Role of surface atomic interactions in the preparation of thin filn multicomponent nanomorphologies  Page description

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Details of project

Type K
Principal investigator Barna B., Péter
Title in Hungarian Felületi atomi kölcsönhatások szerepe többfázisú vékonyréteg nanomorfológiák kialakításában
Title in English Role of surface atomic interactions in the preparation of thin filn multicomponent nanomorphologies
Panel Physics 1
Department or equivalent MTA Research Institute for Technical Physics and Materials Science
Participants Czigány, Zsolt
Deák, Róbert
Kovács, András
Kugler, Sándor Lóránt
Néda, Zoltán
Radnóczi, György
Sáfrán, György
Starting date 2005-01-01
Closing date 2008-12-31
Funding (in million HUF) 13.120
FTE (full time equivalent) 4.50
state closed project


Final report

Results in Hungarian
A kutatás redményeként a korszerű technológiákban általánosan alkalmazott többfázisú vékonyrétegek szerkezet-kialakulásának több alapkérdését tisztáztuk laboratóriumi és szimulációs kísérletekkel. A vékonyrétegek szerkezet-kialakulására kidolgozott korábbi modellünket kiterjesztettük többfázisú rétegredszerekre. Ennek alapja a fölös adatomok kinetikai szegregációja az egyes fázisok növekedése során, az elsődleges és másodlagos fázisok képződése, valamint a fázisok versengő növekedése. Elsőként különítettük el közvetlenül az excessive atomok kinetikai szegregációjára és a spinodális szétválásra épülő fázisképződést és egyidejű létezését a Cu-Ag rendszeren. Meghatároztuk az Ag-Cu rendszerben képződő eutektikus fázis nano-szerkezetét, modellt javasoltunk képződésére. Megalkottuk az általunk korábban feltárt lemezes kristálynövekedés modelljét. Kimutattuk, hogy a Cr1-xAlxN rétegek növekedése során az fcc CrN fázisban oldható AlN mennyisége nagymértékben függ a nitrogén perciális nyomásától. Ezt a C#3 szerkezet kialakulásával értelmeztük. A monoréteges növekedés Kinetikus Monte Carlo módszerrel történő szimulációjához az adatomok ugrási gátjára bevezetett új formulánk a helyi kötési energiák mellett figyelembe veszi a lehetséges atomi ugrások új helyén érvényes kötési energiát is. Az eredmények részét képezték hat nemzetközi konferencián és iskolán tartott meghívott összefoglaló előadásnak és több EU projektben új technológiák kidolgozásánál alkalmaztuk azokat.
Results in English
In the frame of the present project more fundamental phenomena of structure evolution of polyphase thin films applied in the various fields of advanced technologies have been discovered. Our model is considering the formation of excessive species of constituents not consumed by the atom-by-atom building structure of the phases developing locally. The two mechanisms of the phases formation, the nucleation by process induced segregation of excessive species and the spinodal decomposition in solid solution is discovered at first by codepositing Cu and Ag. The structure of the eutectic phase has been determined and a model has been proposed for the structure evolution. The process induced kinetic segregation and nucleation of their phases has been applied in the proposed model of the lamellar growth of the Al crystals Oxygen doped films. It has been shown that the solubility of AlN in the FCC CrN crystals depends sensitively on the nitrogen pressure during the deposition of Cr and Al. This has been interpreted by the formation C#3 phase. For improving the Kinetic Monte Carlo simulation of the monolayer growth of two component systems, a new formula has been proposed for the diffusion barrier of adatoms considering the binding energy at the new site. These results have been incorporated in 6 plenary and invited review presentations in international conferences and schools and have been used in more EU Integrated projects for developing/improving and diagnosis of technologies.
Full text


List of publications

Hegedus J, Kugler S: Molecular dynamics structure simulations of amorphous selenium prepared by different methods, J. Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials. 7 pp1923-1928, 2005
J. Hegedus, K. Kohary, S. Kugler: Light-induced volume changes in glassy selenium II. Kinetics of volume expansion, J. Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials. 7 pp2231-2233, 2005
Barna, P.B.: Operation principles of trace elements in structure evolution of thin films as deduced from expeprimental results, Influence of Trace Elements on the Nucleation and Growth of Thin Films, plenary lecture, Budapest, August 26-31, 2006
Kugler S, Hegedüs J, Lukács R: On photoinduced volume changes in chalcogenide glasses, J. Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 9. pp 37-42, 2007
Misják F, Barna PB, Radnóczi G: Effect of In and Oxygen on the structure formation of polycrystalline Cu Films,, Proc. 7th Multinational Congr. On Microscopy, Portoroz, Slovenia, ed. by M. Ceh, G. Drazic, S. Fidler, Slovene Soc. for Microscopy, 2005, p. 173-174., 2005
Barna PB.: Operation principles of trace elements in structure evolution of thin films as deduced from experimental results, Parts I and II, Invited Keynote lecture, 48th IUVSTA Workshop on Influence of trace elements on the nucleation and growth of thin films, Budapest, 26-30, August, 2006,, 2006
Radnóczi G. Misják F, Barna PB,: The effect of oxygen, indium and silver on the growth of CU films, 48th IUVSTA Workshop on Influence of trace elements on the nucleation and growth of thin films, Budapest, 26-30, August, 2006,, 2006
Barna PB, Kovács A, Bangert H, Eisenmenger-Sittner C,: Lamellar crystal growth in oxygen doped Al and Al-Sn thin films, 48th IUVSTA Workshop on Influence of trace elements on the nucleation and growth of thin films, Budapest, 26-30, August, 2006,, 2006
Sáfrán G, Suzuki T, Ouchi K, Barna PB, Radnóczi G,: Thed effect of oxide additives on the nano-structure formation of Fe-Pt pertpendicular magnetic recording media, 48th IUVSTA Workshop on Influence of trace elements on the nucleation and growth of thin films, Budapest, 26-30, August, 2006,, 2006
Hegedüs J, Koháry K, Kugler S,: Modelling of photo-induced changes in chalcogenide glasses: a-Se and A-AsSe, J. Phs. Chem. of Solids, 68, pp. 1069 - 1073, 2007
Kugler S, Hegedüs J, Koháry K,: Modelling of photo-induced changes in chalcogenide glasses: a-Se and A-AsSe, J. Mater. Sci: Mater Electron, 18, Suppl. 1, pp.163-167, 2007
Misják F, Horváth Zs J, Barna P B, Radnóczi G,: Development of texture and morphjology in Cu-Ag thin nanocompéopsite thin films on Si, 17th International Vacuum Congress, Stockholm, 2007
Misják F, Barna P B, Tóth A L, Ujvári T, Bertóti I, Radnóczi G,: A combinatorial approach to relate structure and mechanical properties of nanocomposite Cu-Ag films, 17th International Vacuum Congress, Stockholm, 2007
Néda Z, Deák R, Barna B. P,: Több-komponensű vékonyrétegek számítógélp-szimulációs tanulmányozása, MTA közgyűlés, Anyagtudományi Nap,, 2007
Barna PB,: Selection of the pathway of structure evolution for engineering various nano-composite structures in thin films, 2 nd International Conference on Surfaces, coatings and Nanostructured Materials, Alkgarve, Portugal, 2007
Moser M, Mayrhofer PH, Székely L, Sáfrán G and Barna PB: Influence of bipolar pulsed DC magnetron sputtering on elemental composition and micro-structure of Ti-Al-Y-N thin films, Thin Solid Films, 516: 3931-3934, 2008
Misják F, Horváth ZE, Barna PB, Radnóczi G: Development of texture and morphology in Cu-Ag thin nanocomposite films on Si, J. Phys. Conf. Series, 100: 082008, 2008
Misják F, Barna PB, Radnóczi G: Formation of ordered solid solution during phase separation in Cu-Ag alloy films, pp. 389-390, 14th European Microscopy Congress, Aachen, Springer-Verlag Berlin,, 2008
Barna PB: Nucleation and growth of phases during the self organizing structure evolution of multicomponent polycrystalline films, bstract, 1st International Conference on Functional Nanocoatings, Budapest, 03. 30 – 04.02, plenary lecture, 2008
Barna PB: Formation of phases in co-deposited multi-component polycrystalline thin films, bstract, 8th Symposium of European Vacuum Coaters, Anzio, Sept.29th –Oct.1th , plenary lecture, 2008
Lestyán Gy, Lábár JL, Székely L, Geszti O, Sáfrán G, Bíró D, Barna PB: Structure Formation in Co-deposited Cr1-xAlxN Thin Films in the 0, abstract, 14th International Conference on Thin Films & eactive Spoutter Deposition, November 17-20, 2008
Misják F, Barna PB, Radnóczi G: Formation of epitaxial nanocomposite in Cu-Ag eutectic thin films, abstract, 14th International Conference on Thin Films & Reactive Sputter Deposition, November 17-20, 2008
Sáfrán G, Suzuki T, Ouchi K, Barna PB, Radnóczi G: Nano-structure formation of Fe–Pt perpendicular magnetic recording media co-deposited with MgO, Al2O3 and SiO2 additives, Thin Solid Films, 496: 580-584 (2006), 2006
Radnóczi G: Formation of thin film nanocomposites: processes, structure, properties,, Abstract, 11th Joint Vacuum Congress, Prag, August, invited paper, 2006
Radnóczi G: Metal-metal nanocomposite films, Abstract, 4th Mikkeli International Industrial Coating Seminar, Mikkeli, March 22-26, invited lecture, 2008
Radnóczi G, Barna PB: Formation and Characterisation of the Structure of Thin Films and Coatings, pp. 443-474 in Pauleau Y, Materials Surface Processing by Directed Energy Techniques, Elsevier-EMRS, 2006
Kugler S, Hegedüs J, Kohary K: Light-induced Volume Changes in Chalcogenide Glasses, in Singh J, Optical Properties of Condensed Matter, Wiley pp143-158, 2006
Kovács GyJ, Koós A, Bertoni G, Sáfrán G, Geszti O, Serin V, Colliex C, Radnóczi G: Structure and spectroscopic properties of C–Ni and CNx–Ni nanocomposite films, J. APPL. PHYS, 98 034313 2,498, 2005
Biro, D., Kovács, A., Székely, L., Dévényi, A., Barna P.B.: Microstructures in co-sputtered Al-C thin films developing at elevated temperatures, Surface and Coatings Technology, 200 pp. 6263-6266,, 2006
Eisenmenger-Sittner, Schwarz B, Tomastik C, Barna PB. Kovacs A,: Experimental studies of solid state surface wetting of tin (Sn) on aluminium (Al), Applied Surface Science, 252, pp. 5466-5469, 2006, 2006
Stueber M, Albers U, Leiste H, Ulrich S, Holleck H, Barna PB, Kovács A, Hovsepian P, Gee I: Multifunctional nanolaminated PVD coatings in the system Ti–Al–N–C by combination of metastable fcc phases and nanocomposite microstructures, Surface and Coatings Technology, 200(22-23): 6162-6171 1,646, 2006
Biro D, Barna PB, Meneve J, Székely L, Dévényi A,: Self-lubricating MoS2-doped nanolayered TiAlCrN tribological coatings prepared with composition modulated interfaces, Proc. of European Conference onTribology, ECOTRIB 2007,, 2007
Deak R, Neda Z, Barna PB: A novel kinetic Monte Carlo method for epitaxial growth, J. Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 10: 2445-2450, 2008
Deak R, Neda Z, Barna PB: A Simple Kinetic Monte Carlo Approach for Epitaxial Submonolayer Growth, Communications in Computational Physics, 3: 822-833, 2008
Misják F, Barna PB, Tóth AL, Ujvári T, Bertóti I, Radnóczi G: Structure and mechanical properties of Cu–Ag nanocomposite films, Thin Solid Films, 516: 3931-3934, 2008


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2008-09-18 08:49:56
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