Role of Embryonic GAD Forms in the Developing Olfactory System  Page description

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Details of project

Type K
Principal investigator Katarova, Zoja
Title in Hungarian Az embrionális GAD formák szerepe a fejlődő szagló-rendszerben
Title in English Role of Embryonic GAD Forms in the Developing Olfactory System
Panel Neurosciences
Department or equivalent Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Genetics (Institute of Experimental Medicine)
Participants Erdélyi, Ferenc
Schwirtlich, Marija
Szabó, Gábor
Szatmári, Ildikó
Starting date 2002-01-01
Closing date 2005-12-31
Funding (in million HUF) 10.528
FTE (full time equivalent) 0.00
state closed project


Final report

Results in Hungarian
Mindkét GAD gén kifejeződik a 10 napos egér embrió szagló plakódjában. Az expresszió a későbbiekben a szaglóhámban marad meg. Két részlegesen átfedő GABAerg sejtpopulációt azonosítottunk a fejlődő frontonazális nyúlványban: ezek a vándorló LHRH+/GAD65+eGAD+ sejtcsoport és az un. ?migratory mass? (MM), amely GAD67+(eGAD)/OMP+ sejteket tartalmaz. A GAD65 jelenlétét először sikerült azonosítanunk a vándorló LHRH+ sejtekben. A GAD65 expresszió 1 hónapos korig folytatódik a már nem vándorló LHRH tartalmú idegsejt populációban is. A felnőtt GAD67 gyakorlatilag nem mutatható ki a frontonazális nyúlványban. Ebben a struktúrában a GAD67 génről alternetív ?splicing? mechanizmussal képződő embrionális GAD a fő GAD fehérjeforma. A GAD65 hiányos egérben az LHRH neuronok vándorlása a GABAA receptor gátlásához hasonló módon zavart: a vándorlás sebessége fokozódott és iránya az előagyban megváltozott. A GAD67 hiánya nem befolyásolta jelentősen az LHRH+ sejtek vándorlását. Ennek valószínű magyarázata az, hogy a GAD67 KO egerekben az embrionális GAD mennyisége megnövekedett.
Results in English
1) Both GAD genes are expressed in the mouse embryo as early as E10 in the olfactory placode. The expression later is maintained in the olfactory epithelium (OE). 2) We have found that, except for the OE, there are two partially overlapping GABAergic lineages in the developing frontonasal process: the migratory LHRH+/GAD65+/eGAD+ and the migratory mass (MM), which is: GAD67+(eGAD)+/OMP+. The identification of GAD65 in the migratory LHRH+ cells is a novel result. 3) GAD65 expression in the LHRH lineage continues in the post-migratory LHRH+ neurons until the first month postnatally. 4) The adult GAD67 is barely expressed in the frontonasal process, instead, the alternatively spliced embryonic GAD is the predominant GAD derived from the GAD67 gene. 5) The absence of GAD65 in GAD65 KO mice impared the migration of LHRH+ cells in a way similar to the effect of GABA- A-R inhibitors, namely, enhanced speed of migration and change in direction of migration in the forebrain part of the migratory route. 6) The absence of GAD67 in GAD67 KO mice is not so pronounced, probably due to up-regulation of embryonic GAD.
Full text


List of publications

N. Hagiwara, Z. Katarova, L.D. Sirakusa, M. H. Brilliant: Non-neuronal expression of GABAA ?3 subunit gene is required for normal palate development in mice, Developmental Biology, 2003
P. Varjú, Z. Katarova, E. Madarász, G. Szabó: Sequential induction of embrzonic and adult forms of glutamic acid decarboxzlase during in vitroüinduced neurogenesis in cloned neuroectodermal cellüline NE-7C2, J. Neurochemistry, 2002
M. Krecsmarik, Z. Katarova, M. Bagyánszki, G. Szabó and É. Fekete: Gastrointestinal phenotype of GAD67lacZ transgenic mice with early postnatal lethality, Histology and Histopathology, 2005
Vastagh Cs., Katarova Z., Kvakovszki A., Swirtlich M., Szabó G.: Expression and possible roles of different GAD forms in the migration of LHRH+ neurons during mouse development, IBRO, Budapest, 2006
Katarova Z., Prodan S., Erdélyi F., Schwirtlich M., and Szabó G.: T ransient expression of gutamic acid decarboxylase and g amma-aminobutyric acid in the lens and olfactory epithelium- derived lineages during embryonic development of the mouse: possible roles, Fourth Workshop on Mouse Molecular Neurogenetics, Bar Harbor, 2002
Szabo G ; Z. Katarova; S. Prodan; F. Erdélyi; M. SchwirtlichSzabo G ; Z. Katarova; S. Prodan; F. Erdélyi; M. Schwirtlich: Transient expression of Gad and GABA in the olfactory-derived lineages and lens in developing mouse embryo, 32nd SFN, Orlabndo, USA, 2002
Katarova Z., Prodan S., Erdélyi F., Schwirtlich M., and Szabó G.: Transient expression of Gad and GABA in the olfactory-derived lineages and lens in developing mouse embryo, FENS Abstr. vol 1, 2002
Erdélyi F. , Sekerkova G., Katarova Z., Hájos N., Pálhalmi J. , Freund T. F. , Mugnaini E. & Szabó G: GAD65-GFP Transgenic Mice Expressing GFP In The GABAergic Nervous System, FENS Abstr. vol 1, 2002
Schwirtlich,M.,GóczaE.,Katarova Z.,Szatmári I., Szabó Gábor: Expression of GABA synthesizing enzymes, transporters and receptors during in vitro differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells and in developing mouse brain, Magyar Idegtudományi Társaság IX. Konferenciája, 2003
Katarova Z., Kvakovszki A., Schwirtlich M., Erdélyi F.,Szatmári I., Szabó G: Role of GABA signaling in the developing eye: ocular defects caused by overexpression of different GAD forms in the lens of transgenic mice, A Magyar Idegtudományi Társaság IX. Konferenciája, 2003
Z. Katarova, A. Kvakovski, M. Schwirtlich, F. Erdélyi and G. SzabóZ. Katarova, A. Kvakovski, M. Schwirtlich, F. Erdélyi and G. Szabó: Studies on the role of the GABA signaling in the developing eye, IBROPrague, 2003
Z. Katarova, M. Schwirtlich, E. Gocza, P. Varjú and G. Szabó: Regulation of glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) expression during in vitro- induced neuronal differentiation of multipotential stem cells, International Synaptogenesis Meeting, Wien, 2003
1Zoya Katarova, 2Elen Gocza, 1Marija Schwirtlich and 1Gábor Szabó: GABA signaling during early embryonic development: common features of the GABAergic cells, Embryonic stem cellsMini-symposium,Nov. 2003, Gödöll?, 2003
Andrea Kvakovszki, Marija Schwirtlich, Ferenc Erdélyi, Mária Baranyi, Zoya Katarova and Gábor Szabó: GAD expression is critical for eye development at late embryonic stages, IBRO 2004Budapest, 2004
Marija Schwirtlich*, Zoya Katarova*, Elen Gocza ?, Balázs Bényei*,Kornélia Barabás* Zoltán Máté* and Gábor Szabó*: GABA signaling during early embryonic development: common features of the GABAergic cells, IBRO International Workshop on Neuronal Circuits: from Elementary to Complex Functions Budapest 29-31 January 2004, 2004
Zoya Katarova, Andrea Kvakovski, Marija Schwirtlich, Ferenc Erdélyi, and Gábor Szabó: GAD expression is critical for eye development at late embryonic stages, V. JAX Neurogenetikai Konferencia, USA Bar Harbor Maine, 2004
de Marchis S, Temoney S, Erdelyi F, Bovetti S, Bovolin P, Szabo G, Puche AC: GABAergic phenotypic differentiation of a subpopulation of subventricular derived migrating progenitors, Eur J Neurosci 20: 1307-1317, 2004
Krecsmarik M, Izbéki F, Bagyánszki M, Linke N, Bódi N, Kaszaki J, Katarova Z, Szabó Á, Fekete É, Wittmann T: Chronic ethanol exposure impairs neuronal nitric oxide synthase int he rat intestine, Alcohol Clin Exp Res 30: (6) 1-7, 2006
López -Bendito G, Sturgess K, Erdélyi F, Szabó G, Molnár Z, Paulsen: Preferential origin and layer destination of GAD65-GFP cortical interneurons, Cereb Cortex 14: 1122-1133, 2004

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