Discrete mathematical models related to problems in informatics
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Dominich S., Skrop A., Tuza Zs.: Formal theory of connectionist web retrieval, Soft Computing in Web Information Retrieval: Techniques and Applications. Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing Vol. 197, Springer-Verlag, pp. 163-194, 2006 | Bujtás Cs., Tuza Zs.: Mixed colorings of hypergraphs, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 24, 273-275, 2006 | Angelelli E., Speranza M. G., Tuza Zs.: New bounds and algorithms for on-line scheduling: two identical processors, known sum and upper bound on the tasks, Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science 8 (1), 1-15, 2006 | Tuza Zs.: Highly connected counterexamples to a conjecture on a-domination, Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory 25 (3), 435–440, 2005 | Bujtás Cs., Tuza Zs.: Color-bounded hypergraphs. III. Model comparison, Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics 1 (1), 36-55, 2007 | Bacsó G., Tuza Zs.: The cost chromatic number and hypergraph parameters, Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory 26 (3), 369-376, 2006 | Tuza Zs.: Steiner systems and large non-Hamiltonian hypergraphs, Le Matematiche LXI (Fasc. I), 179-183, 2006 | Borowiecki M., Sidorowicz E., Tuza Zs.: Game list colouring of graphs, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 14 (1), R26, 11 pp., 2007 | Deogun J. S., Tuza Zs.: Graph-theoretic methods and recent applications in computer science, Formal Methods in Computing (M. Ferenczi et al., eds.), Akadémiai Kiadó, 55-96, 2005 | Tuza Zs.: Extremal jumps of the Hall number, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 28, 83-89, 2007 | Bujtás Cs., Tuza Zs.: Orderings of uniquely colorable hypergraphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics 155 (11), 1395-1407, 2007 | Horňák M., Tuza Zs., Wożniak M.: On-line arbitrarily vertex decomposable trees, Discrete Applied Mathematics 155 (11), 1420-1429, 2007 | Bacsó G.: Perfectly orderable graphs and unique colorability, Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics 1 (2), 415-419, 2007 | Milazzo L., Tuza Zs.: A class of Steiner systems S(2,4,v) with arcs of extremal size, Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications 36, 153-162, 2007 | Bacsó G., Tuza Zs.: Upper chromatic number of finite projective planes, Journal of Combinatorial Designs 16 (3), 221-230, 2008 | Tuza Zs., Voloshin V.: Problems and results on colorings of mixed hypergraphs, Horizon of Combinatorics, Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies Vol. 17, Springer-Verlag, 235-255, 2008 | Angelelli E., Speranza M. G., Tuza Zs.: Semi-online scheduling on two uniform processors, Theoretical Computer Science 393 (1-3), 211-219, 2008 | Bacsó G., Bujtás Cs., Tuza Zs., Voloshin V.: New challenges in the theory of hypergraph coloring, Proceedings of ICDM'08, International Conference on Discrete Mathematics, Mysore, India, pp. 67-78, 2008 | Bazgan C., Tuza Zs.: Combinatorial 5/6-approximation of Max Cut in graphs of maximum degree 3, Journal of Discrete Algorithms 6 (3), 510-519, 2008 | Bazgan C., Tuza Zs., Vanderpooten D.: Approximation of satisfactory bisection problems, Journal of Computer and System Sciences 74 (5), 875-883, 2008 | Bujtás Cs., Tuza Zs.: Uniform mixed hypergraphs: The possible numbers of colors, Graphs and Combinatorics 24 (1), 1-12, 2008 | Caro Y., Lev A., Roditty Y., Tuza Zs., Yuster R.: On rainbow connection, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 15 (1), #R57, 2008 | Tuza Zs.: Hereditary domination in graphs: Characterization with forbidden induced subgraphs, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 22 (3), 849-853, 2008 | Fernandez de la Vega W., Tuza Zs.: Groupies in random graphs, Information Processing Letters 109 (7), 339-340, 2009 | Angelelli E., Speranza M. G., Szoldatics J., Tuza Zs.: Geometric representation for semi on-line scheduling on uniform processors, Optimization Methods and Software (accepted), 2009 | Bacsó G.: Complete description of forbidden subgraphs in the structural domination problem, Discrete Mathematics, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.disc.2008.05.053 (in print), 2009 | Bacsó G., Bujtás Cs., Tuza Zs., Voloshin V.: Hypergraph coloring: New kinds of problems, Proceedings of Midsummer Combinatorial Workshop, Praha, 2008, Charles University (in print), 2009 | Böhme Th., Göring F., Tuza Zs., Unger H.: Learning of winning strategies for terminal games with linear-size memory, International Journal of Game Theory, doi: 10.1007/s00182-008-0142-5 (in print), 2009 | Bujtás Cs., Tuza Zs.: Color-bounded hypergraphs, I: General results, Discrete Mathematics, doi:10.1016/j.disc. 2008.04.019 (in print), 2009 | Bujtás Cs., Tuza Zs.: Color-bounded hypergraphs, II: Interval hypergraphs and hypertrees, Discrete Mathematics, doi:10.1016/j.disc.2008.10.023 (in print), 2009 | Bujtás Cs., Tuza Zs.: Coloring intervals with four types of constraints, Proceedings of the Sixth Japanese-Hungarian Symposium on Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications (accepted), 2009 | Chartrand G., Okamoto F., Tuza Zs., Zhang P.: A note on graphs with prescribed complete coloring numbers, Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing (accepted), 2009 | Hangos K. M., Tuza Zs., Yeo A.: Some complexity problems on Single Input Double Output controllers, Discrete Applied Mathematics, doi:10.1016/j.dam.2008.03.028 (in print), 2009 | Milazzo L., Tuza Zs.: Logarithmic upper bound for the upper chromatic number of S(t,t+1,v) systems, Ars Combinatoria 92, 2009 (in print), 2009 | Novák Á. B., Tuza Zs.: Extending the spatial relational model PLA to represent trees, Intelligent Engineering Systems and Computational Cybernetics (Teneiro Machado J. A., Pátkai B., eds.), Springer-Verlag, ISBN: 978-1-4020-8677-9 (in print), 2009 | Stiebitz M., Tuza Zs., Voigt M.: On list critical graphs, Discrete Mathematics, doi: 10.1016/j.disc.2008.05.021 (in print), 2009 | Bacsó G., Jung H. A., Tuza Zs.: Infinite vs. finite graph domination, (submitted), 2010 | Bacsó G., Tuza Zs.: Clique-transversal sets and weak 2-colorings in graphs of small maximum degree, (submitted), 2010 | Bazgan C., Couëtoux B., Tuza Zs.: Covering a graph with a constrained forest, (submitted), 2010 | Bazgan C., Tuza Zs., Vanderpooten D.: Satisfactory graph partitions and their generalizations, (submitted), 2010 | Bujtás Cs., Tuza Zs.: Smallest set-transversals of k-partitions, (submitted), 2010 | Bujtás Cs., Tuza Zs.: Voloshin's conjecture for C-perfect hypertrees, (submitted), 2010 | Bujtás Cs., Tuza Zs.: C-perfect hypergraphs, (submitted), 2010 | Bujtás Cs., Tuza Zs.: Color-bounded hypergraphs, IV: Stable colorings of hypertrees, (submitted), 2010 | Dósa Gy., Speranza M. G., Tuza Zs.: Two uniform machines with nearly equal speeds: Competitive ratio of semi on-line scheduling, (submitted), 2010 | Le V. B., Tuza Zs.: Finding optimal rainbow connection is hard, (submitted), 2010 | Matos Camacho S., Schiermeyer I., Tuza Zs.: Approximation algorithms for the minimum rainbow subgraph problem, (submitted), 2010 | Milici S., Quattrocchi G., Tuza Zs.: G-designs without blocking sets, (submitted), 2010 | Tuza Zs.: Hall number for list colorings of graphs: Extremal results, (submitted), 2010 | Bibin K. Jose, Tuza Zs.: Stable sets and domination in hypergraphs, (to be submitted soon), 2010 | Bujtás Cs., Tuza Zs., Voloshin V.: Color-bounded hypergraphs, V: Host graphs and subdivisions, (to be submitted soon), 2010 | Bujtás Cs., Sampathkumar E., Tuza Zs.: 3-consecutive C-colorings of graphs, (to be submitted soon), 2010 | Frendrup A., Tuza Zs., Vestergaard P. D.: Distance domination in partitioned graphs, (to be submitted soon), 2010 | Hegyháti M., Tuza Zs.: Colorability of mixed hypergraphs and their chromatic inversion, (to be submitted soon), 2010 |




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