Functional equations, function algebras
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M. Adamek, A. Gilányi, K. Nikodem, Zs. Páles: A note on three-parameter families and generalized convex functions, közlésre benyújtva, 2005 | A. Gilányi, C. T. Ng, J. Aczél: On a functional equation arising from comparison of utility representations, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 304, 572-583, 2005 | A. Gilányi, K. Nikodem, Zs. Páles: Bernstein-Doetsch type results for quasiconvex functions, Math. Inequal. Appl. 7, 169-175, 2004 | A. Gilányi, P. Volkmann: Zur Charakterisierung biadditiver Funktionen, Seminar LV, http://www.mathematik.uni-karlsruhe.de/ semlv, megjelenés alatt, 2005 | M. Győry: A new elementary proof of Wigner\'s theorem, Rep. Math. Phys. 54, 159-167., 2004 | M. Győry: On the transformations of all n-dimensional subspaces of a Hilbert space preserving orthogonality, Publ. Math. Debrecen 65, 233-242, 2004 | M. Győry: On the reflexivity of the isometry group of the suspension of B(H), Studia Math. 166, 287-303, 2005 | A. Gilányi: On approximately monomial functions, Functional Equations - Results and Advances (Eds. Z. Daróczy, Zs. Páles), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 99-111, 2002 | A. Gilányi, Zs. Páles: On Dinghas-type derivatives and convex functions of higher order, Real Anal. Exchange 27,485-493., 2002 | A. Gilányi: On a problem by K. Nikodem, Math. Inequal. Appl. 5, 707-710, 2002 | M. Győry: Preserver problems and reflexivity problems on operator algebras and on function algebras, PhD értekezés, Debreceni Egyetem, 2003 | A. Gilányi: Dinghas-type derivatives and convexity of higher order, Abstract, Report of Meeting, Aequationes Math. 64, 176, 2002 | A. Gilányi: 12. Remark (To Jürg Ratz s talk), Report of Meeting, Aequationes Math. 64, 190-191, 2002 | A. Gilányi: 13. Remark, Report of Meeting, Aequationes Math. 64, 191, 2002 | A. Gilányi: 14. Problems, Report of Meeting, Aequationes Math. 64, 191-193., 2002 | A. Gilányi: Hyers-Ulam stability of the Cauchy functional equation on power-symmetric groupoids, Abstract, Report of Meeting, Ann. Math. Silesianae 16, 87, 2003 | A. Gilányi: Stability theorems for conditional monomial functional equations, Abstract, Report of Meeting, Aequationes Math. 65, 294., 2003 | A. Gilányi, Zs. Páles: On convex functions of higher order, közlésre benyújtva, 2005 | A. Gilányi: On convex functions of higher order, Abstract,, Report of Meeting, Ann. Math. Silesianae 17, 72, 2003 | A. Gilányi: On symmetrically convex and Wright-convex functions of higher order, Abstract, Report of Meeting, Aequationes Math. 67, 291, 2004 | A. Gilányi, Zs. Páles,: 26. Remark, Report of Meeting, Aequationes Math. 67, 311, 2004 | A. Gilányi: A general stability theorem for functional equations, Abstract, Report of Meeting, Ann. Math. Silesianae 18, 68, 2004 | A. Gilányi: Magasabb rendben konvex függvények (Convex functions of higher order), MTA Közgyűlési előadások, megjelenés alatt, 2005 | A. Gilányi, Z. Kaiser, Zs. Páles: Estimates to the stability of functional equations, közlésre benyújtva, 2005 |




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