Materials and systems for high density optical data sstorage
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F.J. Rodrigez, C. Sánches, B. Villacampa, R. Alcala, R. Cases, M. Millaruelo, L. Oriol, E. Lőrincz: Red light induced holographic storage in an azobenzene polymethacrylate at room temperature, Optical Materials 28 (5), pp. 480-487, 2006 | A. Sütő, E. Lőrincz: Optimization of data density in Fourier holographic system using spatial filtering and sparse modulation coding, Optik 115 (12), 541-546, 2004 | E. Lőrincz, P. Koppa, M. Lovász, F. Ujhelyi, G. Erdei, A. Sütő: New results in holographic data storage with organic polymer films, Organic Holographic Materials and Applications II., edited by K. Meerholz, Proc. SPIE 5521, 46-54, 2004 | T. Ujvári, P. Koppa, M. Lovász, P. Várhegyi, Sz. Sajti, E. Lőrincz, P. Richter: Secure data storage system based on phase-encoded thin polarization holograms, J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 6, 401-411., 2004 | P. Koppa, P. Várhegyi, T. Ujvári, M. Lovász, G. Szarvas, F. Ujhelyi, G. Erdei, J. Reményi, Domján, A. Sütő, E. Lőrincz: Application of polarization holography for data storage, COST P8 Workshop in Paris, 16-17 September, 2004 | M. Lovász, T. Ujvári, P. Várhegyi, A. Sütő, P. Koppa: Security application of polarization holography, COST P8 Workshop in Paris, 16-17 September, 2004 | E. Lőrincz: Material parameters for holographic system applications, Joint Meeting of WG1 and WG2, Cost P8, Ancona, Italy, 2004 | P. Koppa, G. Szarvas, G. Erdei, L. Domjan, E. Lőrincz: Multilayer holographic storage with confocal Gaussian apodized filtering, Innovative Mass Storage Technologies Workshop, IMST’04 September 28-29, Dorint Aachen Quellenhof, Aachen, Germany, 2004 | G. Erdei, A. Sütő, P. Koppa, E. Lőrincz, F. Ujhelyi, T. Ujvári, G. Szarvas, P.S. Ramanujam: Application of thin-film holography in optical data storage and data security, ERASMUS Intensive programme ''Thin films and multilayers as seen by local probes'', Budapest, 9 - 14 May, 2004 | I. Földvári, G. Berger, C. Denz: The potential of inorganic photorefractive crystals in holographic recording, Joint Meeting of WG1 and WG2, Cost P8, Ancona, Italy, 2004 | R.F. Sosa, I. Földvári, A. Watterich, A.F. Munoz, R.S. Maillard, G. Kugel: Optical properties of Er3+ ions in Bi2TeO5 single crystals, 15th Internat. Conf. Defects in Insulating Materials (ICDIM), Riga, July 2004. We-Po-OP10, 2004 | Földvári I.: A kristálytan szerepe a lézerek alkalmazásában, ACTA Geograph. Geolog. Meterol. Debrecina (elfogadva), 2007 | P. Koppa: Phase to amplitude data page conversion for holographic storage and optical encryption, Applied Optics, elbírálás alatt, ID: 76835, 2007 | P. Várhegyi, P. Koppa, F. Ujhelyi, E. Lőrincz: System modeling and optimization of Fourier holographic memory, Appl. Optics, 44 (15), 3024-3031, 2005 | W. Horn, G. Berger, C. Denz, I. Földvári: Non-volatile volume holograms in bismuth tellurite crystals with nanosecond laser pulses, Conference of the German Soceity of Applied Optics, Wroczlaw, Poland, May 17-21, 2005, 2005 | W. Horn, G. Berger, C. Denz, I. Földvári: Holographic recording in Bi2TeO5 using nanosecond pulses, OSA Trends in Optics and Photonics 99 (2005) Edits: G. Zhang, D. Kip, D. Nolte, J.J. Xu, 616-622, 2005 | F. Ujhelyi, M. Lovász, A. Sütő, P. Koppa, G. Erdei, E. Lőrincz: Phase coded polarization holographic system demonstration, Proc. of SPIE 6252, 209-213, 2006 | B. Gombkötő, Z. Kárpáti, G. Szarvas, P. Maák, P. Koppa, L. Domján, E. Lőrincz: Modelling volume holographic data storage, EOS Topical Meeting, Advanced Imaging Techniques, 29 June – 1 July 2005, 2005 | Lőrincz E., Koppa P., Erdei G., Ujhelyi F., Richter P.: Holografikus memóriakártya, Magyar Tudomány tematikus szám, 2005/12, 1521-1524, 2005 | Kovács L., Földvári I., Mandula G., Denz C., Berger G.: Hologram fixing in inorganic crystals, COST P8 workshop, Loutraki, Greece, May 2006, 2006 | E. Lőrincz, P. Koppa, G. Erdei, A. Sütő, F. Ujhelyi, P. Várhegyi, P. S. Ramanujam, P. I. Richter: Azobenzene Polyesters for Polarization Holographic Storage: Part II. Technology and System, Chapter 18 in Handbook of Organic Electronics and Photonics (22 pages), ed. H. S. Nalwa, published by American Scientific Publishers, ISBN: 1-58883-095, 2007 | N. C. R. Holme, S. Hvilsted, E. Lőrincz, A. Matharu, L. Nedelchev, L. Nikolova, P. S. Ramanujam: Azobenzene Polyesters for Polarization Holographic Storage: Part I Materials and Characterization, Chapter 17 in Handbook of Organic Electronics and Photonics (29 pages), ed. H. S. Nalwa, published by American Scientific Publishers, ISBN: 1-58883-095, 2007 | P. Koppa, F. Ujhelyi, P. Várhegyi, T. Ujhelyi, Z. Göröcs, Zs. Nagy, B. Gombkötő, E. Dietz, S. Frohmann, S. Orlic, E. Lőrincz: New results in the modeling and experimental investigation of holographic storage systems, COST P8 Meeting, Loutraki, Greece, 2006 | Sütő A., Erdei G.: Method of reading a Fourier hologram recorded on a holographic storage medium and a holographic storage system, P 07 00131, 2007 | E. Lőrincz: High density holographic data storage, ESF 2.5 (European Structure Funds), ISBN 9986-19-851-8, Vilnius University, 2006 | B. Gombkötő, P. Koppa, P. Maák, E. Lőrincz: Application of the fast-Fourier-transform-based volume integral equation method to model volume diffraction in shift-multiplexed holographic data storage, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A., 23 (11), 2954-2960, 2006 | Zs. Nagy, P. Koppa, E. Dietz, S. Frohmann, S. Orlic, E. Lőrincz: Modeling of multilayer microholographic data storage, Applied Optics 46 (5), 753-761, 2007 | B. Gombkötő, P. Koppa, A. Sütő, E. Lőrincz: Computer simulation of reflective volume grating holographic data storage, ID 77514, elfogadva 2007.02.16, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A., 2007 | Zs. Nagy, P. Koppa, F. Ujhelyi, E. Dietz, S. Frohmann, and S. Orlic: Modeling material saturation effects in microholographic recording, Optics Express 15 (4), 1732-1737, 2007 | P. Koppa, J. Reményi, F. Ujhelyi, G. Erdei: Method and system for parallel optical decoding of digital phase image to intensity image, European Patent application No. 06013569.6-2210, 2006 | Barócsi A., Erdei G., Koppa P., Lőrincz E., Reményi J., Ujhelyi F.: Phase modulator system comprising a beam splitter and a linear polarization mode phase modulator and method for separating a light beam travelling toward and reflected back from such a phase modulator, P 07 00132, 2007 | Erdei G., Ujhelyi F.: Holographic storage system for reading a hologram stored on a holographic storage medium and a method carried out therewith, P 07 00133, 2007 | E. Lőrincz, G. Pauliat: Holographic storage systems. WG2 report, COST P8 Meeting, Loutraki, Greece, 2006 | G. Dominiak-Dzik, W. Ryba-Romanowski, I. Földvári, K. Lengyel: Spectroscopic properties of the Yb3+ doped Bi2TeO5 single crystal, Optical Materials online December 2006, 2007 | I. Földvári, A. Baraldi, R. Capelletti, N. Magnani, R.F. Sosa, A.F. Munoz, L.A. Kappers, A. Watterich: Optical absorption and luminescence of Ho3+ ions in Bi2TeO5 single crystals, Opt. Mater. 29 (6), 688-696, 2007 | Lőrincz E.: Új irányok az optikai adattárolásban, Fizika Éve a Fizikai Intézetben, 2005 |




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