Plasticity of nociceptive sensory neurons associated with physiological, inflammatory and degenerative/neuropathic changes affecting the somatosensory system
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Sántha P, Nagy I:: Insulin and insulin-like growth factor-I induce thermosensitive ionic currents in capsaicin-sensitive primary sensory neurons., A215.21 Proc. 5th Forum of European Neuroscience, Vienna, Austria, 2006 | Urban L, Nagy I, Sántha P, Lukács K: Biomarkers in pain., In: Campbell J, Basbaum A, Dray A, Dubner R, Dworkin R, Sang C 8eds), Emerging strategies for the treatment of neuropathic pain. IASP Press, Seattle, pp. 457-475., 2006 | Nagy I, Reeh P, Srubek Tomassy G, Sántha P.:: Control of activity: relationship between excitatory and inhibitory receptors expressed by nociceptors., In: Flor H., Katso H., Dostrovsky JO (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th World Congress on Pain, IASP Press, Seattle, pp. 1-10, 2006 | Jancsó G, Sántha P, Oszlács O, Nyári T: Phenotypic switch of nociceptive sensory neurons induced by perineural treatment with capsaicin or resiniferatoxin., A215.13: Proc. 5th Forum of European Neuroscience, Vienna, Austria, 2006 | Dux M, Rosta J, Jancsó G:: Meningeal nociceptor function in diabetic rats: impaired capsaicin-induced neurogenic sensory vasodilatation., A215.7 Proc. 5th Forum of European Neuroscience, Vienna, Austria, 2006 | Szigeti C, Körtvély E, Sántha P, Nyári T, Gulya K, Jancsó G:: Changes in TRPV1 receptor expression following perineural treatment with capsaicin and resiniferatoxin: implications for the analgesic effect of vanilloids., A215.24 Proc. 5th Forum of European Neuroscience, Vienna, Austria, 2006 | Sántha P, Jancsó G, Nagy I:: A capsaicin-szenzitív érző neuronok inzulin-érzékenységének szerepe a nociceptor funkció szabályozásában., Acta Physiol. Hung. 93: 226-227,, 2006 | Dux M, Rosta J, Jancsó G:: Károsodott meningeális capsaicin-szenzitív neurogén vazodilatáció kísérletes diabetes mellitusban., Acta Physiol. Hung. 93: 168,, 2006 | Klukovits A., Falkay G., Jancsó G.,: Szenzoros neuropeptidek szerepe a terhes patkány uterus kontraktilitásának szabályozásában., Acta Physiol. Hung., 2006 | Schwenger N., Dux M., de Col R., Carr R., Messlinger K.,: Interaction of calcitonin gene-related peptide, nitric oxide and histamine release in neurogenic blood flow and afferent activation in the rat cranial dura mater., Cephalalgia 27: 481-491,, 2007 | Oszlács O., Sántha P., Nyári T., Jancsó G.,: Phenotype switch of nociceptive primary sensory neurons induced by perineural treatment with capsaicin or resiniferatoxin, Clin. Neurosci./Ideggyógy. Szle. 60 (S1): 49,, 2007 | Rosta J., Dux M., Jancsó G.,: Meningeal nociceptor function in diabetic rats: impaired capsaicin-induced neurogenic sensory vasodilatation., Clin. Neurosci./Ideggyógy. Szle. 60 (S1): 56, 2007 | Santha P., Jancsó G., Nagy: Insulin and insulin-like Growth Factor induce thermosensitive ionic currents in capsaicin-sensitive primary sensory neurons., Clin. Neurosci./Ideggyógy. Szle. 60 (S1): 57,, 2007 | Szigeti C., Körtvély E., Sántha P., Nyári T., Gulya K., Jancsó G.,: Changes in TRPV1 receptor expression following perineural treatment with capsaicin and resiniferatoxin: implications for the analgesic effect of vanilloids, Clin. Neurosci./Ideggyógy. Szle. 60 (S1): 62-63,, 2007 | Santha P., Jancso G., Nagy I.,: Insulin and insulin-like growth factor-1 modulate the activity of capsaicin-sensitive cultured dorsal root ganglion neurons., Eur. J. Pain 11 (Suppl 1): S160,, 2007 | Dux M., Rosta J., Jancso G.,: Dysfunction of meningeal capsaicin-sensitive afferent nerves in a rat model of diabetic neuropathic pain., Eur. J. Pain 11 (Suppl 1): S167-S168,, 2007 | Jancso G., Santa P., Oszlacs O., Nyari T.,: Perineural capsaicin and resiniferatoxin induce selective regional analgesia and phenotypic switch of primary sensory neurons expressing TRPV1., Eur. J. Pain 11 (Suppl 1): S169,, 2007 | Szigeti C., Kortvely E., Santha P., Nyari T., Gulya K., Jancso G.,: Effects of traumatic and selective chemical lesions of peripheral nerves on TRPV1 receptor expression: implications for vanilloid-induced analgesia, Eur. J. Pain 11 (Suppl 1): S175,, 2007 | Jancsó G, Sántha P, Szigeti C, Dux M: Selective C-fiber deafferentation of the spinal dorsal horn prevents lesion-induced transganglionic transport of choleragenoid to the substantia gelatinosa in the rat, Neurosci Lett. 361:204-207, 2004 | Jancsó, G., Sántha P.: Transganglionic transport of choleragenoid by injured C-fibres to the substantia gelatinosa: relevance to neuropathic pain and hyperalgesia., Hyperalgesia: molecular mechanisms and clinical implications. H.O. Handwerker, K. Brune, eds. IASP Press, Seattle., 2004 | Nagy I, Sántha P, Jancsó G, Urban L.: The role of the vanilloid (capsaicin) receptor (TRPV1) in physiology and pathology, Eur J Pharmacol 500:351-69, 2004 | Santha P., Nagy I.,: Insulin-induced activation of nociceptive primary sensory neurons., 35th Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC, USA, 2005 | Tahim S.A., Santha P., Nagy I.,: Inflammatory mediators convert anandamide into a potent activator of the vanilloid type 1 transient receptor potential receptor in nociceptive primary sensory neurons., Neuroscience 136: 539-548, 2005 | Zvara A, Bencsik P, Fodor G, Csont T, Hackler L Jr, Dux M, Furst S, Jancso G, Puskas LG, Ferdinandy P.: Capsaicin-sensitive sensory neurons regulate myocardial function and gene expression pattern of rat hearts: a DNA microarray study., FASEB J. 20:160-2, (2006)., 2006 | Baiou D., Santha P., Avelino A., Charrua A., Bacskai T., Matesz K., Cruz F., Nagy I.,: Neurochemical characterization of insulin receptor-expressing primary sensory neurons in wild-type and vanilloid type 1 transient receptor potential receptor knockout mice., J. Comp. Neurol. 503: 334-347, 2007 | Dux M., Rosta J., Pinter S., Santha P., Jancso G.,: Loss of capsaicin-induced meningeal neurogenic sensory vasodilatation in diabetic rats., Neuroscience 150: 194-201,, 2007 | Gram D., Ahren B., Nagy I., Olsen U., Brand C., Sundler F., Tabanera R., Svendsen O., Carr R, Santha P., Wierup N., Hansen A.,: Capsaicin-sensitive sensory fibres in the islet of Langerhans contribute to the defective insulin secretion in Zucker diabetic rat, an animal model for some aspects of human type 2 diabetes, Eur. J. Neurosci. 25: 213–223,, 2007 | Bencsik P., Kupai K., Giricz Z., Görbe A., Huliak I., Fürst S., Dux L., Csont T., Jancso G., Ferdinandy P.,: Cardiac capsaicin-sensitive sensory nerves regulate myocardial relaxation via S-nitrosylation of SERCA: role of peroxynitrite, Br. J. Pharmacol.153:488-96., 2008 |




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