ATP) opener, diazoxide reduces neuronal damage after middle cerebral artery occlusion in the rat, AM. J. Phisiol. Heart Circ. Physiol. 283:1005-1011, 2002 | SÁNDOR, P.:: Az agyi véráramlás szabályozása. A mikrokeringés regulációjának fő tényezői., Vascularis neurologia (Ed.: Nagy Zoltán) B+V Kiadó, Budapest, pp.30-46, 2006 | ERDÖS, B., MILLER, A.W., BUSIJA, D.W.: Alteration in KATP and KCa channel function in cerebral arteries of insulin-, Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 283:2472-2477, 2002 | ERDÖS, B., MILLER, A.W., BUSIJA, D.W.: Impaired endothelium-mediated relaxation in isolated cerebral arteries from insulin-resistant rats, Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 282:2060-2065, 2002 | LACZA, Z., HORVÁTH, E., BUSIJA, D.W.: Neural stem cell transplantation in cold lesion: a novel approach for the investigation of brain trauma and repair, Brain Res Protoc 11: 145-154, 2003 | ISHIGURO,M., LACZA, Z., HORVÁTH, E.M., JÁRAI, Z., SÁNDOR, P., BENYO, Z.: The cannabinoid receptor antagonist AM-251 enhances the cerebrocortical hyperemic response tohypoxia/hypercapnia, Federation of the American Societies of Experimental Biology, Washington D.C., USA, The Faseb Journal 18: A1193, 2004 | LENZSÉR, G., KRIZBAI, I.A., FEKETE, ZS., SÁNDOR, P., KOMJÁTI, K.: Blood brain barrier (BBB) changes during permanent global cerebral ischemia, 4th Internat Congress of Pathophysiology, Budapest, Acta Phys Hung 89:(1-3), p.2o3, 2002 | ERDÖS, B., LACZA, Z., TÓTH, I.E., SZELKE, E., MERSICH, T., KOMJÁTI,K., PALKOVITS, M., SÁNDOR, P.: Mechanism of pain-infuced local cerebral blood flow changes in the rat sensory cortex and thalamus, Brain Res 960:219-227, 2003 | SÁNDOR, P., REIVICH, M., KOMJÁTI, K.: Significance of endogenous opioids in the maintenance of cerebral and spinal vascular CO2-sensitivity in deep hemorrhagic hypotension, Brain Res Bull 59:433-438, 2003 | HORVÁTH, B., HRABÁK, A., KÁLDI, K., SÁNDOR, P., BENYÓ, Z.: Contribution of the heme oxygenase pathway to the maintenance of the hypothalamic blood flow during diminished NO synthesis, J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 23:653-657, 2003 | LACZA, Z., DÉZSI, L., KÁLDI, K., HORVÁTH, E.M., SÁNDOR, P., BENYÓ,Z.: Prostacyclin -mediated compensatory mechanism in the coronary circulation during acute NO synthase blockade, Life Sci 73:1141-1149, 2003 | BUSIJA, D.W., LACZA, Z., RAJAPAKSE, N., SHIMIZU, K., KIS, B., BARI, F., DOMOKI, F., HORIGUCHI, T.: Targeting mitochondrial ATP-sensitive potassium channels - a novel approach to neuroprotection, Brain Res Rev, 2004 | ERDÖS, B., SNIPES, J.A., MILLER, A.W., BUSIJA, D.W.: Cerebrovascular dysfunction in Zucker obese rats is mediated by oxidative stress and protein kinase C, Diabetes 53:1352-1359, 2004 | ERDÖS, B., SIMANDLE, S.A., SNIPES, J.A., MILLER, A.W., BUSIJA, D.W.: Potassium channel dysfunction in cerebral arteries of insulin-resistant rats is mediated by reactive oxygen species, Stroke 35:964-969, 2004 | KOMJÁTI, K.,MABLEY, J.G., VIRÁG, L., SOUTHAN, G.J., SALZMAN, A.L., SZABO, C.: Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibition protects neurons and the white matter and regulates the translocation of apoptosis-inducing factor in stroke, Int J Mol Med 13:373-382, 2004 | LACZA, Z., HORN, T.F., SNIPES, J.A., ZHANG, J., ROYCHOWDHURY, S., HORVÁTH, E.M., FIGUEROA, J.P., SZABO, C., BUSIJA, D.W., KOLLAI, M.: Lack of mitochondrial nitric oxide production in the mouse brain, J Neurochem 90:942-951, 2004 | ERDÖS, B., SNIPES, J.A., KIS,B., MILLER, A.W., BUSIJA, D.W.: Vasoconstrictor mechanisms in the cerebral circulation are unaffected by insulin resistance, Am J Physol 27:1456-1461, 2004 | McCULLOCH, J., KOMJÁTI, K., VALERIANI, V., DEWAR, D.: Beyond neuroprotection: protection of axons and oligodendrocytes in cerebral ischemia, In: Cerebrovascular Disease.(Ed.: Pak H.Chan)Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp.401-415, 2002 | SÁNDOR,P., BENYÓ,Z., ERDŐS,B., LACZA,Z., KOMJÁTI,K.: The Roy-Sherrington hypothensis: facts and surmises, In:Brain Activation and Cerebral Blood Flow Control. (Ed.:Minoru Tomita, Iwao Kano, Edith Hamel)Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 325-335, 2002 | BENYÓ, Z., LACZA, Z., HORTOBÁGYI, T., GÖRLACH, C., SÁNDOR, P., WAHL,M.: Neuronal nitric oxide synthase in the cerebrovascular endothelium, In: Brain Activation and Cerebral Blood Flow Control.(Ed.: Minoru Tomita, Iwao Kanno, Edith Hamel)Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp.369-377, 2002 | LACZA, Z., BUSIJA, D.W.: The mitochondrial respiratory chain increases DAF fluorescence independently from nitric oxide levels, Federation of the American Societies of Experimental Biology, Washington D.C., USA, The Faseb Journal 18(4): 859, 2004 | KRIZBAI, I.A., SZATMÁRI, E., BAUER, H.C., KOMJÁTI, K., LENZSÉR, G., SÁNDOR,P.: Blood-Brain barrier changes during compensated and decompensated hemorrhagic shock, 5th Symp. on Signal Transduction in the Blood Brain Barriers, Pottsdam, Abstract of Papers, p.1., 2002 | KOMJÁTI, K., JAGTAP, P., BALOGLU,E., VAN DUZER, J., SALZMAN, A., SZABÓ, C.: Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibition of stroke: establishment..., Annual Meeting of the Federation of the American Societies of Experimental Biology, New Orleans, FASEB J A599, 2002 | KOMJÁTI, K., WILLIAMS, W., Van DUZER, J., SALZMAN, A., SZABÓ, C.: Effects of FP15, a potent peroxynitrite decomposition catalyst in a rat model ofmiddle cerebral artery (MCA) occlusion induced stroke, Annual Meeting of the Federation of the American Societies of Experimental Biology, New Orleans,FASEB J A972, 2002 | KOMJÁTI, K., PACHER, J.G., MABLEY, A., VEVES, A., SZABÓ, C.: Evidence for poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase activation in the diabetic microvasculature, Annual Meeting of the Federation of the American Societies of Experimental Biology, New Orleans, FASEB J A237, 2002 | PACHER, J.G., SORIANO, F.G., KOMJÁTI, K., MABLEY, A., SZABÓ, C.: Endothelial dysfunction in aging animals: the role of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase activation, Annual Meeting of the Federation of the American Societies of Experimental Biology, New Orleans, FASEB J A242, 2002 | KOMJÁTI, K., JAGTAP, P., BALOGLU, E., VAN DUZER, J., SALZMAN, A., SZABÓ, C.: Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibition of stroke: establishment of the therapeutic window, Society for Neuroscience Meeting, Orlando, Neursci Abst 202.4, 2002 | LACZA Z., HORVÁTH E., KOMJÁTI K., HORTOBÁGYI T., SZABÓ C., BUSIJA DW.:: PARP inhibition improves the effectiveness of neural stem cell implantation in experimental brain trauma, Int J Mol Med 12:155–159, 2003 | BUSIJA, D.W., SHIMIZU, K., LACZA, ZS., RAJAPAKSE, T., HORIGUCHI, T., SNIPES, J.A.: Mitochondrial ATP-sensitive potassium opener diazoxide reduces neuronal damage after ischemia in rats, 4th Internat Congress of Pathophysiology, Budapest, Acta Phys Hung 89: (1-3), p.195, 2002 | BENYÓ, Z., LACZA, ZS., HERMÁN, P., GÖRLACH, T., HORTOBÁGYI, T., SÁNDOR, P., WAHL, M.: Interplay between cyclic GMP- and thromboxane receptor- mediated mechanisms in the rat middle cerebral artery (MCA), 4th Internat. Congress of Pathophysiology, Budapest, Acta Phys Hung 89: (1-3), p.56, 2002 | HORVÁTH, B., HRABÁK, A., KÁLDY, K., JOHNSON, F.K., SÁNDOR, P., BENYÓ, Z.: The role of endogenous carbon monoxide (CO) and its interaction with nitric oxide (NO) in the cerebral circulation, 4th Internat Congress of Pathophysiology, Budapest, Acta Phys Hung 89: (1-3), p.124, 2002 | ERDÖS, B., MILLER, A.W., BUSIJA, D.W.: Impaired endothelium-mediated relaxation in isolated cerebral arteries from insulin resistant rats, Federation of the American Society of Experimental Biology Meeting, New Orleans, FASEB J 16, A1123, 2002 | ERDÖS, B., MILLER, A.W., BUSIJA, D.W.: Impaired endothelium-mediated relaxation in isolated cerebral arteries from insulin resistant rats, 4th Internat Congress of Pathophysiology, Budapest, Acta Phys Hung 89: (1-3), p.55, 2002 | LACZA, Z., SNIPES, J.A., RAJAPAKSE, T., KIS, B., BUSIJA, D.W.: Characterization of the mithochondrial ATP-dependent K-channel, 4th Internat Congress of Pathophysiology, Budapest, Acta Phys Hung 89: (1-3), p.2o2, 2002 | LENZSÉR, G., KRIZBAI, A., FEKETE, ZS., WAPPLER, E., SÁNDOR, P., KOMJÁTI, K.: A vér-agy gát strukturális és funkcionális változásai permanens globális agyi ischemia folyamán, Magyar Élettani Társaság LXVII. Vándorgyülése, Pécs, Előadáskivonatok, p.82, 2003 | LENZSÉR, G., HERMÁN, P., SÁNDOR, P., BENYÓ, Z.: .: Nitric oxide synthase blockade sensitizes the cerebral circulation to thromboxane-induced CBF oscilations, 18th IMSS Congress, Istambul, Abstract Book, p.174, 2003 | HORTOBÁGYI, L., HORVÁTH, B., HRABÁK, A., SÁNDOR, P., BENYÓ, Z.: A nitrogén monoxid szintáz (NOS) és a ciklooxigenáz (COX) reakcióutak kölcsönhatása a hypothalamus véráramlásának szabályozásában, Magyar Élettani Társaság LXVII. Vándorgyülése, Pécs, Előadáskivonatok, p.82, 2003 | LENZSÉR, G., KRIZBAI, I., FEKETE, ZS., WAPPLER, E., SÁNDOR, P., KOMJÁTHY, K.: A vér agy-gát strukturális és funkcionális változásai permanens globális agyi ischemia folyamán, Magyar Stroke Társaság VI. nemzetközi Kongresszusa, Zalakaros, Elöadáskivonatok, p.85, 2003 | LENZSÉR, G., HERMÁN, P., KOMJÁTHY, K., SÁNDOR, P., BENYÓ, Z.: Nitric oxide synthase blockade sensitizes the cerebrocortical circulation to thromboxane-induced CBF oscillations, “Brain o3, Barin PET o3“ Calgary, Canada, J Cereb Blood Flow Metabol 23 (suppl.1): 65, 2003 | HORVÁTH, B., ISHIGURO, M., HRABÁK, A., KÁLDI, K., LACZA, Z., SÁNDOR, P., BENYÓ, Z.: Interaction between the heme oxigenase and nitric oxide synthase pathways in the regulation of the resting CBF, Brain o3, Brain PET o3, Calgary, Canada, J Cerebr Blood Flow Metabol 23(suppl.1.): 65, 2003 | LACZA, Z., SNIPES, J.A., PANKOTAI, E., KOLLAI, M., BUSIJA, D.W., SZABÓ, C.: Isolation of ATP-dependent potassium subunits in heart and brain mitochondria, 68th Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Physiological Society, Debrecen, Proceedings, p. 141, 2004 | HORVÁTH, B., ISHIGURO, M., LENZSÉR, G., HERMÁN, P., HRABÁK, A., KÁLDI, L., SÁNDOR, P., BENYO, Z.: Interaction between the heme oxygenase (HO) and NO synthase pathways in the regulation of the resting CBF, Federation of the American Societies of Experimental Biology, Washington D.C., USA, The Faseb Journal 18:A268, 2004 | HORVÁTH, E.M., LACZA, Z., KOLLAI, M., BUSIJA, D.W.: Evidence for fusion between stem cells and host cells in the penumbra region of experimental brain trauma, IBRO International Workshop on Neuronal Circuits: from Elementary to Complex Functions, Budapest, Proceedings in: Ideggyógyászati Szemle (Clinical Neuroscience) 57, 2004 | HORVÁTH, E.M., LACZA, Z., HORN, T.W.F., ROYCHOWDHURRY, S., ZHANG, J., FIGUEROA, J.P., SZABO, C., KOLLAI, M., BUSIJA, D.W.: Isolation of ATP-dependent potassium channel subunits in heart and brain mitochondria, 68th Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Physiological Society, Debrecen, Proceedings, p.156, 2004 | HORVÁTH, E.M., LACZA, Z., KOLLAI, M., BUSIJA, D.W.: Evidence for fusion between stem cells and host cells in the penumbra region of experimental brain trauma, Magyar Idegtudományi Társaság Vándorgyýlése, Budapest, 2004 | LACZA, Z., HORN TWF., ROYCHOWDHURY, S., KIS, B., HORVÁTH, E.M., SZABÓ, C., BUSIJA, D.W.: Mitochondria produce peroxynitrite rather than nitric oxide in the brain, IBRO International Workshop on Neuronal Circuits: from Elementary to Complex Functions, Budapest, Proceedings in: Ideggyógyászati Szemle (Clinical Neuroscience) 57: A 38, 2004 | LACZA, Z., HORN, T.W.F., SNIPES, J.A., HORVÁTH, E.M.., ROYCHOWDHURY, S., ZHANG, J., FIGUEROA, J.P., SZABÓ, C., BUSIJA, D.W.: Mitochondrial NO and reactive nitrogen production: Does mtNOS exist?, The 3rd International Conference on the Biology, Chemistry and Therapeutic Applications on Nitric Oxide, Atlanta, USA, Proceedings, p.56, 2004 | LACZA, Z., ROYCHOWDHURY, S., HORVÁTH, E.M., KIS, B., HORN, T.W.F., BUSIJA, D.W.: Lack of mitochondrial nitric oxide production in the brain, Federation of the American Societies of Experimental Biology, Washington D.C., USA, The Faseb Journal 18: A1193, 2004 | LACZA, Z., SNIPES, J.A., KOLLAI, M., SZABO, C., BUSIJA, D.W.: The mitochondrial ATP-dependent potassium channel: a novel drug target for ischemic cardioprotection, Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Society of Cardiologists, Balatonfüred, Cardiol Hung 34: C66, 2004 | LACZA, ZS., SNIPES, J. A., PANKOTAI, E., KOLLAI, M., BUSIJA, D.W., SZABO, CS.: ATP-függő K-csatorna alegységek azonosítása szív és agy mitochondriumokban, Magyar Élettani Társaság 68. Vándorgyılése, Debrecen, 2004 | LACZA, Z., PUSKAR, M., BUSIJA, D.W.: Urotensin II is an NO-dependent vasodilator in the piglet pial vasculature, Federation of the American Societies of Experimental Biology, Washington D.C., USA, The Faseb Journal 18(4): 199.13, 2004 | LENZSÉR, G., KIS, B., BARI, F., BUSIJA, D.W.:: Diazoxide preconditioning attenuates global cerebral ischemia-induced blood-brain barrier permeability, Brain Res 1051:72-80, 2005 | KRIZBAI, I., LENZSÉR, G., SZATMÁRI, E., FARKAS, A.E., WILHELM, M.I., FEKETE, Z., ERDŐS, B., BAUER, H., BAUER, H-C., SÁNDOR, P., KOMJÁTI, K.:: Blood-brain barrier changes during compensated and decompensated hemorrhagic shock., Shock 24(5): 428-433, 2005 | SZELKE, E., VÁRBÍRÓ, SZ., MERSICH, T., BÁNHIDY, F., SZÉKÁCS, B., SÁNDOR, P., KOMJÁTI, K.:: Effects of estrogen and progestin on hypothalamic blood flow autoregulation, J Soc Gynecol Investig 12(8): 604-609, 2005 | ISHIGURO, M., HORVÁTH, B., HORVÁTH, E.M., LENZSÉR, G., HERMÁN, P., SÁNDOR, P., BENYÓ, Z.:: Effects of hem-oxygenase blockade ont he cerebral circulation, 67th Annual Meting of the Hungarian Physiological Society, Budapest; Acta Phys Hung 92(3-4): 264, 2005 | BENYÓ, Z., GILLE, A., KERO, J., CSIKY, M., SUCHANKOVA, N.C., NÜSSIG, R.M., MOERS, A., PFEFFER, K., OFFERMANS, K.:: GPR109A (PUMA-G/HM74A) mediates nicotinic acid-induced flushing, J Clin Invest 115:3634-3640, 2005 | SHIMIZU k., MILLER AW., ERDOS B., BARI F., BUSIJA DW.:: Role of endothelium in hyperemia during cortical spreading depression (CSD) in the rat, Brain Res 928: 40–49, 2002 | HORTOBAGYI, L., KIS, B., HRABÁK, A., HORVÁTH, B., HUSZTY, G., SCHWEER, H., BENYÓ, B., SÁNDOR, P., BUSIJA, D.W., BENYÓ, Z.:: Adaptation of the hypothalamic blood flow to chronic nitric oxide deficiency is independent of vasodilator prostanoids., Brain Res 1131:129-137, 2007 | LENZSER, G., KIS, B,. SNIPES, J.A., GASPAR, T., SÁNDOR, P,. KOMJÁTI K,. SZABÓ, C,. BUSIJA, D,W.:: Contribution of poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase to postischemic blood-brain barrier damage in rats., J Cereb Blood Flow Metabol (advance online publication doi10.1038sj.cbfm.9600437, p.1-9, 10 January,), 2007 | MERSICH, T., SZELKE, E., ERDŐS, B., LACZA, Z., KOMJÁTI, K., SÁNDOR, P.:: Somatosensory pain does not affect total cerebral blood volume., Neuroreport, 00: 1-4. (accepted for publication 9. January), 2007 |
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