Hyperbolic dynamical systems: attractors and correlation decay.
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Varjú Tamás: Local Limit Theorems and Recurrence for the Planar Lorentz Process, www.math.bme.hu, 2006 | Bálint Péter, Tóth Imre Péter: Mixing and its rate in \'soft\' and \'hard\' billiards motivated by the Lorentz Process, Physica D 187, 128-135, 2004 | Bálint Péter, Serge Troubetzkoy: Ergodicity of two hard balls in integrable polygons, Nonlinearity 17, 2069-2090, 2004 | Bálint Péter, Serge Troubetzkoy: Rotor interaction in the annulus billiard, Journal of Statistical Physics 117, 681-702, 2004 | Simon Károly: Hausdorff Dimension of Hyperbolic Attractors in , Progress in Probability, Progress in Probability,Vol. 57, Fractal geometry and Stochastics III. 79-92 Birkhauser Verlag Basel, 2004 | Simon Károly, Tóth Rozália Hajnal: The Absloute Continuity of the Distribution of Random Sums with Digits 0, 1, ... m-1, Real Analysis Exchange 30 no. 1, 397--409., 2005 | Szász Domokos, Varjú Tamás: Markov Towers and Stochastic Properties of Billiards, Modern dynamical systems and applications , 433-445, Cambridge-Univ. Press, Cambridge, 2004 | Bálint Péter, Tóth Imre Péter: Hyperbolicity in multi-dimensional Hamiltonian sytems with applications to soft billiards, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Series A, 15 (2006) 37-59, 2006 | Szász Domokos, Varjú Tamás: Limit Laws and Recurrence for the Planar Lorentz Process with Infinite Horizon, Journal of Statistical Physics, 129, 59-80, 2007 | Ai Hua Fan, Simon Károly, Tóth Rozália Hajnal: ''Contracting on Average Random IFS with Repelling Fixed Point'', Journal of Statistical Physics 122, 169-193, 2006 | Dmitry Dolgopyat, Szász Domokos, Varjú Tamás: Recurrence Properties of Planar Lorentz Process, beküldve Duke Mathematical Journal, 2006 | Bálint Péter, Tóth Imre Péter: Exponential decay of correlations in multi-dimensional dispersing billiards, Annales Henri Poincare, közlésre elfogadva, 2008 | Pavel Bachurin, Bálint Péter, Tóth Imre Péter: Local ergodicity for systems with growth properties including multi-dimensional dispersing billiards, közlésre elfogadva, Israel Journal of Mathematics, 2008 | Bálint Péter, Tóth Bálint, Tóth Imre Péter: On the zero mass limit of tagged particle diffusion in the 1-d Rayleigh gas, Journal of Statistical Physics, 127 (2007) 657-675., 2007 | Tóth Imre Péter: Ergodicity and Correlation Decay in Billiards; PhD disszertáció, http://www.renyi.hu/~mogy/publications/, 2006 | Michel Dekking, Simon Károly: On the size of the algebraic difference of two random Cantor sets., Random Structures and Algorithms. 32, 205-222, 2008 | Toóth Rozália Hajnal: Infinite Bernoulli convolutions with different probabilities, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 21 no. 2, 595--600., 2008 | Bálint Péter, Sebastien Gouezel: Limit theorems in the stadium billiard, Communications in Mathematical Physics, 263 (2006) 461-512., 2006 | Szász Domokos: Algebro-geometric methods for hard ball systems, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. A. 22, 427-443, 2008 | D. Dolgopyat, Szász Domokos, Varjú Tamás: Limit theorems for perturbed Lorentz Processes, submitted, 2008 | Szász Domokos, Varjú Tamás: Local limit theorem for the Lorentz process and its recurrence in the plane, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 24, 257-278, 2004 | Thomas Jordan, Simon Károly: Multifractal analysis of Birkhoff averages for some self-affine IFS., Dyn. Syst. 22 , no. 4, 469--483., 2007 | Franz Hofbauer, Peter Raith, Simon Károly: Hausdorff dimension for some hyperbolic attractors with overlaps and without finite Markov partition., Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems 27 , no. 4,, 2007 | Anthony Manning, Simon, Károly: Subadditive pressure for triangular maps., Nonlinearity 20 (2007), no. 1, 133--149., 2007 | Thomas Jordan, Thomas Mark Pollicott, Simon Károly: Hausdorff dimension for randomly perturbed self affine attractors., Comm. Math. Phys. 270 (2007), no. 2, 519--544, 2007 | Simon, Károly; Boris Solomyak: Visibility for self-similar sets of dimension one in the plane., Real Anal. Exchange 32 (2006/07), no. 1, 67--78., 2007 | Yuval Peres, Simon,Károly, Boris Solomyak: Absolute continuity for random iterated function systems with overlaps, J. London Math. Soc. (2) 74 (2006), no. 3, 739--756., 2006 | Simon Károly: Fractals in Dynamical Systems MTA doktori értekezés, MTA, 2005 |




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