Quantum optical systems and their applications in quantum information science  Page description

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Details of project

Type K
Principal investigator Janszky, József
Title in Hungarian Kvantumoptikai rendszerek és kvantuminformatikai alkalmazásaik
Title in English Quantum optical systems and their applications in quantum information science
Panel Physics 1
Department or equivalent Quantum Optics and Quantum Information Dept. (Research Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics Hung. Acad. Sci.)
Participants Ádám, Péter
Asbóth, János Károly
Domokos, Péter
Gábris, Aurél
Kárpáti, Attila
Kis, Zsolt
Kiss, Tamás
Koniorczyk, Mátyás
Kurucz, Zoltán
Vukics, András
Starting date 2005-01-01
Closing date 2009-12-31
Funding (in million HUF) 16.380
FTE (full time equivalent) 15.00
state closed project


Final report

Results in Hungarian
Kiterjesztettük a stimulált Raman adiabatikus átmenetet egy háromszintű, degenerált energianívójú atomra. Eljárásunkkal a teljes Hilbert-teret le lehet fedni a gerjesztő impulzusok paramétereinek változtatásával. Általánosítottuk a Pólya-féle számot kvantumos bolyongásokra. A hiperkockán történő keresést optimalizáltuk és a kvantumoptikai megvalósításnál fellépő zajt elemeztük. Javasoltuk az 1D kvantumbolyongás megvalósítását félvezető struktúrákban. Összefonódáson alapuló kvantumkommunikációs sémákat találtunk diszkrét és folytonos változós kvantumállapotok minimális klasszikus kommunikáció árán való távoli előállítására. Összefonódottság detektálására dolgoztunk ki új módszereket. Feles spinű részecskékből álló sokrészecskés rendszerekre megadtuk a kollektív mennyiségek mérésén alapuló összefonódottsági kritériumok teljes halmazát. Kis számú, egyenként is elérhető spinre is megadtunk optimális kritériumokat. Semleges atomok kontrollált mozgatására dolgoztunk ki új hűtési eljárásokat, amelyekben a távolra hangolt lézerterek nem befolyásolják a kvantuminformációt hordozó hiperfinom állapotok dinamikáját. Számos új, az ilyen atomok közötti sugárzási kölcsönhatás következtében megjelenő kollektív jelenséget találtunk. Az ismert numerikus módszereknél hatékonyabb eljárást fejlesztettünk ki nyílt rendszerek időfejlesztő operátorának kiszámítására, és alkalmaztuk egy üregbe zárt atomokkal megvalósított kontroll-nem kapu fidelitásának meghatározására.
Results in English
We extended the stimulated Raman adiabatic passage method to a degenerate three-level atom. Our scheme covers the full target Hilbert space by varying the exciting laser pulse parameters. We generalized the Pólya number for quantum walks. We optimized the search algorithm on a hypercube and analyzed the effect of noise in a quantum optical setting. We proposed the implementation of the 1D quantum walk in semiconductor structures. We found entanglement based quantum communication schemes that enable the remote preparation of a family of discrete and continuous variable quantum states at minimal classical communication cost. We developed new methods for detecting quantum entanglement. In systems with very many particles, where only collective quantities can be measured, we determined the full set of entanglement conditions for the case of spin-half particles. We also gave optimal criteria for a system of few, individually addressable spins. We developed new cooling schemes for the manipulation of motion of neutral atoms with far detuned laser fields, in which the hyperfine states carrying quantum bit information are not influenced. We considered various effects due to radiative atom-atom interaction in far detuned laser fields. We developed a procedure more efficient than other known numeric methods for calculating the time-evolution operator in open systems. We applied it for calculating the fidelity of a CNOT gate realized by atoms in a cavity.
Full text https://www.otka-palyazat.hu/download.php?type=zarobeszamolo&projektid=49234


List of publications

A. Vukics, J. Janszky, and P. Domokos: Cavity cooling of atoms: a quantum statistical treatment, J. Phys. B-At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 38 (10), 1453–1470, 2005
J. K. Asbóth, P. Domokos, H. Ritsch, and A. Vukics: Self-organization of atoms in a cavity field: Threshold, bistability, and scaling laws, Phys. Rev. A 72, 053417 (12 pages), 2005
Z. Kurucz, P. Adam, Z. Kis, and J. Janszky: Continuous variable remote state preparation, Phys. Rev. A 72, 052315, 2005
Thomas Salzburger,Peter Domokos,and Helmut Ritsch: Theory of a single-atom laser including light forces, Phys. Rev. A 72, 033805, 2005
Koniorczyk M. és Tóth G.: Bevezetés a kvantummechanikai összefonódottságba, A kvantummechanika és kvantumelektronika új eredményei, szerk. Osvay K., 2006
J. Novotny, M. Stefanak, T. Kiss and I. Jex: Control of entanglement in Ising-type networks with one and two excitations, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 38, 9087, 2005
D. Nagy, J. K. Asboth, P. Domokos, H. Ritsch: Self-organization of a laser-driven cold gas in a ring cavity, Europhysics Letters, 74, 254-260, 2006
A. Vukics and P. Domokos: Simultaneous cooling and trapping of atoms by a single cavity-field mode, Phys. Rev. A 72, 031401, 2005
Almeida ML, Pironio S, Barrett J, Tóth G, Acín A: Noise Robustness of the Nonlocality of Entangled Quantum States, Phys. Rev. Lett.; 99, 040403/1-4, 2007
Z. Kurucz, P. Adam, and J. Janszky: Simulating Measurement Statistics in Remote State Preparation, Acta Phys. Hung. B 23, 49-54, 2005
M. Koniorczyk, P. Rapcan, V. Buzek: Direct versus measurement-assisted bipartite entanglement in multiqubit systems and their dynamical generation in spin systems, Phys. Rev. A 72, 022321, 2005
A. Gábris and G. S. Agarwal: Vacuum-induced Stark shifts for quantum logic using a collective system in a high-quality dispersive cavity, Phys. Rev. A 71, 052316, 2005
Z. Kis, N. V. Vitanov, A. Karpati C. Barthel and K. Bergmann: Creation of arbitrary coherent superposition states by stimulated Raman adiabatic passage, Phys. Rev. A 72, 033403, 2005
M. Koniorcyzk, V. Buzek, P. Adam: Simulation of generators of Markovian dynamics on programmable quantum processors, Eur. Phys. J. D 37, 275, 2006
Janszky József, Domokos Péter: Kvantumoptika és kvantuminformatika, Magyar Tudomány 2005/12 1550, 2005
T. Kiss, I. Jex, G. Alber, and S. Vymìtal: Complex chaos in the conditional dynamics of qubits, Phys. Rev. A 74, 040301R, 2006
M. Stefanák, T. Kiss, I. Jex and B. Mohring: The meeting problem in the quantum walk, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 39, 14965-14983, 2006
T. Kiss, I. Jex, G. Alber and S. Vymetal: Complex chaos in conditional qubit dynamics and purification, Acta Phys. Hung. B 26/3-4 229-235 (2006), 2006
N. Kiesel, C. Schmid, G. Toth, E. Solano, and H. Weinfurter: Experimental Observation of Four-Photon Entangled Dicke State with High Fidelity, Phys. Rev. Lett.; 98, 063604, 2007
G. Tóth: Detection of multipartite entanglement in the vicinity of Dicke states with many excitation, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 24, 275, 2007
G. Tóth and A. Acín: Genuine three-partite entangled states with a local hidden variable model, Phys. Rev. A 74, 030306(R), 2006
O. Gühne, M. Mechler, G. Tóth, and P. Adam: Entanglement criteria based on local uncertainty relations are strictly stronger than the computable cross norm criterion, Phys. Rev. A 74, 010301(R), 2006
O. Gühne and G. Tóth: Energy and multipartite entanglement in multidimensional and frustrated spin models, Phys. Rev. A 73, 052319, 2006
G. Tóth, O. Gühne, and H. J. Briegel: Two-setting Bell inequalities for graph states, Phys. Rev. A 73, 022303, 2006
G. Tóth, O. Gühne: Detection of multipartite entanglement with two-body correlations, Appl Phys B: Lasers and Optics 82, 237-241, 2006
A. Karpati, P. Adam, Z. Kis and J. Janszky: Stochastic unraveling of the time-evolution operator of open quantum systems, Europhys. Lett., 75, 209-215, 2006
H Hiesmayr, M. Koniorczyk, Narnhofer: Maximizing nearest-neighbor entanglement in finitely correlated qubit chains, Phys. Rev. A; 73, 032310/1-11, 2006
Z. Kurucz, P. Adam, J. Janszky: General criterion for oblivious remote state preparation, Phys. Rev. A 73, 062301, 2006
Z. Kurucz, P. Adam, and J. Janszky: Remote state preparation in quadrature basis, Acta Phys. Hung. B 26, 319, 2006
Domokos P.: A fény mechanikai hatása optikai rezonátorban, A kvantummechanika és kvantumelektronika új eredményei, szerk. Osvay K., 2006
Ádám P., Kárpáti A.: Nyílt kvantumrendszerek Markov-közelítésben: a sűrűségoperátor és a kvantumtrajektória módszerek, A kvantummechanika és kvantumelektronika új eredményei, szerk. Osvay K., 2006
A. Gábris, G. S. Agarwal: Quantum teleportation with pair-coherent states, Int. Journal of Quant. Inf.; 5, 17-22, 2007
G. Szirmai and P. Domokos: Geometric Resonance Cooling of Polarizable Particles in an Optical Waveguide, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 213602, 2007
A. Gabris, T. Kiss and I. Jex: Scattering quantum random-walk search with errors, Phys. Rev. A 76, 062315, 2007
Nagy D, Asboth J, Domokos P: Collective cooling of atoms in a ring cavity, Acta Phys. Hung. B 26 141-148, 2006
Stefanak M, Jex I, Kiss T: Recurrence and Polya number of quantum walks, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 020501, 2008
Tóth G, Knapp C, Gühne O, Briegel HJ: Optimal spin squeezing inequalities detect bound entanglement in spin models, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 250405, 2007
Tóth G, García-Ripoll JJ: Efficient algorithm for multi-qudit twirling, Phys. Rev. A; 75, 042311/1-11, 2007
Nagy D, Domokos P: Dipole-dipole instability of atom clouds in a far-detuned optical dipole trap, Phys. Rev. A; 75, 053416/1-8, 2007
Asbóth J K, Domokos P: Comment on ''Coupled dynamics of atoms and radiation-pressure-driven interferometers'' and ''Superstrong coupling regime of cavity quantum electrodynamics'', Phys. Rev. A; 76, 057801/1-4, 2007
Asbóth J K, Ritsch H, Domokos P: Collective excitations and instability of an optical lattice due to unbalanced pumping, Phys. Rev. Lett.; 98, 203008/1-4, 2007
Maschler C, Ritsch H, Vukics A, Domokos P: Entanglement assisted fast reordering of atoms in an optical lattice within a cavity at T = 0, Opt. Communication; 273, 446-450, 2007
Maes C, Asbóth J K, Ritsch H: Self ordering threshold and superradiant backscattering to slow a fast gas beam in a ring cavity with counter propagating pump, Optics Express; 15, 6019-6035, 2007
A. Vukics, H. Ritsch: C++QED: An object-oriented framework for wave-function simulations of cavity QED systems, European Physical Journal D; 44 585, 2007
András Vukics, Christoph Maschler and Helmut Ritsch: Microscopic physics of quantum self-organization of optical lattices in cavities, New J. Phys. 9 255, 2007
V. Potoček, A. Gábris, T. Kiss, I. Jex: Optimized quantum random-walk search algorithms on the hypercube, Phys. Rev. A 79, 012325, 2009
D. Nagy, G. Szirmai, P. Domokos: Self-organization of a Bose-Einstein condensate in an optical cavity, Eur. Phys. J. D 48, 127-137, 2008
J. K. Asbóth, H. Ritsch, P. Domokos: Optomechanical coupling in a one-dimensional optical lattice, Phys. Rev. A 77, 063424, 2008
Stefanak M, Kiss T, Jex I: Recurrence properties of unbiased coined quantum walks on infinite d-dimensional lattices, Phys. Rev. A 78, 032306, 2008
M. Koniorczyk, Á. Varga, P. Rapcan, V. Buzek: Quantum homogenization and state randomization in semiquantal spin systems, Phys. Rev. A 77, 052106, 2008
T. Kiss, J. Jex, G. Alber, E. Kollár: Properties of complex chaos in conditional qubit dynamics, International Journal of Quantum Information 6, 695-700, 2008
G. Tóth: QUBIT4MATLAB V3.0: A program package for quantum information science and quantum optics for MATLAB, Comput. Phys. Comm. 179, 430, 2008
Z. Kurucz, M. Fleischhauer: Continuous-variable versus electromagnetically-induced-transparency-based quantum memories, Phys. Rev. A 78, 023805, 2008
T. Kiss , L. Kecskés, M. Stefanak, I. Jex: Recurrence in coined quantum walk, Physica Scripta T135, 014055, 2009
O. Gühne and G. Tóth: Entanglement detection, Phys. Rep. 474, 1-75, 2009
O. Kálmán, T. Kiss and P. Földi: Quantum walk on the line with quantum rings, Phys. Rev. B 80, 035327, 2009
A. Kárpáti, P. Ádám and J. Janszky: Quantum operations in probabilistic representation, Physica Scripta T135, 014054, 2009
M. Stefanak, T. Kiss and I. Jex: Recurrence of biased quantum walks on a line, New Journal of Physics 11, 043027, 2009
G. Szirmai, D. Nagy and P. Domokos: Excess noise depletion of a Bose-Einstein condensate in an optical cavity, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 080401, 2009
G. Tóth, W. Wieczorek, R. Krischek, N. Kiesel, P. Michelberger and H. Weinfurter: Practical methods for witnessing genuine multi-qubit entanglement in the vicinity of symmetric states, New Journal of Physics 11, 083002, 2009
G. Tóth and O. Gühne: Entanglement and permutational symmetry, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 170503, 2009
G. Tóth, C. Knapp, O. Gühne and H.J. Briegel: Spin squeezing and entanglement, Phys. Rev. A 79, 042334, 2009
W. Wieczorek, R. Krischek, N. Kiesel, P. Michelberger, G. Tóth and H. Weinfurter: Experimental entanglement of a six-photon symmetric Dicke state, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 020504, 2009
J. Bouda, M. Koniorczyk and A. Varga: Random unitary qubit channels: entropy relations, private quantum channels and non-malleability, Eur. Phys. J. D 53, 365-372, 2009
A. Schreiber, K.N. Cassemiro, V. Potoček, A. Gábris, P. Mosley, E. Andersson, I. Jex and Ch. Silberhorn: Photons Walking the Line: A Quantum Walk with Adjustable Coin Operations, Phys. Rev. Lett. (elfogadva), 2009
G. Tóth and O. Gühne: Separability criteria and entanglement witnesses for symmetric quantum states, Appl. Phys. B (in press), 2009
G. Tóth, C. Knapp, O. Gühne and H.J. Briegel: Generalized spin squeezing criteria: Entanglement detection with collective measurements, Proceedings of QCMC08, Calgary, Canada, AIP Conf. Proc., 1110, 41, 2009
Z. Kurucz, M.W. Sorensen, J. M. Taylor, M. Fleischhauer and M.D. Lukin: Qubit Protection in Nuclear-Spin Quantum Dot Memories, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 010502, 2009
P Adam, T Kiss, Z Darázs and I. Jex: Conditional generation of optical Schrödinger cat states, Physica Scripta, accepted for publication, 2010
M. Stefanak, B. Kollár, T. Kiss and I. Jex: Full-revivals in 2-D Quantum Walks, Physica Scripta, accepted for publication, 2010
A. Schreiber, K. N. Cassemiro, V. Potoček, A. Gábris, P. Mosley, E. Andersson, I. Jex and Ch. Silberhorn: Photons Walking the Line: A Quantum Walk with Adjustable Coin Operations, Phys. Rev. Lett., accepted for publication, 2010

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