Effective theories in heavy ion collisions
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Barnaföldi G.G, Papp G., Lévai P., Fai G.: Cronin Effect at Different Rapidities at RHIC, J. Phys. G30 S1125, 2004 | Barnaföldi G.G, Papp G., Lévai P., Fai G.: Rapidity Asymmetry in pA and dAu Collisions, Nucl. Phys. A 749C, 291, 2005 | G. Papp, Sz. Pafka, M.A. Nowak, I. Kondor: Random Matrix Filtering in Portfolio Optimization, Acta Physica Polonica 36, 2757, 2005 | Barnaföldi G.G,Lévai P.,Papp G.,Fai G.: Cronin effect in close-to-midrapidity regions at FNAL and RHIC energies, Acta Phys. Hung. A22, 325-334., 2005 | P. Levai, G. Papp, G. Fai, M. Gyulassy: Kaon and pion ratio probes of jet quenching in nuclear collisions, Acta Phys. Hung. A27, 459-468.; nucl-th/0012017, 2006 | Burda Z., Jurkiewicz J., Nowak M.,Papp G.,Zahed I.: Random Levy Matrices Revisited, cond-mat/0602087, 2006 | Burda Z., Jurkiewicz J., Nowak M.,Papp G.,Zahed I.: Applying Free Random Variables to Random Matrix Analysis of Financial Data, cond-mat/0603024, 2006 | G.G. Barnafoldi, P. Levai, G. Fai, G. Papp, B.A. Cole: Does the Cronin peak disappear at LHC energies?, Int. J. Mod. Phys. E16 1923, 2007 | P. Lévai, G. Papp, G.G. Barnafoldi, G. Fai: Pion production in d+Au collisions at RHIC energy, Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 155, 89, 2008 | G.G. Barnafoldi, G. Fai, P. Levai, B.A. Cole, G. Papp: Is strangeness still strange at the LHC?, J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 35, 044057, 2008 | Barnafoldi, P. Levai, B.A. Cole, G. Fai, G. Papp: Particle ratios at high p_T at LHC energies, J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 35, 054001, 2008 | G.G. Barnafoldi, G. Fai, P. Levai, B.A. Cole, G. Papp: Cold nuclear modifications at RHIC and LHC, Indian Journal of Physics XX; arXiv:0805.3360, 2008 | G.G. Barnafoldi, A. Adeluyi, G. Fai, P. Levai, G. Papp: Prospect of rapidity asymmetry and nuclear modifications, J. Phys. G. XX; arXiv:0807.3384, 2008 | Barnaföldi G., Lévai P., Papp G., Fai G., Gyulassy M.: Jet tomography studies in AuAu Collisions at RHIC energies, Eur. Phys. J. C33 S609, 2004 | Barnaföldi G.G: Cronin effektus nagyenergiás nehézionütközésekben, Ph.D. disszertáció, RMKI, 2005 | Barnaföldi G.G, Lévai P., Papp G., Fai G.: The Nuclear Modification Factor at Large Rapidities, Nucl. Phys. A774, 801-804; hep-ph/0511190, 2006 | P. Levai, G. Papp, G. Fai: Dihadron correlations at ISR and RHIC energies, Phys. Lett. B634, 383-390; hep-ph/0502238, 2006 | Barnaföldi G.G,Lévai P.,Papp G.,Fai G.: Jet tomography in the forward direction at RHIC, Eur. Phys. J. C49 333; hep-ph/0609023, 2007 | Cole B.A, Barnaföldi G.G, Lévai P., Papp G., Fai G.: EMC effect and jet energy loss in relativistic deuteron-nucleus collisions, Phys. Rev. Lett. XX; hep-ph/0702101, 2007 | Fai G.,Lévai P.,Papp G.: From dihadron correlations to parton intrinsic transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions, Nucl. Phys. A783 535c; nucl-th/0610111, 2007 | G.G. Barnafoldi, G. Fai, P. Levai, G. Papp, B.A. Cole: Where does the energy loss lose strength?, J. Phys. G. XX; arXiv:0805.0335, 2008 |




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