Integrated Modeling and Identification of Vehicle Dynamic Systems
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Várkonyi-Kóczy AR, Várlaki P: Uncertainty Representation in Nonlinear and Hybrid Systems, IEEE 3rd International Conference on Computational Cybernetics, 2005 | Harmati I, Orbán G, Várlaki P: Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy control models for large scale logistic systems, 3rd International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, ISCIII 2007, Agadir, Morocco, 2007 | Rövid A, Várkonyi-Kóczy AR, Várlaki P: Car Body Deformation Determination Based on Soft Computing Techniques, Proc. of the 11TH PhD Mini-Symposium, 2004 | Várkonyi-Kóczy AR,Baranyi P,Várlaki P,Kiss l: Model Based Anytime Complex Systems, in: 7th IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Eng. Sys. pp.394-399, 2003 | Várkonyi-Kóczy AR,Baranyi P,Várlaki P,Kiss l: State Dependant Anytime Control Methodology for Prototypical Aeroelastic Wing Section with Stuctural Non-linearity, in: 2003 IEEE Int. Symp. on Industrial Electronics BF-003362, 2003 | Baranyi P, Várkonyi-Kóczy AR, Várlaki P, Michelberger P, Patton RJ: Singular Value Based Model Approximation, in: In N. Mastorakis (ed.) Problems in Applied Mathematics and Computational Intelligence, 2002 | Nádai L, Várlaki P: Filtering Hidden Information Processes in Photon Counting Experiments, in: International Conf. in Memoriam of John von Neumann, 2003 | Michelberger P, Nádai L, Várlaki P: Riesz Basis in Control Theory, in: Periodica Polytechnica Transportation Engineering, 2003 | Nádai L, Várlaki P: Stochastic Model for Single Photon Counting Measurements, in: Intelligent Signal Processing pp. 289-293, 2003 | Rövid A, Várkonyi-Kóczy AR, Várlaki P, Michelberger P: Soft Computing Based Car Body Deformation and EES Determination for Car Crash Analysis Systems, in: Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, 2004 | Rövid A, Melegh G: Modeling and Identification of Road Vehicle Body Deformation, in: Periodica Polytechnica Transportation Engineering pp. 135-148, 2003 | Rövid A, Melegh G: Modeling of Road Vehicle Body Deformation Using EES Values Detection, in: Intelligent Signal Processing pp. 149-154, 2003 | Molnárka G: Implicit Extension of Taylor Series Method for Initial Value Problems, in: Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering pp. 436-445, 2003 | Molnárka G, Miletics E: Implicit Extension of Taylor Series Method with Numerical Derivatives, in: PAMM pp. 569-570, 2003 | Miletics E: Energy Conservative Algorithm for Numerical Solution of ODEs Initial Value Problems, in: Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering pp. 418-426, 2003 | Miletics E: Energy Conservative Methods for Numerical Solution of ODEs Based on Taylor Series Algorithm, in: PAMM pp. 12-13, 2004 | Rövid A, Várkonyi-Kóczy AR, Várlaki P: Intelligent Methods for Car Deformation Modeling and Crash Speed Estimation, in: 1th Romanian-Hungarian Joint Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence pp. 75-84, 2004 | Rövid A, Várkonyi-Kóczy AR, Várlaki P: 3D Model Estimation from Multiple Images, in: IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems pp. 1661-1666, 2004 | Rövid A, Várkonyi-Kóczy AR, Várlaki P: An Application of Intelligent 3D Reconstruction in Vehicle System Dynamics, in: 2nd Int. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence in Science and Technology pp. 257-262, 2004 | Nádai L, Kóczy LT, Várlaki P: Optimizing Sampling Time in Single Photon Counting Experiments, in: FUZZ-IEEE 2004 pp. 25-29, 2004 | Várlaki P, Nádai L, Bulla M, Szakál A: New Stochastic Framework for Modeling Optical Communication Systems, in: 6th WSEAS Int. Conf. on Telecommunications and Informatics, 2004 | Molnárka G, Miletics E: A Collocation Type Implicit Taylor Series Algorithm for ODE Initial Value Problems, in: 4th Int. Conf. on Engineering Computational Technology paper 58 pp. 1-10, 2004 | Miletics E: Energy Conservative Algorithm for Numerical Solution of Initial Value Hamiltonian System Problems, in: Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics pp. 495-498, 2004 | Várlaki P,Nádai L: New Stochastic Framework for Modeling Optical Communication Systems, Trans. on Communic. Vol.3. No.1. pp. 42-46, 2004 | Bokor J, Baranyi P, Michelberger P, Várlaki P: TP Model Transformation in Non-Linear System Control, IEEE 3rd International Conference on Computational Cybernetics, pp. 111-119, ISBN 9637154 37 X, 2005 | Várlaki P, Nádai L: On the Application of Subjective Learning Algorithms in Decision-making, IEEE 3rd International Conference on Computational Cybernetics, 2005 | Várkonyi-Kóczy AR, Rövid A, Várlaki P: Fuzzy Based Brightness Compensation for High Dynamic Range Images, In Proc. of the 9th IEEE Int. Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems, INES’2005, pp. 245-248., 2005 | Baranyi P, Petres Z, Várlaki P, Michelberger P: Observer and Control law Design to the TORA System via TPDC Framework, In WSEAS Transactions on Systems, Issue 1, Volume 5, pp. 156-163. (ISSN 1109-2777), 2005 | Baranyi P, Várlaki P: TP Model Transformation as a Uniform Way for Observer Design, The 6th International Workshop on Computer Science and Information Technologies (CSIT 2004), pp. 87-93, 2004 | Baranyi P, Várlaki P, Szeidl L: Numerical reconstruction of the HOSVD based canonical form of polytopic dynamic models, INES 2006. 10th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems. London, pp.196-201, 2006 | Baranyi P, Szeidl L, Várlaki P, Yam Y: Definition of the HOSVD based canonical form of polytopic dynamic models, ICM 2006. 3rd IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics. Budapest, 2006, pp.660-665, 2006 | Várkonyi-Kóczy AR, Rövid A, Várlaki P: Fuzzy Based Brightness Compensation for High Dynamic Range Images, Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, 2006 | Molnárka Gy: Implicit extension of Taylor series method for initial value problem, Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering 5 (2005) 263-270, 2005 | Harmati I, Rövid A, Várlaki P: A new conception for model identification of car body deformation, International Conference on the Applications of Mathematics - ICAM 2006,Santiago, Chile, 2006 | Harmati I, Rövid A, Szeidl L,Várlaki P: Identification of car body deformation applying tensor product models, 3rd Romanian-Hungarian Joint Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence - SACI 2006,Timisoara, Romania, 2006 | Harmati I, Rövid A, Szeidl L,Várlaki P: Identification and reconstruction of car body deformation applying tensor product models, 10th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems 2006 - INES 2006,London, pp.98-101, 2006 | Harmati I, Rövid A, Várlaki P: Application of tensor product models for vehicle deformational processes, 10th MINI Conference on Vehicle System Dynamics, Identification and Anomalies - VSDIA 2006, Budapest, 2006 | Harmati I, Várlaki P: Estimation of energy distribution for car-body deformation, 3rd International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, ISCIII 2007, Agadir, Morocco, 2007 |




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