Dynamics of Phase Transitions and Symmetry Breaking Phases
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Sütő A: Bose-Einstein condensation and symmetry breaking, Phys. Rev. A 71: 023602-1-8, 2005 | Sütő A: Equivalence of Bose-Einstein condensation and symmetry breaking, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94: 080402-1-4, 2005 | Ódor G: Universality classes in nonequilibrium lattice systems, Rev. Mod. Phys. 76: 663-1-62, 2004 | Ódor G: Critical behavior of the two-dimensional 2A->3A, 4A->0 binary system, Phys. Rev. E 70: 026119-1-5, 2004 | Ódor G: Role of diffusion in branching and annihilation random walk models, Phys. Rev. E 70: 066122-1-4, 2004 | Jakovác A; Patkós A; Szép Zs; Szépfalusy P: Analytic determination of the T-mu phase diagram of the chiral quark model, Acta Phys. Hun., Heavy Ion Phys. A22: 355-362, 2005 | Sexty D; Patkós A: Quasi-particle excitation of Higgs Vacuum at finite energy density, Phys. Rev. D 71: 025020-1-9, 2005 | Jakovác A; Szép Zs: Renormalisation and resummation in finite temperature field theories, Phys. Rev. D 71:105001-1-9, 2005 | Sexty D; Patkós A: Non-equilibrium Higgs transition in classical scalar electrodynamics, JHEP 10: 054-1-17, 2005 | Ódor G; Szolnoki A: Cluster mean-field study of the parity-conserving phase transition, Phys. Rev. E 71: 066128-1-5, 2005 | Szirmai G; Kis-Szabó K; Szépfalusy P: Phase separation of ferromagnetic spin-1 Bose gases in non-zero magnetic field, Eur. Phys. J. D 36: 281-287, 2005 | Szirmai G: Renormalization group approach to the spin-1 Bose gas, Eur. Phys. J. D 37: 427-433, 2006 | Ódor G: Phase transition of triplet reaction-diffusion models, Phys. Rev. E 73: 047103 -1-4, 2006 | Ódor G: Local scale invariance in the parity conserving nonequilibrium
Local scale invariance in the parity conserving nonequilibrium
kinetic Ising model, J. Stat. Mech. : L11002 pp 1-7, 2006 | Ódor G; Menyhárd N: Critical behavior of an even-offspringed branching and annihilating random-walk cellular automaton with spatial disorder
Ising model subject to quenched disorder, Phys. Rev. E 73: 036130-1-7, 2006 | Sütő A: From bcc to fcc: Interplay between oscillating long-range and
repulsive short-range forces, Phys. Rev. B 74: 104117-1-8, 2006 | Csordás A; Cserti J; Pályi A; Zülicke U: Rashba billiards, Eur. Phys. J. B 54: 189-200, 2006 | Csordás A; Szőke É, Szépfalusy P: Cluster states of fermions in the single l-shell model, Eur. Phys. J. D 42: 113-124, 2007 | Kis-Szabó K; Szépfalusy P; Szirmai G: Phases of a polar spin-1 Bose gas in a magnetic field, Phys. Lett. A 364: 362-367, 2007 | Herpay T; Szép Zs: Resummed one-loop determination of the phase boundary of the SU(3)(R) X SU(3)(L) model in the (M(PI) - M(K))-plane, Phys. Rev. D74: 025008-1-11, 2006 | Szép Zs: Chiral phase transition in effective models of QCD, pp1-17 in PoS JHW2005:017, 2006 | Herpay T; Patkós A;Szép Zs: Sensitivity of the chiral phase transition of QCD to the scalar meson sector, pp284-294 in Budapest 2005, Quarks, hadrons, and strong interactions: Eds. P. Lévai, J. Nyiri, Yu. Dokshitzer: World Scientific, 2006 | Kovács P; Szép Zs: The critical surface of the SU(3)L X SU(3)R chiral quark model at nonzero baryon density, Phys. Rev. D 75: 025015-1-10, 2007 | Sexty D: Tachyonic cosmological phase transitions, ELTE PhD disszertáció (megvédve: 2006. szeptember 27.), 2006 | Ódor G: Self-organizing, two-temperature Ising model describing human segregation, Int. J. of Mod. Phys. C. 19: 393-398, 2008 | Patkós A; Szép Zs: Phase structure and phase transitions of the SU(2) X O(N) symmetric scalar field theory, Europhys. Lett. 79: 51001-1-6, 2007 | Herpay T; Patkós A: Semiclassical theory of charged pion radiation by nucleons in a strong homogeneous magnetic field, J. Phys. G 35: 025201, 2008 | Cserti J; Csordás A; Dávid Gy: Role of the Trigonal Warping on the Minimal Conductivity of Bilayer Graphene, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 066802, 2007 | Kunz H; Livi R; Sütő A: The structure factor and dynamics of the helix-coil transition, J. Stat. Mech. P06004: 1-22, 2007 | Sütő A: A possible mechanism of concurring diagonal and off-diagonal long-range order for soft interactions, J. Math. Phys., közlésre elfogadva, 2009 | Herpay T; Szép Zs: The boundary of the first order chiral phase transition in the m_pi-m_K plane with a linear sigma model, Nucl. Phys. A785: 174-177, 2007 | Herpay T: Erősen kölcsönható anyag vizsgálata effektív modellekben, ELTE PhD disszertáció, 2007 | Sütő A; Szépfalusy P: Variational wave functions for homogenous Bose systems, Phys. Rev. A 77: 023606-1-14, 2008 | Ódor G; Menyhárd N: Crossovers from parity conserving to directed percolation universality, Phys. Rev. E 78: 041112-1-7, 2008 | Ódor G; Liedke B; Heinig K.-H: Mapping of 2+1 dimensional KPZ growth onto driven lattice gas model of dimers, Phys. Rev. E, közlésre elfogadva (preprint:arXiv:0810.1909), 2008 | Fejős G; Patkós A; Szép Zs: Renormalisability of the 2PI-Hartree approximation of multicomponent scalar models in the broken symmetry phase, Nucl. Phys. A 803: 115-135, 2008 | Razzaque S; Mészaros P; Herpay T; Patkós A: High Energy Neutrinos and Photons from Curvature Pions in Magnetars, JCAP 0808: 025, 2008 | Patkós A; Szép Zs: Non-perturbative construction of counterterms for 2PI-approximation, Procs. of SEWM 2008 International Confeence, Amsterdam, Netherlands, August 25-29, 2008 (megjelenés helye: Nucl. Phys. A), 2008 | Fejős G; Patkós A; Szép Zs: Renormalised Phi functionals for the O(N) model at next-to-leading order of the 1/N expansion, beküldve a Phys. Rev. D-be, 2009 | Kovács P; Szép Zs: Influence of the isospin and hypercharge chemical potentials on the location of the CEP in the mu_B-T phase diagram of the SU(3)_L x SU(3)_R chiral quark model, Phys. Rev. D 77: 065016-1-13, 2008 | Kovács P: Véges sűrűségű és hőmérsékletű, erősen kölcsönható anyag vizsgálata királis kvarkmodellben, ELTE PhD disszertáció, 2008 | Nagy D; Szirmai G; Domokos P: Self-organization of a Bose-Einstein condensate in an optical cavity, Eur. Phys. J. D 48: 127-137, 2008 | Kis-Szabó K: A spinor Bose-gáz sztatikus és dinamikai tulajdonságainak vizsgálata mágneses térben, ELTE PhD disszertáció, 2009 | Szirmai G: Spinor Bose-gázok véges hőmérsékleti elemi gerjesztéseinek vizsgálata, ELTE PhD disszertáció, 2004 | Csordás A: Csapdázott ultrahideg gázok gerjesztéseinek vizsgálata, MTA doktori értekezés, 2009 | Ódor G: Universality in nonequilibrium lattice systems, Theoretical foundations, World Scientific, Singapore, 1-295, 2008 | Sütő A: Normal and generalized Bose condensation in traps: One dimensional examples, J. Stat. Phys. 117: 301-341, 2004 | Herpay T; Patkós A; Szép Zs; Szépfalusy P: Mapping the boundary of the first order finite temperature restoration of chiral symmetry in the m_pi -- m_K plane in a linear sigma model, Phys. Rev. D 71: 125017-1-15, 2005 | Kis-Szabó K; Szépfalusy P; Szirmai G: Static properties and spin dynamics of the ferromagnetic spin-1 Bose gas in a magnetic field, Phys. Rev. A 72: 023617-1-8, 2005 | Csordás A; Adam Z: Collective excitations of trapped Fermi or Bose gases, Phys. Rev. A 74: 035602-1-4, 2006 | Patkós A; Szép Zs: Phantom field fluctuation induced Higgs effect, Phys. Lett. B 642: 384-388, 2006 | Csordás A; Almásy O; Szépfalusy P: New universal quantitites characterizing inhomogeneous Fermi gases at the Feshbach resonance, Europhysics Letters 80: 50002-1-6, 2007 | Menyhárd N; Ódor G: One-dimensional spin-anisotropic kinetic
Ising model subject to quenched disorder, Phys. Rev. E 76: 021103-1-9, 2007 | Patkós A; Szép Zs: Counterterm resummation for 2PI-approximation in constant background, Nucl. Phys. A 811: 329-352, 2008 | Szirmai G; Nagy D; Domokos P: Excess noise depletion of a Bose-Einstein condensate in an optical cavity, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102: 080401-1-4, 2009 |
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