Role of Embryonic GAD Forms in the Developing Olfactory System
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N. Hagiwara, Z. Katarova, L.D. Sirakusa, M. H. Brilliant: Non-neuronal expression of GABAA ?3 subunit gene is required for normal palate development in mice, Developmental Biology, 2003 | P. Varjú, Z. Katarova, E. Madarász, G. Szabó: Sequential induction of embrzonic and adult forms of glutamic acid decarboxzlase during in vitroüinduced neurogenesis in cloned neuroectodermal cellüline NE-7C2, J. Neurochemistry, 2002 | M. Krecsmarik, Z. Katarova, M. Bagyánszki, G. Szabó and É. Fekete: Gastrointestinal phenotype of GAD67lacZ transgenic mice with early postnatal lethality, Histology and Histopathology, 2005 | Vastagh Cs., Katarova Z., Kvakovszki A., Swirtlich M., Szabó G.: Expression and possible roles of different GAD forms in the migration of LHRH+ neurons during mouse development, IBRO, Budapest, 2006 | Katarova Z., Prodan S., Erdélyi F., Schwirtlich M., and Szabó G.: T ransient expression of gutamic acid decarboxylase and g amma-aminobutyric acid in the lens and olfactory epithelium- derived lineages during embryonic development of the mouse: possible roles, Fourth Workshop on Mouse Molecular Neurogenetics, Bar Harbor, 2002 | Szabo G ; Z. Katarova; S. Prodan; F. Erdélyi; M. SchwirtlichSzabo G ; Z. Katarova; S. Prodan; F. Erdélyi; M. Schwirtlich: Transient expression of Gad and GABA in the olfactory-derived lineages and lens in developing mouse embryo, 32nd SFN, Orlabndo, USA, 2002 | Katarova Z., Prodan S., Erdélyi F., Schwirtlich M., and Szabó G.: Transient expression of Gad and GABA in the olfactory-derived lineages and lens in developing mouse embryo, FENS Abstr. vol 1, 2002 | Erdélyi F. , Sekerkova G., Katarova Z., Hájos N., Pálhalmi J. , Freund T. F. , Mugnaini E. & Szabó G: GAD65-GFP Transgenic Mice Expressing GFP In The GABAergic Nervous System, FENS Abstr. vol 1, 2002 | Schwirtlich,M.,GóczaE.,Katarova Z.,Szatmári I., Szabó Gábor: Expression of GABA synthesizing enzymes, transporters and receptors during in vitro differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells and in developing mouse brain, Magyar Idegtudományi Társaság IX. Konferenciája, 2003 | Katarova Z., Kvakovszki A., Schwirtlich M., Erdélyi F.,Szatmári I., Szabó G: Role of GABA signaling in the developing eye: ocular defects caused by overexpression of different GAD forms in the lens of transgenic mice, A Magyar Idegtudományi Társaság IX. Konferenciája, 2003 | Z. Katarova, A. Kvakovski, M. Schwirtlich, F. Erdélyi and G. SzabóZ. Katarova, A. Kvakovski, M. Schwirtlich, F. Erdélyi and G. Szabó: Studies on the role of the GABA signaling in the developing eye, IBROPrague, 2003 | Z. Katarova, M. Schwirtlich, E. Gocza, P. Varjú and G. Szabó: Regulation of glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) expression during in vitro- induced neuronal differentiation of multipotential stem cells, International Synaptogenesis Meeting, Wien, 2003 | 1Zoya Katarova, 2Elen Gocza, 1Marija Schwirtlich and 1Gábor Szabó: GABA signaling during early embryonic development: common features of the GABAergic cells, Embryonic stem cellsMini-symposium,Nov. 2003, Gödöll?, 2003 | Andrea Kvakovszki, Marija Schwirtlich, Ferenc Erdélyi, Mária Baranyi, Zoya Katarova and Gábor Szabó: GAD expression is critical for eye development at late embryonic stages, IBRO 2004Budapest, 2004 | Marija Schwirtlich*, Zoya Katarova*, Elen Gocza ?, Balázs Bényei*,Kornélia Barabás* Zoltán Máté* and Gábor Szabó*: GABA signaling during early embryonic development: common features of the GABAergic cells, IBRO International Workshop on Neuronal Circuits: from Elementary to Complex Functions Budapest 29-31 January 2004, 2004 | Zoya Katarova, Andrea Kvakovski, Marija Schwirtlich, Ferenc Erdélyi, and Gábor Szabó: GAD expression is critical for eye development at late embryonic stages, V. JAX Neurogenetikai Konferencia, USA Bar Harbor Maine, 2004 | de Marchis S, Temoney S, Erdelyi F, Bovetti S, Bovolin P, Szabo G, Puche AC: GABAergic phenotypic differentiation of a subpopulation of subventricular derived migrating progenitors, Eur J Neurosci 20: 1307-1317, 2004 | Krecsmarik M, Izbéki F, Bagyánszki M, Linke N, Bódi N, Kaszaki J, Katarova Z, Szabó Á, Fekete É, Wittmann T: Chronic ethanol exposure impairs neuronal nitric oxide synthase int he rat intestine, Alcohol Clin Exp Res 30: (6) 1-7, 2006 | López -Bendito G, Sturgess K, Erdélyi F, Szabó G, Molnár Z, Paulsen: Preferential origin and layer destination of GAD65-GFP cortical interneurons, Cereb Cortex 14: 1122-1133, 2004 |




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