The influence of the dipole-dipole interaction to the structure of liquids by the help of experimental and computer simulation study of ferrocolloids and electro-rheological fluids
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T. Kristóf, I. Szalai: Magnetic properties and structure of polydisperse ferrofluid models, Physical Review E, 68, 041109, 2003 | I. Szalai, M. Papatyi, G. Kronome: Experimental and computer simulation study of chain formation in electrorheological fluids, 5th Liquid Matter Conference, Konstanz, 14-18 September, 257, 2002 | D. Boda, T. Kristóf, J. Liszi, I. Szalai: Extrapolation of the vapour-liquid equilibrium curves using Gibbs ensemble Monte Carlo simulations, 6th Liblice Conference on the Statistical Mechanics of Liquids, Spindleruv Mlyn, Csehország, július 9-14., 2002 | M. Valiskó, D. Boda, J. Liszi, I. Szalai: The dielectric constant of polarizable fluids from the renormalized perturbation theory, Molecular Physics, 2002, 100, 3239-3243., 2002 | I. Szalai, K-Y. Chan, Y. W. Tang: Theoretical investigation of the vapour-liquid equilibrium and dielectric properties of dipolar Yukawa liquids in external field, Molecular Physics, 2003, 101, 1819-1823., 2003 | M. Valiskó, D. Boda, J. Liszi, I. Szalai: A systematic Monte Carlo simulation and renormalized perturbation theoretical study of the dielectric constant of polarizable Stockmayer fluids, Molecular Physics, 2003, 101, 2309-2313., 2003 | Papatyi Marietta: Láncképződés kísérleti vizsgálata elektroreológiai folyadékokban, Veszprémi Egyetem, Központi Könyvtár, 2002 | T. Kristóf, J. Liszi, I. Szalai: Phase separation in model polydisperse ferrofluids, Physical Review E, 2004, 69, 062106 (1-4)., 2004 | I. Szalai, S. Dietrich: Global phase diagrams of binary dipolar fluid mixtures, Soft matter at interfaces conference, Ringberg, Germany, 2004. február 23-25. Előadás., 2004 | T. Kristóf, J. Liszi, I. Szalai: Heat capacity in a model polydisperse ferrofluids with narrov particle size distribution, Physical Review E, 71, 031109, 2005 | I. Szalai, S. Dietrich: Global phase diagrams of binary dipolar fluid mixtures, Molecular Physics, 103, 21, 2005 | T. Kristóf, I. Szalai: Ferrofluidumok szimulációja a NIF szuperszámítógépen, NIF hirlevél IV. évfolyam 1. szám, 7. oldal, 2005 | L. Merényi, T. Kristóf: The extrapolation of vapour-liquid equilibrium curves of pure fluids in alternative gibbs ensemble Monte Carlo implementations, Molecular Simulations, 30, 549-558, 2004 | A. Malasics, D. Boda, M. Valiskó: Monte Carlo simulation and renormalized perturbation theory study of the dielectric properties of mixtures of polarizable hard spheres and polarizable dipolar hard spheres, Molecular Physics, Publikációra beküldve, 2006 | I. Szalai, T. Kristóf, A. Gábor, K. Kincses: Magnetic susceptibility of polydisperse ferrofluids, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., Publikáció alatt, 2006 | K. Kincses, P. Csuta and I. Szalai: Structural properties of inverse magnetic fluids, 17th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, 27-31 August, Praha, Abstract: P3.085, 2006 | I. Szalai and S. Dietrich: Phase Diagrams and Magnetic Susceptibility of Ferrofluids, 88th International Bunsen-Discussion Meeting, Magnetic Colloidal Fluids: Preparation, Characterization, Physical Properties and Applications, Saarbrücken July 20-22, 2005 | T. Kristóf, I. Szalai: Magnetic properties in monolayers of a model polydisperse ferrofluids, Phys. Rev. E, 72, 041105, 2005 | Csuta Péter (témavezető: Szalai István): Dipoláris fluidumok volumetrikus és szerkezeti tulajdonságainak vizsgálata, Diplomadolgozat, Pannon Egyetem, Fizika Tanszék, 2006 | I. Szalai, S. Dietrich: Solid-fluid interfacial properties of model ferrofluids, Euromech Colloquium 470, Recent Development in Magnetic Fluid Research, Dresden, 27.2-1.3, 2006 | S. Dobra, I. Szalai and S. Varga: Ordering transition and demixing of a binary mixture of thick and thin rodlike molecules in the presence of an external field, J. Chemical Physics, 125, 074907, 2006 | T. Kristóf, I. Szalai: Magnetic properties in polydisperse ferrofluid monolayers, 6th Liquid Matter Conference of the European Physical Society, Utrecht, 2-6 July, 2005 | T. Kristóf, A. Gábor, K. Kincses and I. Szalai: Magnetic Susceptibility of Polydisperse Ferrofluids, 6th Liquid Matter Conference of the European Physical Society, Utrecht 2-6 July, 2005 |





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