Possibilities and constrains of conspecific and heterospecific acquisition of social information in dogs
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Topál, J., Byrne, RW., Miklósi, Á., Csányi, V.: Reproducing human actions and action sequences: ''Do as I do'' in a dog, Animal Cognition 9., pp. 355-369, 2006 | Miklósi, Á., Topál, J., Csányi, V.: Big thoughts in small brains? Dogs as model for understanding human social cognition., NeuroReport, 18, pp467-471., 2007 | Horváth, Z., Dóka, A., Miklósi, Á.,: Affiliative and disciplinary behavior of human handlers during play with their dogs affects cortisol concentrations in opposite directions., Hormones and Behavior 54, pp. 107-114., 2008 | Kubinyi, E., Pongracz, P., Miklosi, A.: Dog as a model for studying conspecific and heterospecific social learning., Journal of Veterinary Behavior 4, pp. 31-41., 2009 | Gácsi, M., Kara, E., Belényi, B., Topál, J., Miklósi, Á.,: The effect of development and individual differences in pointing comprehension of dogs, Animal Cognition, 2009 | Maros, K., Pongrácz, P., Bárdos, Gy., Molnár, Cs., Faragó, T. & Miklósi, Á.: Can dogs distinguish barks from different situations? - Heart rate gives the answer, Applied Animal Behavioural Science, 114, pp. 159-167., 2008 | Pongrácz, P., Molnár, Cs. & Miklósi, Á.: Barking in family dogs – an ethological approach, The Veterinary Journal in press, 2009 | Topál, J., Gergely, Gy., Miklósi, Á, Erdőhegyi, Á., Csibra, G.,: Infants’ perseverative search errors are induced by pragmatic misinterpretation, Science, 321, 1831-1834., 2008 | Tóth, L., Gácsi, M., Topál, J., Miklósi Á: Playing styles and possible causative factors in dogs’ behaviour when playing with humans, Animal Behavioural Science, 114, 473-484., 2008 | Lakatos, G., Soproni, K., Dóka, A., Miklósi, Á.: A comparative approach to dogs’ (Canis familiaris) and human infants’ comprehension of various forms of pointing gestures., Animal Cognition, 12, 621-631., 2009 | Topál, J., Gergely, Gy., Erdőhegyi, Á., Csibra, G., Miklósi, Á.: Differential Sensitivity to Human Communication in Dogs, Wolves, and Human Infants, Science, 325, 1269-1272., 2009 | Gácsi, M., McGreevy, P., Kara, E., Miklósi, Á.: Effects of selection for cooperation and attention in dogs, Behavioral and Brain Functions, 5: 31 doi:10.1186/1744-9081-5-31, 2009 | Huber, L., Range, F., Voelkl, B., Szucsich, A., Virányi, Zs., Miklósi Á.: The evolution of imitation: what do the capacities of imitation of non-human animals tell us about the mechanisms?, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 364, 2299-2309., 2009 | Gácsi, M., Győri, B., Virányi, Zs., Kubinyi, E., Range, F., Belényi, B., Miklósi, Á.: Explaining Dog Wolf Differences in Utilizing Human Pointing Gestures: Selection for Synergistic Shifts in the Development of Some Social Skills., PLoS ONE 4 (8): e6584, 2009 |




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