Statistical and dynamical investigation of mesoscopic and quantum chaotic systems  Page description

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Details of project

Type K
Principal investigator Varga, Imre
Title in Hungarian Mezoszkopikus és kvantum kaotikus rendszerek statisztikai és dinamikai vizsgálata
Title in English Statistical and dynamical investigation of mesoscopic and quantum chaotic systems
Panel Physics 1
Department or equivalent Department of Theoretical Physics (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
Participants Pipek, János
Pollner, Péter
Starting date 2003-01-01
Closing date 2005-12-31
Funding (in million HUF) 5.520
FTE (full time equivalent) 0.00
state closed project


Final report

Results in Hungarian
-Sűrűségoperátorok tulajdonságait vizsgáltuk a wavelet analízis segítségével. -Inverz mágneses doméneket illetve hibrid biliárdokat tanulmányoztunk szemiklasszikus analízis alkalmazásával. -Husimi reprezentációban tanulmányoztuk olyan rendszerek viselkedését, melyeknél nem értelmezhető a klasszikus határeset. -Wigner reprezentációban vizsgáltuk kölcsönható részecskék dinamikai viselkedését. -Nem-egyensúlyi betöltési szám eloszlás relaxációjának karakterisztikus idejét vizsgáltuk rendezetlen, kölcsönható, egydimenziós rendszerben. -Elektron-lyuk rendszer rekombinációs dinamikáját vizsgáltuk egydimenziós, rendezetlen félvezető esetén. -Megállapítottuk, hogy a rendezetlenségről indirekt információt kapunk elektron-lyuk párok radiatív rekombinációjából. -Anderson-féle fém-szigetelő kritikus pontjában levő rendszer szórási tulajdonságait vizsgáltuk.
Results in English
-Wavelet analysis has been applied for the investigation of properties of density operators. -Inverse magnetic domains and hybrid billiards were investigated using semiclassical analysis. -We have investigated the properties of systems in Husimi representation where the classical limit may not exist. -The dynamical aspects of interacting particles have been studied using the Wigner representation. -The characteristic time scale of the relaxation of non-equilibrium occupation number distribution has been computed numerically for disordered, interacting, one-dimensional systems. -The radiative recombination dynamics of electron-hole plasmas has been investigated numerically in one-dimensional, disordered semiconductors. -It is found that the autocorrelation of the light emitted from an electron-hole recombination gives indirect information about the disorder present in semiconductors. -The scattering properties of a system which is at the metal-insulator transition of the Anderson-type has been calculated numerically.
Full text


List of publications

P. Bozsoki, M. Kira, W. Hoyer, T. Meier, I. Varga, P. Thomas, S.W. Koch: Microscopic modeling of photoluminescence of strongly disordered semiconductors, J. of Luminescence (in press), 2006
Imre Varga, Peter Thomas, Torsten Meier, és Stephan W. Koch: Dynamics of short time-scale energy relaxation of optical excitations due to electron--electron scattering in the presence of arbitrary disorder, Phys. Rev. B 68, 113104-4 (2003)., 2003
P. Bozsoki, P. Thomas, M. Kira, W. Hoyer, T. Meier, S.W. Koch, K. Maschke, I. Varga: Probing disorder in semiconductor nanostructures by angular photonic correlation of spontaneous emission, Phys. Rev. Lett. (submitted), 2006
Imre Varga and János Pipek: Rényi entropies characterizing the shape and the extension of the phase space representation of quantum wave functions in disordered systems, Phys. Rev. E 68, 026202-8 (2003)., 2003
János Pipek and Szilvia Nagy: Local expansion of N-representable one-particle density matrices yielding a prescribed electron density, J. Chem. Phys. 119, 8257-8265 (2003)., 2003
Zoltán Vörös, Tamás Tasnádi, József Cserti, and Péter Pollner: Tunable Lyapunov exponent in inverse magneticbilliards, Phys. Rev. E 67, 065202-4 (2003)., 2003
Cornelia Kozmutza, Imre Varga and László Udvardi: Comparison of the extent of hydrogen bonding in H2O-H2O and H2O-CH4 systems, J. of Mol. Struct.: (THEOCEM) 666-667 95-97 (2003)., 2003
J. Cserti, B. Béri, A. Kormányos, P. Pollner and Z. Kaufmann: Andreev bound states for cake shape superconducting-normal systems,, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 16 (2004) 6737-6746, 2004
V. Filinov, P. Thomas, M. Bonitz, V. Fortov, I. Varga, and T. Meier: Wigner approach to quantum dynamics simulations of the interacting carriers in disordered systems, physica status solidi (b) 241 40-46 (2004), 2004
C. Aulbach, A. Wobst, G-L. Ingold, P. Hänggi and I. Varga: Phase space visualisation of a metal-insulator transition, New Journal of Physics 6 (2004) 70., 2004
J. Pipek, Sz. Nagy: Adaptive local refinement of the electron density, one-particle density matrices and electron orbitals by hierarchical wavelet decomposition, Journal of Chemical Physics, 123, 144107, 2005
P. Lévay, Sz. Nagy, J. Pipek: An elementary formula for entanglement entropies of fermionic systems, Physical Review A 72, 022302, 2005
J.A. Méndez-Bermúdez, I. Varga: Scattering at the Anderson transition: Power-law banded random matrix model, Phys. Rev. B (submitted), 2006

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