Ion beam modifications in near-to-physics nanotechnology  Page description

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Details of project

Type K
Principal investigator Gyulai, József
Title in Hungarian Ionsugaras módszerek a fizikai nanotechnológiában (IONNANO)
Title in English Ion beam modifications in near-to-physics nanotechnology
Panel Physics 1
Department or equivalent MTA Research Institute for Technical Physics and Materials Science
Participants Arató, Péter
Balázsi, Csaba
Battistig, Gábor
Biró, László Péter
Hárs, György
Lábadi, Zoltán
Lohner, Tivadar
Makkai, Zsolt
Menyhárd, Miklós
Nguyen, Quoc Khanh
Pászti, Ferenc
Petrik, Péter
Ster, András
Tóth, Lajos
Vargáné dr. Josepovits, Katalin
Starting date 2003-01-01
Closing date 2005-12-31
Funding (in million HUF) 13.800
FTE (full time equivalent) 0.00
state closed project


Final report

Results in Hungarian
Témavezeto: Gyulai József ·• SiO2 mátrixban Si, Pd-Pt és SiC, valamint SiC-ben gyémánt nanokristályokat állítottunk elő és minősítettünk. • Szén nanocsöveket Ar+ ionokkal besugározva, ponthibákat, kiemelkedő klasztereket és szuperstrukturákat figyeltünk meg. • Ellipszometriával mértük a szilíciumkarbidban ionimplantációval létrejövő roncsoltságot. • Az ionsugaras kutatásaink alapján eljárást fejlesztettünk ki, amellyel külön-külön detektálható a Si-, valamint a C-alrács károsodása. • Ezzel sikerült megbecsülni a He ion c-tengelyi csatorna irányú és random irányú energiaveszteség arányát. • Optikai modelleket fejlesztettünk ferroelektromos anyagok mérésére, valamint továbbfejlesztettük a rácskárosodás ellipszometriai modelljét. • Extrém kis energiájú ionok folyamatainak kutatása a porlasztást alkalmazó felületvizsgáló módszerek kvantifikálását célozta: • új ionkeveredési mechanizmust javaslunk birétegekre • Molekula-dinamikai szimulációnkat kiterjesztettük több ion szukcesszív becsapódásának a vizsgálatára a Ti/Pt kettősrétegben. • Súrlódó beesésnél a szén porlasztási sebessége nagyobb, mint a fémeké. • Kerámiák nanoszerkezetének módosítása témában kiemelkedő eredményünknek tartjuk, hogy a világon elsőként nekünk sikerült előállítani karbon nanocső - szilícium-nitrid kompozitot, amelyben a nanocsövek nem degradálódnak a szinterelés során.
Results in English
Témavezeto: Gyulai József • Nanocrystals were prepared and characterized: Si in SiO2, Pd-Pt, SiC in Si, and diamond in SiC. • Argon ion irradiation of carbon nanotubes resulted in point defects, clusters and superstructures, as detected with atomic resolution AFM. • Ellipsometry proved itself as efficient method to study radiation damage in SiC. • New version of ion beam analysis applied to implanted SiC allowed us to detect the damage of the carbon and silicon sublattice separately • With defects as markers, ratio of channeled to random stopping power of He ions could be deduced. • Optical model was developed for ellipsometry allowing also characterization of ferroelectric (high-k) materials. • Modeling and experimental studies of damaging and sputtering processes at impact of extreme low-energy resulted in better quantification of surface analysis techniques (Auger profiling): • MC simulation of bilayers led us to a new model of ion beam mixing. • MD simulations were extended to multiple ion impact on Ti/Pt bilayers. • Sputtering coefficient of carbon was found (and modeled) to be higher than that of a metal for sputtering at glancing angle incidence. • Nanostructure of ceramic materials, firstly, of Si3N4, resulted in the first Si3N4-carbon nanotube nanocomposite, where the nanotubes will not degrade during high-temperature sintering.
Full text


List of publications

Balázsi Cs; Kónya Z; Wéber F; Biró LP; Arató P: Preparation and characterization of carbon nanotube reinforced nitride composites, Materials Science & Engineering C 23 1133-1137, 2003
Balázsi Cs; Kasztovszky Zs; Wéber F: Preparation and Compositional Analysis of Carbon Black Containing Silicon Nitride Composites, Proc TRANSCOM 2003, Eds Fronc M and Bujnak F, Sect 5 , 11-14,, 2003
Petrik P; Polgár O; Fried M; Lohner T; Khánh NQ; Gyulai J: Ellipsometric characterization of damage profiles using an advanced optical model, J. Appl. Phys. 93 1987-1990, 2003
Petrik P; Khánh NQ; Horváth ZE; Zolnai Z; Bársony I;, Lohner T; Fried M; Gyulai J; Schmidt C; Schneider C; Ryssel H: Non-destructive characterization of strontium bismuth tantalate films, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing , 5 141, 2003
Gyulai J: How will materials cope with future manufacturing?, WESIC03 Conference Proceedings, 176, 2003
Petrik P; Polgár O; Lohner T; Fried M; Khánh NQ; Shaaban ER; Gyulai J: Ellipsometric characterization of shallow damage profiles created by Xe-implantation into silicon, IIT-02 Proceedings, IEEE proceedings 02EX505 601-604, 2003
Gyulai J: A részecskegyorsítóktól a nanotechnológiáig, Fizikai Szemle, 54.57, 2003
Barna A; Menyhard M; Zsolt G; Khanh NQ; Zalar A; Panjan A: Relative sputter rate measured in Cu/Co multilayer using Ar+ ion bombardment at grazing angle of incidence., J. Vac.Sci. Techol. A21 196-200, 2003
Petrik P; Cayrel F; Fried M; Polgár O; Lohner T; Vincent L; Alquier D; Gyulai J: Depth distribution of disorder and cavities in high dose helium implanted silicon characterized by spectroscopic ellipsometry, Thin Solid Films, 455-456, 344-348, 2004
Barna A; Menyhard M; Zsolt G; Koos A; Zalar A; Panjan P: Interface broadening due to Ar+ ion bombardment measured on Co/Cu multilayer at grazing angle of incidence, J. Vac.Sci. Tech. A21, 553-557, 2003
Tóth L; Veisz B; Paál Z: TEM Characterization Of Pd-Pt Catalyst Nanoparticles Prepared From Aqueous Solutions, Proc. 6th Multinat.l Congress on Microscopy, Pula, 2003. Eds: O. Milat and D. Jezek, 422-423, 2003
Balázsi Cs; Cinar FS; Addemir O; Wéber F; Arató P: Manufacture and Examination of C/Si3N4 Nanocomposites, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 24 3287-3294, 2004
Balázsi Cs; Kasztovszky Zs; Wéber F: Manufacture and Compositional Analysis of Silicon Nitride Composites with Different Carbon Additions, Communications -Scientific Lett. Univ. Zilina 1/2004 5-9, 2004
Balázsi Cs; Cinar FS; Kasztovszky Zs; Cura ME; Yesilcubuk A; Wéber F: Investigation of hot pressed C/Si3N4 Nanocomposites, Silicates Industriels, 69 293-298, 2004
Balázsi Cs; Wéber F; Arató P: Examination of C/Si3N4 Nanocomposites, Key Engineering Materials, 264-268 2301-2304, 2004
Petrik P; Shaaban ER; Lohner T; Battistig G; Fried M; Garcia Lopez J; Morilla Y; Polgár O; Gyulai J: Ion implantation-caused damage in SiC measured by spectroscopic ellipsometry, Thin Solid Films, 455-456, 239-243, 2004
Fried M; Petrik P; Lohner T; Khánh NQ; Polgár O; Gyulai J: Dose-dependence of ion implantation-caused damage in silicon measured by ellipsometry and backscattering spectrometry, Thin Solid Films, 455-456 , 404-409, 2004
Schmidt C; Schneider C; Petrik P; Fried M; Bársony I; Gyulai J; Ryssel H: Optical characterization of ferroelectric Strontium-Bismuth-Tantalate (SBT) thin films, Thin Solid Films, 455-456, 495-499, 2004
Battistig G; García López J; Morilla Y; Khánh NQ; Lohner T; Petrik P; Ramos AR: Effect of ion current density on damage in al ion implanted SiC, Nuclear Instruments and Methods, B219-220, 652-655, 2004
Poperenko LV; Shaaban ER; Khánh NQ; Stashchuk VS; Vinnichenko MV; Yurgelevich IV; Nosach DV; Lohner T;: Effect of ion irradiation on the optical properties and room temperature oxidation of copper surface, Thin Solid Films, 455-456 , 453-456, 2004
Osváth Z; Maser W; Szabó I; Pető G; Koós AA; Gyulai J; Biró LP: STM study on multi-wall carbon nanotubes irradiated with Ar+ ions, EUROMAT 2003, 8th European Congr.& Exh. on Adv. Matls and Proc., Sep 2003, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2003
Weishart H; Heera V; Eichhorn F; Pecz B;. Toth L; Skorupa W: Diamond formation by carbon implantation into cubic silicon carbide, Diamond and Related Materials 13 (2004) 627�632 Diamond and Related Materials, 13, 627�632, 2004
Sule P; Menyhard M; Nordlund K: Cooperative mixing induced surface roughening in bilayer metals: a possible novel surface damage mechanism, Nucl. Instr. Meth. B222, 525-532, 2004
Sule P; Menyhard M; Nordlund K: What is the real driving force of bilayer ion beam mixing?, Nucl. Instr. Meth. B226, 517-530, 2004
Balázsi Cs; Kónya Z; Krasztovszky Zs; Weber F; Vértesy Z; Biró LP; Kiricsi I.; Arató P: Examination of Carbon Nannotube Reinforced Silicon Nitride Composites, Proc. HTCMC-5, The Amer. Ceram. Soc., Eds. M. Singh, R.J. Kerans, E.L. Curzo, R. Naslain, 107-112, 2004
Makkai Zs; Vida Gy; Josepovits KV; Pongrác A; Bársony I; Pécz B; Deák P: Electron Microscopy of SiC nanocrystals, Proc. 13th Eur. Microscopy Congr., Belgium, Vol. 2, 191-192, 2004
Makkai Zs; Pécz B; Vida Gy; Deák P: TEM characterization of epitaxial 3C-SiC grains on Si(100) and Si(111), Microscopy of Semicond. Materials, IOP Conf. Ser. No. 180. 265-268, 2003
Zolnai Z; Ster A; Khánh NQ; Kótai E; Posselt M; Battistig G; Lohner T; Gyulai J: Ion Beam Analysis and Computer Simulation of Damage Accumulation in Nitrogen Implanted 6H-SiC: Effects of Channeling, Matl. Sci. Forum, 483-485 , 637-640, 2005
Osváth Z; Vértesy G; Tapasztó L; Wéber F; Horváth ZE; Gyulai J; Biró LP; Maser WK: Atomically resolved STM images of carbon nanotube defects produced by Ar+ ion irradiation, Phys. Rev. B 72 045429, 2005
Petrik P; Vázsonyi É; Fried M; Volk J; Andrews GT; Tóth AL; Daróczi CsS; Bársony I; Gyulai J: Optical models for the ellipsometric characterisation of porous silicon structures, phys.stat.sol (c) 2 3319-3323, 2005
Osváth Z, Vértesy G, Tapasztó L, Wéber F, Horváth ZE, Gyulai J, Biró LP: Atomically resolved STM images of carbon nanotube defects produced by Ar+ irradiation, Hungarian Nanotechnology Symposium (HUNS 2005), 21-22 March 2005, Abstract book, page 61., 2005
Osváth Z, Vértesy G, Tapasztó L, Wéber F, Horváth ZE, Gyulai J, Biró LP: STM images of atomic-scale carbon nanotube defects produced by Ar+ irradiation, Electronic Properties of Novel Nanostructures: XIX International Winterschool on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials, AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 786 (2005) 154-, 2004
Osváth Z, Vértesy G, Pető G, Szabó I, Gyulai J, Maser W, Biró LP: STM investigation of irradiated carbon nanotubes, Electronic Properties of Synthetic Nanostructures: XVIII International Winterschool on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials, AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 723 (2004, 2004
Cs. Balázsi, Z. Shen, Z. Kónya, Zs. Kasztovszky, F. Wéber, Z. Vértesy, L. P. Biró, I. Kiricsi, and P. Arató: Processing of carbon nanotube reinforced silicon nitride composites by spark plasma sintering, Composite Science and Technology 65 727-733, 2005
P. Arató, Cs. Balázsi, Zs. Kövér, F. Wéber, E. Richter, J. Gyulai: Effect of Carbon and Nitrogen Implantation on the Properties of Silicon Nitrides, Key Engineering Materials, 290 160-166, 2005
Cs. Balázsi, F. Wéber, Zs. Kövér, Z. Kónya, I. Kiricsi, L. P. Biró, P. Arató: Development of Preparation Processes for CNT/Si3N4 Composites, Key Engineering Materials, 290 135-141, 2005
Cs. Balázsi, E. Dolekcekic, Zs. Kövér, F. Wéber, S. Hampshire, P. Arató: Comparison of Silicon Nitrides with Carbon Additions Prepared by Two Different Sintering Methods, Key Engineering Materials, 290 242-245, 2005
B. M. Maros, N. Kaulics, B. Gy. Lenkey, P. Arató: Determination of Dynamic Fracture Toughness of Si3N4 Ceramics by Instrumented Impact Test, Key Engineering Materials, 290 304-307, 2005
Cs. Balázsi, F. Wéber, Zs. Kövér, Z. Shen, Z. Kónya, Zs. Kasztovszky, Z. Vértesy,L. P. Biró, I. Kiricsi, P. Arató,: Application of Carbon Nanotubes to Silicon Nitride Matrix Reinforcements, Current Applied Physics 6 124-130, 2006
Cs. Balázsi, F. S. Cinar, O. Addemir, Zs. Kasztovszky, Zs. Kövér, F. Wéber: Size effects in micro- and nanocarbon added C/Si3N4 composite prepared by hot pressing, Key Engineering Materials, 290, 238-241, 2005
A. Barna, M. Menyhard, A. Zalar, P. Panjan: Ion bombardment induced interface broadening in Co/Cu system as a function of layer thickness, Applied Surface Science 242 375–379, 2005
Makkai Zs; Pécz B; I. Bársony, Gy. Vida, A. Pongrácz, K.V. Josepovits, Deák P: Isolated SiC nanocrystals in SiO2, Appl. Phys. Letters 86, 253109, 2005
P. Petrik, M. Fried, T. Lohner, O. Polgár, J. Gyulai, F. Cayrel and D. Alquier: Optical models for cavity profiles in high-dose helium-implanted and annealed silicon measured by ellipsometry, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 97, 123514, 2005
G. Amsel, G. Battistig: The impact on materials science of ion beam analysis with electrostatic accelerators, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B 240 1–12, 2005
Balázsi Cs; Wéber F; Arató P: Surface Modification of Silicon Nitride Ceramics, Materials Science Forum 473-474 33-38, 2005
Balázsi Cs; Cinar FS,Cura ME, Yesilcubuk A, Addemir O,Wéber F;: Fabrication of Hot Pressed C/Si3N4 Nanocomposites, Materials Science Forum 473-474 435-440, 2005
Balázsi Cs, Fényi B, Hegman N, Kövér Zs, Wéber F, Kónya Z; Wéber F; Vértesy, Kónya Z, Kiricsi I, Biró LP; Arató P: Development of CNT/Si3N4 composites with improved mechanical and electrical propereties, Composites B accepted, 2006
Osváth Z, Vértesy G, Tapasztó L, Wéber F, Horváth ZE, Gyulai J, Biró LP,: Scanning tunneling microscopy investigation of atomic-scale carbon nanotube defects produced by Ar+ ion irradiation, Materials Science & Engineering elfogadva, 2006
Barna A; Menyhard M; Kotis L; Kovacs Gy J; Radnoczi G; Zalar A; Panjan A: Unexpectedly high sputtering yield of carbon at grazing angle of incidence ion bombardment, J. Appl. Phys. 98, 024901, 2003
Kotis L; Sulyok A; Menyhard M; Malherbe JB; Odendaal RQ,: Determination of the thickness and density of the ion bombardment induced altered layer in SiC by means of reflection electron energy loss study, Applied Surf. Science 252, 1785-1792, 2005
Petrik P; Fried M; Vázsonyi É; Lohner T;HorváthE ; Polgár O, P. Basa P; Bársony I; Gyulai J: Ellipsometric characterization of nanocrystals in porous silicon, Applied Surf. Science , accepted, 2005
Osváth Z, Vértesy G, Tapasztó L, Wéber F, Horváth ZE, Gyulai J, Biró LP: Atomically resolved STM images of carbon nanotube defects produced by Ar+ irradiation, Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology 12 (2005) Issue 4 (published online on July 25 -, 2005
Osváth Z, Maser W, Szabó I, Pető G, Koós AA, Gyulai J, Biró LP: STM study on multi-wall carbon nanotubes irradiated with Ar+ ions, poszter, EUROMAT 2003, 8th European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes, 1-5 September 2003, Lausanne, 2003
Osváth Z, Maser W, Szabó I, Pető G, Koós AA, Gyulai J, Biró LP: STM study on multi-wall carbon nanotubes irradiated with Ar+ ions, poszter, 1st Szeged International Workshop on Advances in Nanoscience, 26 – 28 October 2003, Szeged, Hungary, 2003
Osváth Z, Vértesy G, Tapasztó L, Wéber F, Koós AA, Kertész K, Horváth ZE, Gyulai J, Maser W, Biró LP: Atomically resolved STM images of carbon nanotube defects produced by Ar+ ion irradiation, poszter, 1st GDR-E Meeting "Science and application of nanotubes", 13-15 October 2004, Batz-sur-Mer, France, 2004
Osváth Z, Vértesy G, Tapasztó L, Wéber F, Horváth ZE, Gyulai J, Biró LP: Atomically resolved STM images of carbon nanotube defects produced by Ar+ ion irradiation, poszter, XIXth International Winterschool on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials, Molecular Nanostructures, 12-19 March 2005, Kirchberg (Tirol), Austria, 2005
Osváth Z, Vértesy G, Tapasztó L, Wéber F, Horváth ZE, Gyulai J, Biró LP: Atomically resolved STM images of carbon nanotube defects produced by Ar+ irradiation, poszter, Hungarian Nanotechnology Symposium (HUNS 2005), 21-22 March 2005, Budapest, 2005
Osváth Z, Vértesy G, Tapasztó l, Wéber F, Horváth ZE, Gyulai J, Biró LP: Scanning tunneling microscopy investigation of atomic-scale carbon nanotube defects produced by Ar+ ion irradiation, poszter, European Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, 31 May - 3 June 2005, Strasbourg, France, 2005

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