Physics of particles with high transverse momentum at the RHIC and LHC accelerators
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List of publications |
Veres GI et al.: Heavy ion physics at the LHC with CMS, J.Phys.G 32: S567-S570, 2006 | Veres GI et al.: Hadron pT spectra from 0.03 GeV/c to 6 GeV/c from PHOBOS, Acta Phys.Hung.A22:197-206, 2005 | Back BB; ...;Veres GI et. al: The PHOBOS perspective on discoveries at RHIC, Nucl.Phys.A757:28-101, 2005 | Back BB; ...;Veres GI et. al: Charged antiparticle to particle ratios near midrapidity in p+p collisions at s(NN)**(1/2)=200 GeV, Phys.Rev.C71:021901, 2005 | Veres GI et al.: Latest results from PHOBOS at RHIC, ArXiv:hep-ex/0506041 (Moriond'05 plenary talk), 2005 | Veres GI: Phobos Results and Perspectives (AGS- RHIC User's Meeting Plenary talk), http://www.bnl.gov/rhic_ags/users_meeting/Past_Meetings/2005/thurs_agenda.asp, 2005 | Back BB; ...;Veres GI et al.: Centrality dependence of charged hadron transverse momentum spectra in Au+Au collisions from s(NN)**(1/2) = 62.4 GeV to 200 GeV, Phys.Rev.Lett.94:082304, 2005 | Hollis RS;...;Veres GI et al.: Charged particle multiplicity distributions from p+p to Au+Au collisions at RHIC, Rom.Rep.Phys. 58: 37-41, 2006 | Iordanova A;...;Veres GI et al.: Measuring mid-rapidity multiplicity in PHOBOS, J.Phys.Conf.Ser. 5: 97-104, 2005 | Krajczár K, Roland C, Veres GI: Simulation of jet quenching observables in heavy ion collisions at the LHC, International Journal of Modern Physics E 16 1937-1942, 2007 | Ballintijn M, Loizides C, Lokhtin I, Krajczár K, Roland C, Snigirev A, Veres GI: Estimating the statistical reach for the charged particle nuclear modification factor in jet triggered heavy ion events, CMS AN-2006/109 (CMS Analysis Note), 2006 | Veres GI et al.: Strangeness measurements with the PHOBOS Experiment, J.Phys.G 32: S69-S76, 2006 | Alver B, ..., Veres GI et al.: Antiparticle to particle ratios and identified hadron spectra in Cu+Cu and Au+Au collisions, J. Phys. G 34, S1103-1108, 2007 | Alver B, ..., Veres GI et al.: Elliptic flow fluctuations in s(NN)**(1/2)=200 GeV Au+Au collisions at RHIC, Journal of Physics G 34, S907-S910, 2007 | Veres GI: RHIC results and projects, Four Seas Conference, Physique sans frontieres, Iasi, Romania, 29 May- 3 June, 2007 (meghívott előadás), 2007 | Veres GI, Takács G: ''Indul az LHC!'' Elméleti Fizikai Iskola (szervezés és előadás), Gyöngyöstarján, 2007. okt. 27-31., http://www.kfki.hu/~elftrfsz/iskola_2007.html, 2007 | Veres GI: Skálázási tulajdonságok nehézion-ütközésekben, (előadás), ELFT Fizikus Vándorgyűlés, Eger, 2007. aug. 22-24. http://yifter.elte.hu, 2007 | Veres GI: Milestones and new results from the PHOBOS Experiment, (előadás), Zimányi Winter School on Heavy Ion Physics, Budapest, 2007. dec. 5-7, http://www.kfki.hu/~csorgo/school07, 2007 | Veres GI et al.: System size, energy, centrality and pseudorapidity dependence of charged-particle density in Au+Au and Cu+Cu collisions at RHIC, e-Print: arXiv:0806.2803 (közlésre beküldve, Indian Journal of Physics), 2009 | Alver B, ..., Veres GI et al.: Scaling properties in bulk and p_T-dependent particle production near midrapidity in relativistic heavy ion collisions, e-Print: arXiv:0808.1895 (közlésre beküldve, Phys. Rev. C), 2009 | Alver B, ..., Veres GI et al.: Identified charged antiparticle to particle ratios near midrapidity in Cu+Cu collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 62.4 GeV and 200 GeV, Phys. Rev. C 77, 061901, 2008 | Alver B, ..., Veres GI et al.: High p_T Triggered Delta-eta, Delta-phi Correlations over a Broad Range in Delta-eta, Journal of Physics G 35, 104080, 2008 | Alver B; ...;Veres GI et al.: Non-flow correlations and elliptic flow fluctuations in Au+Au collisions at s(NN)**(1/2) = 200-GeV, J. Phys. G 35, 104101, 2008 | Veres GI et al.: Correlations with a high-pT trigger over a broad eta range, PoS HIGHPTLHC (beküldve), 2009 | Veres GI: Korrelációk mérése nehézion-ütközésekben nagy transzverzális impulzusú részecskékkel, http://namafia.atomki.hu/~mate/given.html, 2008 | Veres GI: Az elliptikus folyás és az excentricitás fluktuácói nehézion-ütközésekben, http://namafia.atomki.hu/~mate/given.html, 2008 | Veres GI: Jet quenching studies in CMS, poszter - International Conference on Particles And Nuclei (PANIC08), November 9-14 2008, Eilat, Israel, 2008 | Alver B, ..., Veres GI et al.: Elliptic flow fluctuations in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 200 GeV, e-print: nucl-ex/0702036 (közlésre beküldve, Phys. Rev. Letters), 2009 | Alver B, ..., Veres GI et al.: System size dependence of cluster properties from two-particle angular correlations in Cu+Cu and Au+Au collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 200 GeV, e-print: arXiv:0812.1172 (közlésre beküldve, Phys. Rev. C), 2009 | Veres GI: Preparation for the first p+p physics with the CMS experiment and the plans of the CMS Heavy Ion group, (előadás), Zimányi Winter School on Heavy Ion Physics, Budapest, 2008. nov. 25-28, http://zimanyischool.kfki.hu/08/, 2008 | Veres GI: Identified particle spectra and ratios from the PHOBOS experiment at RHIC, (előadás), Zimányi Winter School on Heavy Ion Physics, Budapest, 2006. dec. 11-13., http://zimanyischool.kfki.hu/06/, 2006 | Veres GI et al.: Measurements of high-pT probes in heavy ion collisions at CMS, előadás, Quark Matter 2009 Conference, Mar 29-Apr 4, 2009, Knoxville, TN, USA, 2009 | Veres GI: Correlation and multiplicity measurements from RHIC to the LHC, (meghívott előadás), International Workshop on High-pT physics at LHC 09, Prague, Czech Republic, 2009. feb. 4-7, http://cquark.fjfi.cvut.cz/~hpt09/program.html, 2009 | Back BB; ...;Veres GI et al.: Identified hadron transverse momentum spectra in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(s_NN)=62.4 GeV, Phys. Rev. C75, 024910, 2007 | Alver B;...;Veres GI et al.: System size and centrality dependence of charged hadron transverse momentum spectra in Au+Au and Cu+Cu collisions at s(NN)**(1/2) = 62.4-GeV and 200-GeV, Phys.Rev.Lett. 96: 212301, 2006 | d'Enterria D,..., Veres GI et al.: CMS physics technical design report: Addendum on high density QCD with heavy ions, J. Phys. G 34, 2307-2455, 2007 | Veres GI et al.: Recent results from PHOBOS on particle production at high p_T, Eur.Phys.Journal C, DOI: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-009-0911-8, 2009 | Alver B; ...;Veres GI et al.: The Importance of Correlations and Fluctuations on the Initial Source Eccentricity in High-Energy Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, Phys. Rev. C 77, 014906, 2008 | Veres GI: Bulk hadron production at high rapidities, Nucl.Phys. A 774: 287-296, 2006 | Alver B, ..., Veres GI et al.: System size, energy and centrality dependence of pseudorapidity distributions of charged particles in relativistic heavy ion collisions, e-Print: arXiv:0709.4008 (közlésre elfogadva, Phys. Rev. Lett.), 2009 | Krajczár K and Veres GI: Pseudorapidity distributions of charged hadrons in minimum bias p-p collisions at sqrt(s) = 14 TeV, CMS Physics Analysis Summary CMS QCD-08-004, https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/PhysicsResults, 2008 | Alver B, ..., Veres GI et al.: High transverse momentum triggered correlations over a large pseudorapidity acceptance in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(s)=200 GeV, (közlésre beküldve, Phys. Rev. Letters), 2009 | Back BB;...;Veres GI et al.: Charged-particle pseudorapidity distributions in Au+Au collisions at s(NN)**1/2 = 62.4 GeV, Phys.Rev. C 74: 021901, 2006 |




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