From Exotic Nuclei to Molecular Electronics
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Armour EAG; Richard J-M; Varga K: Stability of few-charge systems in quantum mechanics, Phys. Rep. 413: 1-90, 2005 | Cseh J; Algora A; Darai J; Hess PO: Deformation dependence of nuclear clusterization, Phys. Rev. C 70: 034311(1-8), 2004 | Algora A; Cseh J; Darai J; Hess PO: Selection rule and energetic stability. Complementary aspects of nuclear
clusterization, Revista Mexicana de Física 52 Supplemento 1, 12-, 2006 | Kruppa AT; Nazarewicz W: Gamow R-matrix approach to proton emitting nuclei, Phys. Rev. C 69: 054311(1-11), 2004 | Kruppa AT; Michel N; Nazarewicz W: Description of weekly bound or unbound nuclear states, AIP Conf. Proc. 726: 7-12, 2004 | Vertse T; Id Betan R; Liotta RJ; Sandulescu N: Shell model representation with antibound states, AIP Conf. Proc. 726: 193-198, 2004 | Moszkowski S; Doleschall P; Papp Z: Spin dependence and non-locality in NN interactions, AIP Conf Proc 768: 72, 2005 | Papp Z; Darai J; Mezei JZs; Hlousek ZT; Hu Y-C: Accumulation of resonances in three-body Coulombic systems, AIP Conf Proc 768: 436-438, 2005 | Mezei JZs; Darai J; Papp Z: Modified Faddeev-Noble versus Faddeev-Sasakawa-Sawada equations for the nuclear three-body Coulomb problem, Few-Body Systems 40: 165-169, 2007 | Doleschall P; Papp Z: p-d scattering with a nonlocal nucleon-nucleon potential below the breakup threshold, Phys. Rev. C 72: 044003 (1-9), 2005 | Darai J; Cseh J; Algora A; Hess PO: Quasidynamical symmetry and nuclear clusterization, Proc. Int. Symp. on Quantum Theory and Symmetries,Varna, 2005. Ed. Dobrev VK, Heron Press (Sofia) 918--924, 2006 | Cseh J; Algora A; Darai J; Hess PO; Antonenko NV; Jolos RV; Scheid W: Deformation and Clusterization in Atomic Nuclei, AIP Conf. Proc. 802: 48-51, 2005 | Algora A; Cseh J; Darai J; Hess PO; Antonenko NV; Jolos RV; Scheid W: Clusterization and Deformation in Heavy Nuclei, AIP Conf. Proc. 800: 52-56, 2005 | Cseh J; Antonenko NV; Algora A; Darai J; Hess PO; Jolos RV; Scheid W: Clusterization and quadrupole deformation in nuclei, Frontiers in Nuclear Structure, Astrophysics and Reactions, Kos, Greece, 2005, AIP Conf. Proc. 831, 65-69, 2006 | Darai J; Cseh J; Algora A; Hess PO: Ternary clusterization in superdeformed and hyperdeformed states, Frontiers in Nuclear Structure, Astrophysics and Reactions, Kos, Greece, 2005, AIP Conf. Proc. 831, 424--426, 2006 | Vertse T; Id Betan R; Liotta RJ, Sandulescu N; Wyss R: A description of exotic nuclei by the aid of virtual states, AIP Conf. Proc. 802: 121-124, 2005 | Id Betan R; Liotta RJ; Sandulescu N; Vertse T; Wyss R: Complex shell model representation including antibound states, Phys. Rev. C 72: 054322(1-16), 2005 | Id Betan R; Liotta RJ; Sandulescu N; Vertse T: Description of the continuum part of the spectrum by using the complex energy plane, J. Phys. G 31: S1329-S1336, 2005 | Id Betan R; Vertse T; Sandulescu N: Complex Quasiparticle Energy, AIP Conf. Proc. 802: 137-141, 2005 | Reinhard P-G; Bender M; Nazarewicz W; Vertse T: From finite nuclei to the nuclear liquid drop: leptodermous expansion based on the self-consistent mean-field theory, Phys. Rev. C 73 014309(1-11), 2006 | Varga K; Pantelides ST: Lagrange-function approach to real-space order-N electronic structure calculations, Physica Status Solidi B 243, 1110-1120, 2006 | Mezei JZs; Kruppa AT; Varga K: Charged exciton resonances in two and three dimensions, Few Body Systems 41, 233-244, 2007 | Cseh J; Darai J: Nuclear shape, symmetry and clusterization, Acta Universitatis Debreceniensis, Ser. Phys. Chim. XL (2006) 23--39, 2006 | Mezei JZs; Papp Z: Efimov resonances in atomic three-body systems, Phys. Rev. A 73, 030701(R) (1-3), 2006 | Cseh J; Darai J; Antonenko AV; Algora A; Hess PO, Jolos RV; Scheid W: Deformation inside and outside the nuclear molecules, Revista Mexicana de Física 52 Supplemento 4 (2006) 11-16, 2006 | Yepez-Martinez H; Hess PO; Algora A; Cseh J; Darai J; Levai G: The semimicroscopic algebraic cluster model with broken dynamical symmetry, Romanian Reports in Physics 59, 717-727, 2007 | Cseh J: Harmony in complexity: symmetries in atomic nuclei, Symmetry: Culture and Science 16, 283-292, 2005 | Dussel GG; Id Betan R; Liotta RJ; Vertse T: One- and two-quasiparticle states in the complex energy plane, Nucl. Phys. A 789, 182-200, 2007 | Vertse T; Id Betan R; Liotta RJ; Sandulescu N: Shell model representation with antibound states for analysing exotic nuclei, Int. Symp. on Exotic Nuclei, Eds. Penionzhkevich YaE; Cherepanov EA, World Sci. Publ.
Co. Pte. Ltd., 148-153, 2005 | Id Betan R; Sandulescu N; Vertse T: Quasiparticle resonances in the BCS approach, Nucl. Phys. A 771, 93-102, 2006 | Varga K; Mitroy J; Mezei JZs; Kruppa AT: Description of positron-hydrogen resonances using the stochastic variational method, Physical Review A 77, 044502(1--4), 2008 | Cseh J; Hess PO; Darai J; Algora A; Yepez-Martinez H: Clusters and the quasi-dynamical symmetry, Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on Nuclear Clustering, Stratford-upon-Avon, 2007, J. Phys. Conf. Series 111, 1:2043(1--6), 2008 | Itagaki N; Masui H; Cseh J: Solid, liquid and gas structure of light nuclei, Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on Nuclear Clustering, Stratford-upon-Avon, 2007, J. Phys. Conf. Series 111, 1:2006(1--6), 2008 | Salamon P; Vertse T: New simple form for phenomenological nuclear potential, Physical Review C 77, 037302(1--4), 2008 | Vertse T; Id Betan R; Liotta RJ; Sandulescu N; Wyss R: Az áltálanosított Berggren-reprezentáció használata magszerkezet-számolásban, Mûszaki Szemle (Kolozsvár), 41, 9--12, 2008 | Vertse T: 40 years of the Berggren representation, Proc. Int. Workshop on Many-body Open Quantum Systems, Trento, 2007, http://namafia.atomki.hu/~vertse/berggren/talks/ 40y.pdf (1-5), 2007 | Lovas RG: Berggren's theory in double mirror, Proc. Int. Workshop on Many-body Open Quantum Systems, Trento, 2007, http://namafia.atomki.hu/~vertse/berggren/talks/ lovas.pdf (1-13), 2007 | Kruppa AT: Complex scaling: from resonances to scattering states, Proc. Int. Workshop on Many-body Open Quantum Systems, Trento, 2007, http://namafia.atomki.hu/~vertse/berggren/talks/ Kruppa.ppt, 2007 | Id Betan R; Liotta RJ; Sandulescu N; Vertse T: Complex shell model with antibound states, Proc. 8th Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics, ed. by A. Covello, World Sci. Publ. 91--101, 2005 | Karny M; Rykaczewski KP; Grzywacz R; Batchelder JC; Bingham CR; Goodin C; Gross CJ; Hamilton JH; Korgul A;
Królas W; Liddick SN; Li K; Maier KH; Mazzocchi C; Piechaczek A; ...; Kruppa AT; ...: Shell structure beyond the proton drip line studied via proton emission from deformed 141Ho, Physics Letters B 664, 52--56, 2008 | Suzuki R; Kruppa AT; Giraud BG; Kato K: Continuum level density of a coupled-channel system in the complex scaling method, Prog. Theor. Phys. 119, 949--963, 2008 | Cseh J; Darai J: Resonances, clusters and deformation, Proc. Int. Conf. Fusion-08 (New Aspects of Heavy-Ion Collisons near the Coulomb Barrier, Chicago, 2008), 2009 | Papp Z; Moszkowski S: Two- and three-alpha systems with non-local potential, Mod. Phys. Lett. B 22, 2201--2215, 2008 | Varga K, Zhang Zh: ``Lagrange functions'': a family of powerful basis sets for real space order-N electronic structure calculations, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93: 176403(1-4), 2004 | Papp Z; Darai J; Mezei JZs; Hlousek ZT; Hu Y-C: Accumulation of three-body resonaces above the three-body thresholds, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94: 143201(1-4), 2005 | Algora A; Cseh J; Darai J; Hess PO: Ternary clusterization and quadrupole deformation, Phys Lett B 639 451-455, 2006 | Kruppa AT; Suzuki R; Kato K: Scattering amplitude without explicit enforcement of boundary condition, Phys Rev C 75, 044602(1-8), 2007 | Levai G; Cseh J; Van Isacker P: Application of cluster supersymmetry to nuclei with mass number A=20, 19, and 18, J Phys G 34 1729-1756, 2007 | Varga K; Pantelides ST: Quantum transport in molecules and nanotube devices, Phys Rev Lett, 98, 076804(1-4), 2007 | Id Betan R; Kruppa AT; Vertse T: Complex energy approaches for calculating isobaric analogue states, Phys. Rev. C 78 044308(1--10), 2008 | Michel N; Nazarewicz W; Ploszajczak M; Vertse T: Shell model in the complex energy plane, J Phys. G 36, 013101(1-40), 2009 |




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