Investigation of miocardial calcium homeostasis in different failing heart models. A quantitative analysis of the Ca2+i transient isolated, perfused mouse heart
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Szenczi O, Kemecsei P, Holthuijsen MFJ, van Riel NAW, van der Vusse GJ, Pacher P, Szabó Cs, Kollai M, Ligeti L, Ivanics T.: Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase regulates myocardial calcium handling in doxorubicin-induced heart failure., Biochemical Pharmacology, 69:725-732,, 2005 | Benko R, Miklos Zs, Ivanics T, Szabo Cs, Ligeti L.: PARP-1 inhibition accelerates recovery of postischemic isolated rat hearts without affecting intracellular calcium handling., FASEB Journal, 18(4-5): A #200.6, 2004 | Ligeti L, op den Buijs J, Prestia CM, Ivanics T: b-adrenergic activation reveals impaired cardiac calcium handling at early stage of diabetes, Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology 36(5): A88, 2004 | Fülöp L, Szigeti Gy, Magyar J, Szentandrássy N, Ivanics T, Miklós Zs, Ligeti L, Kovács A, Szénási G, Csernoch L, Nánási PP, Bányász T: Differences in elctrophysiological and contractile properties of mammalian cardiac tissues bathed in bicarbonate-and HEPES-buffered solutions., Acta Physiologica Scandinavica, 178:11-18, 2003 | Szenczi O, Kemecsei P, Miklós Zs, Ligeti L, Snoeckx LHEH, van Riel NAW, op den Buijs J, Van der Vusse GJ, Ivanics T.: In vivo heat shock preconditioning mitigates calcium overload during ischaemia/reperfusion in the isolated, perfused rat heart., Pflügers Archiv European Journal of Physiology, 449:518-525, 2005 | op den Buijs J, Miklós Zs, van Riel NAW, Prestia CM, Szenczi O, Tóth A, Van der Vusse GJ, Ligeti L, Ivanics T: b-adrenergic activation reveals impaired cardiac calcium handling at early stage of diabetes, Life Sciences, 76:1083-1098, 2005 | Ligeti L, Miklós Zs, op den Buijs J, Szenczi O, Prestia C, van der Vusse G, Ivanics T: b-adrenoceptor aktiválás hatása a miokardiális calcium homeosztázisra korai diabéteszben., Magyar Élettani Társaság Vándorgyűlése, Pécs, 2003 | Van Riel, N.A.W., Ivanics, T., Ligeti, L. & van der Vusse, G.J.: System Identification to analyze changed kinetics of SERCA in intact rat heart., In: D.D. Feng & E.R. Carson (eds) Modelling and Control in Biomedical Systems, pp. 123-128. Elsevier/IFAC publications, Oxford., 2003 | Ligeti L, Szenczi O, Pasztor M, van der Vusse GJ, Ivanics T.: Heat shock preconditioning upregulates the endocannabinoid system and prevents calcium overload of the ischemic-reperfused myocardium., ISHR World Congress Satellite Meeting, Kruger Park, South Africa, 2004., 2004 | Kemecsei P, Szenczi O, Holthuijsen MFJ, Van der Vusse GJ, Ligeti L, Ivanics T.: The effect of b-adrenergic activation is reduced in progressive cardiomyopathy., Acta Physiologica Hungarica 91(3-4): 317, 2004 | Szenczi O, Kemecsei P, Miklós Zs, Ligeti L, Snoeckx LH, van Riel NAW, op den Buijs, Van der Vusse GJ, Ivanics T.: In vivo heat shock preconditioning mitigates calcium overload during ischemia/reperfusion in the isolated, perfused rat heart., Acta Physiologica Hungarica 91(3-4): 359, 2004 | Szenczi O, Kemecsei P, Holthuijsen MFJ, van Riel NAW, van der Vusse GJ, Breuer T, Pacher P, Szabó Cs, Kollai M, Ligeti L, Ivanics T.: Poly(ADP-ribose) poimerase is involved in disturbed myocardial calcium handling in doxorubicin induced cardiomyopathy., Acta Physiologica Hungarica 92(3-4): 309, 2005 | Komlódi-Pásztor E, Szenczi O, Kemecsei P, van Stiphout RGPM, van Riel NAW, van der Vusse GJ, Ligeti L, Ivanics T.: Diabetes mellitus induced deterioration in the function of SERCA2a and the ryanodin (RyR2) channel., Acta Physiologica Hungarica 92(3-4): 272, 2005 | van Riel NAW, op den Buijs J, Ivanics T, Ligeti L, van der Vusse GJ.: Lack of unique parameter values in databased modeling of calcium-contraction coupling., IUPS and FASEB Experimental Biology Congress, San Diego, CA, USA, 2005 | Ligeti L, Szenczi O, Prestia CM, Szabó Cs, Horváth K, Marcsek ZL, van Stiphout RGPM, van Riel NAW, op den Buijs J, van der Vusse GJ, Ivanics T.: Altered calcium handling is an early sign of streptozotocin-induced diabetic cardiomyopathy., International Journal of Molecular Medicine, 17: 1035-1043,, 2006 | Barnucz E, Takács A, Miklós Zs, Ligeti L, Ivanics T.: A SERCA2a aktivitás karakterisztikus változásai a dilatatív kardiomiopátia manifeszt szakaszában., Magyar Élettani Társaság Vándorgyűlése LXX, Szeged, 2006 |
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