Physico-chemical study of dendrimer pseudo phases: functionalization, solution structure, dynamics and equilibria
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A. Budimir, J. Kalmár, I. Fabian, G. Lente, I Bányai, I. Batinić-Haberle and M. Birus: Water Exchange Rates of Water-Soluble Manganese(III) Porphyrins of Therapeutical Potential, Dalton Transaction (közlésre elfogadva), 2010 | X. Shi, I. Banyai, W.Lesniak, M.T. Islam, D.Z.Davis, I. Országh, P. Balogh J.R.Baker, L.P. Balogh: Capillary electrophoresis of polycationic poly(amidoamine) dendrimers, Electrophoresis 26 (2005) 2949-2959, 2005 | X. Shi, I. Banyai, M.T. Islam, W. Lesniak, D.Z.Davis, J.R.Baker, L.P. Balogh: Generational, skeletal and substitutional diversities in generation one polya(amidoamine) dendrimers, Polymer 46 (2005) 3022-3034, 2005, 2005 | X. Shi, I. Banyai, K. Rodriguez, M.T. islam, W.Lesniak, P. Balogh, L.P. Balogh, J.R.Baker: Electrophoretic mobility and molecular distribution studies of poly(amidoamine) dendrimers of defined charge, Electrophoresis 27 (2006) 1758-1767, 2006 | I. Orszagh, L.P. Balogh, I. Bányai, R. Király,: Dendrimer Magic: One solution two pH's in equilibrium, 230th ACS Meeting, CHED 0080, 2005 | Novák L., Kozma Cs., Nagy Z., Bányai I.: Kolloid méretű reaktor katalitikus oxidációhoz: a poliaminósav platform., MTA Kolloidkémiai és Anyagtudományi Munkabizottság, 2009 | I. Bányai,I. Orszagh, M. Berka, L.P. Balogh: NMR studies of PAMAM dendrimers as intelligent systems of drugs, cosmetics and personal care products, Polymer Preprints, 2005 | L.P. Balogh, I. Banyai: Functional Controll of Dendrimers Used in Cancer Research: Myths and Challenges, Abstract of papers 1st European Chemistry Congress M-OC-12 (p 258), 2006 | L. Novák*, I. Bányai, J. É.Fleischer-Radu, J. Borbély: Direct amidation of poly-(γ-glutamic acid) with benzylamine in dimethylsulfoxide, Biomacromolecules (2007) submitted, 2007 | M. Berka, L. Novák, I. Bányai, L. Balogh: Metal complexes with ligand of colloid (nano) size, Abstract of COST D21 Meeting, Rome, 2006 | M. Berka, Z. Nagy, L. Novák, L.P. Balogh, I. Bányai: Size ans shape of functionalized PAMAM dendrimers and poly-gamma-glutamic acid as DLS and NMR see, Proc. of 9th Conference on Colloid Chemistry p45, 2007 | L. Novák, I. Bányai: One-pot direct amidation of poly(gamma-glutamic acid) with differemt amines in DMSO, Proc. of 9th Conference on Colloid Chemistry p138, 2007 | Z. Nagy, Cs. Kozma, I. Bányai: Behaviour of PAMAM dendrimers and other ionic macromolecules in aqueous solution., Proc. of 9th Conference on Colloid Chemistry p135, 2007 | L. Novák, I.Bányai, E. Fleichser-Radu, J. Borbély: Poli(γ-glutaminsav) direkt amidációja benzilaminnal dimetil-szulfoxidban, MTA Kolloidkémiai Munkabizottság, 2007, 2007 | Nagy Z., Kozma Cs., Bányai I.: PAMAM dendrimerek és más ionos makromolekulák oldatbeli viselkedése, Komplexkémiai kollokvium 2007, 2007 | Bányai I., Berka M., Balogh L., Nagy Z.: A Buzágh féle kolloid paraméterek és az NMR. Két kultúra találkozása?, MTA Szervetlen és Fizkai Kémiai Bizottság űlése, Debrecen, 2007 | Balogh LP, Minc LD, Berka M: Novel synthesis of radioactive gold / dendrimer composite nanoparticles for the treatment of cancer, Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine 3 (2007) 351–351, lecture, 2007 | Z. Nagy, L. Novák, C. Kozma, M. Berka, I. Bányai: NMR Study of Poly(γ -Glutamic Acid) and Partially Benzylated Poly(γ -Glutamic Acid):Nanoparticles in Solution, Progress in Colloid and Polym. Sci, 2008 | Banyai, I., Conte, V., Pettersson, L., Silvagni, A.: On the Nature of V-V Species in Hydrophilic Ionic Liquids: A Spectroscopic Approach, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 34, 5373-5381, 2008 | Balogh LP, Minc LD, Berka M: Novel synthesis of radioactive gold/dendrimer composite nanoparticles for the treatment of cancer, Nanomedicine-Nanotechnology Biology and Medicine 3 (4), 338 (2007) poster, 2007 | Nagy Z, Kéri M., Bányai I., Balogh L. P.: PAMAM dendrimers in solution: Interaction with small molecules and ions, Abstract of 10th International Symposium on Applied Bioinorganic Chemistry, 2009 | L. Novák,* Cs. Kozma, M. Kórózs I. Bányai: Functionalisation of poly(gamma-glutamic acid) with histamine and histamine/benzylamine by uncatalysed thermal condensation, Chemical Communicatio (CC-COM-03-2010-000195) közlésre beküldve, elutasítva, átdolgozás alatt, 2010 | Kéri Mónika, Nagy Zoltán, Bányai István, Balogh Lajos: PAMAM dendrimerek kölcsönhatása foszfát- és vanadátionokkal vizes oldatban, MTA Kolloidkémiai és Anyagtudományi Munkabizottság, 2009 | I. Bányai, M. Berka, Z. Nagy, L.P. Balogh: Size and Water Content of Poly(Amidoamine) Dendrimers of Fifth Generation in Aqueous Solution, Langmuir (la-2010-00887c) beküldve, 2010 |





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