Occurence of platinum group elements in the magmatic rocks of Mesozoic and Palaeogene age in the Darnó belt and its surroundings
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Péntek A., Molnár F., Watkinson D.H.: Mineralogy and formation conditions of gabbro pegmatites and overprinting hydrothermal parageneses in the Szarvaskő Complex, Bükk Mts., NE-Hungary, Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica Abstract Series vol. 5., p. 92., 2006 | Péntek A., Molnár F., Watkinson D.H.: Magmatic fluid segregation and overprinting hydrothermal processes in gabbro pegmatites of the Neotethyan ophiolitic Szarvaskő Complex, Bükk Mts., NE-Hungary., Geologica Carpathica 57, 6, p. 433-446, 2006 | Kiss, G., Molnár, F., Palinkas, L.: Peperitic pillow basalts and fluid-rock interaction processes in the Darnó Unit, NE Hungary, A Maygarhoni Földtani Társulat Vándorgyűlése, HUNTEK Workshop, Abstracts, 2007 | Ucurum, A., Lechler, P. J., Arehart, G.B., Molnár, F.: Platinum-Group Element, Stable Isotope, and Fluid Inclusion Investigation of the Ultramafic Rock-Hosted Gunes-Sogucak Ni-Cu-Sulfide Mineralization, Gunes Ophiolite, East-, International Geology Review, 49, 169-192., 2007 | Molnár F.: The Cu-Au-Ag-Zn-Pb ore complex at Recsk: a uniquely preserved and explored porphyry-skarn-epithermal system., Proceedings of the 9th Biannual SGA Meeting, Dublin Ireland, vol. 1, 226-240, 2007 | Molnár, F., Jung, P., Kupi, L., Pogány, A., Vágó, E., Viktorik, O., Pécskay, Z: Epithermal zones of the porphyry-skarn-epithermal ore complex at Recsk., Publications of the University of Miskolc, Geosciences series A. Mining. Volume 73.101-130, 2008 | Palinkaš, L.A., Bermanec, V, Borojević Šoštarić, S, Kolar-Jurkovšev, T, Strmić Palinkaš, S., Molnar, F. and Kniewald, G.,: Volcanic facies analysis of a subaqueous basalt lava-flow complex at Hruškovec, NW Croatia — Evidence of advanced rifting in the Tethyan domain., Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, in press, 2008 | Kovács S., Józsa S., Molnár F., Gulácsi Z., Dosztály L., Kiss G., Kövér Sz., Ozsvárt P., Palinkaš L., Sudar M., Jovanović D., Djerić N., Migiros G., Papanikolaou D., Tselepidis V.,: Reassesment of the Mesozoic Darnó Hill ophiolite complex (NE Hungary) and comparisons with the Inner Dinarides and Inner Hellenides – preliminary data, Földtani Közlöny, in press, 2008 | Kiss G., Molnár F., Palinkaš L. A: Triassic pillow basalts and associated fluid-rock interaction processes in the Darnó Unit, NE Hungary, Geologica Croatia, in press, 2008 |
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