New applications of local and global sensitivity analysis in chemical kinetics
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Kovács T; Turányi T; Föglein K; Szépvölgyi J.: Kinetic modelling of the decomposition of carbon tetrachloride in thermal plasma, Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, 25, 109-119(2005), 2005 | Zsély IGY; Turányi T: The influence of thermal coupling and diffusion on the importance of reactions: The case study of hydrogen-air combustion, Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys., 5, 3622-3631(2003), 2003 | Perger T, Kovács T, Turányi T, Treviño C: Determination of adsorption and desorption parameters from heterogeneous ignition temperature measurements, in: Proceedings of the 3rd Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, Marrakech, Morocco, June 8-13, 2003 Eds: F. Beretta and A. Bouhafid, pp. 860-870, 2003 | Lagzi I; Kármán D; Turányi T; Tomlin AS; Haszpra L: Simulation of the dispersion of nuclear contamination using an adaptive Eulerian grid model, J. Environm. Radioact., 75, 59-82(2004), 2004 | Zádor J; Zsély IGY; Turányi T: Investigation of the correlation of sensitivity vectors of hydrogen combustion models, Int.J.Chem.Kinet., 36, 238-252(2004), 2004 | Lagzi I; Mészáros R; Horváth L; Tomlin AS; Weidinger T; Turányi T; Ács F;Haszpra L: Modelling ozone fluxes over Hungary, Atm. Environm., 38, 6211-6222 (2004), 2004 | Lovas R; Kacsuk P; Lagzi I; Turányi T: Unified development solution for cluster and grid computing and its application in chemistry, Lecture Notes Comp. Sci., 3044, 226-235(2004), 2004 | Lagzi I; Nagy T; Turányi T; Haszpra L; Tomlin AS: Simulation of the formation and spread of photochemical air pollution in Hungary, in: Proceedings of the Conference on Modelling Fluid Flow, pp. 495-500, 2003 | Zsély I.Gy, Zádor J., Turányi T.: On the similarity of the sensitivity functions of methane combustion models, Combustion Theory and Modelling, 9, 721-738(2005), 2005 | Zsély IGY; Zádor J; Turányi T: Uncertainty analysis of updated hydrogen and carbon monoxide oxidation mechanisms, Proc. Combust. Inst., 30, 1273-1281(2004), 2004 | Lagzi I, Lovas R, Turányi T: Development of a Grid enabled chemistry application, in: Distributed and Parallel Systems: Cluster and Grid Computing, Z. Juhasz; P. Kacsuk; D. Kranzlmuller (Eds.), 2004 | Zádor J, Zsély IGy, Turányi T, Ratto M, Tarantola S, Saltelli A: Local and global uncertainty analyses of a methane flame model, J. Phys. Chem. A, 109, 9795-9807(2005), 2005 | Perger T, Kovács T, Turányi T, Treviño C: Determination of the adsorption and desorption parameters for ethene and propene from measurements of the heterogenous ignition temperature, Combustion and Flame,142, 107-116(2005), 2005 | Zsély IGY; Virág I; Turányi T: Investigation of a methane oxidation mechanism via the visualization of element fluxes, Paper IX.4 in: Proceedings of the 4th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium,, 2003 | Zádor J., Zsély I.Gy, Turányi T.: Local and global uncertainty analysis of complex chemical kinetic systems, Rel. Engng. Syst. Safety, 91, 1232–1240 (2006), 2006 | Zádor J, Zsély IGy, Turányi T: Uncertainty analysis backed development of combustion mechanisms, Proceedings of the European Combustion Meeting 2003, Paper No. 35, 2003 | Kovács T; Turányi T; Föglein K; Szépvölgyi J.: Modelling of Carbon Tetrachloride Decomposition in Oxidative RF Thermal Plasma, Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, 26, 293-318(2006), 2006 | Zádor J.; Turányi T.; Wirtz K.; Pilling M.J.: Measurement and investigation of chamber radical sources in the European Photoreactor (EUPHORE), J. Atmos. Chem., 55, 147-166(2006), 2006 | T. Kovács, I. Gy. Zsély, Á. Kramarics, T. Turányi: Kinetic analysis of mechanisms of complex pyrolytic reactions, J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis, in press, 2006 | A. Lovrics, A. Csikász-Nagy, I. Gy. Zsély, J. Zádor, T. Turányi, B Novák: Time scale and dimension analysis of a budding yeast cell cycle model, BMC Bioinformatics, 7:494(2006), 2006 | Á. Kramarics, I. Gy. Zsély, T. Turányi: Analysis of a methane partial oxidation mechanism relevant at the conditions of the anode channels of a solid-oxide fuel cell, Proceedings of the European Combustion Meeting 2007, in press, 2007 |




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