Asymptotic approximations in stohactics
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[Vi1] László Viharos: Double TTT statistics, Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum 71, 417-426, 2005 | [SzG1] Gábor Szűcs: Approximations of empirical probability generating processes, Statistics and Decisions 23, 67-80, 2005 | [Cs1] Csörgő Sándor: Tandori Károly (1925-2005), Magyar Tudomány 2005/7, 2005 | [Cs2] Sándor Csörgő: Károly Tandori (1925-2005), Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum 71, 3-7, 2005 | [CsSi1] Sándor Csörgő, Gordon Simons: Laws of large numbers for cooperative St. Petersburg gamblers, Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 50, 99-115, 2005 | [Cs3] Sándor Csörgő: A probabilistic proof of Kruglov's theorem on the tails of infinitely divisible distributions, Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum 71, 405-415, 2005 | [Cs4] Sándor Csörgő: Meeting a free man: a snapshot of A.V. Skorokhod from 1972, Anatoliy Volodymyrovych Skorokhod: Biobibliografiya (Compiled by M. Portenko and H. Syta), 111-125, Mathematical Institute, Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, Kyiv, 2005 | [CsGyCs] Csörgő Sándor, Győry Kálmán, Császár Ákos: Tandori Károly (1925-2005) sírjánál, Szeged 17/3, 20-21, 2005 | [CsVi] Sándor Csörgő, László Viharos: Testing for small bias of tail index estimators, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 186, 232-252, 2006 | [CsSi2] Sándor Csörgő, Gordon Simons: Pooling strategies for St. Petersburg gamblers, Bernoulli 12, 971-1002, 2006 | [Cs5] Sándor Csörgő: Merging asymptotic expansions in generalized St. Petersburg games, Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum 73, 297-331, 2007 | [Cs6] Sándor Csörgő: Fourier analysis of semistable distributions, Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 96, 159-175, 2007 | [CsSi3] Sándor Csörgő, Gordon Simons: St. Petersburg games with the largest gains withheld, Statistics and Probability Letters 77, 1185-1189, 2007 | [Ke1] Péter Kevei: Generalized n-Paul paradox, Statistics and Probability Letters 77, 1043-1049, 2007 | [Po1] Anna Pósfai: Rates of convergence for normal approximation in incomplete coupon collection, Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum 73, 333-348, 2007 | [SzG2] Gábor Szűcs: Parametric bootstrap tests for continuous and discrete distributions, Metrika 67, 63-81, 2008 | [CsPo] Sándor Csörgő, Anna Pósfai: Asymptotic approximations for coupon collectors, Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica, 46 (1), 61-96, 2009 | [CsSzT] Sándor Csörgő, Tamás Szabó: Weighted quantile correlation tests for Gumbel, Weibull and Pareto families, Probability and Mathematical Statistics 29, Fasc. 2, 227-250, 2009 | [SzT] Szabó Tamás: Kalkulus II. példatár informatikusoknak, Polygon Jegyzettár, Szeged, 2008 | [CsKe1] Sándor Csörgő, Péter Kevei: Merging asymptotic expansions for cooperative gamblers in generalized St. Petersburg games, Acta Mathematica Hungarica 121 (1-2), 119-156, 2008 | [CsKe2] Sándor Csörgő, Péter Kevei: Merging of linear combinations to semistable laws, Journal of Theoretical Probability 22, no. 3, 772-790, 2009 | [Vi3] Viharos László: A sztochasztika alapjai, Polygon Jegyzettár, Szeged, 2008 | [Vi2] László Viharos: Large deviation probabilities for tail index estimators, Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum 74, 413-423, 2008 | [Po3] Anna Pósfai: A supplement to the paper Poisson approximation in a Poisson limit theorem inspired by coupon collecting, arXiv:0904.4924 [math.PR], 2009 | [CsHa] Sándor Csörgő, László Hatvani: Stability properties of solutions of linear second order differential equations with random coefficients, Journal of Differential Equations, 248, no. 1, 21-49, 2010 | [Ke2] Péter Kevei: Merging asymptotic expansions for semistable random variables, Lithuanian Mathematical Journal 49, no. 1, 40-54, 2009 | [CsSi4] Sándor Csörgő, Gordon Simons: Weak laws of large numbers for cooperative gamblers, Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 57, no. 1, 31-60, 2008 | [Po2] Anna Pósfai: Poisson approximation in a Poisson limit theorem inspired by coupon collecting, Journal of Applied Probability 46, no. 2, 585-592, 2009 | [Po4] Anna Pósfai: An extension of Mineka's coupling inequality, Electronic Communications in Probability, 14, 464-473, 2009 | [GyKe] L. Györfi, P. Kevei: St. Petersburg portfolio games, Proceedings of Algorithmic Learning Theory 2009, R. Gavalda et al. (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 5809, pp. 83-96, 2009 | [Ke4] Péter Kevei: A note on asymptotics of linear combinations of iid random variables, Periodica Mathematica Hungarica (közlésre elfogadva), 2010 | [Vi5] László Viharos: Generalized Rényi statistics, (kézirat), 2010 | [Kr] Éva Krauczi: A study of the quantile correlation test for normality, Test 18, no. 1, 156-165, 2009 | [Cs7] Csörgő Sándor: Fejezetek a valószínűségelméletből, Polygon Könyvtár, Szeged, 2010 | [HVGG] Béla Hegedűs, László Viharos, Mihály Gervain, Márta Gálfi: The Effect of Low-Level Laser in Knee Osteoarthritis: A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial, Photomedicine and Laser Surgery. August 2009, 27(4): 577-584, 2009 | [SzG3] Gábor Szűcs: Non-parametric bootstrap tests for parametric distribution families, (közlésre elküldve), 2010 | [Ke3] Péter Kevei: Linear combinations of iid random variables from the domain of geometric partial attraction of a semistable law, Bolyai Intézet, Szeged, 2009 |





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