Algebraic structures and algorithms
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Szendrei MB: Problems on finite regular semigroups, Proc. Conf. ''International Symposium on Semigroups and Applications'' (eds. Rajan AR, John L); 37-45, 2007 | Szendrei MB, Szittyai I: E-solid locally inverse semigroups, kézirat, 2010 | Berman JD, Kearnes KA, Szendrei Á: Free spectra of intermediate growth, kézirat, 2010 | Larose B, Zádori L: Bounded width problems and algebras, Algebra Universalis 56: 439-466, 2007 | Maróti M: The existence of a near-unanimity term in a finite algebra is decidable, J. Symbolic Logic, 2009 | Szendrei MB: Factorizability in certain classes over inverse semigroups, Proc. Conf. ''Semigroups and Formal Languages'' (eds. André JM, Branco MJ, Fernandes VH, Fountain J, Gomes GMS, Meakin JC); 266--277, 2007 | Waldhauser T: Minimal clones with few majority operations, Acta Sci. Math. 73: 471-486, 2007 | Maróti M, McKenzie R: Existence theorems for weakly symmetric operations, Algebra Universalis 59: 463-489, 2008 | Hartmann M: Embedding into almost factorizable orthodox semigroups, Acta Sci. Math. 73: 71-89, 2007 | Dzobiak W, Maróti M, McKenzie R, Nurakunov A: The weak extension property and finite axiomatizability for quasivarieties, Fundamenta Mathematicae, közlésre benyújtva, 2010 | Larose B, Zádori L: Omitting types, bounded width and the ability to count, közlésre benyújtva, 2010 | Lehtonen E, Szendrei Á: Equivalence of operations with respect to discriminator clones, Discrete Math., 2009 | Dziobiak W, Ježek J, Maróti M: Minimal varieties and quasivarieties of semilattices with one automorphism, Semigroup Forum, 2009 | Czédli G, Hartmann M, Schmidt ET: CD-independent subsets in distributive lattices, Publ. Math. Debrecen, 2009 | Barto L, Kozik M, Maróti M, McKenzie R, Niven T: Congruence modularity implies cyclic terms for finite algebras, Algebra Universalis, 2009 | Liebscher S, Waldhauser T: On associative spectra of binary operations, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged), 2009 | Kearnes KA, Szendrei Á: Clones of parallelogram algebras, közlésre benyújtva, 2010 | Lehtonen E , Szendrei Á: Clones with finitely many relative R-classes, kézirat, 2010 | Qiu S, Hartmann M, Guo X: Almost factorizable IC quasi-adequate semigroups, Comm. Algebra, közlésre benyújtva, 2010 | Barto L, Kozik M, Maróti M, Niven T: CSP dichotomy for special triads, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 2009 | Carvalho C, Dalmau V, Markovic P, Maróti M: CD(4) has bounded width, Algebra Universalis, 2009 | Jezek J, Kepka T, Maróti M: The endomorphism semiring of a semilattice, Semigroup Forum, 2009 | Czédli G, Maróti M, Schmidt ET: On the scope of averaging for Frankl's conjecture, közlésre benyújtva, 2010 | Czédli G, Maróti M: Two notes on the variety generated by planar modular lattices, Order, 2009 | Nesetril J, Siggers M, Zádori L: A combinatorial CSP dichotomy classification conjecture, közlésre benyújtva, 2010 | Waldhauser T: On composition-closed classes of Boolean functions, kézirat, 2010 | Szendrei MB: E-unitary almost factorizable orthodox semigroups, kézirat, 2010 | Hartmann M: Ortodox félcsoportok és szemidirekt szorzatok, SZTE, 2008 | Davey BA, Jackson M, Maróti M, McKenzie R: Principal and syntactic congruences in congruence-distributive and congruence-permutable varieties, J. Austral. Math. Soc. 85: 59-74, 2008 | Gomes GMS, Szendrei MB: Even covers for left ample semigroups, Semigroup Forum 74: 293-305, 2007 | Hartmann M: Almost factorizable orthodox semigroups, Semigroup Forum 74: 106-124, 2007 | Kearnes KA, Shaw J, Szendrei Á: Clones of 2-step nilpotent groups, Algebra Universalis 59: 491-512, 2008 | Szabó L: On algebras with primitive positive clones, Acta Sci. Math. 73: 463-470, 2007 | Waldhauser T: Almost associative operations generating a minimal clone, Discuss. Math. Gen. Algebra Appl. 26: 45-73, 2006 | Zádori L: Solvability of systems of polynomial equations over finite algebras, Internat. J. Algebra Comput. 17: 821-835, 2007 |




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