Quantuminformation, quantumcorrelations, quantum irreversibility - theoretical investigations
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Geszti T: Kvantum és klasszikus határán, Fizikai Szemle 58, 209-214, 2008 | J.Z. Bernád, L. Diósi, T. Geszti: Quest for quantum superpositions of a mirror: high and moderately low temperatures, Phys.Rev.Lett. 97, 250404-(4), 2006 | L. Diósi: The frictional Schrödinger-Newton equation in models of wave function collapse, J.Phys.Conf.Ser. 67, 012024-(6), 2007 | L. Diósi: Does wave function collapse cause gravity?, J.Phys.Conf.Ser. 174, 012002-(6), 2009 | T.A.Brun, L.Diósi, W.T.Strunz: Test of weak measurement on a two- or three-qubit computer, Phys.Rev. A77, 032101-(6), 2008 | L.Diósi: Laser linewidth hazard in opto-mechanical cooling, Phys.Rev. A78, 021801-(2), 2008 | L.Diósi, T.N.Papp: Schrödinger-Newton equation with complex Newton constant and induced gravity, Phys.Lett. A373, 3244-3247, 2008 | Geszti T: Kvantuminformáció, Fizikai Szemle 56 (6) B3-B4, 2006 | Geszti T: Rezgõ tükrök kvantum és klasszikus határán, Fizikai Szemle 57, 401-403, 2007 | Geszti T: Tisza László és a hélium szuperfolyékonysága, Fizikai Szemle 57, 408-410, 2007 | L. Diósi: Intrinsic time-uncertainties and decoherence: comparison of 4 models, Braz.J.Phys. 35, 260-265, 2005 | D.Collins, L. Diósi, N.Gisin, S.Massar and S.Popescu: Quantum gloves: Quantum states that encode as much as possible chirality and nothing else, Phys.Rev. A72, 22304-(9), 2005 | L. Diósi, T. Feldmann, R. Kosloff: On exact identity between thermodynamic and informatic entropies in a unitary model of friction, Int.J.Quant.Info., 2006 | Diósi L.: Nem-markovi nyitott kvantumrendszerek, A kvantumoptika és -elektronika legújabb eredményei (SzTE), 2006 | L. Diósi: Weak measurements in quantum mechanics, Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics, 2006 | L. Diósi,: Continuous wave function collapse in quantum-electrodynamics?, AIP Conference Proceedings 844, 2006 | A. Bodor, L. Diósi: On conserved current in markovian open quantum systems, Phys.Rev. A73, 064101-(3), 2006 | J.Z. Bernád, A. Bodor, T. Geszti, L. Diósi: Application of continuous measurement theory to the current through quantum dots, Phys.Rev. B77, 073311-(4), 2008 | L. Diósi, T. Konrad, A. Scherer, J. Audretsch: Coupled Ito equations of continuous quantum state measurement, and estimation, J.Phys. A39, L575-L581, 2006 | T. Geszti, J.Z. Bernád: Theory of a double-dot charge detector, Phys. Rev. B 73, 235343-(5), 2006 | L. Diósi: A Short Course in Quantum Information Theory, Lecture Notes in Physics 713 (Springer, Heidelberg), 2007 | L. Diósi: Notes on Certain Newton Gravity Mechanisms of Wave Function Localisation and Decoherence, J.Phys. A40, 2989-2995 (2007), 2007 | L. Diósi: Comment on `Probing Spacetime Foam with Extragalactic Sources', Phys.Rev.Lett. 98, 259001 (2007), 2007 | L. Diósi: Non-Markovian continuous quantum measurement of retarded observables, Phys.Rev.Lett. 100, 080401-(4), 2008 | T.Geszti: Signature of self-gravitation in vibrating mirror interferometry, J.Phys.Conf.Ser. 67, 012061 (2007), 2007 | Geszti T.: Kvantummechanika, Typotex, Budapest, 2007 | H-T.Elze, L.Diósi, and G.Vitiello (eds.): DICE 2006 - Quantum Mechanics between decoherence and determinism, J.Phys.Conf.Ser. 67, 011001, 2007 |





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