First principles calculations for surfaces; surface stress and segregation
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Kádas K, Nabi Z, Kwon SK, Vitos L, Ahuja R, Johansson B, Kollár J: Surface relaxation and surface stress of 4d transition metals, Surface Science, 600, 395-402, 2006 | Ropo, M., Kokko, K., Vitos, L., Kollár, J., and Johansson, B.: The chemical potential in surface segregation calculations: PdAg alloys, Surface Science, 600, 904-913, 2006 | Ropo, M., Kokko, K., Vitos, L., and Kollár, J.,: Segregation at the PdAg(111) surface: Electronic structure calculations, Phys. Rev. B 71, 045411/1-6, 2005 | Kwon SK, Nabi Z, Kádas K, Vitos L, Kollár J, Johansson B, Ahuja R: Surface energy and stress release by layer relaxation, Phys. Rev. B, 72, 235423/1-5, 2005 | Punkkinen, M.P.J., Kokko, K., Ropo M., Vayrynen, Vitos, L., Johansson, B., and Kollár J: Magnetism of (FeCo)Si alloys: Extreme sensitivity on crystal structure, Phys. Rev. B, 73, 024426/1-10, 2006 | Ropo M., Kokko K., Vitos L., and Kollár J.: New way to simulate surface segregation: AgPd(111) surface, Proceedings of the XXXIX AnnualConference of the Finnish Physical Society, March 17 – 19, 2005, Espoo,No. 229 Helsinki University of Technology, p.320, 2005 | Vitos, L., Magyari-Köpe B., Ahuja R., Kollár, J., Grimvall G. and Johansson, B.: Phase transformations between garnet and perovskite phases in the Earth's mantle: A theoretical study, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 156, 108-116, 2006 | K. Kádas, L. Vitos, B. Johansson and J. Kollár: Structural stability of beta-beryllium, Phys Rev B 75, 035132(8), 2007 | K. Kádas, L. Vitos, R. Ahuja, B. Johansson and J. Kollár: Temperature dependent elastic properties of alpha-beryllium from first principles theory, Phys Rev B, 76, 235109, 2007 | Punkkinen M P J, Laukkanen P, Kokko K, Ropo M, Ahola-Tuomi M, Väyrynen I J, Komsa H P, Rantala T T, Pessa M, Kuzmin M, Vitos L, Kollár J, and Johansson B: Surface core-level shifts of the GaAs(100)(2x4) surface, Phys Rev B, 76, 115334, 2007 | Ropo M, Kokko K, Punkkinen M P J, Hogmark S, Kollár J, Johansson B, and Vitos L: Theoretical evidence of the compositional threshold behavior of FeCr surfaces, Phys Rev B, Rapid communication, 76, 220401(R), 2007 | Kokko K, Ropo M, Punkkinen M P J, Laukkanen P, Alatalo M, Vitos L, Kollár J, and Johansson B: Surface core-level shift of Pd at the AgcPd1-c(111) surface: nonlinear subsurface effects, Surf. Sci. 601, 5419-5423, 2007 | Laukkanen P, Punkkinen M P J, Komsa H P, Ahola-Tuomi M, Kokko K, Kuzmin M, Adell J, Sadowski J, Perälä RE, Ropo M, Rantala T T, Väyrynen I J, Pessa M, Vitos L, Kollár J, Mirbt S, Johansson: Anomalous Bismuth-Stabilized (2x1) Reconstructions on GaAs(100) and InP(100) Surfaces, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 086101, 2008 | Vitos L, Ropo M, Kokko K, Punkkinen MPJ, Kollár J, Johansson B: Exceptional surface stability in late transition metal alloys driven by lattice strain, Phys. Rev. B Rapid Communications 77, 121401(R), 2008 | Punkkinen M P J, Laukkanen P, Komsa H P, Ahola-Tuomi M, Räsänen N, Kokko K, Kuzmin M, Adell J, Sadowski J, Perälä RE, Ropo M, Rantala T T, Väyrynen I J, Pessa M, Vitos L, Kollár J, Mirbt S,: Bismuth-stabilized (2x1) and (2x4) reconstructions on GaAs(100) surfaces: A combined first-principles, photoemission and scanning tunneling microscopy study, Phys. Rev. B, 78, 195304, 2008 | Zólyomi V, Kollár J, Vitos L: Anomalous surface relaxation in hcp transition metals, Phys. Rev. B, 78, 195414/1-5, 2008 | Zólyomi V, Kollár J, Vitos L: On the surface relaxation of hcp transition metals, Philos. Mag. B, 88, 2709-2714, 2008 | M. Ropo, K. Kokko, M. P. J. Punkkinen, S. Hogmark, J. Kollár, B. Johansson, and L. Vitos: Threshold behavior of FeCr alloys surface, 6th European Stainless Steel Conference, edited by P. Karjalainen and S. Hertzman, ISBN 91-974131-9-4, Helsinki, Finland p. 323-326, 2008 | Kollár J.: Fémek felületi struktúrájának kvantummechanikája, Fizikai Szemle, 57, 42-46, 2007 | Landa* A, Klepeis* J, Söderlind* P, Naumov* I, Velikokhatnyi* O, Vitos L, Ruban* A: Fermi surface nesting and pre-martensitic softening in V and Nb at high pressures, J Phys Condens Matter; 18, 5079-5085, 2006 | Landa* A, Klepeis* J, Söderlind* P, Naumov* I, Velikokhatnyi* O, Vitos L, Ruban* A: Ab initio calculations of elastic constants of the bcc V–Nb system at high pressures, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids; 67, 2056-2064, 2006 | Landa* A, Söderlind* P, Vitos L: Density-functional calculations of -Pu-Ga(Al) alloys, J Alloys and Compounds; 444-445, 296-299, 2007 | Kissavos* AE, Vitos L, and Abrikosov* IA: The energy dependence of the Exact Muffin-Tin Orbitals structure constants, Phys Rev B; 75, 115117/1-11, 2007 | Koci* L, Vitos L, and Ahuja* R: Ab initio calculations of the elastic properties of ferropericlase Mg1-xFexO (xe 0.20), Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors; 164, 177-185, 2007 | Hu* QM, Kádas K, Hogmark* S, Yang* R, Johansson* B, Vitos L: Predicting hardness of covalent/ionic solid solution from first-principles theory, Applied Physics Letters; 91, 121918, 2007 | Kádas K, Vitos L, Ahuja* R: Theoretical evidence of a superconducting transition in doped silicon and germanium driven by a variation of chemical composition, Applied Physics Letters; 92, 052505/1-3, 2008 | Kádas K, Vitos L, Ahuja* R: Elastic properties of iron-rich hcp Fe-Mg alloys up to Earth's core pressure, Earth and Planetary Science Letters; 271, 221-225, 2008 | Hu* QM, Kádas K, Hogmark* S, Yang* R, Johansson* B, Vitos L: Hardness and elastic properties of covalent/ionic solid solutions from first-principles theory, J Appl Phys; 103, 083505/1-9, 2008 | Ropo* K, Kokko* K, Vitos L: Assessing the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof exchangecorrelation density functional revised for metallic bulk and surface systems, Phys Rev B; 77, 195445/1-6, 2008 | Punkkinen* MPJ, Kokko* K, Vitos L, Laukkanen* P, Airiskallio* E, Ropo* M, Ahola-Tuomi* M, Kuzmin* M, Väyrynen* IJ, B. Johansson* B: Calculation of surface core-level shifts within complete screening: Problems with pseudohydrogenated slabs, Phys Rev B; 77, 245302/1-7, 2008 | Hu* QM, Li* SJ, Hao* YL, Johansson* B, Yang* R, Vitos L: Phase stability and elastic moduli of Ti alloys containing Nb, Zr, and/or Sn from first-principles calculations, Appl Phys Lett; 93, 121902/1-3, 2008 | Zólyomi V, Vitos L, Kwon SK, Kollár J, Johansson B, Ahuja R: Surface relaxation and stress for 5d transition metals, J. Phys: Condensed Matter, 21, 095007/1-5, 2009 | Kokko K, Airiskallio E, Nurmi E, Ropo M, Punkkinen, M.P.J., Alatalo M, Pitkänen H, Kollár J, Vitos L: Oxidation of Fe-Al and Fe-Cr-Al, Proceedings of the Finnish Physical Society, Espoo, Finland, p.203, 2009 | Airiskallio E, Nurmi E, Heinonen MH, Väyrynen I J, Kokko K, Ropo M, Punkkinen, M.P.J., Pitkänen H, Alatalo M, Kollár J, Johansson B, Vitos L: Third element effect in the surface zone of Fe-Cr-Al alloys, Phys. Rev. B, 81, 033105/1-4, 2010 | M. Mattesini, E. Buforn, A. Udias, L. Vitos and R. Ahuja: An ab initio study of S-substituted iron-nickel-silicon alloy at the Earth’s inner core pressure, High Pressure Research 28, 437-441, 2008 | L. Vitos and B. Johansson: Large magnetoelastic effects in paramagnetic stainless steels from first principles, Physical Review B 79, 024415, 2009 | H. Pitkänen, A. Puisto, M. Alatalo, M. Ropo, K. Kokko, M. P. J. Punkkinen, P. Olsson, B. Johansson, S. Hertzman, and L. Vitos: Ab initio study of the phase stability in paramagnetic duplex steel alloys, Physical Review B 79, 024108, 2009 | Krisztina Kadas, Levente Vitos, Börje Johansson, Rajeev Ahuja: Stability of body-centred-cubic iron-magnesium alloys in the Earth's inner core, PNAS 106, 15560-15562, 2009 | E. K. Delczeg-Czirjak, L. Delczeg, M. Ropo, K. Kokko, M. P. J. Punkkinen, B. Johansson, and L. Vitos: Ab initio study of the elastic anomalies in Pd-Ag alloys, Physical Review B 79, 085107, 2009 | K. Kadas, M. Lindquist, O. Eriksson, B. Johansson, and L. Vitos: Magnetism-driven anomalous surface alloying between copper and chromium, Applied Physics Letters 94, 172507, 2009 | Qing-Miao Hu, Chun-Mei Li, Rui Yang, Svetlana E. Kulkova, Dmitry I. Bazhanov, Börje Johansson, Levente Vitos: Site occupancy, magnetic moments, and elastic constants of non-stoichiometric Ni2MnGa from first-principles calculations, Physical Review B 79, 144112, 2009 | Qing-Miao Hu, Chun-Mei Li, Rui Yang, Svetlana E. Kulkova, Dmitry I. Bazhanov, Börje Johansson, Levente Vitos: Site occupancy, magnetic moments, and elastic constants of non-stoichiometric Ni2MnGa from first-principles calculations, Physical Review B 79, 144112, 2009 | Martin Sahlberg, Premysl Beran, Thomas Nielsen, Yngve Cerenius, Krisztina Kadas, Marko P. J. Punkkinen, Levente Vitos, Olle Eriksson, Torben Jensen, Yvonne Andersson: A new material for hydrogen storage; ScAl0.8Mg0.2, J. Solid State Chemistry 182, 3113-3117, 2009 | M.P.J. Punkkinen, P. Laukkanen, M. Ahola-Tuomi, J. Pakarinen, M. Kuzmin, A. Tukiainen, R.E. Perälä, J. Lång, M. Ropo, K. Kokko, L. Vitos, B. Johansson, M. Pessa, and I. J. Väyrynen: Core-level shifts of InP(100)(2x4) surface: Theory and experiment, Surface Science 603, 2664-2668, 2009 | H. Zhang, B. Johansson L. Vitos: Ab initio calcultion of the elastic properties of bcc Fe-Mg and Fe-Cr random alloys, Physical Review B 79, 224201, 2009 | E. Airiskallio, E. Nurmi, J. Väyrynen, K. Kokko, M. Ropo, M. P. J. Punkkinen, B. Johansson, L. Vitos: Tuning the surface chemistry of Fe-Cr by V doping, Physical Review B 80, 153403, 2009 | M.P.J. Punkkinen, M. Kuzmin, P. Laukkanen, R.E. Perälä, M. Ahola-Tuomi, J. Lång, M. Ropo, M. Pessa, I. J. Väyrynen, K. Kokko, B. Johansson, and L. Vitos: Stability of rare earth metal atom induced (2x3) reconstructions on Si(100) surface, Physical Review B 80, 235307, 2009 | L. Delczeg, E. K. Delczeg-Czirjak, B.Johansson, and L. Vitos: Assessing common density functional approximations for the ab initio description of mono-vacancies in metals, Physical Review B 80, 205121, 2009 |




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