Theoretical problems of variable structure nonlinear feedback systems in power electronics
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J. Hamar, R. K. Jardan, P. Korondi, I. Nagy, Zs. Sepa, Z. Sütő, K. Zabán, H. Weiss: Teaching And Learning Nonlinear Dynamics By Multimedia, 8th International Conference on Modeling and Simulation of Electric Machines, Converters and Systems (ELECTRIMACS 2005), Hammamet, Tunisia, CD Rom ISBN 2-921145-51-0, 2005 | P. Bartal, P. Bauer, J. Hamar, R. K. Jardan, P. Korondi, I. Nagy, Z. Sütő, K. Zabán, H. Funato, S. Ogasawara: Multimedia Course for Power Electronics, Nonlinear Dynamics and Motion Control, 2005 IEEE Power Electronics Education Workshop, Recife, Brasil, CD Rom ISBN: 0-7803-9002-4, 2005 | I. Nagy, R. K. Járdán: Power Quality Conditioning Based on Space Vector Transformation, International Symposium on Industrial Electronics 2005, Dubrovnik, Croatia, CD Rom ISBN: 0-7803-8739-2, 2005 | Balázs Buti, Péter Bartal, István Nagy: Resonant Boost Converter Operating above its Resonant Frequency, EPE 2005, Dresden, Germany, CD Rom ISBN: 90-7581-08-05, 2005 | Rafael K. Járdán, István Nagy, Attila Olasz: Time Domain Control of a Power Quality Conditioning System, EDPE 2005, Dubrovnik, Croatia, CD Rom ISBN: 953-6037-43-2, 2005 | R. K. Járdán, I. Nagy, T. Ruzsányi, H. Ohsaki: Power Factor Correction and Compensation of Unbalanced Loads by PWM DC/AC Converters, EPE-PEMC’06, Portoroz, Slovenia, August 30-September 1, 2006, pp. 585-590 CD Rom ISBN: 1-4244-0121-6, 2006 | Kerekes Sándor, Korondi Péter: Egy telemanipulációs mestereszköz súrlódáskompenzációja csúszómódban, Gép ISSN 0016-8572, Budapest, (56) 2-3. pp. 15-23, 2005 | Korondi Péter: Internet Based Telemanipulation, Keynote paper, Inter-Academia, 4th International Conference on Global research and Education, Proccedings vol 2. Wuppertal, pp.441-452., 2005 | Péter Szemes, Grégory Audureau, Béla Takarics, Péter Korondi: New Approach for Interactive Communication Between Distant Places Using Intelligent Space, 6th International Symposium of Hungarian Researchers on Computational Intelligence, Budapest, 2005 | Andor Gaudia, Péter Szemes, Béla Takarics, Péter Korondi: Recognizing Unusual Behavior for Intelligent Space, 6th International Symposium of Hungarian Researchers on Computational Intelligence, Budapest, 2005 | Lisztes Á; Kővári L; Gaudia A; Korondi P: Sign Language in the Intelligent Sensory Enviroment, In:5th International Symposium of Hungarian Researchers on Computational Intelligence, 11-12. November, 2004, Budapest. pp.103-110., 2004 | Buti B; Nagy I: Operation of a Dual Channel Resonant DC-DC Buck & Boost Converter at Switching Frequencies above the Resonant Frequency, In: The 6th International Conference on Technical Informatics, CONTI’04, 27-28 May, 2004, Timisoara, Romania., 2004 | Járdán RK; Nagy I; Schendl N: Enhanced Utilisation of Solar Radiation for the Generation of Electric Energy, In: IEEE AFRICON 2004, AFRICON’ 04, 15-17 September, 2004, Botswana, Africa. pp. 619-624. CD Rom ISBN: 0-7803-8605-1, 2004 | Járdán RK; Nagy I; Schendl N: Utilisation of Solar Energy By High Speed Turbine – Generator System, In: 11th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, EPE-PEMC’04, 2-4 September, 2004, Riga, Latvia. pp. 3-125 – 3-130. CD Rom ISBN: 9984-32-034-0, 2004 | Dénes I; Buti B; Barabás R; Nagy I: Quality Figures for Bang-Bang Control of a Dual Channel DC-DC Converter, In: Electrical Machines and Power Electronics Conference, ACEMP’04, 26-28 May, 2004, Istanbul, Turkey. pp. 379-384., 2004 | Hamar J; Nagy I; Barabás R; Dranga O; Funato H; Ogasawara S: Discrete Time Control of Resonant Dual Channel DC-DC Converters, In: 11th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, EPE-PEMC’04, 2-4 September, 2004, Riga, Latvia. pp. 1-215 – 1-221. CD Rom ISBN: 9984-32-010-3, 2004 | Járdán RK; Nagy I; Schendl N: Simulation of EMC Phenomena Caused by Electrostatic Discharge, In: 11th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, EPE-PEMC’04, 2-4 September, 2004, Riga, Latvia. pp. 6-378 – 6-384. CD Rom ISBN: 9984-32-070-7, 2004 | P. Bartal, J. Hamar, R.K. Jardan, P. Korondi, I. Nagy,Z. Suto, K. Zaban, H. Funato, E. Masada, S. Ogasawara: Interactive E-Learning Multimedia Software for Teaching Nonlinear Dynamics, Control in Power Electronics and Motion Control, IPEC-Niigata 2005, Niigata, Japan, pp.757-764. CD Rom ISBN: 4-88686-065-6, 2005 | Rafael K. Járdán, István Nagy, Eisuke Masada: Power Quality Conditioning in a System Developed for Utilizing Waste Energies, The 2006 Annual Meeting Record IEE Japan, Yokohama, 15-17, March, 2006, pp 259-260., 2006 | B. Buti, E. Masada, István Nagy: Stability Analysis of PWM-Controlled Dual Channel Resonant Buck Converter Using PI Controller, Speedam 2006, Taormina, Italy, 23-26 May, 2006, S41-10-15, CD Rom ISBN: 1-4244-0194-1, 2006 | B. Buti, I. Nagy, E. Masada: Stability Analysis of PWM-Controlled Dual Channel Resonant Buck&Boost Converter Using PI Controller, EPE-PEMC’06, Portoroz, Slovenia, August 30-September 1, 2006, pp. 869-876 CD Rom ISBN: 1-4244-0121-6, 2006 | Z. Suto, I. Nagy: Nonlinearity in Controlled Electric Drives: Review, ISIE2006, Montreal, Canada 9-13 July, 2006, pp. 2069-2076. CD Rom ISBN: 1-4244-0497-5, 2006 | R. K. Jardan, I.Nagy: Power Quality Conditioning in Distributed Generation Systems, IPEMC’06, Shanghai, China, 14-16 August, 2006 pp.1-5, CD Rom ISBN: 1-4244-0449-5, IEEE Catalog Number: 06EX1405C, 2006 | J. Hamar, Z. Suto, I. Nagy: Signal Processing by Multimedia in Nonlinear Dynamics and Power Electronics: Review, Enformatika, vol. 13, 13th World Enformatika Conference, May 26-28, 2006, Budapest, pp 34- 44. CD Rom ISBN: 975-00803-2-7, ISSN: 1305-5313, 2006 | B. Buti, E. Masada, I. Nagy: Stability Analysis of PWM-Controlled Dual Channel Resonant Boost Converter Using PI Controller, International School-Topics in Nonlinear Dynamics, Naples, Italy, 18-20 September, 2006, 2006 | I. Nagy, Z. Suto: Four Possible States of Direct Torque Controlled Induction Machines, 9 th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, ICEMS’06, Nagasaki, Japan, Nov. 20-23, 2006, 2006 | J. Hamar, I. Nagy, R. K. Jardan, Z. Suto: Environmental-friendly Electrical-Energy by Utilizing Renewable and Waste Energy Sources, Renewable Energy Conference and Exhibition 2006, Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Japan, October 9-13, 2006, 2006 | P. Bauer, I. Nagy: E-Learning for Power Quality, IEEJ Transactions on Industry Applications, Special Issue on “IPEC-Niigata”, Special Issue Paper, May, 2006, Vol. 126-D, No. 5, pp. 547-552., 2006 | Hamar j., Buti B., Nagy I.: Kétcsatornás Rezonáns DC-DC Konverter Család”. „Dual Channel Resonant DC-DC Converter Family, Elektrotechnika, 2006, Nr.11., 99. Évfolyam, pp. 16-18, Budapest, 2006 | Hamar j., Buti B., Nagy I.: Kétcsatornás Rezonáns DC-DC Konverter Család”. „Dual Channel Resonant DC-DC Converter Family, Elektrotechnika, 2006, Nr.9., 99. Évfolyam, pp. 25-27, Budapest, 2006 | J.Hamar; Nagy I;H.Funato, S.Ogasawara, O.Dranga;Y.Nishida: Virtual Power Electronics, In: PCC-Nagoya Conference 2007, ISBN:1-4244-0844-X, 2007 | B.Buti;I. Nagy; H.Ohsaki; E.Masada: Novel Approach in Stability Analysis Presented on Controlled Boost Converter, In: PCC-Nagoya Conference 2007, ISBN:1-4244-0844-X, 2007 | Z.Suto;I. Nagy;: Nonlinear Dynamics and Three-Phase Voltage Source Converters:Review, In: EDPE'07, High Tatras ISBN:978-80-8073-868-6, 2007 | J.Hamar; R.K. Jardan,I. Nagy;: Virtual Laboratory for Combined Solar Energy System, In: EPE'07, Aalborg,Denmark, ISBN:9789075815108, 2007 | Járdán RK; Nagy I: Modeling of Combined Photovoltic/Thermal Energy System, In: The 4th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, IPEMC’04, 14-16 August, 2004, Xi’an, China. pp. 1751-1755. CD Rom IEEE Catalog number: 04EX677, 2004 | Sütő Z; Nagy I: Nonlinear Analysis of Direct Torque Controlled Induction Machines,, In: IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, PESC’04, 20-25 June, 2004, Aachen, Germany. CD Rom ISBN: 07803-8400-8., 2004 | Szemes TP; Korondi P; Hashimoto H: Human Behavior Based Mobile Agent Control in Intelligent Space, Trans. on Aut. Cont. and Comp. Sci.49 (63), 2, 2004, 5-10, 2004 | O.Dranga, B.Buti, I.Nagy, H. Funato: Stability Analysis of Nonlinear Power Electronic Systems Utilizing Periodicity and Introducing Auxiliary State Vector, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, Vol. 52, Nr1. pp. 168-178., 2005 | Z. Sütő, I. Nagy: Bifurcation Phenomena of Direct Torque Controlled Induction Machines due to Discontinuities in the Operation, IEEE Int. Conf. on Industrial Technology IEEE ICIT 2005, Hong-Kong, 2005 | Z. Suto, I. Nagy: Recurrence Plot Based Study of Direct Torque Controlled Induction Mashines, Chaos’06, Reims, France, 28-30 June, 2006, Proceedings pp. 121-126., 2006 | J.Hamar;Buti B; Nagy I: Dual Channel Resonant DC-DC Converter Family, In: EPE Journal, Vol.17, No.3, October 2007, pp.5-15, 2007 | R.K. Jardan;I. Nagy: High Speed Turbine-Induction Generator System for Utilization of Renewable and Waste Energies, In: PESC'07 Orlando, ISBN:1-4244-0655-2, 2007 | R.K. Jardan;I. Nagy; A. Cid-Pastor, R.Leyva, A. El Arudi, L.M. Salamero: Combinated Photovoltaic/Thermal Energy System for Stand-alone Operation, In: ISIE'07 Vigo, Spain, ISBN:1-4244-0755-9, 2007 | Z.Suto;I. Nagy; E.Masada: Nonlinear Dynamics in Direct Torque Controlled Induction Machines Analyzed by Recurrence plots, In: EPE'07,Aalborg, Denmark, ISBN:9789075815108, 2007 |




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