Arithmetical functions, sets of uniqueness, generalized number systems
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K.-H. Indlekofer and I. Kátai: On the normal order of $\\varphi_{k+1}(n)/\\varphi_k(n)$, where $\\varphi_k$ is the $k$-fold iterate of Euler’s functions, Liet. Matem. rynk 44, 68-84, 2004 | I. Kátai and M.V. Subbarao: On the local distribution of the iterated divisor function, Mathematica Pannonica 15, 2004 | I. Kátai and M.V. Subbarao: Distribution of additive and q-additive functions under some conditions, Publ. Math. Debrecen 64, 167-187, 2004 | K.-H. Indlekofer and I. Kátai: On the normal order of $\\varphi_{k+1}(n)/\\varphi_k(n)$, where $\\varphi_k$ is the $k$-fold iterate of Euler’s functions, Liet. Matem. rynk 44, 68-84, 2004 | K.-H. Indlekofer and I. Kátai: On the normal order of $\\varphi_{k+1}(n)/\\varphi_k(n)$, where $\\varphi_k$ is the $k$-fold iterate of Euler’s functions, Liet. Matem. rynk 44, 68-84, 2004 | I. Kátai and M.V. Subbarao: On the function $\xi(s)\xi(s-a)...\xi(s-ra)$, Math. Pannonica, vol. 16, 19-27, 2005 | I. Kátai: Some results and problems on arithmetical functions, Proc. Intern. Conf. - Number Theory, No 1., (2004), 39-50; Lecture Notes Series, Ramanujan Math. Soc., 2005 | J.M. De Koninck and I. Kátai: On the mean value of the index of composition of an integer, Monatshefte Math. 145, 131-144, 2005 | J.M. De Koninck and I. Kátai: On the multiplicative group generated by shifted binary quadratic forms, Annales Univ. Budapest Sectio Math., 47 (2004), 17-28, 2005 | J. Fehér and I. Kátai: On sets of uniqueness for additive and multiplicative functions over the multiplicative group generated by the polynomial $x^2+a$, Annales Univ. Budapest Sectio Math., 47 (2004), 143-156, 2005 | I. Kátai and M.V. Subbarao: On a new proof of a theorem of Indlekofer and Timofeev, Annales Univ. Budapest Sectio Math., 47 (2004), 29-33, 2005 | I. Kátai: On the number of prime divisors of the iterates of the Carmichael function, Math Pannonica, 16., 205-209, 2005 | I. Kátai: Square-free values of the Carmichael function, Math Pannonica, 16/2., 199-203, 2005 | I. Kátai and M.V. Subbarao: Distribution of $2$-additive functions under some conditions, Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest, Eötvös, Sect. Comp., 26, 137-143., 2006 | I. Kátai and M.V. Subbarao: Some further remarks on the $\varphi$ and $\sigma$ functions, Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest, Eötvös, Sect. Comp., 26, 51-63., 2006 | I. Kátai and M.V. Subbarao: A remark on the product partition of integers into $k$ parts, Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest, Eötvös, Sect. Comp., 26, 43-49., 2006 | I. Kátai and M.V. Subbarao: A remark on product partition, Acta Math. Hung., 111(4), 305-310., 2006 | I. Kátai: A remark on a paper of Luca, Acta Math. Hung., 113(4), 313-318., 2006 | J.M. De Koninck and I. Kátai: On the local distribution of certain arithmetical functions, Liet. Matem. Rink. 46(3), 315-333., 2006 | I. Kátai: A remark on trigonometric sums, Acta Math. Hung. 112, 221-225., 2006 | I. Kátai and M.V. Subbarao: On the maximal and minimal exponent of the prime divisors of integers, Publ. Math. Debrecen, 68, 477-488., 2006 | I. Kátai: Research problems in number theory III., Analytic Number Theory and Surrounding Areas, RIMS Kokyuroku 1511, Auguot 2006, Kyoto Japan, 121-128., 2006 | I. Kátai and M.V. Subbarao: A remark on a paper written by J.M. De Koninck and A. Ivic, Mathematica Pannonica, 17/2., 2006 | J.-M. De Koninck and I. Kátai: Distribution of arithmetical functions on certain subsets of integers, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 37/5, 1459-1482, 2007 | I. Kátai and M.V. Subbarao: On product partitions and asymptotic formulas, The Riemann zeta function and related themes: Lecture Notes Series 2, Ramanujan Math. Soc. 99-114, 2006 | I. Kátai and M.V. Subbarao: The distribution of integers with given number of prime factors in almost all short intervals, The Riemann zeta function and related themes: Lecture Notes Series 2, Ramanujan Math. Soc., 115-120, 2006 | I. Kátai: On the linear combination of $q$-additive functions at prime places, Acta Math. Hung. 117, 361-372, 2007 | I. Kátai: On the linear combination of $q$-additive functions at prime places, Acta Math. Hung. 117, 361-372, 2007 | J.-M. De Koninck, I. Kátai and M.V. Subbarao: On the index of composition of integers from various sets, Archiv der Math. 88, 524-536, 2007 | I. Kátai: Distribution of $q$-additive functions on the set of primes, Liet Matem. rynk 47, 29-38, 2007 | J.-M. De Koninck and I. Kátai: Sums of reciprocals of additive functions running over short intervals, Colloquium Math. 107, 317-326, 2007 | J.-M. De Koninck, I. Kátai and M.V. Subbarao: A consequence of a theorem of Filaseta, Annales des Sciences Mathematiques du Quebec, 30, 55-62, 2006 | L. Germán and I. Kátai: Distribution of $q$-additive functions on the set of integers having $k$ prime factors, Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest, Eötvös Section Comp., 27, 65-74, 2007 | J. Fehér and I. Kátai: Some remarks on sets of uniqueness for additive and multiplicative functions, Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest, Eötvös Section Comp., 27, 57-63, 2007 | I. Kátai: On the average prime divisors, Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest, Eötvös Section Comp., 27, 137-144, 2007 | I. Kátai: On a problem of A. Ivic, Mathematica Pannonica, 18/1, 11-18, 2007 | L. Germán: The distribution of an additive arithmetical function on the set of shifted integers having $k$ distinct prime factors, Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest, Eötvös Section Comp., 27, 187-215, 2007 | B. M. Phong: On integer-valued arithmetical functions satisfying congruence properties, Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest, Eötvös Section Comp., 27, 229-244, 2007 | I. Kátai and M.V. Subbarao: Some remarks on the $\varphi$ and $\sigma$ functions, Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest, Eötvös Section Comp., 25, 113-130, 2005 | J.-M. De Koninck and I. Kátai: On the average of $d(n)\omega(n)$ and similar functions on short intervals, Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest, Eötvös Section Comp., 25, 131-142, 2005 | I. Kátai and M.V. Subbarao: Distribution of $q$-additive functions on some subsets of integers, Math. Pannonica, 18/1, 11-18, 2007 |




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