P-glycoprotein membrane microoenviroment and inhibition of pumpung by the combined application of modulators and specific antibody
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Ozvegy-Laczka C, Laczko R, Hegedus C, Litman T, Varady G, Goda K, Hegedus T, Dokholyan NV, Nikolay V, Sorrentino BP, Varadi A, Sarkadi B: Interaction with the 5D3 monoclonal antibody is regulated by intramolecular rearrangements but not by covalent dimer formation of the human ABCG2 multidrug transporter, J BIOL CHEM 283:(38) 26059-26070 (2008), 2008 | Pál Mikecz, Teréz Márián, Tünde Miklovicz, László Galuska, Zoltán Krasznai, Katalin Goda, Lajos Trón, Zoltán Hernádi, Zoárd T. Krasznai: Daunorubicin and doxorubicin inhibit the 11C-choline accumulation in cancer cells, submitted, 2009 | Krasznai ZT, Peli Szabo J, Nemeth E, Balkay L, Szabo G, Goda K, Galuska L, Tron L, Major T, Hernadi Z: Paclitaxel modifies the accumulation of tumor-diagnostic tracers in different ways in P-glycoprotein-positive and negative cancer cells, EUR J PHARM SCI 28:(3) 249-256, 2006 | Goda K, Bacsó Zs, Nagy H, Fenyvesi F, Pataki J, Szabo G: The membrane microenvironment of P-glycoprotein, FEBS J, 2005 | Zsolt Bacso*, Katalin Goda*, Zsuzsa Tóth, Orsolya Bársony, Ferenc Fenyvesi, Zsuzsa Birkó, Henrietta Nagy, Ákos Fábián, Gábor Balogh, György Lustyik, Sándor Bíró, Tamás Janáky, Gábor Szabó: Conformational-topological heterogeneity of cell-surface P-glycoprotein molecules, submitted, 2009 | Goda K, Bacso Z, Szabo G.: Multidrug resistance through the spectacle of P-glycoprotein (review), Current Cancer Drug Targets, 2009 (in press), 2009 | Goda K, Fenyvesi F, Bacso Z, Nagy H, Marian T, Megyeri A, Krasznai Z, Juhasz I, Vecsernyes M, Szabo G Jr.: Complete Inhibition of P-glycoprotein by Simultaneous Treatment with a Distinct Class of Modulators and the UIC2 Monoclonal Antibody., J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2007 Jan;320(1):81-8. Epub 2006 Oct 18., 2007 | Fenyvesi F, Fenyvesi E, Szente L, Goda K, Bacso Z, Bacskay I, Varadi J, Kiss T, Molnar E, Janaky T, Szabo G, Vecsernyes M: P-glycoprotein inhibition by membrane cholesterol modulation, EUR J PHARM SCI 34: 236-242, 2008 | Pataki J, Szabo M, Lantos E, Szekvolgyi L, Molnar M, Hegedus E, Bacso Z, Kappelmayer J, Lustyik G, Szabo G.: Biological microbeads for flow-cytometric immunoassays, enzyme titrations, and quantitative PCR., Cytometry 68:45-52, 2005 | Szekvolgyi L, Balint BL, Imre L, Goda K, Szabo M, Nagy L, Szabo G.: Chip-on-beads: flow-cytometric evaluation of chromatin immunoprecipitation., Cytometry A 2006 Oct 1;69(10):1086-91., 2006 | Szekvolgyi L, Hegedus E, Molnar M, Bacso Z, Szarka K, Beck Z, Dombradi V, Austin C, Szabo G.: Nick-forming sequences may be involved in the organization of eukaryotic chromatin into approximately 50 kbp loops., Histochem Cell Biol. 2006 Jan;125(1-2):63-73. Epub 2005 Sep 30., 2006 | Lóránt Székvölgyi, Zsuzsa Rákosy, Bálint L. Bálint, Endre Kókai, László Imre, György Vereb, Zsolt Bacsó, Katalin Goda, Sándor Varga, Margit Balázs, Viktor Dombrádi, László Nagy, and Gábor Szabó: Ribonucleoprotein-masked nicks at 50-kbp intervals, PNAS, 2007 |




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