Distribution of the matter under extreme conditions  Page description

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Details of project

Type K
Principal investigator Krasznahorkay, Attila
Title in Hungarian A maganyag eloszlása extrém körülmények között
Title in English Distribution of the matter under extreme conditions
Panel Physics 1
Department or equivalent Fundamnetal interactions research group (HUN-REN Institute for Nuclear Research)
Participants Csatlós, Margit
Dombrádi, Zsolt
Gácsi, Zoltán
Gulyás, János
Hunyadi, Mátyás
Kruppa, András Tibor
Kunné Sohler, Dorottya
Máté, Zoltán
Nyakó, Barna Mátyás
Timár, János
Zolnai, László
Starting date 2002-01-01
Closing date 2005-12-31
Funding (in million HUF) 17.167
FTE (full time equivalent) 0.00
state closed project


Final report

Results in Hungarian
Nehéz atommagok neutronbőr vastagságának mérésével pontosítottuk a maganyag állapotegyenletében szereplő szimmetria-energia értékét, az izoskalár dipólus óriásrezonancia energiájának pontos meghatározásával pedig a maganyag inkompresszibilitásának értékét. Kimutattuk, hogy neutrongazdag könnyű atommagokban a neutroneloszlás deformációja sokkal nagyobb lehet, mint a protonoké. Felismertük, hogy az erősen neutrongazdag atommagokban a valencia neutronok mozgása függetlenné válhat a protonok mozgásától. Hiperdeformált (HD) (3:1 tengelyarányú) rotációs sávokat azonosítottunk az 236U atommagban. Meghatároztuk a hasadási potenciál minimumait és maximumait, valamint vizsgáltuk a nehéz atommagokra történő csomósodás (132Sn + 100Zr) jelenségét. Kimutattuk, hogy gyorsan forgó 126Ba-ban nagy spineknél HD szerkezet alakul ki, és további 4 atommag spektrumában is találtunk HD szerkezetre utaló jeleket. Négy szomszédos Rh atommag királis forgási sávjainak összehasonlításával modell-független módon kimutattuk, hogy a királis viselkedésben kiemelkedő fontossága van a magtörzs háromtengelyűségének. A 103Sn és a 102In gerjesztett állapotainak vizsgálatával meghatároztuk az N=50 héjzáródás erősségét. Eredményeink szerint az 100Sn az egyik legjobb példa a kétszer mágikus magokra. Egy új részecske keletkezésére utaló kísérleti eredményeket kaptunk. Az 16O 10.95 MeV-es 0- >0+ és 8.87 MeV-es 2- >0+ átmeneteinek legerjesztődése során keletkező elektron-pozitron párok szögkorrelációjában észlelt éles maximumokat egy könnyű, semleges, axiálvektor bozon keletkezésére, és elektron-pozitron párrá történő bomlására utal.
Results in English
The symmetry energy term of the nuclear equation of state was constrained by measuring the neutron-skin thicknesses of heavy nuclei, while the incompressibility term was constrained by measuring the energy of the isoscalar giant dipole resonance. We observed much larger deformation for the neutron distribution than the proton one in neutron-rich nuclei. It was noticed that in neutron-rich nuclei the valence neutrons can be decupled from the protons. We observed hyperdeformed (HD) (axis ratio 3:1) rotational bands in 236U. The maxima and minima of the fission potential were deduced and the effects of heavy clusterization (132Sn + 100Zr) were studied. We observed HD structure also in the fast rotating 126Ba nucleus at high spin, and found evidence in 4 other nuclei for the existence of HD-structures. We showed in a model-independent way by studying 4 neighbouring Rh nuclei that the triaxial shape of the nuclear core plays an important role in the development of the chiral behaviour. We deduced the strength of the N=50 shell closure from studying the excited states in 103Sn and in 102In. According to our results 100Sn is one of the best examples for double magic nuclei. We obtained experimental results for the existence of a new elementary particle. The sharp maxima observed in the angular correlation of the electron-positron pairs from the 10.95 MeV 0- >0+ and 8.87 MeV 2-->0+ transitions in 16O are explained by the creation and subsequent decay of a light neutral axial vector boson.
Full text http://real.mtak.hu/582/


List of publications

Krasznahorkay A; Csatlós M; van den Berg AM; Harakeh MN; de Huu MN; van der Werf SY; Hagemann M; Akimune H; Fujimura H; Fujiwara M; Hara K;Ishikawa T: A new method for measuring nuclear skins, Nuclear Physics in the 21st Century. Int. Nucl. Phys. Conf., INPC 2001. Berkeley, California, USA, AIP Conf. Proceedings Vol 610 751-758, 2002
Csatlós M; Krasznahorkay A; van den Berg AM; Harakeh MN; de Huu MN; van der Werf SY; Hagemann M; Akimune H; Fujimura H; Fujiwara M; Hara K; Ishikawa T: Neutron-skin thickness from excitation of spin-dipole resonance, Acta Physica Polonica B 33 (2002) 331-334, 2002
Elekes Z., Dombrádi Zs., Krasznahorkay A., Baba H., Csatlós M., Csige L., Fukuda N., Fülöp Zs., Gácsi Z., Gulyás J., Iwasa N., Kinugawa H., Kubono S., Kurokawa M., Liu X., Michimasa S., Minemura T., M: Decoupling of valence neutrons from the core in 16C, Physics Letters B 586 (2004)34-40, 2004
Elekes Z., Dombrádi Zs., Saito A., Aoi N., Baba H., Demichi K., Fülöp Zs., Gibelin J., Gomi T., Hasegawa H., Imai N., Ishihara M., Iwasaki H., Kanno S., Kawai S., Kishida T., Kubo T., Kurita K., Matsu: Bound excited states in 27F., Physics Letters B 599 (2004)17-22., 2004
Herskind B., Scheurer J. N., Nyakó B. M., Algora A., Dombrádi Zs., Gál J., Kalinka G., Sohler D., Molnár J., Timár J., Zolnai L., Juhász K., + 62 coauthors: Hyperdeformed shapes and Jacobi transitions in 126Ba, Int. Conf. on the Labyrinth in Nucl. Struct., an EPS Nuclear Physics Divisional Conference. Crete, Greece, 13-19 July, 2003. Ed.: A. Bracco, AIP Conf. Proc. 701, 303-315, 2004
Hunyadi M., Baumer C., van den Berg A. M., Blasi N., Csatlós M., Csige L., Davids B., Garg U., Gulyás J., Harakeh M. N., de Huu M. A., Junk B. C., Krasznahorkay A., Rakers S., Sohler D., Wörtche H. J.: Particle decay of the isoscalar giant dipole resonance in 208Pb, Nuclear Physics A 731 (2004)49-56., 2004
Joshi P., Jenkins D. G., Raddon P. M., Simons A. J., Wadsworth R., Wilkinson T., Fossan D. B., Starosta K., Vaman C., Timár J., Dombrádi Zs., Krasznahorkay A., Molnár J., Sohler D., Zolnai L., Algora: Chirality in the A~100 region., Int. Conf. on the Labyrinth in Nucl. Struct., an EPS Nuclear Physics Divisional Conference. Crete, Greece, 13-19 July, 2003. Ed.: A. Bracco, AIP Conf. Proc. 701, 383-388, 2004
Joshi P., Jenkins D. G., Raddon P. M., Simons A. J., Wadsworth R., Wilkinson A. R., Fossan D. B., Koike T., Starosta K., Vaman C., Timár J., Dombrádi Zs., Krasznahorkay A., Molnár J., Sohler D., Zolna: Stability of chiral geometry in the odd-odd Rh isotopes: Spectroscopy of 106Rh., Physics Letters B 595 (2004)135.-142, 2004
Krasznahorkay A., Akimune H., van den Berg A. M., Blasi N., Brandenburg S., Csatlós M.., Fujiwara M., Gulyás J., Harakeh M. N., Hunyadi M., de Huu M. A., Máté Z.., Sohler D., van der Werf S. Y., Wörtc: Neutron-skin thickness in neutron-rich isotopes., Nuclear Physics A 731 (2004)224.-234., 2004
Sohler D., Lagergren K., Blomqvist J., Cederwall B., Johnson A., Hadinia B., Milechina L., Timár J., de Angelis G., Bednarczyk P., Curien D., Gadea A., Nyberg J.: First identification of excited states in the Tz = ½ nucleus 93Pd., European Physical Journal A 19 (2004)169-172, 2004
Sohler D., Timár J., Dombrádi Zs., Cederkall J., Huijnen J., Lipoglavsek M., Palacz M., Atac A., Fahlander C., Grawe H. , Johnson A., Kerek A., Klamra W., Kownacki J., Likar A., Norlin L. -O., Nyberg: Band-terminating states in 101Ag, Nuclear Physics A 733 (2004)37-52., 2004
Sorlin O., Dombrádi Zs., Sohler D., Azaiez F., Timár J., Penionzhkevich Yu. -E., Amorini F., Baiborodin D., Bauchet A., Becker F., Belleguic M., Borcea C., Bourgeois C., Dlouhy Z., Donzaud C., Duprat: Structure of the neutron-rich 37,39P and 43,45Cl nuclei, European Physical Journal A 22 (2004)173-178, 2004
Sorlin O., Stanoiu M., Dombrádi Zs., Azaiez F., Brown B. A., Belleguic M., Sohler D., Saint Laurent M. G., Lopez-Jimenez N. L., Penionzhkevich Yu. -E., Sletten G., Achouri N. L., Becker F., Angelique: Nuclear structure around the N = 16 subshell closure, Int. Conf. on the Labyrinth in Nucl. Struct., an EPS Nuclear Physics Divisional Conference. Crete, Greece, 13-19 July, 2003, Ed.: A. Bracco, AIP Conf. Proc. 701, 31-35, 2004
Stanoiu M., Belleguic M., Dombrádi Zs., Sohler D., Azaiez F., Brown B. A., Lopez-Jimenez M. J., Saint Laurent M. G., Sorlin O., Penionzhkevich Yu. -E., Achouri N. L., Angelique J. C., Borcea C., Bourg: Observation of bound excited states in 15B, European Physical Journal A 22 (2004)5-8., 2004
Stanoiu M., Azaiez F., Dombrádi Zs., Sorlin O., Brown B. A., Belleguic M., Sohler D., Saint Laurent M. G., Penionzhkevich Yu. -E., Sletten G., Borcea C., Bourgeois C., Bracco A., Daugas J. M., Dlouhy: Study of neutron rich Charbon and Oxygen nuclei up to drip line, Nuclear Physics A 746 (2004)135-139, 2004
Stanoiu M., Dombrádi Zs., Sohler D., Fülöp Zs., Krasznahorkay A., Podolyák Zs., Timár J. 1 + , + 40 coauthors: N=14 and 16 shell gaps in neutron-rich oxygen isotopes., Phys. Rev. C Nuclear Physics 69 (2004) 034312_1 034312_10, 2004
Elekes Z., Dombrádi Zs., Krasznahorkay A., Baba H., Csatlós M., Csige L., Fukuda N., Fülöp Zs., Gácsi Z., Gulyás J., Iwasa N., Kinugawa H., Kubono S., Kurokawa M., Liu X., Michimasa S., Minemura T., M: Role of proton and neutron excitations to the 2+1 state ub 16C., A New Era of Nucl. Struct. Phys. Proc. of the Int. Symp. Kurokawa Village, Niigata, Japan, 19-22 Nov., 2003. Eds.: Suzuki, et al., World Scientific (2004)327-332, 2004
Krasznahorkay A., Csatlós M.., Gulyás J., Hunyadi M., Krasznahorkay A. Jr., Máté Z.., Thirolf P. G., Habs D., Eisermann Y., Graw G., Hertenberger R., Maier H. J., Schaile O., Wirth H. F., Faestermann: Triple-humped fission barrier and clusterization in the actinide region, Int. Workshop of New Appl. of Nucl. Fission. Bucharest, Romania, 7-12 Sept., 2003, Ed.: A.C. Mueller, et al.,,World Scientific (2004)95-100., 2004
Timár J; Sohler D; Nyakó B M; Zolnai L; Dombrádi Zs; Paul ES; Boston A J; Fox C; Nolan PJ; Sampson JA; Scraggs HC; Walker A; Gizon J; Gizon A; Bazzacco D; Lunardi S; Petrache CM; Astier A; Buf: Experimental evidence for signature inversion in 132La from a, European Physical Journal A 16 (2003) 1-5, 2003
Krasznahorkay A; Csatlós M; Csige L; Eisermann Y; Faestermann T; Gácsi Z; Graw G; Gulyás J; Habs D; Harakeh MN; Heil M; Hertenberger R; Kaeppeler F; Krasznahorkay A Jr; Maier HJ; Máé Z; Reifarth R: Hyperdeformation and clustering in the actinide region, Acta Physica Hungarica New Series - Heavy Ion Physics 18 (2003) 323-330, 2003
Kravchuk VL; Wilshut HW; Hunyadi M; Kopecky S; Krasznahorkay A; Löhner H; Rogachewsky A; Siemssen RH: The fission time scale measured with an atomic clock, Proc of the Third International Conference on Fission and Properties of Neutron-Rich Nuclei, November 3-9 Sanibel Island Florida; World Scientific, 502-508, 2003
Csatlós M; Gácsi Z; Gulyás J; Krasznahorkay A; Krasznahorkay A Jr; Máté Z; Timár J; Heil M; Kaeppeler F; Reifarth R; Fayez-Hassan M: Effects of the third minimum on the fission characteristics in the actinide region, Acta Physica Polonica B 34 (2003) 2119-2122, 2003
Csatlós M; Krasznahorkay A; Sohler D; van den Berg AM; Blasi N; Gulyás J; Harakeh MN; Hunyadi M; de Huu MA; Máté Z; van der Werf SY; Wörtche HJ; Zolnai L: Measurement of neutron-skin thickness in 208Pb by excitation of, Nuclear Physics A 719 (2003) 304-307, 2003
Hunyadi M; van den Berg AM; Blasi N; Baumer C: Direct proton decay of the isoscalar giant dipole, Physics Letters B 576 (2003) 253-259, 2003
Stanoiu M; Azaiez F; Becker F; Belleguic M; Borcea C; Bourgeois C; Dlouhy Z; Dombrádi Zs; Fülöp Zs; Grévi S; Kerek A; Krasznahorkay A; Lewitowicz M; Lukyanov SM; van der Marel H; Mayer P; Mrazek: Gamma-spectroscopy of carbon and oxygen isotopes at the neutron drip-line, Frontiers of Nucl. Struct. Berkeley; California; USA; 29 July - 2 Aug.; 2002.AIP Conference Proceedings 656 (2003) 311-314, 2003
Timár J; Vaman C; Starosta K; Joshi P; Dimitrov VI; Fossan DB; Koike T; Sohler D; Molnár J; Wadsworth R; Algora A; Bednarczyk P; Curien D; Dombrádi Zs; Duchene G; Gizon A; Gizon J; Jenkins DG; Kraszna: Composite chiral bands in the A~105 mass region, AIP Conf. Proc. 802 (AIP, Melville, New York, 2005) p. 206-210, 2005
Singh A. K; Hübel H; Domscheit J; Hagemann GB; Herskind B; Jensen DR; Wilson JN; Clark R; Cromaz M; Fallon P; Görgen A; Lee IY; Macchiavelli AO; Ward D; Amro H; Ma WC; Timár J; Ragnarsson I: Evidence for noncollective oblate structures at high spin in 123Cs, Physical Review C Nuclear Physics 70: 034315_1-034315_15, 2004
Timár J., Joshi P., Starosta K., Dimitrov V. I., Fossan D. B., Molnár J., Sohler D., Wadsworth R., Algora A., Bednarczyk P., Curien D., Dombrádi Zs., Duchene G., Gizon A., Gizon J., Jenkins D. G., Koi: Explerimental evidence for chirality in the odd-A 105Rh., Physics Letters B 598 (2004)178-187., 2004
Sohler D; Timár J; Rainovski G; Joshi P; Starosta K; Fossan DB; Molnár J; Wadsworth R; Algora A; Bednarczyk P; Curien D; Dombrádi Zs; Duchene G; Gizon A; Gizon J; Jenkins DG; Koike T; Krasznahorkay A;: High-spin structure of 102Ru, Physical Review C 71: 064302_1-064302_9, 2005
Sohler D; Timár J; Rainovski G; Joshi P; Starosta K; Fossan DB; Molnár J; Wadsworth R; Algora A; Bednarczyk P; Curien D; Dombrádi Zs; Duchene G; Gizon A; Gizon J; Jenkins DG; Koike T; Krasznahorkay A;: High-spin structure of 102Ru, AIP Conf. Proc. 802 (AIP, Melville, New York, 2005) p. 313-314, 2005
Sohler D; Palacz M; Dombrádi Zs; Hjorth-Jensenc M; Fahlander C; Norlin L-O; Nyberg J; Bäcke T; Lagergren K; Rudolph D; Algora A; Andreoiu C; de Angelis G; Ataci A; Bazzacco D; Cederkäll J; Cederwall B: Maximally aligned states in the proton drip line nucleus 106Sb, Nuclear Physics A 753: 251-262, 2005
Belleguic M; Azaiez F; Zs. Dombrádi Zs; Sohler D; Lopez-Jimenez MJ; Otsuka T; Saint-Laurent MG; Sorlin O; Stanoiu M; Utsuno Y; Penionzhkevich Yu-E; Achouri NL; Angelique JC; Borcea C; Bourgeois C; Dau: Search for neutron excitations across the N=20 shell gap in 25-29Ne, Physical Review C 72: 054316_1-054316_7, 2005
Dombrádi Zs; Elekes Z; Kanungo R; Babac H; Fülöp Zs; Gibelin J; Horváth Á; Ideguchi E; Ichikawa Y; Iwasag N; Iwasaki H; Kannoc S; Kawai S; Kondo Y; Motobayashi T; Notani M; Ohnishi T; Ozawa A; Sakurai: Decoupling of valence neutrons from the core in 17B, Physics Letters B 621: 81-88, 2005
Elekes Z; Dombrádi Zs; Kanungo R; Babac H; Fülöp Zs; Gibelin J; Horváth Á; Ideguchi E; Ichikawa Y; Iwasa N; Iwasaki H; Kanno S; Kawai S; Kondo Y; Motobayashi T; Notani M; Ohnishi T; Ozawa A; Sakurai H: Low-lying excited states in 17,19C, Physics Letters B 614: 174-180, 2005
Mason P; Benzoni G; Bracco A; Camera F; Million B; Wieland O; Leoni S; Singh AK; Al-Khatib A; Hübel H; Bringel P; Bürger A; Neusser A; Schönwasser G; Nyakó BM; Timár J; Algora A; Dombrádi Zs; Gál J; K: Evidence for octupole correlations in 124,125Ba, Physical Review C 72: 064315_1-064315_5, 2005
Mason P; Benzoni G; Bracco A; Camera F; Million B; Wieland O; Leoni S; Singh AK; Al-Khatib A; Hübel H; Bringel P; Bürger A; Neusser A; Schönwasser G; Hagemann GB; Hansen CR; Herskind B; Sletten G; Alg: Octupole signatures in 124,125Ba, J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 31: S1729-S1733, 2005
Csatlós M., Krasznahorkay A., Thirolf P. G., Habs D., Eisermann Y., Faestermann T., Graw G., Gulyás J., Harakeh M. N., Hertenberger R., Hunyadi M., Maier H. J., Máté Z., Schaile O., Wirth H. F.:: Resonant tunneling through the triple-humped fission barrier of 236U, Physics Letters B 615 (2005)175-185, 2005
Hunyadi M., van den Berg A. M., Csatlós M., Csige L., Davids B., Garg U., Gulyás J., Harakeh M. N., de Huu M. A., Krasznahorkay A., Sohler D., Wörtche H. J.:: Overtones of isoscalar giant reonances studied in direct particle decay measurements., Acta Physica Polonica B 36 (2005)1115-1119, 2005
Komati F. S., Bark R. A., Gál J., Gueorguieva E., Juhász K., Kalinka G., Krasznahorkay A., Lawrie J. J., Lipoglavsek M., Maliage M., Molnár J., Mullins S. M., Murray S. H. T., Nyakó B. M., Ramashidza: Commissioning of the DIAMANT "Chessboard" light-charged-particle Csl detector array with AFRODITE., Int. Symp. on Exotic Nucl. Syst. Debrecen, Hungary, 20-25 June, 2005., AIP Conference Proceedings 802 (2005)215-218., 2005
Gácsi Z., Dombrádi Zs., Krasznahorkay A.: Proceedings of International Symposium on Exotic Nuclear System. Debrecen, Hungary, 20-25 June, 2005., AIP Conference Proceedings 802 (2005) 1 - 335, 2005
Malwela T., Bark R. A., Gál J., Gueorguieva E., Hlatshwayo T., Juhász K., Kalinka G., Komati F., Krasznahorkay A., Lawrie J., Molnár J., Mullins S. M., Murray S. H., Ntshangase S., Nyakó B. M., Sharpe: Population of metastable states in stable hafium and ytterbium nuclei via beam break-up, Int. Symp. on Exotic Nucl. Syst. Debrecen, Hungary, 20-25 June, 2005., AIP Conference Proceedings 802 (2005)219-222., 2005
Krasznahorkay A: Spin-isospin giant resonances: Review and future perspectives, Acta Physica Polonica B 36 (2005)1095-1105, 2005
Krasznahorkay A., de Boer F. W. N., Csatlós M., Csige I., Gácsi Z., Gulyás J., Hunyadi M., Ketel T. J., van Klinken J., Krasznahorkay A. Jr., Vitéz A. Cs.:: e+e- pairs from a nuclear transition signaling an elusive light neutral boson, International Symposium on Exotic Nuclear System. Debrecen, Hungary, 20-25 June, 2005, AIP Conference Proceedings 802 (2005)236-241., 2005
Krasznahorkay A., de Boer F. W. N., Csatlós M., Csige L., Gácsi Z., Gulyás J., Hunyadi M., Ketel T. J., van Klinken J., Krasznahorkay A. Jr., Vitéz A. Cs.: Lepton pairs from a forbidden M0 transition: aignaling an elusive light neutral boson?, Acta Physica Polonica B 37 (2006)239-244, 2006
Kravchuk V. L. , Wilschut H. W. , van den Berg A. M., Davids B., Fleurot F., Hunyadi M., de Huu M. A., Löhrer H., Van der Woude A.: Direct K-shell ionization probabilities in 30-MeV/u Ne- and 8.3-MeV/u C-induced ractions near zero impact parameter, Physical Review A 67 (2003)052709_1-4, 2003
B. M. Nyakó, F. Papp, J. Gál, J. Molnár, J. Timár, A. Algora, Zs. Dombrádi, G. Kalinka, L. Zolnai, K. Juhász, A. K. Singh, H. Huebel, A. Al-Khatib, P. Bringel, A. Buerger, A. Neusser, G. Schoenwasser,: Search for hyperdeformation in light Xe nuclei, Acta Physica Polonica B 36 (2005)1033-1038, 2005


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2023-04-25 11:28:58
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