Hadronic physics at the CMS experiment  Page description

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Details of project

Type K
Principal investigator Siklér, Ferenc
Title in Hungarian Hadronfizika a CMS detektorral
Title in English Hadronic physics at the CMS experiment
Panel Physics 1
Department or equivalent High Energy Physics Department (Wigner Research Centre for Physics)
Participants Barna, Dániel
Krajczár, Krisztián
László, András
Patay, Gergely
Szeles, Sándor
Varga, Dezső
Veres, I. Gábor
Starting date 2005-01-01
Closing date 2009-06-30
Funding (in million HUF) 12.620
FTE (full time equivalent) 17.22
state closed project


Final report

Results in Hungarian
A CERN CMS kísérletében kifejlesztettük a töltött részecskék nyomkövetésének kis tévesztésű, nagyon kis impulzus esetén is jó hatásfokú módszerét. A szilíciumdetektorokban leadott energia, valamint a bomlási topológia figyelembe vételével kidolgoztuk a töltött és semleges részecskék azonosításának technikáját. Megmutattuk, hogy új matematikai eszközökkel a semleges pionok spektruma az egyfoton eloszlásból visszafejthető. A fenti eszközök segítségével elkészítettük a 0.9-7-10 TeV-es proton-proton ütközésekben keletkezett hadronok számával és eloszlásával foglalkozó példa-analíziseket, melyek a 2009-es év végén a CMS kísérlet első publikációi lesznek. A Pb-Pb ütközésben keletkezett anyagon áthaladó partonok energiaveszteségének vizsgálatához kidolgoztuk a nukleáris elnyomási faktorok mérésének módszerét, nagy transzverzális impulzusokra, amely csak jet triggerek alkalmazásával érhető el. A módszerrel várhatóan többszörösére nő majd az az impulzustartomány, ahol a mérés elvégezhető. Létrehoztunk egy megbízható, szcintillátorokon alapuló triggert, amely az első nehézion mérések alapvető triggere lehet 2010-ben.
Results in English
Working in the CERN CMS experiment we have developed a new method of charged particle tracking that has good efficiency even at very low momentum. With help of the measured energy deposited in the silicon detectors, as well as by using the decay topology, we have worked out a technique of particle identification of charged and neutral hadrons. We have shown that with new mathematical methods the spectrum of neutral pions can be extracted from that of the photons. The above mentioned tools enabled us to prepare and accomplish the example analyses dealing with the measurement of the number distribution and momentum spectrum of hadrons produced in proton-proton collisions at 0.9-7-10 TeV. They will be the first publications of the CMS Collaboration at the end of 2009. For the study of energy loss of partons produced in Pb-Pb collisions, we have developed a method to measure the nuclear modification factors, for high transverse momenta. It was possible with help of jet triggers which multipled the reach of the measurement. We have created a reliable, scintillator based trigger, that can be a basic trigger for the first heavy ion collisions in 2010.
Full text https://www.otka-palyazat.hu/download.php?type=zarobeszamolo&projektid=48898


List of publications

CMS Collaboration, incl. László A, Siklér F, Veres GI: Jet physics in heavy ion collisions with Compact Muon Solenoid detector at the LHC, J. Phys. : Conf. Ser. 50, 385-388, CMS CR-2005/005, 2006
Veres GI: Bulk hadron production at high rapidities, Nucl. Phys. A774, 287-296, nucl-ex/0511037, 2005
Siklér F: Hadronic physics with the CMS experiment, Acta Phys. Hung. A25, 57-63, CMS CR-2005/006, hep-ph/0504259, 2006
Siklér F: The p+A capabilities of CMS, CMS CR-2006/001, 2005
László A: A robust iterative unfolding method for signal processing, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 39, 13621-13640, 2006
CMS Collaboration, incl. László A, Siklér F, Veres GI: CMS: the computing project. Technical design report, CERN-LHCC-2005-023, 2005
CMS Collaboration, incl. László A, Siklér F, Veres GI: LHC Heavy Ion Program: a CMS perspective, Acta Phys. Hung. A24, 353-358, 2005
Siklér F: Reconstruction of low pT charged particles with the pixel detector, CMS AN-2006/100, 2006
Siklér F: Reconstruction of V0s and photon conversions with the pixel detector, CMS AN-2006/101, 2006
Veres GI: Heavy Ion Physics at the LHC with CMS, J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 32, S567-S570, CMS CR-2006/032, 2006
CMS Collaboration, incl. László A, Siklér F, Veres GI: CMS physics : Technical Design Report v.1 : Detector performance and software, CERN-LHCC-2006-001, CMS-TDR-008-1, 2006
CMS Collaboration, incl. László A, Siklér F, Veres GI: CMS physics : Technical Design Report v.2 : Physics performance, CERN-LHCC-2006-021, CMS-TDR-008-2, 2006
CMS Collaboration, incl. László A, Siklér F, Veres GI: Track reconstruction in heavy ion events using the CMS tracker, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A566, 123-126, 2006
Siklér F, Hegyi S (editors): Proceedings of the Quark Matter 2005 Poster Sessions, Acta Phys. Hung. A27, Numbers 2-3, 2006
Ballintijn M, Loizides C, Lokhtin IP, Krajczár K, Roland C, Snigirev A, Veres GI: Estimating the statistical reach for the charged particle nuclear modification factor in jet triggered heavy ion events, CMS AN-2006/109, 2006
CMS and ATLAS Collaborations, incl. László A, Siklér F, Veres GI: Heavy-ion physics with the CMS and ATLAS experiments at the Large Hadron Collider, CMS CR-2006/068, 2006
Siklér F: Low pT Hadronic Physics with CMS, Int J Mod Phys E 16, 1819-1825, 2007
Krajczár K, Roland C, Veres GI: Simulation of Jet Quenching Observables in Heavy Ion Collisions at the LHC, Int J Mod Phys E 16, 1937-1942, 2007
Krajczár K, Patay G, Siklér F, Veres GI et al: CMS Physics TDR Addendum: High Density QCD with Heavy Ions, J Phys G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 34, 2307-2455, 2007
Siklér F: High Density QCD Physics with Heavy Ions in CMS, Proceedings of Moriond QCD 2007 Conference, arXiv:0705.3538, 2007
Siklér F: Soft probes of high density QCD physics with CMS, J Phys G: Nucl Part Phys 35, 044045, 2008
CMS Collaboration, Betts R, incl Krajczár K, Patay G, Siklér F, Veres GI: Heavy-ion physics with CMS, J Phys G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 34, 519-526, 2007
Krajczár K: Jet fizika a CMS detektorral az LHC nehézion-ütközéseiben, ELTE TTK, szakdolgozat, 2007
Siklér F, Krajczár K: Measurement of charged hadron spectra in proton-proton collisions at √s = 14 TeV, CMS AN-2007/021, CMS PAS QCD-07-001, 2007
Siklér F: Soft physics capabilities of CMS in p-p and Pb-Pb, J Phys G: Nucl Part Phys 35, 104150, 2008
Siklér F: Towards the measurement of charged hadron spectra in CMS, PoS HIGHPTLHC:011, 2008
Siklér F: First physics with hadrons and the underlying event at CMS, PoS 2008LHC:037, 2009
CMS Collaboration, incl. Krajczár K, Siklér F, Veres GI: The CMS experiment at the CERN LHC, JINST 3, S08004, 2008
Krajczár K, Veres GI: Pseudorapidity distributions of charged hadrons in minimum-bias p-p collisions at √s = 14 TeV, CMS AN-2008/018, CMS PAS QCD-08-004, 2008
Veres GI: Measurements of high-pT probes in heavy ion collisions at CMS, Submitted to Nucl.Phys.A, arXiv:0907.4814, 2009
Krajczár K: Measuring nuclear modification factors at high-pT using jet triggers, PoS HIGHPTLHC:025, 2008
Krajczár K: Measurement of charged particle spectra in pp collisions at CMS, PoS EPS-HEP:062, accepted, 2009


Events of the project

2010-02-19 14:27:51
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