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M.P. Kalashnikov, K. Osvay, I.M. Lachko, H. Schönnagel, W.Sandner: Broadband amplification of 800 nm pulses with the combination of negatively and positively chirped pulse amplification, IEEE J.Sel.Top.Quant.Electr. 12 (2006) 194-200, 2006 | Osvay K: Dispersion measurement and characterisation of fs pulses in a CPA laser using linear devices, Max-Born-Institut, Berlin, Germany, 2004, invited seminar, 2004 | Csatári M; Osvay K; Kurdi G; Klebniczki J; Divall EJ; Bohus J; Péter Á: Nemlineáris optikai kristályok kétfotonos abszorciójának mérése 248 nm-en, Fizikus Vándorgyűlés, 2004, Szombathely, P6, 2004 | Kurdi G; Osvay K; Klebniczki J; Divall M; Divall EJ; Péter Á; Polgár K; Bohus J: Two photon absorption of BBO, CLBO, KDP and LTB crystals, Advanced Solid-State Photonics, Vienna, 2005, paper MF19, 2005 | K. Osvay, A. Börzsönyi, A.P. Kovács G. Kurdi, M. Görbe: Dispersion of femtosecond pulses in ambient and low pressure air, CLEO/Europe, München, Germany, paper CF-23-TUE, 2005 | A.P.Kovács, K.Osvay, G.Kurdi, Zs. Bor, M.Görbe, J.Klebniczki: Measurement of the group-delay dispersion of a pulse stretcher-compressor system with two-dimensional spectral interferometry, CLEO/Europe, München, Germany, paper CF-13-TUE, 2005 | Börzsönyi Ádám: Gázok diszperziójának mérése ultrarövid lézerimpulzusok spektrálisan bontott interferenciájával, Országos TDK, Budapest, 2005 | K.Osvay, I. Képíró, O. Berkesi: Laser treatment of white china surfaces, Applied Surface Sciences 252: 4516-4522, 2006, 2006 | K.Osvay, I. Képíró, M.Divall: Laser treatment of white china surfaces, E-MRS 2005 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France, J/P1.35, 2005 | K. Osvay, A.P. Kovács, Zs. Heiner, M.Csatári, Zs. Bor, G. Kurdi, M. Görbe, J. Klebniczki, I.E.Ferincz: A table-top high contrast TW laser system, CLEO/Europe, München, Germany, paper CG-13-TUE, 2005 | M.P.Kalashnikov, K.Osvay, W. Sandner: Broadband amplification with a combination of negative and positive CPA, ICUIL 2006, Chassis, France, paper 040, 2006 | I. Képíró, K.Osvay, O.Berkesi: Correction of small imperfections on white glazed china surfaces by laser radiation, E-MRS 2006 Spring Meeting, Nice, France, paper H/P1.34, 2006 | M.P. Kalashnikov, K. Osvay, H. Schönnagel, W.Sandner: Broadband High Peak Power Laser: a Combination of Negatively and Positively Chirped Pulse Amplification, CLEO 2006 Long Beach, CA, USA, paper JTuG5, 2006 | K. Osvay, Á. Börzsönyi., A.P. Kovács, M.P. Kalashnikov: Pressure dependent dispersion of femtosecond pulses in vacuum beam pipes from 1 bar to 0.01 mbar, 29th ECLIM, Madrid, Spain, 2006, WePO-2-3.9, 2006 | A.Börzsönyi, K.Osvay, A.P.Kovács, M.Görbe, R.Balogh, M.P.Kalashnikov,: Measurement of pressure dependent dispersion of femtosecond pulses in air down to 0.01 mbar, Ultrafast Phenomena 2006, Pacific Grove, California, USA, paper MH21, 2006 | Á. Börzsönyi, K. Osvay, A. P. Kovács, M. P. Kalashnikov: Dispersion of femtosecond pulses in vacuum beam lines from ambient pressure down to 0.01 mbar, IAMPI 2006, Szeged, Hungary, P19, 2006 | Börzsönyi Ádám: Spektrálisan bontott interferencián alapuló eljárás kidolgozása extrém kicsiny diszperzió méréséhez, SZTE TTK diplomamunka, 2006 | K. Osvay: In situ dispersion measurements on a laser system, ELI Workshop, Garching, Germany, 2006, 2006 | K.Osvay, A.Börzsönyi, A.P.Kovács, M.Görbe, G. Kurdi, M.P.Kalashnikov: Dispersion of femtosecond laser pulses in beam pipelines from ambient pressure down to 0.1 mbar, Appl.Phys.B 87 (2007) 457-461, 2007 | K. Osvay, M.Görbe: A linear method for detection of carrier envelope phase fluctuations, ICO Topical Meeting on Optoinformatics/ Information Photonics '2006, St.Petersburg, Russia, FL-O-171, 2006 | M.Görbe, K.Osvay: A bandwidth independent linear method for detection of carrier envelope phase drift, IAMPI 2006, Szeged, Hungary, MO14, 2006 | Csatári M; Osvay K; Klebniczki J; Kurdi G; Divall EJ; Bohus J; Péter Á: Two-photon-absorption of frequency crystals at 248 nm, 28 th ECLIM, Rome, Italy, 2004, paper Mo/P/21,, 2004 | P. Maák, G.Kurdi, A.Barócsi, K.Osvay, A.P.Kovács, L. Jakab. P.Richter: Shaping of ultrashort laser pulses using bulk acousto-optic filter, Appl.Phys.B. 82 (2006) 283-287, 2006 | A. Börzsönyi, K. Osvay, A. P. Kovács, Zs. Heiner, M.P. Kalashnikov: Measurement of pressure dependent dispersion of inert gases, ECAMP 2007, Th2-27, 2007 | A. Börzsönyi, K. Osvay, A. P. Kovács, Zs. Heiner, M.P. Kalashnikov: Pressure dependent dispersion of inert gases at 800 nm, CLEO - Europe 2007, paper CF-15-MON, 2007 | Görbe M., Osvay K.,: Lézerimpulzusok hordozó-burkoló fázisának lineáris mérése, Fizikus Vándorgyűlés 2007, Eger, p 57, 2007 | K. Osvay, M.Görbe, C. Grebing, G.Steinmeyer: A linear optical method for measuring the carrier envelope offset phase, CLEO 2008, San Jose, CA, USA, paper CthU6, 2008 | K. Osvay, A. Börzsönyi, Z. Heiner, A.P. Kovács, M.P.Kalashnikov: Pressure dependent nonlinear refractive index of inert gases, 30th ECLIM, Darmstadt, Germany, paper We-4.1, 2008 | G. Kurdi, K. Osvay, K. Varjú: Compensation of Dispersion Introduced by User Experiments into Femtosecond CPA Lasers, Advanced Laser Technologies 2008, Siófok, Hungary, paper, 2008 | G. Kurdi, K. Osvay, K.Varjú: Higher-order dispersion control for femtosecond CPA lasers, Marie Curie Chair Conference, 2007, Lodz, Poland, paper P-7, 2007 | K. Osvay, M.Görbe: Bandwidth-independent method and setup for detecting and stabilizing carrierenvelope phase drift of laser pulses by means of spectrally and spatially resolved interferometry, PCT: WO 2008/029187 A2, 09.05.2007, 2007 | M.Divall, K.Osvay, G.Kurdi, E.J.Divall, J.Klebniczki, J.Bohus, Á.Péter, K. Polgár: Two-photon-absorption of frequency converter crystals at 248 nm, Appl.Phys.B. 81, 1123-1126, 2005 | M.P. Kalashnikov, K. Osvay, I.M. Lachko, H. Schönnagel, W.Sandner: Suppression of gain narrowing in multi-TW lasers with negatively and positively chirped pulse amplification, Applied Physics B 81: 1059-1062, 2005 | Kovács AP; Osvay K; Kurdi G; Görbe M; Klebniczki J; Bor Zs: Dispersion control of a pulse stretcher-compressor system with two-dimensional spectral interferometry, Applied Physics B 80: 165-170, 2005 | I.Képíró, K.Osvay, M.Divall: Correction of small imperfections on white glazed china surfaces by laser radiation, Appl.Surf.Sci. 253 (2007) 7798-7805, 2007 | K. Osvay K.Varjú, G. Kurdi,: High order dispersion control for femtosecond CPA lasers, Appl.Phys. B 89 (2007) 565-572, 2007 | K. Osvay, M.Görbe, C. Grebing, G.Steinmeyer: A bandwidth-independent linear method for detection of carrier-envelope offset phase, Opt. Letters 32 (2007) 3095-3097, 2007 | A. Börzsönyi, A.P. Kovács, M. Görbe, K. Osvay: Advances and limitations of phase dispersion measurement by spectrally and spatially resolved interferometry, Opt.Commun. 281 (2008) 3051-3061, 2008 | A. Börzsönyi, Z. Heiner, M.P.Kalashnikov, A.P. Kovács, K. Osvay: Dispersion measurement of inert gases and gas mixtures at 800 nm, Appl.Opt. 47 (2008) 4856-4863, 2008 |




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