From Exotic Nuclei to Molecular Electronics  Page description

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Details of project

Type K
Principal investigator Lovas, Rezso
Title in Hungarian Különleges atommagoktól a molekuláris elektronikáig
Title in English From Exotic Nuclei to Molecular Electronics
Panel Physics 1
Department or equivalent Theoretical nuclear physics research group (HUN-REN Institute for Nuclear Research)
Participants Darai, Judit
Kónya, Balázs
Kruppa, András Tibor
Papp, Zoltán
Varga, Kálmán
Vertse, Tamás
Starting date 2004-01-01
Closing date 2008-12-31
Funding (in million HUF) 13.157
FTE (full time equivalent) 0.00
state closed project


Final report

Results in Hungarian
Kötött és nem kötött magfizikai néhánytest-rendszerek leírási módszereit tökéletesítettük mag-, atom- és szilárdtest-fizikai feladatok megoldására. Gauss-bázisos stochasztikus variációs módszerünkkel módszeresen megkerestük néhány töltött részecske kötött állapotait. Töltött excitonok rezonanciáit lokalizáltuk. Felderítettük a pozitron+H rendszer rezonanciáinak szerkezetét. Megállapítottuk, hogy Fagyejev--Merkurjev-típusú módszerünk három töltött részecske leírására egy másik módszerrel egyenértékû, de takarékosabb. Két elektron és egy pozitron együttesében végtelen sok rezonanciát találtunk a kéttest-küszöbhöz tapadva. Ezeket a Jefimov-hatásnak tulajdonítjuk. Úgy találtuk, hogy a proton+deuteron rendszer nemlokális kéttest-potenciállal éppolyan jól leírható, mint háromtest-erõt tartalmazó lokális potenciállal. A kétalfa-rendszer alapállapoti rezonanciaenergiáját, szórási fázisait, a 12C alfaszerű állapotait egy potenciálmodellben egyszerre reprodukáltuk. A magok csomókra bonthatóságát, deformációját, kollektív viselkedését, alakfázisait és -átmeneteit a szimmetriák nyelvén tárgyaltuk. Magszerkezeti számításainkban komplex energiájú Gamow-megoldásokat, kontinuumállapotokat és virtuális állapotokat használtunk vagy komplex skálázással transzformålt megfelelõiket. Megmutattuk, hogyan kell a komplex skálázást ütközésekre alkalmazni. Bázist akottunk a molekuláris elektronika céljaira, és konkrét nanoelektonikai rendszerekre alkalmaztuk is.
Results in English
We improved the description of bound and unbound nuclear few-body systems to facilitate nuclear, atomic and solid-state physics. We calculated the bound states of a few charged particles with our stochastic variational technique using Gaussian bases. We localized the resonances of charged excitons. We explored the structure of the resonances of the positron+H system. We have found that our Faddeev--Merkuriev method of describing three charged particles is equivalent to another technique but is more economical. We have found an infinite number of resonances in a system of two electrons and one positron, accumulated at the two-body threshold. We attribute these to the Efimov effect. We showed that the proton+deuteron system is described with a non-local two-body potential as perfectly as with the best local potential containing a three-body term. The ground-state energy and phase shifts of a two-alpha system and the alpha-like states of 12C were reproduced simultaneously in a potential model. We discussed the clustering, deformation, collective behaviour, shape phases and phase transitions of nuclei in terms of symmetries. In nuclear structure calculations we used Gamow, continuum and virtual states, all belonging to complex energies, or their complex-scaled substitutes. We have elaborated the collision theory with complex scaling. We constructed bases optimized for molecular electronics, and applied them to units of nanoelectronics.
Full text


List of publications

Armour EAG; Richard J-M; Varga K: Stability of few-charge systems in quantum mechanics, Phys. Rep. 413: 1-90, 2005
Cseh J; Algora A; Darai J; Hess PO: Deformation dependence of nuclear clusterization, Phys. Rev. C 70: 034311(1-8), 2004
Algora A; Cseh J; Darai J; Hess PO: Selection rule and energetic stability. Complementary aspects of nuclear clusterization, Revista Mexicana de Física 52 Supplemento 1, 12-, 2006
Kruppa AT; Nazarewicz W: Gamow R-matrix approach to proton emitting nuclei, Phys. Rev. C 69: 054311(1-11), 2004
Kruppa AT; Michel N; Nazarewicz W: Description of weekly bound or unbound nuclear states, AIP Conf. Proc. 726: 7-12, 2004
Vertse T; Id Betan R; Liotta RJ; Sandulescu N: Shell model representation with antibound states, AIP Conf. Proc. 726: 193-198, 2004
Moszkowski S; Doleschall P; Papp Z: Spin dependence and non-locality in NN interactions, AIP Conf Proc 768: 72, 2005
Papp Z; Darai J; Mezei JZs; Hlousek ZT; Hu Y-C: Accumulation of resonances in three-body Coulombic systems, AIP Conf Proc 768: 436-438, 2005
Mezei JZs; Darai J; Papp Z: Modified Faddeev-Noble versus Faddeev-Sasakawa-Sawada equations for the nuclear three-body Coulomb problem, Few-Body Systems 40: 165-169, 2007
Doleschall P; Papp Z: p-d scattering with a nonlocal nucleon-nucleon potential below the breakup threshold, Phys. Rev. C 72: 044003 (1-9), 2005
Darai J; Cseh J; Algora A; Hess PO: Quasidynamical symmetry and nuclear clusterization, Proc. Int. Symp. on Quantum Theory and Symmetries,Varna, 2005. Ed. Dobrev VK, Heron Press (Sofia) 918--924, 2006
Cseh J; Algora A; Darai J; Hess PO; Antonenko NV; Jolos RV; Scheid W: Deformation and Clusterization in Atomic Nuclei, AIP Conf. Proc. 802: 48-51, 2005
Algora A; Cseh J; Darai J; Hess PO; Antonenko NV; Jolos RV; Scheid W: Clusterization and Deformation in Heavy Nuclei, AIP Conf. Proc. 800: 52-56, 2005
Cseh J; Antonenko NV; Algora A; Darai J; Hess PO; Jolos RV; Scheid W: Clusterization and quadrupole deformation in nuclei, Frontiers in Nuclear Structure, Astrophysics and Reactions, Kos, Greece, 2005, AIP Conf. Proc. 831, 65-69, 2006
Darai J; Cseh J; Algora A; Hess PO: Ternary clusterization in superdeformed and hyperdeformed states, Frontiers in Nuclear Structure, Astrophysics and Reactions, Kos, Greece, 2005, AIP Conf. Proc. 831, 424--426, 2006
Vertse T; Id Betan R; Liotta RJ, Sandulescu N; Wyss R: A description of exotic nuclei by the aid of virtual states, AIP Conf. Proc. 802: 121-124, 2005
Id Betan R; Liotta RJ; Sandulescu N; Vertse T; Wyss R: Complex shell model representation including antibound states, Phys. Rev. C 72: 054322(1-16), 2005
Id Betan R; Liotta RJ; Sandulescu N; Vertse T: Description of the continuum part of the spectrum by using the complex energy plane, J. Phys. G 31: S1329-S1336, 2005
Id Betan R; Vertse T; Sandulescu N: Complex Quasiparticle Energy, AIP Conf. Proc. 802: 137-141, 2005
Reinhard P-G; Bender M; Nazarewicz W; Vertse T: From finite nuclei to the nuclear liquid drop: leptodermous expansion based on the self-consistent mean-field theory, Phys. Rev. C 73 014309(1-11), 2006
Varga K; Pantelides ST: Lagrange-function approach to real-space order-N electronic structure calculations, Physica Status Solidi B 243, 1110-1120, 2006
Mezei JZs; Kruppa AT; Varga K: Charged exciton resonances in two and three dimensions, Few Body Systems 41, 233-244, 2007
Cseh J; Darai J: Nuclear shape, symmetry and clusterization, Acta Universitatis Debreceniensis, Ser. Phys. Chim. XL (2006) 23--39, 2006
Mezei JZs; Papp Z: Efimov resonances in atomic three-body systems, Phys. Rev. A 73, 030701(R) (1-3), 2006
Cseh J; Darai J; Antonenko AV; Algora A; Hess PO, Jolos RV; Scheid W: Deformation inside and outside the nuclear molecules, Revista Mexicana de Física 52 Supplemento 4 (2006) 11-16, 2006
Yepez-Martinez H; Hess PO; Algora A; Cseh J; Darai J; Levai G: The semimicroscopic algebraic cluster model with broken dynamical symmetry, Romanian Reports in Physics 59, 717-727, 2007
Cseh J: Harmony in complexity: symmetries in atomic nuclei, Symmetry: Culture and Science 16, 283-292, 2005
Dussel GG; Id Betan R; Liotta RJ; Vertse T: One- and two-quasiparticle states in the complex energy plane, Nucl. Phys. A 789, 182-200, 2007
Vertse T; Id Betan R; Liotta RJ; Sandulescu N: Shell model representation with antibound states for analysing exotic nuclei, Int. Symp. on Exotic Nuclei, Eds. Penionzhkevich YaE; Cherepanov EA, World Sci. Publ. Co. Pte. Ltd., 148-153, 2005
Id Betan R; Sandulescu N; Vertse T: Quasiparticle resonances in the BCS approach, Nucl. Phys. A 771, 93-102, 2006
Varga K; Mitroy J; Mezei JZs; Kruppa AT: Description of positron-hydrogen resonances using the stochastic variational method, Physical Review A 77, 044502(1--4), 2008
Cseh J; Hess PO; Darai J; Algora A; Yepez-Martinez H: Clusters and the quasi-dynamical symmetry, Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on Nuclear Clustering, Stratford-upon-Avon, 2007, J. Phys. Conf. Series 111, 1:2043(1--6), 2008
Itagaki N; Masui H; Cseh J: Solid, liquid and gas structure of light nuclei, Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on Nuclear Clustering, Stratford-upon-Avon, 2007, J. Phys. Conf. Series 111, 1:2006(1--6), 2008
Salamon P; Vertse T: New simple form for phenomenological nuclear potential, Physical Review C 77, 037302(1--4), 2008
Vertse T; Id Betan R; Liotta RJ; Sandulescu N; Wyss R: Az áltálanosított Berggren-reprezentáció használata magszerkezet-számolásban, Mûszaki Szemle (Kolozsvár), 41, 9--12, 2008
Vertse T: 40 years of the Berggren representation, Proc. Int. Workshop on Many-body Open Quantum Systems, Trento, 2007, 40y.pdf (1-5), 2007
Lovas RG: Berggren's theory in double mirror, Proc. Int. Workshop on Many-body Open Quantum Systems, Trento, 2007, lovas.pdf (1-13), 2007
Kruppa AT: Complex scaling: from resonances to scattering states, Proc. Int. Workshop on Many-body Open Quantum Systems, Trento, 2007, Kruppa.ppt, 2007
Id Betan R; Liotta RJ; Sandulescu N; Vertse T: Complex shell model with antibound states, Proc. 8th Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics, ed. by A. Covello, World Sci. Publ. 91--101, 2005
Karny M; Rykaczewski KP; Grzywacz R; Batchelder JC; Bingham CR; Goodin C; Gross CJ; Hamilton JH; Korgul A; Królas W; Liddick SN; Li K; Maier KH; Mazzocchi C; Piechaczek A; ...; Kruppa AT; ...: Shell structure beyond the proton drip line studied via proton emission from deformed 141Ho, Physics Letters B 664, 52--56, 2008
Suzuki R; Kruppa AT; Giraud BG; Kato K: Continuum level density of a coupled-channel system in the complex scaling method, Prog. Theor. Phys. 119, 949--963, 2008
Cseh J; Darai J: Resonances, clusters and deformation, Proc. Int. Conf. Fusion-08 (New Aspects of Heavy-Ion Collisons near the Coulomb Barrier, Chicago, 2008), 2009
Papp Z; Moszkowski S: Two- and three-alpha systems with non-local potential, Mod. Phys. Lett. B 22, 2201--2215, 2008
Varga K, Zhang Zh: ``Lagrange functions'': a family of powerful basis sets for real space order-N electronic structure calculations, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93: 176403(1-4), 2004
Papp Z; Darai J; Mezei JZs; Hlousek ZT; Hu Y-C: Accumulation of three-body resonaces above the three-body thresholds, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94: 143201(1-4), 2005
Algora A; Cseh J; Darai J; Hess PO: Ternary clusterization and quadrupole deformation, Phys Lett B 639 451-455, 2006
Kruppa AT; Suzuki R; Kato K: Scattering amplitude without explicit enforcement of boundary condition, Phys Rev C 75, 044602(1-8), 2007
Levai G; Cseh J; Van Isacker P: Application of cluster supersymmetry to nuclei with mass number A=20, 19, and 18, J Phys G 34 1729-1756, 2007
Varga K; Pantelides ST: Quantum transport in molecules and nanotube devices, Phys Rev Lett, 98, 076804(1-4), 2007
Id Betan R; Kruppa AT; Vertse T: Complex energy approaches for calculating isobaric analogue states, Phys. Rev. C 78 044308(1--10), 2008
Michel N; Nazarewicz W; Ploszajczak M; Vertse T: Shell model in the complex energy plane, J Phys. G 36, 013101(1-40), 2009

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