Complex behavior in classical and Quantum Networks  Page description

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Details of project

Type K
Principal investigator Vattay, Gábor
Title in Hungarian Komplex viselkedés klasszikus és kvantum hálózatokban
Title in English Complex behavior in classical and Quantum Networks
Panel Physics 1
Department or equivalent Department of Physics of Complex Systems (Eötvös Loránd University)
Starting date 2002-01-01
Closing date 2006-12-31
Funding (in million HUF) 4.660
FTE (full time equivalent) 0.00
state closed project


Final report

Results in Hungarian
A pályázat keretében komplex hálózatok statisztikus fizikai tulajdonságait vizsgáltuk. Elsősorban az Internet mint komplex hálózat topológián túlmenő vizsgálatára koncentráltunk, de az ad-hoc kommunikációs hálózatok összeköttetési tulajdonságait valamint a kvantum hálózatok eszköztárának felhasználhatóságát is vizsgáltuk. A kutatások eredményeit 1 könyvben és 20 egyéb publikációban foglaltuk össze. Az eredmények közül kiemelkedik az Internet ''univerzális'' lognormális késleltetés eloszlásának kimutatása, az Interneten kialakuló torlódási hullámok kvantitatív vizsgálata, a hosszútávon korrelált hálózati forgalom különböző új aspektusainak feltárása, a skála független fák terén elért egzakt eredmények, és az Erdős-Rényi gráfok szint statisztikájának kapcsolatba hozása a perkolációs átalakulással.
Results in English
In this project the statistical properties of complex networks has been investigated. Wr concentrated mostly on the properties of Internet as a complex system especially beyond the topological properties. We investigated some aspects of ad-hoc communication networks and we also used the tools developed in the theory of quantum graphs. We published 1 book and 20 other publicatios. Our most important results are the discovery of "universal" delay distribution in the Internet, the quantitative analysis of congestion waves in the Internet, various new aspects of the propagation of long range dependence, some exact results on tree graphs and the identification of the percolation transition in the level spacing distribution of the eigenvalue spectrum of adjacency matrices of Erdos-Renyi graphs.
Full text


List of publications

P. Haga, P. Pollner, G. Simon, I. Csabai and G. Vattay: Self generated self-similar traffic, Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems 6, 814-823 (2003), 2003
P. Hága, K. Diriczi, G. Vattay, I. Csabai: Granular Model of Packet Pair Separation in Poissonian Traffic, Computer Networks 51, 683-698 (2007), 2007
G. Németh and G. Vattay: Giant Clusters in Random Ad Hoc Networks, Phys. Rev. E67 036110, 2003
G. Vattay, A. Fekete, J. Steger and M. Maródi: Modeling Competition, Fairness and Chaos in Computer Networks, Proceedings of Iasted CIIT, 2002
A. Fekete and G. Vattay: On Buffer Limited Congestion Window Dynamics and Packet Loss, Proceedings of IEEE Globecom, 2002
J. Stéger, P. Vaderna and G. Vattay: On the propagation of Congestion waves in the Internet, Physica A359, 784-792 (2006), 2006
L. Kocarev, M. Sterjev, A. Fekete and G. Vattay: Torus Authomorphism and Publickey Encription, Chaos 14, 1078-1082, 2004
L. Kocarev and G. Vattay eds.: Complex Dynamics in Communication Networks, Understanding Complex System, Springer Verlag, 2005
E. Maga˜na, D. Morat´o, M. Izal, J. Aracil, F. Naranjo, F. Astiz and U. Alonso,I. Csabai, P. Haga, G. Simon, J. Steger and G. Vattay: The European Traffic Observatory Measurement Infrastructure (ETOMIC), IEEEnternational Workshop on IP Operations & Management / IPOM 2004 /, 2004
E. Maga˜na, D. Morat´o, M. Izal, J. Aracil, F. Naranjo, F. Astiz and U. Alonso,I. Csabai, P. Haga, G. Simon, J. Steger and G. Vattay: The European Traffic Observatory Measurement Infraestructure (ETOMIC): A testbed for universal active and passive measurements, Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the DEvelopment of NeTworks and COMmunities / TRIDENTCOM 2005 /, 2005
Gabor Simon, Peter Haga, Gabor Vattay and Istvan Csabai: A Flexible Tomography Approach for Queueing Delay Distribution Inference in Communication Networks, International Workshop on Internet Performance,, 2005
A. Harnos, J. Reizigel, N. Solymosi and G. Vattay: Analysis of the effect of immunization on rabbies time series, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 240, 72-77 (2006), 2006
L. Kocarev, G. Vattay: Synchronization in Complex Networks, Complex Dynamics in Communication Networks 309-328, Springer Verlag, 2005
G. Vattay, K. Diriczi, A. Fekete, L. Kocarev, M. Maródi, J. Stéger: Statistical Properties of Chaos in Communication Networks, 7. sz. könyv, 2005
A. Fekete, G. Vattay and L. Kocarev: Traffic dynamics in scale-free networks, ComplexUs 3, 3 (2006), 2006
A. Fekete, G. Vattay and L. Kocarev: Distribution of edge load in scale-free trees, Phys. Rev. E 73, 046102 (2006), 2006
G. Simon, J. Stéger, P. Hága, I. Csabai, G. Vattay: Measuring the Dynamical State of the Internet: Large Scale Network Tomography via the ETOMIC Infrastructure, ComplexUs 3, 119 (2006), 2006
P. Hága, K. Diriczi, G. Vattay, I. Csabai: Understanding packet pair separation beyond the fluid model: The key role of traffic granularity, Proceedings of Infocom 2006 Vol. 3, Sec. 50, 2006
Paolo Checco, Mario Biey, Gabor Vattay, Ljupco Kocarev: Complex Network Topologies and Synchronization, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2006), 2006
G. Palla and G. Vattay: Spectral transitions in networks, New J. Phys. 8, 307 (2006), 2006
A. Veres, Zs. Kenesi, S. Molnar, and G. Vattay: TCP’s Role in the Propagation of Self-Similarity in the Internet, Computer Communications 26, 899-913 (2003), 2003

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