The role of corticostrital neurons in schizoprenia modell
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Kapus, G., Kertesz S., Gigler, G., Simo, A., Vegh, M., Barkoczy, J., Harsing, L. G., Jr., Szabo, G., Levay, G.:: Comparison of the AMPA antagonist action of new 2,3-benzodiazepines in vitro and their neuroprotective effects in vivo., Pharm Res., 21, 317-323., 2004 | Juranyi, Z., Sziray, N., Levay, G., Harsing, L. G., Jr.: AMPA receptor blockade potentiates the stimulatory effect of L-dopa on dopamine release in dopamine-deficient corticostriatal slice preparation, Critical Reviews in Neurobiology, 16, 129-139., 2004 | Harsing, L. G., Prauda, I., Barkoczy, J., Matyus, P. Juranyi, Zs.: 5-HT7 heteroreceptor-mediated inhibition of [3H]serotonin release in raphe nuclei slices of the rat: evidence for a serotonergic-glutamatergic interaction, Neurochem. Res., 29, 1479-1489., 2004 | Juranyi, Zs., Harsing, L. G. Jr.: Brain slice chambers designed for in vitro experiments with nervous tissue, In: Monoamine oxisase inhibitors, eds: Torok, T. L., Klebovich, I., Medicina, Budapest, pp. 281-308., 2004 | Harsing, L. G., Jr.: Regulation of somatodendritic serotonin release in the midbrain raphe nuclei of the rat, In: Dendritic release of neurotransmitters, ed.: Mike Ludwig, Springer Publisher, New York, in press., 2004 | Harsing, L. G., Jr., Juranyi, Zs.: Evidence for a reciprocal serotonergic-glutamatergic interaction in the raphe nuclei: involvement of 5-HT7 receptors, Proc. Austr. Neurosci. Soc.2004, 15, 78. 24th Annaul Meeting of the Australian Neurosci. Soc., Melbourne, Abstr. 120., 2004 | Juranyi, Zs., Marko, B., Harsing, L. G., Jr.: Depletion of GABA decreased the evoked [3H]dopamine release in striatum in the presence of NMDA receptor blockade in corticostriatal slices, IBRO Workshop, Budapest, Abstr., 2004 | Harsing, L. G. Jr., Gigler, G., Albert, M., Szenasi, G., Simo, A., Moricz, K., Varga, A., Ling, I., Bagdy, E., Kiraly, I., Solyom, S., Juranyi, Zs.: Neurotransmitter release in experimental stroke models: the role of glutamate-GABA interaction, In: Frontiers in Clinical Neuroscience: Neurodegeneration and Neuroprotection, ed.: L. Vecsei, Kluwer Publisher, New York, pp. 21-38., 2004 | Juranyi, Z., Harsing, L. G., Jr.: Temperature-dependent [3H]glycine release in response to electrical stimulation and exogenous glycine in the presence of Org-24461, a glycine transporter1 inhibitor in rat hippocampal slices, 34th Annual Meeting, Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, Abst. 272.21., 2004 | Kertesz, S., Kapus, G., Vegh, M., Szucs, Zs., Kovacs, G., Harsing, L. G., Levay, G.:: The AMPA potentiator benzothiazide S 18986, cyclothiazide and IDRA-21: a comperative in vitro study., IBRO Workshop, Budapest, 2004 | Gressens, P., Spedding, M., Villa, P., Medja, F., Williamson, T., Kertesz S., Levay, G., Gigler, G., Szenasi, G., Barkoczy, J., Harsing, L. G., Jr.:: The effects of novel AMPA antagonists in models of neurodegeneration, Eur. J. Pharmacol., 519, 58-67., 2005 | Hársing László Gábor:: Gyógyszerhatástan. Humán gyógyszerfejlesztés., Szerkesztette: Dinya Elek, Medicina Könyvkiadó Rt., 169-215., 2006 | Matucz, E., Moricz, K., Gigler, G., Simo, A., Barkoczy, J., Levay, Gy., Harsing, L. G., Jr., Szenasi, G.:: Reduction of cerebral infarct size by non-competitive AMPA antagonists in rats subjected to permanent and transient focal ischemia., Brain Res., 1019, 210-216., 2004 | Spedding, M., Neau, I., Harsing, L.:: Brain plasticity and pathology in psychiatric disease: sites of action for potential therapy., Curr. Opinion Pharm., 3, 1-8., 2003 | Szenasi, G., Harsing, L. G., Jr.:: Pharmacology and prospective therapeutic usefulness of negative allosteric modulators of AMPA receptors., Drug Discovery Today: Therapeutic Strategies. 1, 69-76., 2004 | Harsing, L.G., Jr., Gacsalyi, I., Schmidt, E., Szabo, G., Sziray, N., Sebban, C., Tesolin-Decros, B., Matyus, P., Spedding, M., Matyus, P., Levay, G.:: The glycine transporter 1 inhibitor NFPS and Org 24461: a pharmacological study., Pharm. Biochem. Behav., 74, 811-825., 2003 | Harsing, L. G., Jr., Juranyi, Zs., Zigmond, M. J.:: Cortical stimulation influences striatal dopamine release via GABAergic neurons in corticostriatal slices of the rat., Soc. Neurosci., Abst. 705.8, 2003 | Juranyi, Zs., Harsing, L. G., Jr., Zigmond, M. J.:: [3H]Dopamine release in striatum in response to cortical stimulation in a corticostriatal slice preparation., J. Neurosci. Methods, 126, 57-67., 2003 | Szabo, G., Egyed, A., Harsing, L. G., Jr.:: A new and simple method for measuring neurotransporters. The GlyT1 transporter., FEBS Meeting, Brussels, Eur. J. Biochem., 270, PS01-1009., 2003 | Szenasi, G., Gigler, G., Gacsalyi, I., Simo, A., Moricz, K., Sziray, N., Albert, M., Szabo, G., Schmidt, E., Egyed, A., Levay, G., Harsing, L. G., Jr.:: Beneficial and detrimental effects of Org 24461 and NFPS, two glycine transporter-1 inhibitors in rats and mice., 6th IBRO, Prague, Abstr. 3189., 2003 | Szabo, G., Udvari, S., Egyed, A., Harsing, L. G. Jr.:: Biochemical characterization of Org 24461 and NFPS in synaptosomal fraction and in cos-7 cells expressing GlyT1 transporters., FEBS Congr., Warshaw, 32003444880., 2004 | Harsing, L. G., Jr.:: 2,3-Benzodiazepines: multiple pharmacological actions and structure-activity relationship., Austrian-German-Hungarian-Italian-Polish-Spanish Joint Meeting on Medicinal Chemistry, eds.: P. Ettmayer, G. Ecker, Medimond, Italy, pp. 39-48., 2005 | Harsing, L. G., Jr., Szabo, G., Agoston, M., Marko, B., Juranyi, Z., Haller, J., Gacsalyi, I.:: Further evidence for the antipsychotic properties of the glycine transporter1 inhibitor Org-24461., Proc. Austr. Neurosci. Soc., 16, 72., 2005 | Harsing, L. G., Jr.:: 2,3-Benzodiazepines: multiple pharmacological actions and structure-activity relationship., Scientia Pharmaceutica, 73, Suppl. 1, S38., 2005 | Harsing, L. G., Jr., Gigler, G., Moricz, K., Agoston, M., Marko, B., Szabo, G., Szenasi, G., Juranyi, Z.:: Antiischemic effects of Org-24461 and NFPS, two glycine transporter type-1 inhibitors., Soc. Neurosci., Abstr. 669.16., 2005 | Szabo, G., Udvari, S., Egyed, A., Harsing, L. G., Jr.:: Biochemical characterization of Org 24461 and NFPS in synaptosomal fractions and in COS-7 cells expressing GlyT1 transporters., Eur. Brain Winter Conf. Arc, Abstr. 96., 2005 | Kallo, I., Juranyi, Z., Jekkel, C., Jarasi, A., Wilhelm, T., Harsing, L., Liposits, Z.:: Effect of transient ischemia on glycine transporter 1 immunoreactivity in the rat forebrain., Soc. Neurosci., Abstr. 95.9., 2005 | Harsing, L. G., Jr., Juranyi, Z., Tapolcsanyi, P., Czompa, A., Matyus, P.:: Glycine transporter type-1 and its inhibitors., Current Medicinal Chemistry, in press, 2006 | Harsing, L. G., Jr.:: The pharmacology of the neurochemical transmission in the midbrain raphe nuclei of the rat., Current Neuropharmacology, submitted, 2006 | Harsing, L. G. Jr., Juranyi, Z.:: Dual effect of the glycine transporter type-1 inhibitor Org-24461 on MK-801-induced [3H]dopamine release in rat corticostriatal slices., Proc. Austr. Neurosci. Soc.,17, 79., 2006 | Juranyi, Z., Harsing, L. G., Jr.:: Amelioration of MK-801-enhanced [3H]dopamine release in rat corticostriatal slices by Org-24461, a glycine transporter1 inhibitor., Brain Res., in preparation, 2006 | Megyeri, K., Marko, B., Sziray, N., Harsing, L. G., Jr., Levay, G.:: Effects of AMPA antagonists on dopamine turnover in parkinsonian rat striatum., Neurochem Res., in preparation, 2006 | Benedek, A., Nagy, K., Albert, M., Szenasi, G., Matyus, P., Harsing, L. G., Jr., Juranyi, Z.:: [3H]Dopamine release in corticostriatal slices after transient cerebral ischemia in rats., Neurochem. Int., in preparation, 2006 |




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