Symmetry and Group Actions in Algebraic Topology
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Berczi G; Szenes A: Thom polynomials of Morin singularities, megjelenés alatt, Annals Math, 2006 | Buch AS; Fehér L; Rimányi R: Positivity of quiver coefficients, Adv. Math. 197/1, 306-320, 2005, 2005 | Buch AS; Rimányi R: Specializations of Grothendieck polynomials, C R de Acad des Sci Ser I 339: 1-4, 2004 | A Buch; Rimányi R: A formula for non-equioriented quiver orbits, J. Algebraic Geom. 16 (2007), 531-546, 2005 | Domokos M; Frenkel P: Mod 2 indecomposable orthogonal invariants, Adv Math 192/1: 209-217, 2004 | Domokos M; Frenkel P: On orthogonal invariants in characteristic 2, Journal of Algebra 274: 662-688, 2004 | Etesi G: Homotopic classification of Yang--Mills vacua taking into account causality, Internat. J. Theoret. Phys. 46 (2007), no. 4, 832--847., 2006 | Etesi G: Miért érthető nehezen a modern fizika?, Világosság 5, 2004 | Etesi G: The topology of asymptotically locally flat gravitational instantons, Phys. Lett. B641: 461-465, 2006 | Etesi G: Gravitational interprataion of the Hitchin equations, Journ. Geom. Phys, 57 (2007), no. 9, 1778--1788., 2006 | Etesi G, Jardim M: Moduli spaces of self-dual connections over asymptotically locally flat gravitational instantons, Comm Math Phys, 280, 285-313 (2008), 2008 | Etesi G, Szabo Sz: Harmonic functions and instanton moduli spaces on the multi-Taub-NUT space, arXiv:0809.0480, 2008 | Fehér L; Kőműves B: On second order Thom-Boardman singularties, Fund. Math. 191, 249-264, 2006, 2006 | Fehér L; Némethi A; Rimányi R: Degeneracy of two and three forms, Canad. Math. Bull. 48/4, 547-560, 2005 | Fehér L; Némethi A; Rimányi R: Coincident root loci of binary forms, Michigan Math J 54/2, 375-392., 2006 | Fehér L; Némethi A; Rimányi R: The degree of the discriminant of irreducible representations, J. Alg Geom, 17 (2008) 751-780, 2008 | Feher L, Nemethi A, Rimanyi R: Equivariant classes of matroid realization spaces,, arXiv:0812.4871, 2008 | Feher L; Patakfalvi Zs: The incidence class and the hierarchy of orbits, Central European Journal of Mathematics, 7 (2009), no. 3, 429--441., 2009 | Fehér L; Rimányi R: Thom polynomial computing strategies, Singularities, Sapporo, 2004 | Fehér L; Rimányi R: On the structure of Thom plinomials of singularities, London J. Mathematics, megjelenés alatt, 2006 | Feher L, Rimanyi R: Thom series of contact singularities, arXiv:0809.2925, 2008 | Felder G, Rimanyi R, Varchenko A: Poincare-Birkhoff-Witt expansions of the canonical elliptic differential form, Contemp. Math. 433 (2007), 191-208., 2007 | Frenkel P: Pfaffians, hafnians, and products of real linear functionals, Math. Res. Lett. 15 (2008)no. 2., 351-358., 2008 | Marangell R; Rimányi R: The general quadruple point formula, Preprint arXiv/0708.3068, 2007 | Rimányi R; Stevens L; Varchenko A: Combinatorics of rational functions and Poincare-Birchoff-Witt expansions of the canonical U(n-)-valued differential form, Ann. Comb. 9/1, 57-74, 2005, 2005 | Szenes A: Toric reduction and tropical geometry, Mathematisches Institut, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen: Seminars Winter Term 2004/2005, 109-115, 2005 | Szenes A: Periodicity of Y-systems and flat connections, Lett. Math. Phys. 89 (2009), no. 3, 217-230, 2006 | Szenes A; Vergne M: Toric reduction and a conjecture of Batyrev and Materov, Inv Mat 158: 453-495, 2004 | Szenes A; Vergne M: Mixed toric residues and tropical degenerations, Topology 45/3: 567-599, 2006 |
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