Production of cold atomic beam from magneto-optical trap and investigation of its properties
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G.P. Djotyan, J.S. Bakos, G. Demeter, P.N. Ignácz, M.Á. Kedves, Zs. Sörlei, J.Szigeti, Z.L. Tóth: Coherent population transfer in Rb atom by frequency-chirped short pulses, Phys. Rev. A68., 053409. (2003)., 2003 | Bakos J., Djotyan G., Ignácz P., Kedves M., Serényi M., Sörlei Zs., Szigeti J., Tóth Z.: Interaction of Frequency Modulated Light Pulses with Rubidium Atoms in Magneto-Optical Trap,, European Physical Journal, D39, pp: 59-66, 2006 | Szigeti János, Bakos József, Djotyán Gagik, Ignácz Péter, Kedves Miklós, Sörlei Zsuzsa, Tóth Zoltán: Igen alacsony hőmérsékletű atomok manipulálása rövid, frekvenciamodulált, \''csörpölt\'' lézerimpulzusokkal, Fizikai Szemle, 2004/3. 84. old., 2004 | G.P. Djotyan, J.S. Bakos, Zs.Sörlei, and J.Szigeti: Coherent control of atomic quantum states by single frequency-chirped laser pulses, Physical Review A 70, 063406, (2004)., 2004 | G.P. Djotyan, J.S. Bakos, G. Demeter, P.N. Ignácz, M.Á. Kedves, Zs. Sörlei, J. Szigeti, and Z.L. Tóth: Coherent Interaction of Frequency-Modulated Laser Pulses with Rb Atoms, Acta Phys. Hung. B. Quantum Electronics, 20/3-4, (2004) 167-176. old., 2004 | G.P.Djotyan, J.S.Bakos, G.Demeter, Zs.Sörlei, J.Szigeti, D.Dzsotjan, A.P.Jotyan, A.A.Avetisyan: Coherent Population Transfer and Generation of SuperpositionQuantum States by Short Frequency-Chirped Laser Pulses, Proc. of International Conference on Laser Physics, Ashtarakh, 2005. Oct. 17-21., 2005 | Sörlei Zsuzsa, Bakos József, Demeter Gábor, Djotyan Gagik, Ignácz Péter, Kedves Miklós, Szigeti János, Tóth Zoltán: Hideg Atomok, Magyar Tudomány, 2005. N.12., p.1544., 2005 | J.S.Bakos, G.P.Djotyan, P.N.Ignácz, M.A.Kedves, M.Serényi, Zs.Sörlei, J.Szigeti, and Z.Tóth: Acceleration of cold Rb atoms by frequency modulated light pulses, European Physical Journal, D44: pp.141-149, 2007 | J.S.Bakos, G.P.Djotyan, P.Ignácz, M.Kedves, M.Serényi, Zs.Sörlei, J.Szigeti, Z.Tóth: Acceleration of Rb Atoms in MOT by Adiabatic Absorption-Emission Process, Physical Review Közlésre elküldve, 2006 | G.P.Djotyan, J.S.Bakos, G.Demeter,, Zs.Sörlei, J.Szigeti, and D.Dzsotjan: Creation of a coherent superposition of quantum states by a single frequency-chirped short laser pulse, Journal of Opt. Soc. Am. B/vol.25: pp.166-174., 2008 | G.P.Djotyan, J.S.Bakos, Zs.Sörlei, G.Demeter, D.Dzsotjan, and J.Szigeti,: Control of Quantum States by Frequency-chirped Laser Pulses and Electromagnetically Self Induced Transparency, Proc. Int. Quantum Electrnic Conf. CLEO-EQEC Munchen-2005 EB-17, 2005 | G.P.Djotyan, J.S.Bakos, Zs.Sörlei, G.Demeter, D.Dzsotjan, J.Szigeti, A.A. Avetisyan, A.P. Jotyan: Coherent generation of superpositionquantum states Invited Lecture, Proc. Int. Quantum Electrnic Conf. Laser Physics 2005 Oct. 17-21 Ashtarak, Armenia, 2005 | G.P.Djotyan, J.S.Bakos, Zs.Sörlei, D.Dzsotjan, N. Sandor, A.P. Jotyan, A.A. Avetisyan,: All optical writing and storages of images using multilevel information writing by short frequency-chirped laser pulses, Proc. Int. Quantum Electrnic Conf. Laser Physics 2005 Oct. 17-21 Ashtarak, Armenia, 2005 | J.S.Bakos, G.P.Djotyan, G.Demeter, P.N. Ignacz, M.A. Kedves, Zs.Sörlei, J. Szigeti: Manipulation of Cold Rb Atoms by Counter-Propagating Partially Overlapped, Proc. Int. Quantum Electrnic Conf. Laser Physics 2007 Oct. 9-12. Ashtarak, Armenia, 2007 | J.S.Bakos, G.P.Djotyan, G.Demeter, P.N. Ignacz, M.A. Kedves, Zs.Sörlei, J. Szigeti: Manipulation of Cold Rb Atoms by Counter-Propagating Partially Overlapping Frequency-Chirped Laser Pulses, Proc. Int. Conf. of FRISNO-9 Centre de Physique des Houches 2007 11-16. Febr., 2007 | G.P.Djotyan, J.S.Bakos, Zs.Sörlei, J.Szigeti,: Coherent control of atomic quantum states by a single frequency-chirped laser pulses, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 70: 063406 (2004)., 2008 |




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