Mechanisms of circadian trytmic biological processes - studies on avian pineal gland.
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Csernus V., Mess, B.:: The avian pineal gland - a model of the biological clock, Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest,, 2004 | Csernus V., Mess B.: Rhythmic biological processes. The role of the biological clocks, Dialog-Campus Kiadó, Budapest,, 2004 | Csernus V.:: Avian pineal - a model for studying mechanisms of circadian rhythms., In: Rhythmic biological processes. The role of the biological clocks. Csernus V., and Mess B., (eds.), Dialog-Campus Kiadó, Budapest,, 2004 | Csernus V., Józsa R., Reglődi D., Hollósy T., Somogyvári-Vigh A., Arimura A.:: The effect of PACAP on rhythmic melatonin release of avian pineals., Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 135. 62-69., 2004 | Csernus V., Faluhelyi N., Nagy A.D.: Features of the circadian clock in the avian pineals, Upsala J. Med. Sci. S56. 28, 2004 | Faluhelyi N., Reglődi D., Csernus V.: Development of the circadian thythm and its responsiveness to PACAP in the embryonic chicken pineal gland., Upsala J. Med. Sci. S56. 35, 2004 | Csernus V., Józsa R., Cornélissen G., Zeman M., Oláh A., Nagy Gy., Kaszaki J., Weihong P., Halberg F.: Circadian and circaseptan changes in circulating corticosterone in rats., Proceedings of Symposium on Chronobiology in Medicine, 2004, Brno., 2004 | Nagy Gy., Józsa R., Cornélissen G., Oláh A., Zeman M., Kaszaki J., Csernus V., Weihong P., Halberg F.:: Circadian and circaseptan changes in circulating prolactin in rats., Proceedings of Symposium on Chronobiology in Medicine, 2004, Brno., 2004 | Józsa R., Kaszaki J., Cornélissen G., Oláh A., Nagy Gy., Csernus V., Zeman M., Weihong P., Halberg F.: Extracircadian variation of endothelin-1 in murine plasma and pituitary and human blood., Proceedings of Symposium on Chronobiology in Medicine, 2004, Brno, 2004 | Oláh A., Józsa R., Cornélissen G., Zeman M., Nagy Gy., Kaszaki J., Csernus V., Weihong P., Halberg F.:: alidation of exclusive daytime murine sampling on antiphasic lighting regimens by circadian rhythmic core temperature behavior., Proceedings of Symposium on Chronobiology in Medicine, 2004, Brno., 2004 | Faluhelyi N., Csernus V.: A hőmérséklet szerepe csirke tobozmirigy in vitro circadian melatonin ritmusának szinkronizálásában, Orvosi Hetilap 145. 1088. 2004., 2004 | Nagy A.D., Csernus V.: Óragén homológok expresszíója csirke tobozmirigyben., Orvosi Hetilap 145. 1099., 2004 | Faluhelyi N., Reglődi D., Lengvári I, Csernus V.: Development of the circadian melatonin rhythm and the effect of PACAP on melatonin production in the embryonic chicken pineal gland. An in vitro study., Clin Neurosci 57 Suppl. 1: 17., 2004 | Faluhelyi N., Csernus V.: The effects of periodic alteration of the temperature on the rhythmic melatonin release of explanted chicken pineals., Neuroendocrinol. Lett., 26. 503-510., 2005 | Faluhelyi N, Csernus V.: The effects of rhythmic environmental factors on the chicken pineal gland in vitro, Clinical Neuroscience., 58. 28, 2005 | Gaszner B., Csernus V., Kozicz T.: Period2 expression in urocortin 1 cells in the Edinger-Westphal nucleus., Clinical Neuroscience., 58. 33, 2005 | Nagy A. D., Csernus V.: Detection of the mammalian clock gene homolog of Per1 in the chicken pineal gland., Clinical Neuroscience., 58. 69, 2005 | Csernus V., Nagy A.D., Faluhelyi N.: The control of MT release from mammalian and avian pineal glands., In: Melatonin: from Molecules to Therapy. S.R. Pandi-Perumal, D.P. Cardinali (eds.). Nova Science Publishers Inc., New York,, 2006 | Csernus V., Mess B. (szerkesztők): Biológiai órák. Ritmikus biológiai folyamatok az élővilágban, Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 2006. p 195., 2006 | Csernus Valér: A tobozmirigy szerepe a napszakos ritmusokban. A madár tobozmirigy, mint a napszakos ritmus kutatásának modellje., in: Csernus V., Mess B. (szerkesztők): Biológiai órák. Ritmikus biológiai folyamatok az élővilágban. - Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 2006. 81-100, 2006 | Faluhelyi N., Reglődi D., Lengvári I, Csernus V: Development of the circadian melatonin rhythm and the effect of PACAP on melatonin production in the embryonic chicken pineal gland. An in vitro study., Regul Pept. 123(1-3):23-8., 2004 | Gaszner B., Csernus V., Kozicz T.: Urocortinergic neurons respond in a differentiated manner to various acute stressors in the Edinger-Westphal nucleus in the rat., J Comp Neurol. 480: 170-179., 2004 | Csernus V., Faluhelyi N., Nagy A.D.:: Features of the circadian clock in the avian pineals., Annals N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1040. 281-287., 2005 | Faluhelyi N., Reglődi D., Csernus V.:: Development of the circadian thythm and its responsiveness to PACAP in the embryonic chicken pineal gland., Annals N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1040. 305-309., 2005 | Csernus V.: The avian pineal gland., Chronobiology International, 23. 329-339, 2006 | Faluhelyi, N., Reglődi D., Csernus V.: TThe effects of PACAP and VIP on the in vitro melatonin secretion from the embryonic chicken pineal gland., Annals N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1070. 271-275., 2006 | Csernus V., Nagy AD., Faluhelyi N.: Development of the rhythmic melatonin secretion in the embryonic chicken pineal gland., Gen Comp Endocrinol 152. 144-147., 2007 | Faluhelyi N., Csernus V.: The effects of environmental illumination on the in vitro melatonin secretion from the embryonic and adult chicken pineal gland., General and Comparative Endocrinology. 152. 154-158., 2007 | Nagy AD., Csernus V.: Cry1 expression in the chicken pineal gland: effects of changes in the light/dark conditions., Gen Comp Endocrinol 152. 148-153, 2007 | Nagy AD., Csernus V.: The role of PACAP in the circadian regulation of clock gene expression in the chicken pineal gland., Peptides 28. 1767-1774., 2007 |
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