Investigation on new photonic devices for telecommunication functions  Page description

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Details of project

Type K
Principal investigator Berceli, Tibor
Title in Hungarian Új fotonikai eszközök távközlési funkcióinak vizsgálata
Title in English Investigation on new photonic devices for telecommunication functions
Panel Informatics and Electrical Engineering
Department or equivalent Department of Broadband Infocommunications and Electromagnetic Theory (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
Participants Bánky, Tamás
Csörnyei, Márk
Deme, Ildikó Katalin
Gerhátné Dr. Udvary, Eszter
Kovács, Attila
Marozsák, Tamás
Zólomy, Attila
Starting date 2003-01-01
Closing date 2007-12-31
Funding (in million HUF) 11.956
FTE (full time equivalent) 0.00
state closed project


Final report

Results in Hungarian
A kutatások célja annak felderítése volt, hogy az új fotonikai eszközökkel milyen új távközlési feladatok oldhatók meg. Vizsgálatainkat a következő eszközökre terjesztettük ki: - VCSEL (vertical cavity surface emitting laser = függőleges üregű felületi sugárzó lézer) - SOA (semiconductor optical amplifier = félvezető optikai erősítő) - MCL (mikro-chip szilárd test lézer) - HPT (heterojunction photo transistor = hetero szerkezetű foto-tranzisztor) A következő főbb jellemzőket vizsgáltuk: - a jelelőállítás terén: módustisztaság, relatív intenzitás zaj (RIN), relaxációs rezonancia, modulációs meredekség és linearitás, hatásfok, stabilitás, stb. - az erősítés terén: spontán emissziós zaj, sávszélesség, erősítés, stabilitás, modulációs tulajdonságok, nemlinearitás, intermodulációs torzítás, keverés, stb. - a detekció terén: kvantum hatásfok, detekciós erősítés, zajtényező, sávszélesség, illesztés. A fenti vizsgálatok alapján új optikai távközlési eljárást dolgoztunk ki és vizsgáltunk meg. Az új rendszer épületek belső távközlésének a megoldására előnyösen használható.
Results in English
The aim of the research was to disclose new application areas in telecommunications utilizing new photonic devices. The investigations were carried out on the following devices: - VCSEL (vertical cavity surface emitting laser) - SOA (semiconductor optical amplifier) - MCL (micro chip solid state laser) - HPT (heterojunction photo transistor) The following important characteristics were tested: - for signal generation: single mode operation, relative intensity noise (RIN), relaxation resonance, modulation sensitivity and linearity, efficiency, stability, etc. - for amplification: spontaneous emission noise, bandwidth, amplification, stability, modulation properties, nonlinearity, intermodulation distortion, mixing, etc. - for detection: responsivity, detection gain, noise factor, bandwidth, matching. Based on the beforegoing investigations, we developed and tested a new optical telecommunication method. The new system can be advantageously used for the internal communications in large buildings.
Full text


List of publications

Marozsák Tamás: A wide tuning range integrated 4GHz differential VCO for PLL, , XVIth International Conference on Microwaves, Radar and Wireless Communications (MIKON-2006), Conference Proceedings, Vol. 3, pp. 941-944, Krakow, Poland, 2006
Kovács Gábor, Bánky Tamás, Dr. Berceli Tibor:: Címke Feldolgozás és Csomópont Megvalósítás Optikai Csomagkapcsolt Hálózatokban, Híradástechnika Folyóirat, 2006/2 szám, Budapest, 2006
Horváth, B.; Bánky, T.; Berceli, T.: Short-term Stabilization of Opto-Electronic Oscillators by Multiple Optical Resonators, International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics MWP2004, Ogunquit, Maine, USA, 2004
Kovács, G.; Berceli, T.: Analysis of Fiber Dispersion Effect on Suppressed Carrier Systems, Nefertiti Summer School, Panticosa, Spain, 2004
Berceli, T.; Csörnyei, M.; Bánky, T.; Marozsák, T.; Udvary, E.; Járó, G.; Hilt, A.: Improvements in Radio over Fiber Systems for Mobile Networks, IEEE Radio & Wireless Conference, RAWCON 2004, Workshop paper: Front End Opto-Electronics for Future Radio Communications, Atlanta, USA, 2004
Kovács, G.; Udvary, E.; Berceli, T.: Semiconductor optical amplifiers for all-optical wavelength conversion, Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, vol. 2 , pp. 37– 40, 2004
Bánky, T.; Berceli, T.: Investigations on Noise-Suppression Effects of Nonlinear Feed-Back Loops in Microwave Oscillators, International Microwave Symposium 2004, Fort Worth, TX, USA, 2004
Bánky, T.; Berceli, T.; Horváth, B.: Improving the frequency stability and phase noise of opto-electronic oscillators by harmonic feedback, International Microwave Symposium 2004, Fort Worth, TX, USA, 2004
Bánky, T.; Zólomy, A.; Berceli, T.: Strongly Nonlinear Feedback Technique for Significant Phase Noise Suppression at Microwave Harmonic Oscillators, Kwartalnik Elektroniki i Telekomunikacji, 50, z. 4, pp. 567-578, 2004
Bánky, T.; Zólomy, A.; Berceli, T.: Strongly Nonlinear Feedback Technique for Significant Phase Noise Suppression at Microwave Harmonic Oscillators, 15th International Conference on Microwaves, Radar and Wireless Communications, MIKON-2004, Warsaw, Poland, 2004
Csörnyei, M.; Berceli, T.; Marozsák, T.: All-optical intensity noise suppression of solid-state lasers for optical generation of microwaves, 15th International Conference on Microwaves, Radar and Wireless Communications, MIKON-2004, Warsaw, Poland, vol. 3, pp. 781-784, 2004
Berceli, T.: Optical methods for microwave signal generation, 15th International Conference on Microwaves, Radar and Wireless Communications, MIKON-2004, Warsaw, Poland, MIKON-2004, vol. 3, pp. 776 – 780, 2004
Kovács, G.: Fiber Dispersion Effect on Subcarrier Label Detection in Suppressed Carrier Systems, 15th International Conference on Microwaves, Radar and Wireless Communications, MIKON-2004, Warsaw, Poland, 2004
Kovács, G.: Wavelength Converter Solutions with Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers, Híradástechnika Magazin, English edition, 2004
Berceli, T.; Bánky, T.: New optical methods for microwave signal generation, Photonics Europe, Strassbourg, France, 2004
Kovács, G.: Fiber dispersion effect on envelope detection of intensity modulated signals in Suppressed Carrier (SC) Subcarrier Modulated (SCM) systems, 2nd European Nefertiti Winter School in Microwave Photonics, York, England, UK, 2004
Bánky, T.;, Berceli, T.: Opto-Electronic Oscillators’ Noise Reduction by Nonlinear Low-Frequency Feedbacking, 2nd European Nefertiti Winter School in Microwave Photonics, York, England, UK, 2004
Csörnyei, M.; Berceli, T.: New all-optical intensity noise suppression for solid-state lasers, 2nd European Nefertiti Winter School in Microwave Photonics, York, England, UK, 2004
Berceli, T.: Optical-Microwave Mixing Processes, 2nd European Nefertiti Winter School in Microwave Photonics, York, England, UK, 2004
A. Martinez, D. Pastor, J. Capmany, B. Ortega, P-Y. Fonjallaz, M. Popov, T. Berceli, T. Bánky:: „Experimental demonstration of subcarrier multiplexed optical Label Swapping featuring 20GB/s Payload speed and 622Mb/s header conveyed @18.3GHz”, European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC 05), Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 2005
T. Berceli, E. Udvary:: „Transmission Challenges of Cascaded Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers”, Technical Digest of MWP2005, International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics, pp. 129-132, Seoul, Republic of South Korea, 2005
T. Bánky, B. Horváth, T. Berceli:: „Calculations for the Measure of the Achievable Phase Noise Reduction by the Utilization of Optimized Multiloop Opto-Electronic Oscillators”, European Microwave Week Conference Proceedings on CD-ROM, pp. 233-236, Paris, 2005
T. Berceli:: “Wireless Indoor Communications Applying an Optical Backbone”, COMITE 2005, The 13th Conference on Microwave Techniques, pp. 107-110, Prague, Czech Republic, 2005
A. Hilt, T. Berceli, E. Udvary:: „Microwave Network Analysis Extended to Optical Systems”, COMITE 2005, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Microwave Techniques, pp. 320-323, Prague, Czech Republic, 2005
E. Udvary, T. Berceli:: „Noise and Linearity Investigation on SOA Modulators in SCM Systems”, Optical Amplifiers and Their Applications Topical Meeting, on CD-ROM (The Optical Society of America, Washington, DC, 2005), presentation number: TuC4, Budapest, Hungary, 2005
H. Pfrommer, M.A Piqueras, A. Martinez, V. Polo, J. Marti, F. Van Dijk, N. Vojdjani, C.P. Liu, A. Seeds, Y. Guillerme, J.Y. Daden, T. Berceli, M. Csörnyei, G. Ijjas, S. Carlsson, J.L Picó, J.M. Marín,: „IST-GANDALF: Gbit/s Access Network using optical remote delivery optical feeder for heterogeneous broadband wireless and wireline nodes”, Invited paper, European Conference on Networks and Optical Communications (NOC 2005), pp. 328-335, London, UK, 2005
M. Csörnyei, T. Berceli:: Fiber-Delay Lines for Laser Noise Cancellation”, Photonics for Wireless Communication 2005, 12th NEFERTITI Workshop, CD-ROM, Paper P-1, Säröhus, Sweden, 2005
G. Kovács, M. Kozlovszky, T. Berceli:: „Subcarrier Multiplexed Label (SCML) Based Routing within a Packet Switched Optical Network”, Photonics for Wireless Communication 2005, 12th NEFERTITI Workshop, CD-ROM, Paper P-4, Säröhus, Sweden, 2005
E. Udvary, T. Berceli:: „Multifunctional SOAs in Fiber Radio Systems”, Photonics for Wireless Communication 2005, 12th NEFERTITI Workshop, on CD-ROM, Session Fr-1, Säröhus, Sweden, 2005
M. Csörnyei, T. Berceli, T. Marozsák:: “All-optical intensity noise suppression for solid-state and semiconductor lasers”, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, No.2, pp. 65-70, National Institute of Telecommunications, Warsaw, Poland, 2005
M. Csörnyei, T. Berceli:: “Fiber-delay lines for intensity noise suppression in optical links”, Híradástechnika, Selected Papers, Vol. LX, pp. 39-43, No. 6, 2005
M. Csörnyei, T. Berceli:: “Optikai-mikrohullámú szűrés fénytávközlő rendszerek intenzitászajának csökkentésére”, Híradástechnika, Vol. LX, pp. 13-17, No. 2, 2005
T. Bánky, T. Berceli:: „Application Perspectives in Opto-Electronic Oscillators”, NEFERTITI Workshop on Photonic Signal Processing for Defence Applications, Rome, Italy, 2005
T. Berceli, T. Bánky, M. Csörnyei, G. Kovács, T. Marozsák, A. Zólomy.:: „Radio over Fibre Systems: New approaches”, Fourth Hungarian WDM Workshop on Optical networks for broadband services, CD-ROM, Session 1, Budapest, Hungary, 2005
T. Berceli:: “Optical stabilization of millimeter wave oscillators by utilizing a subharmonics reference”, 9th and 10th NEFERTITI Workshops on Millimetre Wave Photonic Devices and Technologies for Wireless and Imaging Applications, CD-ROM, Paper No. MoC4, Brussels, Belgium, 2005
Y. Li, P. Herczfeld, A. Rosen, M. Bystrom, T. Berceli: Optical Domain Down-Conversion of Microwave Signals for High Dynamic Range Microwave Fiber Optic Links, MWP’2006, International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics, CD ROM, Grenoble, France, 2006
M. Kozlovszky, T. Berceli, L. Kutor: Analysis of SCTP and TCP based communication in high-speed clusters, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Volume 559, Issue 1, pp. 85-89, 2006
Gabor Kovacs, Tamas Banky, Tibor Berceli, A. Martinez, J. Capmany: Label Processing and Node Implementation in Optical Packet Switching Networks, MIKON 2006 Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1, pp. 177-180, Kraków, Poland, 22-24 May, 2006, 2006
Attila Zólomy, Tibor Törő: Application of High Impedance Antennas in Low Cost ISM Wireless Chips, XVIth International Conference on Microwaves, Radar and Wireless Communications (MIKON-2006), Conference Proceedings, Vol. 2, pp. 787-790, Krakow, Poland, 2006
Marozsák Tamás: Félvezető lézerek alkalmazása és modellezése segédvivős optikai rendszerekben, Doktori értekezés, Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem, Villamosmérnöki Kar, 2006
Kelemen, Sz., Z. Horváth, M. Csörnyei, T. Bánky, T. Berceli: Optical-wireless indoor sensor network for home and building monitoring, 1st ISIS Workshop Emerging Optical Millimeter-Wave and Terahertz Technologies, Boppard am Rhein, Germany, May 31-June 1, 2006. Elektronikus közlemény, URL:, 2006
Tibor Berceli, Tamás Bánky, Bálint Horváth: Opto-electronic generation of stable and low noise microwave signals, Optoelectronics, IEE Proceedings, (UK, IF=0.706) Vol. 153., No. 3., June 2006, pp 119-127, 2006
T. Berceli: Combined Optical-Wireless Indoor Communication System, International Microwave Symposium Workshop on “New optical approaches for microwave, high-speed signal transmission”, No. 8, San Francisco, USA, June 2006, 2006
Csörnyei, M., T. Berceli: Phase-to-Intensity noise conversion in optical noise filtering, ICTON2006, 8th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, vol. 1., Nottingham, United Kingdom, June 18-22, 2006., pp. 191-194., 2006
Tamás Bánky, Bálint Horváth, Tibor Berceli: Optimum configuration of multiloop optoelectronic oscillators, Journal of Optical Society America B, (USA, IF=2.119) Vol. 23., No. 7., July 2006, pp 1371-1380, 2006
G. Kovács, A. Martinez, D. Pastor: Optical Packet Switching Utilizing Microwave Subcarriers, European Microwave Week 2006, Manchester, United Kingdom, 2006
T. Berceli, T. Marozsák: A new microwave amplifier nonlinearity measurement method, Proceedings of the 36th European Microwave Conference, CD ROM, pp. 255-258, Manchester, U.K., 2006
A. Madjar, T. Berceli: Microwave Generation by Optical Techniques – A Review, Proceedings of the 36th European Microwave Conference, CD ROM, pp. 1099-1102, Manchester, U.K., 2006
T. Berceli: Optical Control of Microwave Transistors, MMS’2006, Mediterranean Microwave Symposium, CD ROM, pp. 387-390, Genova, Italy, 2006
Sándor Hosszú, Bálint Tóth, Tamás Bánky: New method for measurement of microwave ferrite devices, 6th Mediterranean Microwave Symposium 2006, Genova, Italy, 2006
Martinez, D. Pastor, J. Capmany, M. Popov, T. Bánky: Simultaneous generation and Ultra-Dense multiplexing (50GHz), of Sub-Carrier Multiplexed Optical Label Swapping channels, using compact Fibre Bragg Grating Arrays, European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC 06), Cannes, France, 2006
Martinez, D. Pastor, J. Capmany, M. Popov, T. Bánky: Optical Single Side Band SCM Header Generation and 20Gb/s Payload Combination/Separation of Multiple Label Swapping Channels Using Fibre Bragg Grating Arrays, International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics, Grenoble, France, 2006

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