Nonperturbative investigation in the field theory
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Z. Bajnok, Dunning C; L. Palla; G. Takács; F Wágner: SUSY sine-Gordon theory as a perturbed conformal field theory and finite size effects, Nucl. Phys. 8679; 521-544, 2004 | Bántay P;: Symmetric products, permutation orbifolds and discrete torsion, Lett.Math.Phys. 63; 209-218, 2003 | Bántay P;: The kernel of the modular representation and the Galois action in RCFT, Commun. Math. Phys. 233; 423-438, 2003 | Bántay P;: Conformal Field Theory: An Introduction, Róma (Olaszország), 2003 | Bántay P;: On generalizations of Verlinde\'s formula, J. Geom. Phys. 48; 44-51, 2003 | Bántay P;: Galois currents and the projective kernel in Rational Conformal Field Theory, JHEP03; 025, 2003 | Bántay P;: Permutation orbifolds and their applications, Fields Institute Communications 39; 13, 2003 | Helesfai G; Bene Gy;: A numerical study of spectral properties of the area operator in loop quantum gravity, gr-qc/0306124, 2004 | Majár J; Bene Gy;: Breakdown of supersymmetry in homogeneous cosmologies in N=1 supergravity, gr-qc/0307003, 2004 | Bene Gy; Czinner V; Vasúth M;: Accelerating expansion of the universe may be caused by inhomogeneities, astro-ph/0308161, 2004 | Bajnok Z; George A: From Defects to Boundaries, hep-th/0404199; Int. J. Mod. Phys A21 1063-1078, 2006 | Bajnok Z; Palla L; Takács G: (Semi)classical analysis of sine-Gordon theory on a strip, Nucl. Phys. B702 448-480, 2004 | Bajnok Z; Palla L; Takács G: (Semi)classical analysis of sine-Gordon theory on a strip\'' 37th International Symposium Ahrenshoop, 2004 aug 23-27, Fortsch. Phys. 53 548-553, 2005 | Bajnok Z: \"Sine-Gordon theory in finite volume\" meghívott előadás MECO29 Konferencián Szlovákia /Pozsony, közlésre elfogadva, 2004 | Bántay P: Mapping class group representations and Conformal Field Theory, Proceedings of Functional Analysis VIII., Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 15-22, 2003., 2003 | Bene Gy; Czinner V; Vasúth M: Accelerating expansion of the Universe may be caused by inhomogeneities, Relativity Today, (Proc. of the seventh hungarian Workshop), ed. I.Rácz, 2004, pp. 157-165., 2004 | Ch Ahn, Z Bajnok, R. I. Nepomechie, L Palla, G Takács: NLIE for hole excited states in the sine-Gordon model with two boundaries, Nucl. Phys. B714 307-335, hep-th/0501047, 2005 | Z. Horvath, P.A. Horvathy, L. Martina: HAMILTONIAN ASPECTS OF BOGOLIUBOV QUASIPARTICLES, 3pp.e-Print Archive: cond-mat/0511099, 2005 | P. Bantay and T. Gannon: Conformal characters and the modular representation, hep-th/0512011, 2005 | Z. Bajnok, L. Palla, G. Takács: Finite size effects in quantum field theories with boundary from scattering data, Nucl. Phys. B716 519-542, hep-th/0412192, 2005 | Z. Bajnok, L. Palla and G. Takács: CASIMIR FORCE BETWEEN PLANES AS A BOUNDARY FINITE SIZE EFFECT, Phys. Rev. D73 065001, 2006, 2006 | L. Samaj and Z. Bajnok: Exactly solvable model of the two-dimensional electrical double layer, Phys. Rev. E 72, 061503, 2005 | P. Bantay: Simple current symmetries in RCFT, JHEP 0501:006, 2005 | G. Takacs, F. Wagner: Double sine-Gordon model revisited, Nucl. Phys. B741 353-367, 2006 | P. Bantay: Characters of crossed modules and premodular categories, math.qa/0512542, 2005 | C. Duval, Z. Horvath, P.A. Horvathy, L. Martina, P.C. Stichel: COMMENT ON 'BERRY PHASE CORRECTION TO ELECTRON DENSITY IN SOLIDS' BY XIAO ET AL, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96. 099701, 2006 | C. Duval, Z. Horvath, P.A. Horvathy: FERMAT PRINCIPLE FOR POLARIZED LIGHT AND THE OPTICAL HALL EFFECT, Phys. Rev. D74. 021701(R), 2006 | C. Duval, Z. Horvath, P.A. Horvathy, L. Martina, P. Stichel: BERRY PHASE CORRECTION TO ELECTRON DENSITY IN SOLIDS AND 'EXOTIC' DYNAMICS, Mod. Phys. Lett. B20 373-378, 2006 | C Duval, Z Horvath, P Horvathy: Geometrical Spinoptics and the Optical Hall Effect, J. Geom. Phys. 57 925, 2007 | Z. Bajnok, L. Palla, G. Takács: Finite size effects in integrable boundary theories Varna 2005 augusztus 15-21,, Quantum theory and Symmetries IV. ed. V.K. Dobrev, Heron Press, Sofia p.612, 2005 | Z. Bajnok, L. Palla, G. Takács: On the boundary form factor program meghívott előadás, Integrable models and applications form strings to condensed matter konf. Santiago de Compostela Spain 2005 szeptember 12-16., 2005 | Z. Bajnok, L. Palla, G. Takács: Finite size effects in integrable boundary theories: the generalization of Lüscher's formula, Focus Programme on Liouville, Integrability and Branes APCTP Pohang (Korea) 2005 december 12-17., 2005 | P. Bántay: Quantum Field Theory and its Ramifications, Characters of Conformal Field Theories; Hobart, december 2005, 2005 | G. Bene: Calculating the Hubble diagram by perturbation theory, ITP:626, 2005 | Bajnok Z., L. Palla, G. Takács: Boundary one point function, Casimir energy and boundary state formalism ..., Nucl. Phys. B772 290-322 2007, 2007 | Bajnok Z., L. Palla, G. Takács: On the boundary form factor program, Nucl. Phys. B750 179-212 2006, 2006 | Bántay P: The orbifold transform and its applications, arXiv.org: 0705.2323, 2007 | Bántay P., T. Gannon: Vector-valued modular functions for the modular group, and the hypergeometric equation, arXiv.org: 0705.2467, 2007 | Pozsgay B., G. Takács: Characterization of resonances using finite size effects, Nucl. Phys. B748 485-523, 2006 | Pozsgay B., G. Takács: Form factors in finite volumeII: disconnected terms and finite temperature correlators, Nucl. Phys. B in press, arXiv: 0706.3605, 2007 | Pozsgay B., G. Takács: Form factors in finite volumeI: form factor bootstrap and truncated conformal space, Nucl. Phys. B in press, arXiv: 0706.1445, 2007 | Szőts M. and G. Takács: Spectrum of local boundary operators from boundary form factor bootstrap, Nucl. Phys. B in press, hep-th/0703226, 2007 | Bajnok Z.: Equivalences between spin models induced by defects, J. Stat. Mech. 0606 p.010, 2006 | Bajnok Z., G. Bőhm, G. Takács: On perturbative quantum field theory with boundary, Nucl. Phys. B682 585-617, 2004 |




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