Nonperturbative investigation in the field theory  Page description

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Details of project

Type K
Principal investigator Horváth, Zalán
Title in Hungarian Nemperturbatív vizsgálatok a térelméletben
Title in English Nonperturbative investigation in the field theory
Panel Physics 1
Department or equivalent Department of Theoretical Physics (Eötvös Loránd University)
Participants Bajnok, Zoltán
Bántay, Péter
Bene, Gyula
Farkas, Szilárd
Palla, László
Takács, Gábor
Wágner, Ferenc
Starting date 2003-01-01
Closing date 2007-06-30
Funding (in million HUF) 9.472
FTE (full time equivalent) 0.00
state closed project


Final report

Results in Hungarian
Részletesen leírtuk a SUSY sine-Gordon modellt. A véges intervallumon definiált, integrálható peremfeltételekkel rendelkező klasszikus sine-Gordon modell szisztematikus vizsgálatát hajtottuk végre. Általánosítottuk a kvantumos Lüscher formulát peremes térelméletekre. Rámutattunk, hogy a peremes Lüscher formula a fizikai (3+1 dimenziós) Casimir effektus leírására is alkalmas. Megmutattuk, hogy minden defektelmélet ekvivalens peremes elmélettel. Hatékony módszereket fejlesztettünk ki keskeny rezonanciák élettartamának meghatározására. Leírtuk a form faktorok véges térfogattól való függését, az L térfogat szerint kifejtve, 1/L minden rendjében egzakt módon. Sikerült egy szisztematikus alacsony hőmérsékletű kifejtést adni véges hőmérsékletű korrelátorokra. Bizonyítottuk a racionális konform térelméletek kongruencia-részcsoport tulajdonságát az orbifold kovariancia elvének felhasználásával. A permutációs orbifoldok elméletének speciális eseteként tárgyaltuk a másodkvantált húrelmélet alapjául szolgáló szimmetrikus szorzatok elméletét, legfontosabb eredményünk egy általános kombinatorikai azonosság felismerése, melynek révén a többhúr-járulékok expliciten felösszegezhetők. Elsőként vetettük fel annak lehetőségét, hogy az univerzum gyorsuló tágulása az anyag inhomogén térbeli eloszlásának a következménye. Megvizsgáltuk a szilárdtestbeli Bloch elektron Berry görbületi taggal módosított szemiklasszikus dinamikáját. Kiterjesztettük a Fermat-elvet spines fotonokra ez visszaadja az optikai Hall effektust linearizált esetben.
Results in English
We gave a detailed description of the SUSY sine-Gordon model. We systematically investigated the sine-Gordon model with integrable boundary conditions. We have generalized Lüsher’s formula for boundary field theories. We have pointed out that the boundary Lüsher’s formula is applicable for describing 3+1 dimensional Casimir effect. We have pointed out that every defect model is equivalent with a given boundary model. We have developed new and powerful methods to determine the life time of narrow resonances. We have described in two papers the dependence of the form factors on the finite volume expanding in the volume L giving the exactly the terms in all orders of 1/L. We have succeeded to give a systematic low temperature expansion for finite temperature correlators. One of the most important result is the proof of the congruence-subgroup properties of rational conformal field theories using the orbifold covariance principle. Our most important result was to get a general combinatoric identity using this one can sum up the multi string contributions. We were the first to point out the possibility that the accelerating expansion of the universe is the consequence of the inhomogeneous distribution of the matter. We have shown that the semiclassical dynamics of a Bloch electron in a solid modified by a Berry curvature term is a Hamiltonian system. We have extended the Fermat principle for spinning photons, this gives back the optical Hall effect in the linearized case.
Full text


List of publications

Z. Bajnok, Dunning C; L. Palla; G. Takács; F Wágner: SUSY sine-Gordon theory as a perturbed conformal field theory and finite size effects, Nucl. Phys. 8679; 521-544, 2004
Bántay P;: Symmetric products, permutation orbifolds and discrete torsion, Lett.Math.Phys. 63; 209-218, 2003
Bántay P;: The kernel of the modular representation and the Galois action in RCFT, Commun. Math. Phys. 233; 423-438, 2003
Bántay P;: Conformal Field Theory: An Introduction, Róma (Olaszország), 2003
Bántay P;: On generalizations of Verlinde\'s formula, J. Geom. Phys. 48; 44-51, 2003
Bántay P;: Galois currents and the projective kernel in Rational Conformal Field Theory, JHEP03; 025, 2003
Bántay P;: Permutation orbifolds and their applications, Fields Institute Communications 39; 13, 2003
Helesfai G; Bene Gy;: A numerical study of spectral properties of the area operator in loop quantum gravity, gr-qc/0306124, 2004
Majár J; Bene Gy;: Breakdown of supersymmetry in homogeneous cosmologies in N=1 supergravity, gr-qc/0307003, 2004
Bene Gy; Czinner V; Vasúth M;: Accelerating expansion of the universe may be caused by inhomogeneities, astro-ph/0308161, 2004
Bajnok Z; George A: From Defects to Boundaries, hep-th/0404199; Int. J. Mod. Phys A21 1063-1078, 2006
Bajnok Z; Palla L; Takács G: (Semi)classical analysis of sine-Gordon theory on a strip, Nucl. Phys. B702 448-480, 2004
Bajnok Z; Palla L; Takács G: (Semi)classical analysis of sine-Gordon theory on a strip\'' 37th International Symposium Ahrenshoop, 2004 aug 23-27, Fortsch. Phys. 53 548-553, 2005
Bajnok Z: \"Sine-Gordon theory in finite volume\" meghívott előadás MECO29 Konferencián Szlovákia /Pozsony, közlésre elfogadva, 2004
Bántay P: Mapping class group representations and Conformal Field Theory, Proceedings of Functional Analysis VIII., Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 15-22, 2003., 2003
Bene Gy; Czinner V; Vasúth M: Accelerating expansion of the Universe may be caused by inhomogeneities, Relativity Today, (Proc. of the seventh hungarian Workshop), ed. I.Rácz, 2004, pp. 157-165., 2004
Ch Ahn, Z Bajnok, R. I. Nepomechie, L Palla, G Takács: NLIE for hole excited states in the sine-Gordon model with two boundaries, Nucl. Phys. B714 307-335, hep-th/0501047, 2005
Z. Horvath, P.A. Horvathy, L. Martina: HAMILTONIAN ASPECTS OF BOGOLIUBOV QUASIPARTICLES, 3pp.e-Print Archive: cond-mat/0511099, 2005
P. Bantay and T. Gannon: Conformal characters and the modular representation, hep-th/0512011, 2005
Z. Bajnok, L. Palla, G. Takács: Finite size effects in quantum field theories with boundary from scattering data, Nucl. Phys. B716 519-542, hep-th/0412192, 2005
Z. Bajnok, L. Palla and G. Takács: CASIMIR FORCE BETWEEN PLANES AS A BOUNDARY FINITE SIZE EFFECT, Phys. Rev. D73 065001, 2006, 2006
L. Samaj and Z. Bajnok: Exactly solvable model of the two-dimensional electrical double layer, Phys. Rev. E 72, 061503, 2005
P. Bantay: Simple current symmetries in RCFT, JHEP 0501:006, 2005
G. Takacs, F. Wagner: Double sine-Gordon model revisited, Nucl. Phys. B741 353-367, 2006
P. Bantay: Characters of crossed modules and premodular categories,, 2005
C. Duval, Z. Horvath, P.A. Horvathy, L. Martina, P.C. Stichel: COMMENT ON 'BERRY PHASE CORRECTION TO ELECTRON DENSITY IN SOLIDS' BY XIAO ET AL, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96. 099701, 2006
C. Duval, Z. Horvath, P.A. Horvathy: FERMAT PRINCIPLE FOR POLARIZED LIGHT AND THE OPTICAL HALL EFFECT, Phys. Rev. D74. 021701(R), 2006
C. Duval, Z. Horvath, P.A. Horvathy, L. Martina, P. Stichel: BERRY PHASE CORRECTION TO ELECTRON DENSITY IN SOLIDS AND 'EXOTIC' DYNAMICS, Mod. Phys. Lett. B20 373-378, 2006
C Duval, Z Horvath, P Horvathy: Geometrical Spinoptics and the Optical Hall Effect, J. Geom. Phys. 57 925, 2007
Z. Bajnok, L. Palla, G. Takács: Finite size effects in integrable boundary theories Varna 2005 augusztus 15-21,, Quantum theory and Symmetries IV. ed. V.K. Dobrev, Heron Press, Sofia p.612, 2005
Z. Bajnok, L. Palla, G. Takács: On the boundary form factor program meghívott előadás, Integrable models and applications form strings to condensed matter konf. Santiago de Compostela Spain 2005 szeptember 12-16., 2005
Z. Bajnok, L. Palla, G. Takács: Finite size effects in integrable boundary theories: the generalization of Lüscher's formula, Focus Programme on Liouville, Integrability and Branes APCTP Pohang (Korea) 2005 december 12-17., 2005
P. Bántay: Quantum Field Theory and its Ramifications, Characters of Conformal Field Theories; Hobart, december 2005, 2005
G. Bene: Calculating the Hubble diagram by perturbation theory, ITP:626, 2005
Bajnok Z., L. Palla, G. Takács: Boundary one point function, Casimir energy and boundary state formalism ..., Nucl. Phys. B772 290-322 2007, 2007
Bajnok Z., L. Palla, G. Takács: On the boundary form factor program, Nucl. Phys. B750 179-212 2006, 2006
Bántay P: The orbifold transform and its applications, 0705.2323, 2007
Bántay P., T. Gannon: Vector-valued modular functions for the modular group, and the hypergeometric equation, 0705.2467, 2007
Pozsgay B., G. Takács: Characterization of resonances using finite size effects, Nucl. Phys. B748 485-523, 2006
Pozsgay B., G. Takács: Form factors in finite volumeII: disconnected terms and finite temperature correlators, Nucl. Phys. B in press, arXiv: 0706.3605, 2007
Pozsgay B., G. Takács: Form factors in finite volumeI: form factor bootstrap and truncated conformal space, Nucl. Phys. B in press, arXiv: 0706.1445, 2007
Szőts M. and G. Takács: Spectrum of local boundary operators from boundary form factor bootstrap, Nucl. Phys. B in press, hep-th/0703226, 2007
Bajnok Z.: Equivalences between spin models induced by defects, J. Stat. Mech. 0606 p.010, 2006
Bajnok Z., G. Bőhm, G. Takács: On perturbative quantum field theory with boundary, Nucl. Phys. B682 585-617, 2004

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