Late cardioprotection against ischemia-reperfusion injury induced by bacterial lipopolisaccharides
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Lalu MM; Csont T; Schulz R: Matrix metalloproteinase activities are altered in the heart and plasma during endotoxemia, Crit Care Med. 32:1332-1337, 2004 | Bjelik A, Bereczki E, Gonda S, Juhasz A, Rimanoczy A, Zana M, Csont T, Pakaski M, Boda K, Ferdinandy P, Dux L, Janka Z, Santha M; Kalman J: Human apoB overexpression and a high-cholesterol diet differently modify the brain APP metabolism in the transgenic mouse model of atherosclerosis, Neurochem Int, 49: 393-400, 2006 | Gyongyosi M; Strehblow C; Sperker W; Hevesi A; Garamvolgyi R; Petrasi Z; Pavo N; Ferdinandy P; Csonka C; Csont T; Sylvn C; DeclercK PJ; Pavo I; Wojta J; Glogar D; Huber K: Platelet activation and high tissue factor level predict acute stent thrombosis in pig coronary arteries: Prothrombogenic response of drug-eluting or bare stent implantation within the first 24 hours, Thromb Haemostasis, 96: 202-209, 2006 | Zvara A, Bencsik P, Fodor G, Csont T, Hackler L Jr, Dux M, Furst S, Jancso G, Puskas LG, Ferdinandy P: Capsaicin-sensitive sensory neurons regulate myocardial function and gene expression pattern of rat hearts: a DNA microarray study, FASEB J. Epub 2005 Nov 8. http://www.fasebj.org/cgi/doi/10.1096/fj.05-4060fje; doi: 10.1096/fj.05-4060fje, 2005 | Csont T, Viappiani S, Sawicka J, Slee S, Altarejos JY, Batinic-Haberle I, Schulz R: The involvement of superoxide and iNOS-derived NO in cardiac dysfunction induced by pro-inflammatory cytokines, J Mol Cell Cardiol.;39:833-40., 2005 | Ungi I, Ungi T, Ruzsa Z, Nagy E, Zimmermann Z, Csont T, Ferdinandy P: Hypercholesterolemia attenuates the anti-ischemic effect of preconditioning during coronary angioplasty, Chest.;128:1623-8., 2005 | Csont T, Ferdinandy P.: Cardioprotective effects of glyceryl trinitrate: beyond vascular nitrate tolerance., Pharmacol Ther.;105:57-68., 2005 | Csont T, Csonka C, Giricz Z, Ferdinandy P: A szív iszkémiás stressz-adaptációs képességének csökkenése kórélettani állapotokban: Patomechanizmus és terápiás konzekvenciák., Praxis, 14:11-21., 2005 | Csonka C, Kupai K, Bencsik P, Kocsis FG, Csont T, Ferdinandy P.: Cardioprotection induced by atp-sensitive potassium channel activation is impaierd in rats fed cholesterol-enriched diet., J Mol Cell Cardiol, 38:1014-1015, 044, 2005 | Csont T, Bencsik P, Bereczki E, Rigo K, Kocsis FG, Giricz Z, Csonka C, Santha M, Ferdinandy P.: Hypercholesterolemia leads to cardiac dysfunction in apob100 transgenic mice: role of oxidative stress & MMPS, J Mol Cell Cardiol, 38:1015-1015, 045, 2005 | Bencsik P; Fodor G; Giricz Z; Csont T; Ferdinandy P: Role of enzymes involved in nitric oxide and superoxide metabolism in ischemic late preconditioning in rat hearts, J Mol Cell Cardiol. 40: 976-976, 2006 | Csont T; Fodor G; Sarvary L; Bencsik P; Ferdinandy P: Involvement of nitric oxide and reactive oxygen species in the delayed cardioprotection induced by lipopolysaccharides, J Mol Cell Cardiol. 40: 930-930, 2006 | Fodor G; Pipis J; Giricz Z; Csont T; Ferdinandy P: Acute lovastatin treatment blocks the infarct size limiting effect of preconditioning in isolated rat hearts, J Mol Cell Cardiol. 40: 977-977, 2006 | Fodor G; Onody A; Csont T; Varga-Orvos Z; Puskas LG; Ferdinandy P: Effect of preconditioning and hyperlipidemia on the gene expression pattern of mouse hearts, J Mol Cell Cardiol. 40: 978-978, 2006 | Turan N, Csonka C, Csont T, Giricz Z, Fodor G, Bencsik P, Gyongyosi M, Cakici I, Ferdinandy P: The role of peroxynitrite in chemical preconditioning with 3-nitropropionic acid in rat hearts, Cardiovasc Res, 70: 384-390, 2006 |




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