Photo- and neutronrefractive materials and effects
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Bányász I; Mandula G: Direct microscopic observation of hologram build-up in photorefractive crystals, Proceedings of SPIE 6252: 625209/1-6, 2006 | Bányász I; Mandula G: Quasi in-situ microscopic study of hologram build-up in LiNbO3 crystals, Proc. SPIE 6488: 648808/1-10, 2007 | Bányász I; Mandula G: Application of interference microscopy to the study of hologram build-up in LiNbO3 crystals, Optics Communications 281: 4268-4272, 2008 | Bányász I, Kornis J: High-resolution lensless Fourier-transform digital holography, Proceedings of SPIE 5856: 71-79, 2005 | Bugaychuk S; Mandula G; Kovács L; Rupp RA: Optical topographic technique to material characterization of photorefractive crystals, Proceedings of SPIE 6023: 60230J/1-11, 2005 | Mandula G: A hullámkeverés térbeli és időbeli vizsgálatának új módszerei és alkalmazásai fotorefraktív kristályokban, BME, PhD értekezés, 2005 | Bányász I: Refractive index modulation vs. before-bleach optical density modulation characteristics of silver halide phase holograms, Optics Communications 244: 79-91, 2005 | Bányász I: Fourier analysis of high spatial frequency holographic phase gratings, Journal of Modern Optics 52: 2443-2451, 2005 | Bányász I: Higher-order harmonics in bleached silver halide holograms, Optics and Lasers in Engineering 44: 926-942, 2006, 2006 | Bányász I: Comparison of the effects of two bleaching agents on the recording of phase holograms in silver halide emulsions, Optics Communications 267: 356-361, 2006 | Righini GC; Bányász I; Berneschi S; Brenci M; Chiasera A; Cremona M; Erht D; Ferrari M; Montereali RM; Nunzi Conti G; Pelli S; Sebastiani S; Tosello C: Laser irradiation, ion implantation and e-beam writing of integrated optical structures, Proceedings of SPIE 5840: 649-657, 2005 | Berneschi S; Brenci M; Nunzi Conti G; Pelli S; Righini GC; Bányász I; Watterich A; Khanh NQ; Fried M; Pászti F: Channel waveguides fabrication in Er3+-doped tellurite glass by ion beam irradiation, Proc. SPIE 6475: 647509/1-6, 2007 | Berneschi S; Nunzi Conti G; Bányász I; Watterich A; Khanh NQ; Fried M; Pászti F; Brenci M; Pelli S; Righini GC: Ion beam irradiated channel waveguides in Er3+-doped tellurite glass, Appl. Phys. Lett. 90: 121136/1-3, 2007 | Bányász I; Berneschi S; Fried M; Cacciari I; Lohner T; Nunzi-Conti G; Pászti F; Pelli S; Righini GC; Watterich A; Zolnai Z; Petrik P: Nitrogen-ion-implanted planar optical waveguides in Er-doped tellurite glass: fabrication and characterisation, Proc. SPIE 6890: 68901A/1-9, 2008 | Mandula G; Rupp RA; Balaskó M; Kovács L: Decay of photorefractive gratings in LiNbO3:Fe by neutron irradiation, Applied Physics Letters 86: 141107/1-3, 2005 | Mandula G; Rupp RA; Balaskó M: Erasure of elementary holograms in LiNbO3:Fe by neutron irradiation, Proceedings of SPIE 6252: 62520N/1-5, 2006 | Lengyel K; Péter Á; Polgár K; Kovács L; Corradi G: UV and IR absorption studies in LiNbO3:Mg crystals below and above the photorefractive threshold, Physica Status Solidi (c) 2: 171-174, 2005 | Péter Á; Polgár K; Kovács L; Lengyel K: Threshold concentration of MgO in near-stoichiometric LiNbO3 crystals, Journal of Crystal Growth 284: 149-155, 2005 | Lengyel K: OH rezgések abszorpciójának vizsgálata oxidkristályokban, SZTE, PhD értekezés, 2005 | Lengyel K, Kovács L, Péter Á, Polgár K, Corradi G, Bourson P: The effect of Mg doping on the Raman spectra of LiNbO3 crystals, Phys. Stat. Sol. (c) 4: 847-850, 2007 | Lengyel K, Kovács L, Péter Á, Polgár K, Corradi G: The effect of stoichiometry and Mg doping on the Raman spectra of LiNbO3:Mg crystals, Appl. Phys B 87: 317-322, 2007 | Lengyel K; Kovács L; Péter Á; Polgár K; Corradi G; Baraldi A: Temperature dependence of the OH absorption bands in LiNbO3:Mg crystals at the photorefractive threshold, Technical Digest of the International Workshop Lithium Niobate from material to device, from device to system, Metz, France, pp. 153-154, 2005 | Corradi G; Meyer M; Polgár K: Bipolarons localized by Ti dopants in reduced LiNbO3 crystals double-doped by Ti and Mg, Physica Status Solidi (c) 2: 132-135, 2005 | Corradi G; Meyer M; Polgár K: Spectroscopy of shallow levels in LiNbO3 systems, Technical Digest of the International Workshop Lithium Niobate from material to device, from device to system, Metz, France, pp.117-118, 2005 | Conradi D; Merschjann C; Schoke B; Imlau M; Corradi G; Polgár K: Influence of Mg doping on the behaviour of polaronic light-induced absorption in LiNbO3, Physica Status Solidi (RRL) 2: 284-286, 2008 | Merschjann C; Schoke B; Conradi D; Imlau M; Corradi G; Polgár K: Absorption cross sections and number densities of electron and hole polarons in congruently melting LiNbO3, J. Phys.: Condens Matter 21: 015906/1-6, 2009 | Schoke B; Brüning H; Schirmer O F; Imlau M; Corradi G; Polgár K; Naumova I: Transport and recombination behavior of optically generated small polarons with a spatial density modulation in LiNbO3, Proceedings of Photorefractive Materials, Effects and Devices, Bad Honnef, Germany, pp108-109, 2009 | Mandula G; Ellabban MA; Fally M: A method to determine H+ concentration in dehydrated iron doped lithium niobate using photorefractive beam fanning effect, Ferroelectrics 352:118-124, 2007 | Lengyel K, Szaller Zs, Péter Á, Polgár K, Kovács L: Microscopic and Raman spectroscopic investigation of the domain structures in LiNbO3:Y:Mg crystals, Ferroelectrics 368: 3-11, 2008 | Jackson RA; Lengyel K; Kovács L; Valerio MEG: Computer modelling of the structure, properties and intrinsic defects in LiNbO3, Technical Digest of the International Workshop Lithium Niobate from material to device, from device to system, Metz, France, pp. 97-98, 2005 | Araujo RM, Lengyel K, Jackson RA, Kovács L, Valerio MEG: A computational study of intrinsic and extrinsic defects in LiNbO3, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 19: 046211/1-10, 2007 | Araujo RM, Lengyel K, Jackson RA, Valerio MEG, Kovács L,: Computer modelling of intrinsic and substitutional defects in LiNbO3, Phys. Stat. Sol. (c) 4: 1201-1204, 2007 | Dravecz G; Péter Á; Polgár K; Kovács L: Alkali metal oxide solvents in the growth stoichiometric LiNbO3 crystals, Journal of Crystal Growth 286: 334-337, 2006 | Dravecz G; Kovács L; Péter Á; Polgár K; Bourson P: Raman and infrared spectroscopic characterization of LiNbO3 crystals grown from alkali metal oxide solvents, Phys. Stat. Sol. (c) 4: 1313-1316, 2007 | Dravecz G; Kovács L: Determination of the crystal composition from the OH- vibrational spectrum in lithium niobate, Appl. Phys. B 88: 305-307, 2007 | Hajdara I; Lengyel K; Dravecz G; Kovács L; Péter Á; Szaller Zs: Spectroscopic methods for the determination of the composition of potassium lithium niobate crystals, Phys. Stat. Sol. (c) 4: 1321-1324, 2007 | Péter Á, Hajdara I, Lengyel K, Dravecz G, Kovács L, Tóth M: Characterization of potassium lithium niobate (KLN) ceramic system, J. Alloys Compd. 463: 398-402, 2008 | Hajdara I, Lengyel K, Kovács L, Péter Á, Dravecz G, Szaller Zs: Compositional dependence and structure of hydroxyl defects in ferroelectric potassium lithium niobate, Ferroelectrics 369: 98-107, 2008 | Dachraoui H; Rupp RA; Lengyel K, Ellabban MA, Fally M, Corradi G, Kovács L, Ackermann L: Photochromism of doped terbium gallium garnet, Physical Review B 74: 144104/1-11, 2006 | Gruber JB; Sardar DK; Yow RM; Valiev UV; Mukhammadiev AK; Sokolov VY; Amin I; Lengyel K; Kachur IS; Piryatinskaya VG; Zandi B: Analyses of the optical and magneto-optical spectra of Tb3Ga5O12, J. Appl. Phys. 101: 023108/1-14, 2007 | Malicskó L; Pogány L; Tóth A L; Horváth V; Beregi E: Microscopic studies on imperfections in selected YAB single crystals, Cryst. Res. Technol. 44: 425-432, 2009 | Kovács L; Borowiec MT; Majchrowski A; Baraldi A; Capelletti R: FTIR absorption study of hydroxyl ions in KHo(WO4)2 single crystals, Cryst. Res. Technol. 40: 444-448, 2005 | Kovács L; Péter Á; Gospodinov M; Capelletti R: Hydroxyl ions in acousto-optic Pb5(GeO4)(VO4)2 and Bi2(MoO4)3 single crystals, Physica Status Solidi (c) 2: 689-692, 2005 | Kovács L; Péter Á; Ivleva LI; Baraldi A; Capelletti R: Hydroxyl ions in scheelite type molybdates and tungstates, Phys. Stat. Sol. (c) 4: 856-859, 2007 |




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