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Baguer N, Bogaerts A, Donkó Z, Gijbels R, Sadeghi N: Study of the Ar metastable atom population in a hollow cathode discharge by means of a hybrid model and spectroscopic measurements, J. Appl. Phys. 97; 123305, 2005 | Kutasi K, Hartmann P, Bánó G, Donkó Z: He2+ molecular ions in helium glow discharges: the effect of bulk electron temperature, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol.; 14, S1-S8, 2005 | Hartmann P, Donkó Z, Kalman G J: Structure and phase diagram of strongly-coupled bipolar charged-particle bilayers, Europhysics Letters; 72, 396-402, 2005 | Kutasi K, Hartmann P, Donkó Z: Self-consistent modeling of glow discharges, Padeu 15; 147, 2005 | Hartmann P, Kalman G J, Donkó Z, Kutasi K: Equilibrium properties and phase diagram of two-dimensional Yukawa systems, Phys. Rev. E; 72, 026409, 2005 | Kalman G J, Golden K I, Donkó Z, Hartmann P: The Quasilocalized Charge Approximation, J. Phys. Conf. Series; 11, 254-267, 2005 | Sullivan T, Kalman G J, Kyrkos S, Bakshi P, Rosenberg M, Donkó Z: Phonons in Yukawa lattives and liquids, J Phys A: Math Gen; 39, 4607-4611, 2006 | Donkó Z, Petrovic Z Lj: Analysis of a capacitively coupled dual-frequency CF4 discharge, Jpn J Appl Phys; 45, 8151-8156, 2006 | Donkó Z, Hartmann P, Kutasi K: On the reliability of low-pressure dc glow discharge modelling, Plasma Sources Sci Technol; 15, 178?186, 2006 | Hartmann P, Kalman G J, Donkó Z: Two-dimensional Yukawa liquids: structure and collective excitations, J Phys A: Math Gen; 39, 4485-4491, 2006 | Hartmann P, Donkó Z, Kalman G J, Lévai P: Molecular dynamics simulation of strongly coupled QCD plasmas, Nucl Phys A; 774, 881-884, 2006 | Donkó Z, Goree J, Hartmann P, Kutasi K: Shear viscosity and shear thinning in two-dimensional Yukawa liquids, Phys Rev Lett; 96, 145003, 2006 | Mahassen H, Kutasi K, Golden K I, Kalman G J, Donkó Z: Longitudinal collective modes in asymmetric charged-particle bilayers, J Phys A: Math Gen; 39, 4601-4605, 2006 | Rosenberg M, Kalman G J, Kyrkos S, Donkó Z: Beam-plasma interaction in strongly coupled plasmas, J Phys A: Math Gen; 39, 4613-4618, 2006 | Sigeneger F, Donkó Z, Loffhagen D: Boltzmann equation and particle-fluid hybrid modelling of a hollow cathode discharge, Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys.; 38, 161-167, 2007 | Hartmann P, Donkó Z, Bakshi P, Kalman G J, Kyrkos S: Molecular dynamics studies of the solid-liquid phase transition in 2D Yukawa systems, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 35, 332-336, 2007 | Hartmann P, Donkó Z, Kalman G J, Kyrkos S, Rosenberg M, Bakshi P: Collective modes in 2D Yukawa solids and liquids, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 35, 337-340, 2007 | Bánó G, Hartmann P, Kutasi K, Horváth P, Plasil R, Hlavenka P, Glosik J, Donkó Z: Combined Langmuir probe, electrical and hybrid modelling characterization of helium glow discharges, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 16, 492–500, 2007 | Donkó Z, Hartmann P, Kutasi K: Effects of fast neutral particles in low-pressure gas discharges, J. Phys. Conf. Series 71, 021008/1-15, 2007 | Kalman G J, Hartmann P, Donkó Z, Golden K I: Collective excitations in electron-hole bilayers, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 236801/1-4, 2007 | Donkó Z, Hartmann P, Goree J: Shear viscosity of strongly-coupled two-dimensional Yukawa liquids: experiment and modeling, Modern Physics Letters B; 21, 1357-1376, 2007 | Donkó Z, Petrovic Z Lj: Ion behavior in capacitively-coupled dual-frequency discharges, J. Phys. Conf. Series 86, 012011/1-10, 2007 | Schulze J, Donkó Z, Heil B G, Luggenhölscher D, Mussenbrock T, Brinkmann R P, Czarnetzki U: Electric field reversals in the sheath region of capacitively coupled radio frequency discharges at different pressures, Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics; 41, 105214, 2008 | Donkó Z and Hartmann P: Shear viscosity of strongly coupled Yukawa liquids, Physical Review E; 78, 026408, 2008 | Golden K I, Kalman G J, Donkó Z and Hartmann P: Acoustic dispersion in a two-dimensional dipole system, Physical Review B; 78, 045304, 2008 | Donkó Z, Kalman G J, Hartmann P: Dynamical correlations and collective excitations of Yukawa liquids, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter; 20, 413101, 2008 | Ott T, Bonitz M, Donkó Z and Hartmann P: Superdiffusion in quasi-two-dimensional Yukawa liquids, Physical Review E; 78, 026409, 2008 | Feldmann J D, Kalman G J, Hartmann P, Rosenberg M: Ground State of Magnetic Dipoles on a Two-Dimensional Lattice: Structural Phases in Complex Plasmas, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 085001, 2008 | Donkó Z, Schulze J, Heil B G and Czarnetzki U: PIC simulations of the separate control of ion flux and energy in CCRF discharges via the electrical asymmetry effect, Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics; 42, 025205, 2009 | Donkó Z, Schulze J, Czarnetzki U and Luggenhölscher D: Self - excited nonlinear plasma series resonance oscillations in geometrically symmetric capacitively coupled radio frequency discharges, Applied Physics Letters; 94, 131501, 2009 | Schulze J, Donkó Z, Luggenhölscher D and Czarnetzki U: Different modes of electron heating in dual-frequency capacitively coupled radio frequency discharges, Plasma Sources Science & Technology; 18, 034011, 2009 | Donkó Z, Goree J, Hartmann P and Liu Bin: Time-correlation functions and transport coefficients of two-dimensional Yukawa liquids, Phys. Rev. E: 79, 026401, 2009 | Plasil R, Korolov I, Kotrik T, Dohnal P, Bano G, Donkó Z and Glosik J: Non-Maxwellian electron energy distribution function in He, He/Ar, He/Xe/H2 and He/Xe/D2 low temperature afterglow plasma, Eur. Phys. J. D; 54, 391-398, 2009 | Gordillo-Vazquez F J, Donkó Z.: Electron energy distribution functions and transport coefficients relevant for air plasmas in the troposphere: impact of humidity and gas temperature, Plasma Sources Science & Technology; 18, 034021, 2009 | Czarnetzki U, Heil B G, Schulze J, Donkó Z, Mussenbrock T and Brinkmann R P: The Electrical Asymmetry Effect - A novel and simple method for separate control of ion energy and flux in capacitively coupled RF discharges, J.Phys.: Conf. Ser.; 162, 012010, 2009 | Donkó Z, Hartmann P and Kalman G J: Two-dimensional dusty plasma crystals and liquids, J.Phys.: Conf. Ser.; 162, 012016, 2009 | Golden K I, Kalman G J, Donkó Z and Hartmann P: Collective excitations in a two-dimensional dipole system, Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical; 42, 214017, 2009 | Hartmann P, Kalman G J, Golden K I and Donkó Z: Collective excitations in strongly coupled ultra-relativistic plasmas, Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical; 42, 214018, 2009 | Donkó Z: Molecular dynamics simulations of strongly coupled plasmas, Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical; 42, 214029, 2009 | Hartmann P, Donkó Z, Tierney K P, Lee C J and Kalman G J: Higher harmonic generation in strongly coupled plasmas, Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical; 42, 214040, 2009 | Schulze J, Schüngel E, Czarnetzki U, Donkó Z: Optimization of the electrical asymmetry effect in dual-frequency capacitively coupled radio frequency discharges: Experiment, simulation, and model, J. Appl. Phys. 106; 063307, 2009 |
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