Stability and non-linear vibrations of dynamical systems containing time delay  Page description

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Details of project

Type F
Principal investigator Szabó, Zsolt
Title in Hungarian Időkésést tartalmazó dinamikai rendszerek stabilitása és nemlineáris rezgései
Title in English Stability and non-linear vibrations of dynamical systems containing time delay
Panel Engineering, Metallurgy, Architecture and Transport Sciences
Department or equivalent Műszaki Mechanikai Tanszék (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
Participants Gáspár, Tibor
Insperger, Tamás
Szalai, Róbert
Starting date 2004-01-01
Closing date 2008-03-31
Funding (in million HUF) 5.870
FTE (full time equivalent) 0.00
state closed project


Final report

Results in Hungarian
A kutatási projekt célja késleltetett dinamikai rendszerek vizsgálata volt. A kutatást három fő részre bonthatjuk. Az első az a periodikus és késleltetett dinamikai rendszerek stabilitásvizsgálatára kidolgozott numerikus módszer, az ún. szemi-diszkretizáció hatékonyságának növelése magasabb rendű közelítések bevezetésével. Ezeket az eredményeket a másik két, alkalmazás orientált kutatásnál fel is használtuk. A második terület a szerszámgéprezgések vizsgálata, mely során a fő cél olyan paramétertartományok meghatározása volt, amelyeknél a megmunkálás hatékonysága jelentősen növelhető instabil rezgések megjelenése nélkül. Itt az időkésés az úgynevezett regeneratív hatás miatt jelenik meg a forgácsoló szerszám és a munkadarab rezgéseit leíró egyenletekben. A harmadik terület a dinamikai rendszerek szabályozása, ahol az időkésés a szabályozott jel visszacsatolása miatt illetve digitális szabályozás esetén a mintavételezés miatt is keletkezik. Kidolgoztunk egy új szabályozási technikát, az ún. beavatkozom-és-várok szabályozási elvet. A szerszámgéprezgéssel és a szabályozással kapcsolatos elméleti eredményeket kísérletekkel is alátámasztottuk. A jelentősebb eredmények publikálása során 22 folyóiratcikk (Szum IF = 17.58), 12 konferencia cikk, 3 könyvfejezet, és egy sikeresen megvédett PhD értekezés született. Az OTKA támogatás a 38 publikációból 32-ször fel volt tüntetve.
Results in English
The goal of the research project was the analysis of delayed dynamical systems. The project can be divided into three parts. First, the efficiency of the so-called semi-discretization method for parametrically excited delayed systems was increased by applying higher order approximations for the delayed term. These results were then used in the other two application oriented topics. The second topic was the investigation of machine tool chatter. The main goal was to determine the regions of the technological parameters where high material removal rate can be achieved without unstable vibrations of the tool and the workpiece. Here, the time delay arises in the governing equations due to the surface regeneration of the workpiece. The third topic was the analysis of the performance of control processes, where time delay occurs in the feedback loop and due to the digital effects, as well. A new control technique was developed, the so-called act-and-wait control concept. The theoretical results of the machine tool chatter and control problems were verified by experiments. The main results were published in the form of 22 journal articles (Sum IF = 17.58), 12 conference paper, 3 book chapters and one PhD dissertation. The support of OTKA was indicated in 32 publications of the 38.
Full text


List of publications

Insperger T; Stépán G: Vibration frequencies in high-speed milling processes or a positive answer to Davies, Pratt, Dutterer and Burns, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 126: 481-487, 2004
Insperger T; Stépán G: Stability transition between 1 and 2 degree-of-freedom models of milling, Periodica Polytechnica – Mechanical Engineering 48: 27-39, 2004
Insperger T; Stépán G: Stability analysis of turning with periodic spindle speed modulation via semi-discretization, Journal of Vibration and Control 10: 1835-1855, 2004
Gradisek J; Govekar E; Grabec I; Kalveram M; Weinert K; Insperger T; Stépán G: On stability prediction for low radial immersion milling, Machine Science and Technology 9: 117-130, 2005
Gradisek J; Kalveram M; InspergerT; Weinert K; Stépán G; Govekar E; Grabec I: On stability prediction for milling, Int J Mach Tool Manuf 45(7-8): 769-781, 2005
Insperger T; Stépán G: Optimization of digital control with delay by periodic variation of the gain parameters, pp. 145-150 in Proc. of IFAC Workshop on Periodic Control Systems, Yokohama, Japan, 2004
Insperger T; Stépán G; Turi J: Comparison of zeroth- and first-order semi-discretizations for the delayed Mathieu equation, Proceedings of 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Bahamas, CD-ROM, 2004
Insperger T; Lekien F; Salman H; Haller G; Stépán G: Control of separation point in periodic flows including delay effects, pp. 451-455 in Proc. of IFAC Workshop on Periodic Control Systems, Yokohama, Japan, 2004
Stépán G; Insperger T: Stability of time-periodic time-delay systems, pp. 15-22 in Michiels W; Roose D: Time Delay Systems, Elsevier, New York, 2005
Kalveram, M., Gradisek, J., Insperger,T., Grabec, I., Stépán, G.: Vorhersage der Prozessdynamik und –stabilität beim Hochgeschwindigkeitsfräsen, pp. 516-528. in Weinert K: Fertigung, 4. Ausgabe, Vulkan Verlag, Essen, 2005
Govekar E; Gradisek J; Kalveram M; Insperger T; Weinert K; Stépán G; Grabec I: On stability and dynamics of milling at small radial immersion, Annals of the CIRP 54(1): 357-362, 2005
Insperger T; Stépán G; Hartung F; Turi J: State dependent regenerative delay in milling processes, Proceedings of ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Long Beach CA, paper no. DETC2005-85282 (CD-ROM)., 2005
Hartung F; Insperger T; Stépán G; Turi J: Approximate stability charts for milling processes using semi-discretization, Applied Mathematics and Computations 174(1): 51-73, 2006
Insperger T; Stépán G: Act and wait concept in force controlled systems with discrete delayed feedback, Proceedings of ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Long Beach CA, paper no. DETC2005-85036, 2005
Stépán G; Insperger T; Szalai R: Delay, parametric excitation, and the nonlinear dynamics of cutting processes, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 15(9): 2783–2798, 2005
Zatarain M; Muñoa M; Peigné G; Insperger T: Analysis of the influence of mill helix angle on chatter stability, Annals of the CIRP 55(1): 365-368, 2006
Insperger T; Muñoa J; Zatarain M; Peigné G: Unstable islands in the stability chart of milling processes due to the helix angle, CIRP - 2nd International Conference on High Performance Cutting (HPC), Vancouver, Canada (CD-ROM), 2006
Insperger T; Stépán G: Act and wait control - case study of a double integrator with delayed feedback, 6th European Solid Mechanics Conference, Budapest, Hungary (CD-ROM), 2006
Szalai R; Stepan G; Hogan SJ: Continuation of bifurcations in periodic delay-differential equations using characteristic matrices, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 28: 1301-1317, 2006
Lukács A; Szabó Zs: Isolating effect of textile materials on vibration motors used for mobile phones, 6th European Solid Mechanics Conference, Budapest, Hungary (CD-ROM), 2006
Szabó Zs; Lukács A: Qualifying of bell- and disc-rotor motors on the basis of resonance curve, in Proceedings of 5th Conference on Mechanical Engineering GÉPÉSZET 2006, Budapest, Hungary (CD-ROM), 2006
Bachrathy D; Homer M; Insperger T; Stépán G: Surface location error for helical mills, Sixth International Conference on High Speed Machining, San Sebastian, Spain (CD-ROM), 2007
Insperger T; Stépán G: Case study on the act-and-wait concept for the control of periodic robot motions with feedback delay, 12th IFToMM World Congress, Besancon, France (CD-ROM), 2007
Szalai R; Stépán G: Lobes and lenses in the stability chart of interrupted turning, Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics 1(3): 205-211, 2006
Stépán G; Szalai R; Mann BP; Bayly PV; Insperger T; Gradišek J; Govekar E: Nonlinear dynamics of high-speed milling – analyses, numerics and experiments, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics 127(2): 197-203, 2005
Szalai R: Nonlinear dynamics of high-speed milling, PhD thesis, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, 2006
Stépán G; Insperger T: Robust time-periodic control of time-delayed systems, pp. 343-352 in Hu HY; Kreuzer E: IUTAM Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Nonlinear Systems with Uncertainty, Springer, Dordrecht, 2007
Insperger T; Kovács LL; Galambos P; Stépán G: Act-and-wait concept for digital force control of robots, in Proceedigns of 15th CISM-IFToMM Symposium on Robot Design, Dynamics and Control, Tokio, Japan, (CD-ROM), 2008
Insperger T; Stépán G: Updated semi-discretization method for periodic delay-differential equations with discrete delay, International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering 61:117-141, 2004
Insperger T: Act-and-wait concept for time-continuous control systems with feedback delay, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 14(5): 974-977, 2006
Insperger T; Gradisek J; Kalveram M; Stépán G; Weinert K; Govekar E: Machine tool chatter and surface location error in milling processes, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 128(4): 913-920, 2006
Insperger T; Stépán G: Act-and-wait control concept for discrete-time systems with feedback delay, IET Control Theory & Applications, 1(3): 553-557, 2006
Stépán G; Insperger T: Stability of time-periodic and delayed systems - a route to act-and-wait control, Annual Reviews in Control 30: 159-168, 2006
Insperger T; Stépán G; Turi J: State-dependent delay in regenerative turning processes, Nonlinear Dynamics, 47(1-3): 275-283, 2007
Szabó Zs; Lukács A: Numerical stability analysis of a forced two-d.o.f. oscillator with bilinear damping, Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 2(3): 211-217, 2007
Insperger T; Barton DAW; Stépán G: Criticality of Hopf bifurcation in state-dependent delay model of turning processes, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 43(2): 140-149, 2008
Insperger T; Mann PB; Surmann T; Stépán G: On the chatter frequencies of milling processes with runout, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, in press, 2008
Insperger T; Stépán G; Turi J: On the higher-order semi-discretizations for periodic delayed systems, Journal of Sound and Vibration 313: 334–341, 2008

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