Study of retrovial proteinases to understand development of resistance and their use in regulation of biological processes
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Mahalingam, B.; Wang, I.F.; Boross, P.; Tözsér, J.; Louis, J.M.; Harrison, R.W.; Weber, I.T.: Crystal structures of HIV protease V82A and L90M mutants reveal changes in indinavir binding site., Eur. J. Biochem, 271, 1516-1524., 2004 | Kádas, J.; Weber, I.T.; Bagossi, P.; Miklóssy, G.; Boross, P.; Tözsér, J.: Narrow substrate specificity and sensitivity towards ligand binding site mutations of human T-cell leukemia virus protease., J. Biol. Chem. 279, 27148-27157, 2004 | Tözsér, J.; Oroszlan, S.: Proteolytic events of HIV-1 replication as targets for therapeutic intervention., Curr. Pharm. Des. 9, 1803-1815, 2003 | Tözsér, J.; Shulenin, S.; Louis, J.M.; Copeland, T.D.; Oroszlan, S.: Processing of wild type and mutant HIV-1 nucleocapsid proteins by the HIV-1 proteinase., Biochemistry, 43, 4304-4312., 2004 | Fehér, A.; Boross, P.; Sperka, T.; Oroszlan, S; Tözsér, J.: Expression of the murine leukemia virus protease in fusion with maltose binding protein in Escherichia Coli., Protein Expression and Purification. 35, 62-68, 2004 | Bagossi, P.; Kádas, J.; Miklóssy, G.; Boross, P.; Weber, I.T.; Tözsér, J.: Development of a microtiter plate fluorescent assay for inhibition studies on the HTLV-1 and HIV-1 proteinases., J. Virol. Methods, 119, 87-93, 2004 | Bagossi P.; Horváth, G.; Vereb, G.; Szöllösi, J.; Tözsér, J.: Molecular modeling of nearly full length ErbB2 receptor., Biophys. J. 88, 1354-1363, 2005 | Sperka, T., Pitlik, J., Bagossi, P. and Tözsér, J. Bagossi, P.; Sperka, T.; Fehér, A.; Kádas, J.; Zahuczky, G.; Miklóssy, G.; Boross, P.; Tözsér, J.: Amino acid preferences for a critical substrate binding subsite of retroviral proteases in type 1 cleavage sites., J. Virol., 79, 4213-4218, 2005 | Sperka, T.; Pitlik, J.; Bagossi, P.; Tözsér, J.: Beta-lactam compounds as apparently uncompetitive inhibitors of HIV-1 protease., Bioorg. Med. Chem. Letters, 15, 3086-3090., 2005 | Tie, Y.; Boross, P.; Wang, Y.F.; Gaddis, L.; Liu, F.; Chen, X.; Tözsér, J.; Harrison, R.W.; Weber, I.T.: Molecular basis for substrate recognition and drug resistance from 1.1 to 1.6 angstroms resolution crystal structures of HIV-1 protease mutants with substrate analogs., FEBS J., 272, 5265-5277., 2005 | Liu, F.; Boross, P.I.; Wang, Y.F.; Tözsér, J.; Louis, J.M.; Harrison, R.W.; Weber, I.T.: Kinetic, stability, and structural changes in high-resolution crystal structures of HIV-1 protease with drug-resistant mutations L24I, I50V, and G73S., J. Mol. Biol., 354, 789-800., 2005 | Boross, P.; Tözsér, J; Bagossi, P.:: Improved purification protocol for wild-type and mutant human foamy virus proteases., Protein Express. Purif. 46, 343-347., 2006 | Tözsér, J.; Shulenin, S.; Young, M.R.; Briggs, C.J.; Oroszlan, S.:: Replication-dependent fitness recovery of Human immunodeficiency virus 1 harbouring mutations of Asn17 of the nucleocapsid protein., J. Gen. Virol. 87, 961-965., 2006 | Fehér, A.; Boross, P.; Sperka, T.; Miklóssy, G.; Kádas J.; Bagossi, P.; Oroszlan, S.; Weber, I.T.; Tözsér, J.:: Characterization of the murine leukemia virus protease and its comparison with the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 protease., J. Gen. Virol. 87, 1321-1330., 2006 | Sperka, T.; Boross, P.; Eizert, H.; Tözsér, J.; Bagossi, P.:: Effect of mutations on the dimer stability and pH optimum of the human foamy virus protease., Protein Eng. Des. Sel. 19, 369-375., 2006 | Tie, Y.; Kovalevsky, A.Y.; Boross, P.; Wang, Y.F.; Ghosh, A.K.; Tozser, J.; Harrison, R.W.; Weber, I.T.:: Atomic resolution crystal structures of HIV-1 protease and mutants V82A and I84V with saquinavir., Proteins 2007 Jan 22; [Epub ahead of print], 2007 | Tözsér, J.; Weber, I.T.:: Human T-cell leukemia virus protease as a potential target for antiretroviral therapy., Curr. Pharm. Des. in press, 2007 |




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