Theoretical and experimental study of the newest nonlinear processes of ''attophysics'' generated by superintense laser fields within the light wavelength and oscillation period scale.  Page description

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Details of project

Type K
Principal investigator Varró, Sándor
Title in Hungarian Fényhullámhosszon és rezgésidőn belüli skálákon szuperintenzív lézerterekben keltett legújabb nemlineáris ''attofizikai'' folyamatok elméleti és kísérleti vizsgálata.
Title in English Theoretical and experimental study of the newest nonlinear processes of ''attophysics'' generated by superintense laser fields within the light wavelength and oscillation period scale.
Panel Physics 1
Department or equivalent Laser Physics Dept. (Research Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics Hung. Acad. Sci.)
Participants Farkas, Gyozo
Starting date 2005-01-01
Closing date 2008-06-30
Funding (in million HUF) 5.800
FTE (full time equivalent) 5.05
state closed project


Final report

Results in Hungarian
Számos fény-anyag kölcsönhatásra vonatkozó kísérleti vizsgálatot végeztünk el, femtoszekundumos, kevés ciklusú impulzusok által indukált fotoemisszió és felületi plazmonok által erősített elektrongyorsítás jelenségére vonatkozóan. Ezen kívül fejlesztéseket hajtottunk végre egy femtoszekundumos hosszú rezonátoros csörpölt impulzusú lézer oszcillátoron. Ez a fényforrás nagyon hasznos eszköz a fent említett kísérletekben. A elméleti kutatások során az attoszekundumos fizika, a nagy intenzitású fény-anyag kölcsönhatás és a kvantumoptika területén végezünk vizsgálatokat. A projekt során ezekből az elméleti és kísérleti témákból 19 referált nemzetközi folyóiratbeli publikáció jelent meg.
Results in English
We investigated several light-matter interaction phenomena experimentally, including few-cycle pulse-induced photoemission and surface plasmon enhanced electron acceleration. We have carried out femtosecond laser development based on long-cavity, chirped-pulse laser oscillators. These sources provide very useful tools for the above mentioned experiments. In terms of theoretical studies, we investigated various field in attosecond physics, high-intensity light-matter interaction and quantum optics. These experimental and theoretical studies yielded 19 peer-reviewed journal publications during the duration of the project.
Full text


List of publications

P. Dombi, Gy. Farkas: Carrier-envelope phase sensitive photoelectron emission induced by sub-10-fs laser pulses, Acta Phys. Hung. B 23,107-112, 2005
S. Varró: Irreducible decomposition of Gaussian distributions and the spectrum of black-body radiation, Physica Scripta 75, 160, 2007
S. Varró: Scattering of a few-cycle laser pulse by a plasma layer : the role of the carrier-envelope phase difference at relativistic intensities, Laser Physics Letters 4, 218, 2007
Gy. Farkas, A. Czitrovszky, G. Bánó, A. Nagy, D. Oszetziky, P. Jani, P. Gál, Z. Donkó, A. Kiss, K. Rózsa, M. Koós, P. Varga, L. Csillag: Laser developments and laser applications in the KFKI, and later in the SZFKI, in Hungarian, Magyar Tudomány, 50. No. 12,, 2005
P. Dombi, F. Krausz, Gy. Farkas: Ultrafast Dynamics of Multiphoton Photoemission from Gold and Carrier-Envelope Phase Sensitivity Advanced Solid-State Photonics, (ASSP) 2005, TOPS Vol. 98 (Craig Denman and Irina Sorokina (Eds.)) ISBN 1-55752-792-X, 2005
E. Moiseenko, P. Martin, Gy. Farkas: Generation of very high frequency attosecond pulses with precursors, Proceedings of theUltrashort XUV Pulses for Time-resolved and Non-linear Applications. XTRA Summer School, p: 68, 25-28 May, 2005, Porquerolles Island (France), 2005
Gy. Farkas: Attosecond (10 -18 sec) light pulses. (Attoszekundumos (10 -18 sec) fényimpulzusok, Fizikai Szemle, 2006/12, 2006
P. Dombi: Optical frequency metrology – what are frequency combs for ? (in Hungarian: Optikai frekvenciametrológia, avagy mire jók a frekvenciafésűk?), Fizikai Szemle, 2006/3, 2006
S. Varró: Einstein’s fluctuation formula. A historical overview., Fluctuation and Noise Letters, a topical review, 6, No. 2, R11-R46 (2006), 2006
S. Varró: A study on black-body radiation: classical and binary photons., Acta Physica Hungarica B: Quantum Electronics 26, Nos. 3-4., 365-389 (2006),, 2006
S. Varró: Irreducible decomposition of Gaussian distributions and the spectrum of black-body radiation., Physica Scripta, in press (2006), 2006
S. Varró: A foton 100 éve (The 100 years of the photon, in Hungarian), in: A kvantumoptika és –elektronika legújabb eredményei (The latest results in quantum optics and quantum electronics), pp. 9-35 (SZTE, Szeged, Hungary, 2006)., 2006
P. Dombi: Femtoszekundumos oszcillátorok és fázis-stabilizálás (Femtosecond oscillators and phase stabilization, in Hungarian), in: A kvantumoptika és –elektronika legújabb eredményei (The latest results in quantum optics and quantum electronics), pp. 66-73 (SZTE, Szeged, Hungary, 2006)., 2006
Gy. Farkas: Többfotonos folyamatok és attoszekundumos jelenségek (Multiphoton processes and attosecond phenomena, in Hungarian), in: A kvantumoptika és –elektronika legújabb eredményei (The latest results in quantum optics and quantum electronics), pp. 208-227 (SZTE, Szeged, Hungary, 2006)., 2006
S. Varró: The dual nature of light. Einstein and the photons. (in Hungarian: A fény kettős természete. Einstein és a fotonok.), Természet Világa, 2006. I. Különszám : A fizika százada, 137. évf. 38-43. (2006), 2006
S. Varró and P. Dombi: The Nobel Prize in Physics 2005. (in Hungarian: A 2005. évi fizikai Nobel-díj. Kvantumoptika és szivárványfésű.), Élet és Tudomány, LXI. évf., 18. szám, pp. 560-563 (2006), 2006
S. Varró and P. Dombi: The Nobel Prize in Physics 2005. (in Hungarian: Optikusok elismerése. A 2005. évi fizikai Nobel-díj.), Természet Világa, 137. évf., 4. szám, pp. 560-563 (2006), 2006
S. E. Irvine, P. Dombi and Gy. Farkas, A. Y. Elezzabi: Influence of the carrier-envelope phase of few-cycle pulses on ponderomotive surface-plasmon electron acceleration, postdeadline poster, Ultrafast Phenomena XV (Pacific Grove, USA, 16-20 July, 2006)., 2006
P. Dombi, S. E. Irvine and Gy. Farkas, A. Y. Elezzabi: surface-plasmon- ponderomotive electron acceleration as a potential carrier-envelope phase measurement tool, Poster presentation 21, Book of Abstracts of the International Conference on the Interaction of Atoms, Molecules and Plasmas with Intense Ultrashort Laser Pulses (IAMPI20, 2006
E. Moiseenko, P. Martin, Gy. Farkas: Generation of very high frequency attosecond pulses with precursors, Poster presentation 25, Book of Abstracts of the International Conference on the Interaction of Atoms, Molecules and Plasmas with Intense Ultrashort Laser Pulses (IAMPI20, 2006
S. Varró: A study on thermal radiation: classical and binary photons., Invited talk presented at the 6th Joint Conference on Mathematics and Computer Science, Workshop on Quantum Information Processing (Pécs, Hungary, July 12-15, 2006), 2006
S. Varró: Reflection of a few-cycle laser pulse on a metal nano-layer: generation of phase dependent wake-fields., Book of abstracts of the 15th International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS’06) , p. 90 ( Lausanne, Switzerland, 24-28 July, 2006), 2006
S. Varró: Scattering of a few-cycle femtosecond laser pulse on a plasma layer: the role of the carrier-envelope phase difference at relativistic intensities., Book of abstracts of the 15th International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS’06), p. 155 ( Lausanne, Switzerland, 24-28 July, 2006), 2006
S. Varró: Linear and non-linear carrier-envelope phase difference effects in interactions of ultra-short laser pulses with a metal nano-layer or a plasma layer., Invited talk, Book of Abstracts of the International Conference on the Interaction of Atoms, Molecules and Plasmas with Intense Ultrashort Laser Pulses (IAMPI2006) p. 47, 2006
J. P. Dahl, S. Varró, A. Wolf, W. P. Schleich: Weyl-Wigner correspondence in two space dimensions, J. Mod. Opt. 54, 2017, 2007
Kroo N, Varro S, Farkas G, Oszetzky D, Nagy A, Czitrovszky A: Quantum metal optics, J. Mod. Opt. 54, 2679, 2007
Varró S.: Correlations in single-photon experiments, FORTSCHRITTE DER PHYSIK-PROGRESS OF PHYSICS 56, 91-102, 2008
Barna I. F., Dombi P.: Coherent control for the spherical symmetric box potential in short and intensive XUV laser fields, Central European J. Phys. 6, 205-210, 2008
Dombi P., Antal P., Fekete J., Szipőcs R., Várallyay Z.: Chirped-pulse supercontinuum generation with a long-cavity Ti : sapphire oscillator, Appl. Phys. B 88, 379, 2007
Dombi P., Antal P.: Investigation of a 200-nJ chirped-pulse Ti : Sapphire oscillator for white light generation, Laser Phys. Lett. 4, 538, 2007
Farkas Győző: Attosezkundumos időtartamú fényimpulzusok és elektronimpulzusok, Informatika 10, 33-43, 2008
S. E. Irvine, P. Dombi, Gy. Farkas, A. Y. Elezzabi: Influence of the Carrier-Envelope Phase of Few-Cycle Pulses on Ponderomotive Surface-Plasmon Electron, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 146801, 2006
S. Varró: Linear and nonlinear absolute phase effects in interactions of ulrashort laser pulses with a metal nano-layer or with a thin plasma layer, Laser and Particle Beams 25, 379, 2007
Varró S., Farkas G.: Attosecond electron pulses from interference of above-threshold de Broglie waves, Laser and Particle Beams 26, 9-19, 2008
Dombi P., Rácz P.: Ultrafast monoenergetic electron source by optical waveform control of surface plasmons, Optics Express 16, 2887, 2008
Varró S.: Entangled photon-electron states and the number-phase minimum uncertainty states of the photon field, New J. Phys. 10, 053028, 2008
P. Dombi, V. S. Yakovlev, K. O’Keeffe, T. Fuji, M. Lezius, G. Tempea: Pulse compression with time-domain optimized chirped mirrors, Opt. Express, 13, 10888 (2005)., 2005
S. Naumov, A. Fernandez, R. Graf, P. Dombi, F. Krausz, A. A., Apolonski: Approaching the microjoule frontier with femtosecond laser oscillators, New J. Phys. 7, 216-227, 2005
J. P. Dahl, S. Varró, A. Wolf, W. P. Schleich: Wigner functions of s waves, Phys. Rev. A 75, 052107, 2007
S. Varró: Reflection of a few-cycle laser pulse on a metal nano-layer: generation of phase dependent wake-fields, Laser Physics Letters 4, 138, 2007
P. Dombi, F. Krausz, Gy. Farkas: Ultrafast dynamics and carrier-envelope phase sensitivity of multiphoton photoemission from metals, J. Mod. Opt. 53, 163, 2006

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