Nonsynaptic transmission: a new pathway to understand major brain functions
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Kofalvi, A., Rodrigues, R. J., Ledent, C., Mackie, K., Vizi, E. S., Cunha, R. A. and Sperlagh, B.: Involvement of cannabinoid receptors in the regulation of neurotransmitter release in the rodent striatum: a combined immunochemical and pharmacological analysis., Journal of Neuroscience 25:2874-2884, 2005 | B.K. Szasz, A. Mayer, G. Zsilla, B. Lendvai, E.S. Vizi, J.P. Kiss: Carrier-mediated release of monoamines induced by the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor agonist DMPP, Neuropharmacology 49:400-409, 2005 | Szekacs D, Bodnar I, Mravec B, Kvetnansky R, Vizi ES, Nagy GM, Fekete MI.: The peripheral noradrenergic terminal as possible site of action of salsolinol as prolactoliberin., Neurochem Int. 2007; 50: 427-34., 2006 | Hasko G, Pacher P, Deitch EA, Vizi ES.: Shaping of monocyte and macrophage function by adenosine receptors., Pharmacol Ther. 2006 Sep 14; [Epub ahead of print], 2006 | Lendvai B, Szabo SI, Barth AI, Zelles T, Vizi ES.: Application of two-photon microscopy to the study of cellular pharmacology of central neurons., Adv Drug Deliv Rev. 58: 841-849., 2006 | Lenkey N, Karoly R, Kiss JP, Szasz BK, Vizi ES, Mike A.: The mechanism of activity-dependent sodium channel inhibition by the antidepressants fluoxetine and desipramine., Mol Pharmacol. 70: 2052-2063., 2006 | Vizi ES, Mike A.: Nonsynaptic receptors for GABA and glutamate., Curr Top Med Chem. 6: 941-948., 2006 | Sperlagh B, Vizi ES, Wirkner K, Illes P.: P2X7 receptors in the nervous system., Prog Neurobiol. 78: 327-346., 2006 | Baranyi M, Milusheva E, Vizi ES, Sperlagh B.: Chromatographic analysis of dopamine metabolism in a Parkinsonian model., J Chromatogr A. 1120: 13-20., 2006 | Milusheva E, Baranyi M, Kittel A, Fekete A, Zelles T, Vizi ES, Sperlágh B.: Modulation of dopaminergic neurotransmission in rat striatum upon in vitro and in vivo diclofenac treatment., J Neurochem. 2007 Nov 25; [Epub ahead of print], 2007 | Lendvai B, Szabo SI, Barth AI, Zelles T, Vizi ES.: Application of two-photon microscopy to the study of cellular pharmacology of central neurons., Adv Drug Deliv Rev. 58: 841-9., 2006 | Haskó G, Pacher P, Deitch EA, Vizi ES.: Shaping of monocyte and macrophage function by adenosine receptors., Pharmacol Ther. 113: 264-75., 2007 | Szasz BK, Vizi ES, Kiss JP.: Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor antagonistic property of the selective dopamine uptake inhibitor, GBR-12909 in rat hippocampal slices., Neuroscience. 145: 344-9., 2007 | Lörincz A, Rózsa B, Katona G, Vizi ES, Tamás G.: Differential distribution of NCX1 contributes to spine-dendrite compartmentalization in CA1 pyramidal cells., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 104: 1033-8., 2007 | Papp L, Vizi ES, Sperlágh B.: P2X7 receptor mediated phosphorylation of p38MAP kinase in the hippocampus., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 355: 568-74., 2007 | Rózsa B, Katona G, Vizi ES, Várallyay Z, Sághy A, Valenta L, Maák P, Fekete J, Bányász A, Szipocs R.: Random access three-dimensional two-photon microscopy., Appl Opt. 46: 1860-5., 2007 | Németh ZH, Bleich D, Csóka B, Pacher P, Mabley JG, Himer L, Vizi ES, Deitch EA, Szabó C, Cronstein BN, Haskó G.: Adenosine receptor activation ameliorates type 1 diabetes, FASEB J. 21: 2379-88., 2007 | Csóka B, Németh ZH, Virág L, Gergely P, Leibovich SJ, Pacher P, Sun CX, Blackburn MR, Vizi ES, Deitch EA, Haskó G.: A2A adenosine receptors and C/EBPbeta are crucially required for IL-10 production by macrophages exposed to Escherichia coli., Blood. 110: 2685-95., 2007 | Szelényi J, Vizi ES.: The Catecholamine Cytokine Balance: Interaction between the Brain and the Immune System., Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1113: 311-24., 2007 | Selmeczy Z, Csóka B, Pacher P, Vizi ES, Haskó G: The adenosine A2A receptor agonist CGS 21680 fails to ameliorate the course of dextran sulphate-induced colitis in mice., Inflamm Res. 56: 204-9., 2007 | Barth AM, Vizi ES, Lendvai B.: Noradrenergic enhancement of Ca2+ responses of basal dendrites in layer 5 pyramidal neurons of the prefrontal cortex., Neurochem Int. 51: 323-7., 2007 | Selmeczy Z, Vizi ES, Csóka B, Pacher P, Haskó G.: Role of nonsynaptic communication in regulating the immune response., Neurochem Int. 2007 Jun 17; [Epub ahead of print], 2007 | Szasz BK, Mike A, Karoly R, Gerevich Z, Illes P, Vizi ES, Kiss JP.: Direct inhibitory effect of fluoxetine on N-methyl-d-aspartate receptors in the central nervous system., Biol Psychiatry. 62: 1303-9., 2007 | Sperlágh B, Vizi ES.: Extracellular interconversion of nucleotides reveals an ecto-adenylate kinase activity in the rat hippocampus., Neurochem Res. 32: 1978-89., 2007 | Székács D, Bodnár I, Vizi ES, Nagy GM, Fekete MI.: The role of catecholamines in the prolactin release induced by salsolinol., Neurochem Int. 51: 319-22., 2007 | Sperlágh B, Zsilla G, Baranyi M, Illes P, Vizi ES.: Purinergic modulation of glutamate release under ischemic-like conditions in the hippocampus., Neuroscience. 149:99-111., 2007 | Magocsi M, Vizi ES, Selmeczy Z, Brózik A, Szelenyi J.: Multiple G-protein-coupling specificity of beta-adrenoceptor in macrophages., Immunology. 122: 503-13., 2007 | Doleviczényi Z, Vizi ES, Gacsályi I, Pallagi K, Volk B, Hársing LG Jr, Halmos G, Lendvai B, Zelles T.: 5-HT6/7 receptor antagonists facilitate dopamine release in the cochlea via a GABAergic disinhibitory mechanism., Neurochem Res. 33: 2364-72., 2008 | Csóka B, Himer L, Selmeczy Z, Vizi ES, Pacher P, Ledent C, Deitch EA, Spolarics Z, Németh ZH, Haskó G.: Adenosine A2A receptor activation inhibits T helper 1 and T helper 2 cell development and effector function., FASEB J. 22: 3491-9., 2008 | Halmos G, Horváth T, Polony G, Fekete A, Kittel A, Vizi ES, van der Laan BF, Zelles T, Lendvai B.: The role of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors and nitric oxide in cochlear dopamine release., Neuroscience. 154: 796-803., 2008 | Csóka B, Németh ZH, Selmeczy Z, Koscsó B, Pacher P, Vizi ES, Deitch EA, Haskó G.: Role of A(2A) adenosine receptors in regulation of opsonized E. coli-induced macrophage function., Purinergic Signal. 3: 447-52., 2007 | Lendvai B, Vizi ES.: Nonsynaptic chemical transmission through nicotinic acetylcholine receptors., Physiol Rev. 88: 333-49., 2008 | Rózsa B, Katona G, Kaszás A, Szipöcs R, Vizi ES.: Dendritic nicotinic receptors modulate backpropagating action potentials and long-term plasticity of interneurons., Eur J Neurosci. 27: 364-77., 2008 | Fekete A, Vizi ES, Kovács KJ, Lendvai B, Zelles T.: Layer-specific differences in reactive oxygen species levels after oxygen-glucose deprivation in acute hippocampal slices., Free Radic Biol Med. 44: 1010-22., 2008 | Szabo SI, Zelles T, Vizi ES, Lendvai B.: The effect of nicotine on spiking activity and Ca2+ dynamics of dendritic spines in rat CA1 pyramidal neurons., Hippocampus. 18: 376-85., 2008 | Milusheva E, Baranyi M, Kittel A, Fekete A, Zelles T, Vizi ES, Sperlágh B.: Modulation of dopaminergic neurotransmission in rat striatum upon in vitro and in vivo diclofenac treatment., J Neurochem. 105: 360-8., 2008 | Barth AM, Vizi ES, Zelles T, Lendvai B.: Alpha2-adrenergic receptors modify dendritic spike generation via HCN channels in the prefrontal cortex., J Neurophysiol. 99: 394-401., 2008 |
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